Showing posts with label Chess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Checkmate the Algorithm: Brilliant Chess Channels Flying Under the Radar


Large wooden chess knight under glowing vintage lightbulb with YouTube play button filament, surrounded by floating binary code against a dreamy background
Much True wisdom lies not in the loudest voices,
 but in the quietest corners of the internet.

Hidden Gems
 Chess Channels You're Missing Out On

While the chess world on YouTube boasts some giants, there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These channels offer extensive content and high-quality lessons , but their subscriber count doesn't reflect the value they provide.

Here are 10 fantastic YouTube channels led by chess masters that deserve a wider audience

1. Bad Bishop Chess Channel - FM  Aleksandar Randjelovic - : 5k Subscribers
  • English
  • 97 Videos  (Active)
  • 20+ Years as a Chess Teacher
  • Video Playlists Cover Openings, Positional Chess and Tactics 

2. Palm Beach Chess - NM Bryan Tillis: 16k Subscribers
  • English
  • 1,100 Videos (Active)
  • Instructor and Chessable Author
  • Video Playlists Covering Everything from Openings to Endgames. Lot's of Lesson's from famous Master Games. 

3. Chess Thinking! with NM Dan Heisman: 8.4K Subscribers
  • English
  • 367 Videos (Active)
  • Author of 13 Chess Books and Instructor for over 30 years
  • Lessons on all types of topics
  • Really Caters to the Beginner and Intermediate Player. But has Some advanced stuff as well.

4. U.S. Chess School]: 1.4K Subscribers
  • English
  • 237 Videos (Active)
  • Most of these Videos are 1 to 1.5 Hour long Lessons
  • Openings, Middlegame and Endgame Lessons (They cover it all)
  • These Lessons are Given by Top Chess Instructors
    GM Johan Hellston - Author of Several Top Chess Books and Chessable Courses
    GM Jesse Kraai and IM Kostva Kavutskiy - Chess Dojo Instructors and Chessable Authors
    GM Sam Shankland - Book and Chessable Author+ Many other Top IM's and GM's
  • I would say most of the stuff here falls into the Intermediate and Advanced Lessons.

5. Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab: 3.5K Subscribers
  • English
  • 382 Videos (Active)
  • NM with over 20 Years of Chess Coaching
  • Lot of Great Openings Playlists - Many Interesting easy to digest Lessons on many Chess topics

6. GM Max Illingworth: 2.6K Subscribers
  • English
  • 502 Videos (Active)
  • Mostly 10-15 Min Videos Covering a Game w/ Analysis and a Lessons Learned on a certain topic from that game.

7. Molton - GM Moulthun Ly: 14.8K Subscribers
  • English
  • 222 Videos (Not- Active)
  • 10-60 Min Videos
  • Openings Videos w/ Many Game Analysis Videos
  • From Beginner to Advanced Lessons

8. GM Irina Krush: 22.9K Subscribers
  • English
  • 49 Videos (Active)
  • Many Videos on just a certain Chess Concept w/ some games Analyzed showing that concept.

9. GM Josh Friedel: 2.86K Subscribers
  • English
  • 34 Videos (Active)
  • Chess Coach and Chessable Author
  • 30 Min Video Lessons geared to Beginner and Intermediate Players. (Really nice Lessons)
  •  "Don't let the subscriber count fool you - GM Josh Friedel's concise video lessons are pure chess gold!"

10. GM Talks - GM Sune Berg Hansen
 8k Subscribers
  • English
  • Building strong chess fundamentals, with a particular emphasis on Pawn structures like the Carlsbad and Queen's Gambit.
  • Delivered by a highly decorated chess player (7-time National Champion and Danish National Team Coach), GM Sune Berg Hansen uses his enthusiasm and clear explanations to make even complex chess concepts accessible to viewers.
  • 346 + Videos (Not much recent stuff but some amazing Lessons that are 2hr+ in length)
  • Beginner, Intermediate, w/ some really Advanced Topics and Deep-Dives here as well

The world of chess learning on YouTube is vast!

Have you stumbled upon any other hidden gem channels offering fantastic chess lessons?

Share the links in the comments below! Whether it's a brilliant opening instructor or a master of endgame tactics, let's help each other expand our chess knowledge.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Want to Play Serious Chess Online with a Fun Team Twist? Try the Lichess 4545 League!


In this striking illustration, an intense chess battle unfolds, where red and white pieces face off on the chessboard amidst dynamic abstract shapes and symbols representing the strategic complexity and rivalry of the Lichess 45/45 League. The contrasting colors and bold lines capture the fierce competition and mental prowess required to excel in this prestigious chess event.

Are you a chess player who enjoys longer games but struggles to find consistent competition online?

Do you miss the camaraderie of playing on a team but find high-pressure tournaments intimidating?

Well, the Lichess 4545 League might be your perfect match!

Classical Chess with a Social Side

The Lichess 4545 League is a unique online chess competition for players of all skill levels. It combines the focus and intensity of classical chess (games with longer time controls) with the fun and support of a team environment. Here's what makes it special:

  • Compete Weekly: Play a serious chess game (45 minutes each + additional time per move) against a similarly rated opponent every week over eight rounds.

  • Team Up for Fun: Join a team of 6-8 players and cheer each other on throughout the league.

  • Fair Play Guaranteed: The league uses a Swiss-style format and rating system to ensure you face opponents with similar skills, minimizing upsets and maximizing learning.

  • Low Risk of Cheating: The league leverages Lichess's robust anti-cheating system, so you can focus on enjoying the game.

  • Completely Free: No entry fees or hidden costs! Just your love for chess.

More Than Just Chess

The Lichess 4545 League isn't just about winning or losing. It's about:

  • Building friendships: Connect with fellow chess enthusiasts from around the world through team chat and friendly competition.

  • Sharpening your skills: Analyze your games, discuss strategies with teammates, and watch other league matches to improve your chess.

  • Enjoying the challenge: Take your chess to the next level with a time control that allows for deep strategic thinking and calculated moves.

Ready to Join the Fun?

The Lichess 4545 League welcomes players of all backgrounds. Here's how to get started:

  1. Head over to to learn more about the league and upcoming seasons.
  2. Keep an eye on the website or social media for announcements about registration.
  3. Sign up as an individual (or with friends!) and get ready to be drafted onto a team.
  4. Join your team's Slack channel and connect with your teammates.
  5. Sharpen your skills, get ready to have fun, and experience the thrill of competitive team chess!

The Lichess 4545 League offers a unique opportunity to combine the strategic depth of classical chess with the camaraderie of team competition. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the league website today and see if it's the perfect match for your chess passion!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Silman Article Archive - Part 1 - Study Plans , Lessons, Methods

 Treasury of  FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman 

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.
  Many of the Articles are the size of an entire Book Chapter.

Study Plans , Lessons, Methods

Creating a Study Program  - Basic outline for Studying Chess

Mailbag: How To Improve Your Game - Instructions on making a tailor made Plan for Your self- improvement.

After the Rules, What Should Beginners Study Next? -  14 Puzzles - Lesson Covering things to Know to get up to 1000 Rating.

Teaching Chess to Children and The Rasik Variation  -  Simple discussion on teaching chess.

Test Your Chess Patterns And Concepts  -  10 test Positions

Chess Cyborg: Chess Teachers And Chess Books -  Article on Chess Teachers

Musings of a Chess Teacher, Part 1 -  6 Puzzles , 5 games , The Opening and Middlegame

Musings of a Chess Teacher, Part 2 - 4 Puzzles, 2 Games, Shows how a teacher can open your eyes to all the positional possibilities in your games.

Do Aspiring Players Need a Coach/Teacher? -  1 Game

How to Turbo-Charge Your Game -  5 Puzzles - Nice Lesson Showing Why a Chess Coach Is Worth it.

Chess Lesson Series

(About chess lessons and how a chess teacher tries to push key points home w/ lessons)

Chess Lessons Exposed: Never Say 'I Have To' -  1 game - Great lesson and very in-depth

Chess Lessons Exposed: A Lesson Learned? -  2 Test, The article includes two chess positions for readers to analyze and provides the author's commentary on the best moves in each case. In-Depth Answers

Chess Lessons Exposed - 3 tests , In-Depth Answers

How to Play Against Old Guys, Pt. 1 - 3 Puzzles , 5 Games  (Weaknesses and Strengths)
How To Play Against Old Guys, Pt. 2 - 4 Puzzles , 11 Games  (Experience)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Slav Exchange Variation D10, D13 - D14 - Opening Theory

The Exchange Slav:
A Practical Guide for Black & White

Efficiency Meets Effectiveness

  • Solid and playable position for Black with minimal effort.
  • Unlock the full potential of this time-saving opening.
  • Focus on mastering key strategic concepts.
  • Curated resources to master this opening: articles, videos, and annotated games.

A Solid (But Not So Boring) Choice for Black

The Exchange Slav variation (1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 cxd5) has a reputation for leading to quiet, balanced positions. Some Black players even consider it a bit "dull."

However, don't let that discourage you! While White does gain a slight advantage due to the extra tempo (move), Black ends up with a very playable and solid position. This makes the Exchange Slav a great choice for players who prefer a strategic approach, focusing on maneuvering and long-term plans rather than sharp tactics.

It's true that Black's winning chances are limited unless White gets overly ambitious. This is why some players choose the move order 2...e6 instead, which leads to the more dynamic Semi-Slav Defense.

But for those who enjoy a solid and strategic battle, the Exchange Slav offers a great opportunity to outplay your opponent.

Bishop's Bounty - Slav Defense Main Page

Books / Courses (FREE)

Free Chessable Courses

Short & Sweet: Classical Slav - 11 Line Course -  This course by Chessable covers the mainline Classical Slav (which can sometimes transpose into the Exchange Slav) and provides a solid foundation for understanding the ideas behind Black's play in these positions. While it only covers a few Exchange Slav lines specifically, the overall strategic concepts are very relevant.

Slav Exchange Variation  Articles

Delve deeper into the Exchange Slav with these informative articles:

The Slav Defense – How to Play It as White and Black - Chessable Blog Guide -This comprehensive guide from Chessable offers insights into playing the Slav Defense from both sides of the board. While it covers the broader Slav Defense, there's a dedicated section on the Exchange Slav variation within the Table of Contents.

Need Sure Points - QGD Exchange Slav - GM Nigel Davies Blog
- Want a reliable way to secure draws? Look no further than GM Nigel Davies' analysis of the QGD (Queen's Gambit Declined) Exchange Slav (Archived Page)

When Repertoires Collide...(Barrish vs. Shankland, Exchange Slav) - GM Max Illingworth ArticleThe article discusses different approaches to the Slav Defence, comparing Barrish’s and Shankland’s recommendations, and includes detailed analysis of specific variations.

Attacking With The Exchange Slav!? - Coach Kane
- Don't be fooled by the Exchange Slav's reputation for solidity! Coach Kane's article demonstrates how both sides can play for an advantage. This engaging piece explores attacking plans for Black, provides illustrative examples, and even includes puzzles to test your understanding.

Slav Exchange Variation LiChess Studies

Master Key Lines & Strategies: Explore thematic games, practice variations, and test your skills with these interactive Lichess studies focused on the Exchange Slav.

  • Exchange Slav White Rep - 22 Chapter Study - This in-depth study by a Lichess user offers a comprehensive look at White's repertoire in the Exchange Slav. Packed with analysis for various lines, it's a valuable resource for players seeking to master White's strategic ideas.

  • Exchange Slav: Thematic Games - 32 Chapter Study - This thematic study delves into practical games featuring the Exchange Slav, with a focus on games by legendary players like Vladimir Kramnik and Irina Krush. By studying these games, you can gain valuable insights into positional maneuvering and strategic concepts in the Exchange Slav.

  • Exchange Slav 8/15: - 8 Chapter Study (All Games )

  • Classical Slav - Exchange Variation - 38 Chapter Interactive Study - While titled "Classical Slav," this interactive study covers the Exchange Slav variation as well. It provides a great opportunity to practice key lines and test your understanding through interactive challenges.

New to Lichess studies?
These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding by making the moves yourself and receive feedback on your choices. They're a perfect way to deepen your knowledge and gain practical experience in the Exchange Slav.

Game Databases

Explore a wealth of Exchange Slav games to enhance your understanding and discover new ideas:

Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation (D13) 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 cxd5 cxd5 - 1700 Games

Slav Defence - Exchange Variation - 12 Games
(All White Wins)
White Opening Repertoire, Part 2: Exchange Slav - 11 games (All White wins or Draws)

D10: Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence, exchange variation 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. cxd5 - 11,000 Games

D13: Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, exchange variation 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. cxd5 cxd5 - 7225 Games

D14: Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, exchange variation, 6.Bf4 Bf5 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bf4 Bf5 - 4930 games

Slav Exchange Variation Puzzles

LiChess Slav Defense Exchange Puzzles - 2005 Puzzles

Sharpen your tactical vision with puzzles specifically tailored to the Exchange Slav on Lichess. These puzzles will challenge you to identify key tactical opportunities that arise in typical Exchange Slav positions. By solving these puzzles, you'll not only improve your tactical awareness but also gain a better understanding of the strategic themes present in the Exchange Slav.

Slav Exchange Variation Video Lessons

Dive deeper into the Exchange Slav with these informative video lessons:

ChessGoals (Learn to Play The Slav Exchange - 13 Video playlist) - This comprehensive playlist by ChessGoals offers a variety of video lessons on the Exchange Slav.

EXCHANGE SLAV FREE FULL COURSE 4hr 40 Min - The Chess Lab  - comprehensive course on the Exchange Slav, is designed to equip d4 players with strategies against the Slav Defense. It emphasizes understanding middle game plans over memorizing moves, ensuring players can adapt to unexpected moves by opponents
(Exchange Theory , 11 GM Games , 3 Amateur Games , 9 of Authors Games , Conclusion) 

Slav Defense Theory: Exchange Variation - 20 Min - Hanging pawns - This video emphasizes the Exchange Slav as a powerful weapon for d4 players, offering a universally playable opening that can surprise well-prepared opponents.

The Slav Defense: Exchange Variation - 6 Min - Ben Finegold

Exchange 4.Bg5 Variation
Explore a specific variation where White plays 4.Bg5, aiming for an advantage. Several resources offer in-depth analysis and strategic guidance for this line.

Basic Opening Chess Trap | Exchange Slav | The most common queen trap idea - 2 Min - Chessbase India

Slav Defense, Exchange Variation | Kids' Class - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 34 Min - St.Louis CC
Aimed at younger players, this Video Below by GM Akobian explores lines where White can fight for an advantage in the Exchange Slav. It also highlights common mistakes Black players should avoid.

Slav Exchange Games w/Analysis

Learn from the masters by analyzing annotated games featuring the Exchange Slav:

Chess Grandmaster vs 2075 Explained | Slav Exchange Variation - 14 Min - GM Benjamin Bok - Witness a Grandmaster dismantle a 2075-rated opponent in the Exchange Slav. GM Bok's explanations provide valuable insights into strategic decision-making and exploiting weaknesses.

Slav Defense, Exchange variation - Standard chess #44 - 50 Min - ChessNetwork This in-depth video by ChessNetwork delves into a standard game featuring the Exchange Slav, offering a detailed breakdown of the opening, middlegame maneuvers, and endgame technique.

Crushing Wins from the "Boring" exchange Slav | Road to 2000 - NM Caleb Denby - 52 Min - St.Louis CC - Nice lecture

4.Bg5 Variation
Bg5 Slav Exchange with Alina Kashlinskaya - 9 Min - ChessGoals

IM John Bartholomew

Blitz Chess #364: IM Tetrarch vs. IM Bartholomew (Exchange Slav) - 26 Min
meet White's Exchange Slav in Smyslov's preferred fashion, 6...e6. Using the Exchange Slav as a Weapon | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 2210 - 56 min - The Exchange Slav (1.d5 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5) is a line I've championed for several years on my channel, as it's a fantastic practical weapon for White. Blitz Chess #215: Johansson vs. IM Bartholomew (Exchange Slav) - 15 Min Blitz Chess #71: IM Krivonosov vs. IM Bartholomew (Exchange Slav) - 15 Min Blitz Chess #41: GM geheimpolizei vs. IM Bartholomew (Exchange Slav) - 5 Min

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Checkmate Patterns - Tactics

The word Checkmate created with neon lights with a lit chess piece above.

Checkmate Patterns Resource Page

Wikipedia Checkmate Patterns 

Pawns, Rooks,Queen Mate Patterns

Anderssen's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Video lessons (Version of Mayet's mate)

Blind Swine Mate -  Articles, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Backrank Checkmate -  Old Blog Post ,  Many LiChess Studies, Articles and Video Lessons

Damiano's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video lessons

Pawn / David and Goliath Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lessons

Dove Tail (Cozio) Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Puzzles, Video Lessons

Epaulette Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lessons

Kill-Box Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Lawnmower Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

 Lolli's Mate Page -   Article, Lichess Studies and a few Videos

RailRoad Mate Pattern Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons 

Swallow's Tail (Gueridon's) Mate -  Article, LiChess Study, Video Lesson

Triangle Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studie, Video lesson

Bishop Mates

Balestra Mate Page -   Article, LiChess Studies and a Few Video lessons

Boden's Mate Page -  Lots of nice Articles, Studies and Video lessons on this Mate.

Diagonal Corridor Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lesson

Greco's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Max Lange's Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lesson

Mayet's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Morphy's Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Studies, Video Lessons

Opera Mate Page - Article, LiChess Study, Video Lessons (Opera Mate Game Info as well)

Pillsbury's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video Lessons  ( a variation of Morphy's Mate)

Reti's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Double Bishop Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video lessons (Also Bombardier Mate)

Beginner Checkmate Patterns

Scholars Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Study, Video Lessons

Fool's Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Study, Video lessons

Knight and Rook Mates

Hook Mate Page -  Article, Lichess Studies, Games , Several Video Lessons

Arabian Mate Page -  Articles, Several Nice Lichess Studies, Games, Puzzles, Several Video Lessons

Anastasia Mate Page - Articles, Bunch Lichess Studies, Games, Puzzles, Several Video lessons

Vukovic's Mate Page
- Articles, LiChess Study, Games, Several Video lessons, Video Playlist of Games

Corner Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Study, Games, Couple Video Lessons

Knight Mates

Smothered Mates Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, game Collection, Video Lessons

Suffocation Mates Page - Article, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lesson

Blackburne's Mate Page -  Articles , LiChess Study, Video Lessons

LiChess Mate Studies

Checkmate Patterns: Bishops - 44 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns w/ Bishops)

Checkmate Patterns: Knights - 44 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns w/ Knights)

Checkmate Patterns: Pawns,Rooks,Queen - 64 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns with Pawns, Rooks, Queen)

Mating Patterns (Part 1) - 32 Chapter Interactive Study (ChessMood Mate List )

Mating Patterns Part 2  - 10 Chapter Interactive Study  (ChessMood Mate List)

LiChess Piece Checkmate Training Page - Interactive (Q vs. B,N or Rook) (2 Bishop) (B&N Mate)

Articles Covering Many Mating Patterns

30+ Ways to Checkmate in Chess - Chessable Blog Article Showing an Example of each.

40 Checkmate Patterns Sure To Win You Games  - Chess for Sharks (Nice Article)

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples) - GM Avetik Grigoryan - ChessMood page 
36 Mating patterns w/ Explanations (Really Nice Page)

Chess Tempos Tactical Motifs Page -   Links to the Descriptions of 30 Mates (Along with other Tactics)

Top 18 Checkmate Patterns: Must-Know Checkmates for Club Players - The ChessWorld Article

Video Lessons Covering Mating Patterns

The Top 23 Checkmate Patterns | Most Important Mating Patterns In Chess | Chess Tactics and Ideas - 23 min - NM Nelson Lopez

6 Checkmate Patterns YOU MUST KNOW - 21 Min - Gotham Chess - IM Rozman

Retro 3-d T-shirt design of Chess pieces and saying "The right move is out there in the multiverse

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Chess Prophylaxis - Advanced Strategy

Prophylaxis Chess Resources

In chess, prophylaxis consists of a move or series of moves done by a player to prevent their opponent from taking some action. Such preventative moves, or prophylactic moves, aim not only to improve one's position but also to restrict the opponent in improving their own.
The term prophylaxis comes from the Greek προφύλαξις, profýlaxis, "guarding or preventing beforehand".
Chess Prophylaxis Wikipedia Page - Just a General Description

Prophylaxis Chess Articles

The Art of Prophylaxis in Chess - Nice Chessable Blog Article w/Embedded Johan Hellston Video

Prophylaxis – Learn from Anatoly Karpov - Nice article w/example games - GM Swapnil Dhopade Blog on LiChess

Prophylaxis - Chessworld Article by WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Understanding before Moving 65: Prophylaxis - Chessbase Article w/ 26 Min Embedded Video with IM Herman Grooten

Prophylaxis LiChess Studies

PROPHYLAXIS - 11 Chapter study (120 Hearts)

endgame tatics prophylaxis - 24 Chapter Interactive Study 

Prophylaxis - 10 Chapter Interactive Study (Looking at Opening , Middle game and Endgame Examples)

Chess Prophylaxis Video Lessons

IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Prophylactic Thinking | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 18 Min
Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Part 2 | Prophylactic Thinking | - 17 Min
Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Part 3 | Prophylactic Thinking | - 15 min

GM Sune Berg Hansen.

Prophylaxis in Chess - The Prevention Strategy - A GM Tool - 21 min - GM Talks
The Hidden Art of Prophylaxis: Transform Your Game With This Strong Chess Tool - 22 min - GM Talks
Use Prophylaxis As Your Weapon Of Dark Empathy To Destroy Your Opponents - 20 min - GM Talks
Magnus Carlsen dominated Hikaru Nakamura with a strong concept: Prophylactic Thinking! - 20 Min -GM Talks

St.Louis Chess Club

Prophylaxis and Dynamics | Grandmaster's Choice - GM JJ Ali Marandi - 56 min - St.Louis CC
Prophylaxis: Chess Prevention | Strategy Session - WGM Sabina Foisor - 53 min - St.Louis CC
Chess Prophylaxis | Strategy Session with Jonathan Schrantz - 26 Min - St.Louis CC

Grand Master RB Ramesh - Learn Chess the right way! - Prophylactic thinking and Prophylaxis - 2hr 7 Min

Understanding Prophylaxis - Play Like a Master! - IM Valeri Lilov - 60 Min

Defense Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski - Chapter 1 Prophylaxis - 26 Min

How to Think in Chess: 🤔 Prophylactic Thinking with GM Artur Yusupov & GM Jan Gustafsson - 24 min
Prophylaxis against Pawn Levers - Strategic Planning | Chess Middlegame | GM Alex Lenderman - 20 Min

Live Stream: Chess Prophylaxis - Chess Strategy with IM Valeri Lilov - 23 Min

Chess Strategy: Prophylaxis - 12 Min - Chess website

Destroy Your Opponents With the Magic of Chess Prophylaxis - 7 Min

Chess Lesson # 82: Prophylaxis - 15 Min - NM Rober Ramirez

Chess Strategy: Prophylactic Thinking - 17 Min - Remote Chess Academy

Pro Chess Training - GM Surya Ganguly explains Importance of Prophylaxis - 26 Min

Svitlana's Smart Moves - The prophylactic moves - 50 min - ChessBase

Chess Stream #108 A Lesson in Prophylaxis - 91 Min - GM Simon Williams

GM Alex Lenderman: Prophylactic Thinking | U.S. Chess School - 41 Min

Online Chess Survival! : Prophylaxis as a way of surviving on the chess board as long as possible! - 15 min - kingscrusher
Instructive Prophylaxis discussion! King Safety moves such as Kh1 and Kb1-a1 - 14 min -kingscrusher

Back to our favorite theme, prophylaxis - 12 Min - GM Irina Krush

CTCA Advanced - Prophylactic Thinking - 88 Mins - Cape Town Chess Academy

Geometric painting of a warrior Kneeling in a defensive stance on a chessboard in cool blue colors.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

FIDE World Cup - 2023


FIDE CHess World Cup LOGO

2023 FIDE World Cup  |  July 29th - August 26th

The FIDE World Cup is a direct qualification route to the 2024 Candidates Tournament.
Top players from each federation will be clashing against each other in a knockout format, vying to reach the coveted top 3 and clinch a spot in the Candidates. 

The FIDE World Cup is a biennial chess tournament organized by the World Chess Federation (FIDE).

The 2023 edition will feature 206 players in the open section, plus 103 in the Women’s competition, this event has seen its combined prize pool boosted to a whopping USD 2.5 million, the single largest one at any chess event in the world.

 The tournament is structured as a knockout, with each round consisting of two games played over two days. The player with the highest score advances to the next round, and the championship match will be played over four games.


Players Page
(List of Men and Women)

Pairing Tree Page Tournament Bracket Contest


  • Overall winner: Six months of premium membership 
  • Second place: Three months of premium membership
  • Third place: One month of premium membership
  • Random winner: One month of premium membership

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

QGD Tarrasch Defense D32-D34


The Tarrasch Defense is a chess opening characterized by the moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 c5
This is a Variation of the Queens Gambit Declined

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Tarrasch Defense  - FREE Chessbale Course  - GM Jordan van Foreest - 10 Trainable Lines w/30 Min Video
Short & Sweet: Ganguly's Semi-Tarrasch -  FREE Chessable Course - GM Surya Shekhar Ganguly - 33 Trainable Lines w/44 Min Video

Tarrasch Defense Chess Articles 

TARRASCH DEFENSE -  Chess Pathways Article
Refutation of the Tarrasch Defence - Short Article by GM Alex Colovic
Queen’s Gambit Declined – Taking Down the Tarrasch Defense  - Article


The Semi-Tarrasch – How to Play, Attack and Counter (as White & Black) - Opening Guide on Chessable Blog

Tarrasch Defense LiChess Studies

Some Tarrasch defense ideas  - 64 Chapter Study  (64 Heavily Annotated games ++ )
D34: Tarrasch Defence - 12 Chapter Study


Queens Gambit Declined Tarrasch Puzzles - 602 Puzzles   Lichess

GAMES Databases

D32: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch defence 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 - 7490 Games
D33: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch, Schlechter-Rubinstein system 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3  -  4413 Games
D34: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch, Prague variation, 7...Be7 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3 Nf6 7. Bg2 Be7 - 4437 Games

Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D32)  - 15 Annotated Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D33)  - 6 Annotated Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D34)  - 14 Annotated Games

Tarrasch Defense Chess Video Lessons

Tarrasch Defense Theory  -  14 Video Playlist  - Jozarov’s chess channel
Tarrasch Defense - Queen's Gambit Declined - 14 Min Thechesswebsite
Tarrasch Defense Opening Theory - 27 Min Hanging Pawns
Win with Tarrasch Defense with IM Marcin Sieciechowic  - 33 Min

The Semi-Tarrasch Opening explained by Leinier Domínguez - 2hr Video

Von Hennig Schara Gambit

The Von Hennig-Schara Gambit: Perfect! | Chess Openings Explained - 50 Min ST.Louis CC
GM Ben Finegold's Gambit Series: Von Hennig-Schara Gambit - 6 Min
How to play the Tarrasch Defense Correctly -D34 Tarrasch Defense, Advance Variation -b3 continuation - 20 Min - Jozarov’s chess channel
DIRTY CHESS OPENINGS! - The Von Hennig Schara Gambit!- Opening Traps and Common Mistakes by White - 51 Min - Jozarov’s chess channel
Tarrasch Defence: Hennig Schara Gambit Chess Opening : Leela Chess ID 467 vs Stockfish-6 - 11 Min Kingcrusher
FM Dennis Monokroussos - Hennig Schara Gambit Tactics - 30 Min

Against the Tarrasch

Positional Play: Beating The Tarrasch Defense! - GM Damian Lemos - 27 Min

St.Louis Chess Club

The Dubov Tarrasch | Road to 2000 - NM Caleb Denby - 57 Min

Tarrasch Game Videos Analyzed

Queens Gambit: Tarrasch Defence - Chess Opening - 24 Game Playlist - Kingscrusher
Tarrasch Defense  - 22 Video Playlist   - agadmator's Chess Channel

Most Attacking Chess Game - 7 (Von Hennig-Schara Gambit) - 15 Min
Jaime Sunye Neto vs Garry Kasparov - Tarrasch Defense: Symmetrical Variation - 9 Min 
Tarrasch Defense (D34) : Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov  - 44 Min Kingscrusher
Tarrasch Defence: Garry Kasparov vs Miguel Illescas-Cordoba - 9 Min

 IM Christof Sielecki (w/live Commentary)
Blitz Chess #4844 vs Muha750 Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 13 Min
Blitz Chess #1386 with Live Comments Queens Gambit Tarrasch Variation - 9 Min
Blitz Chess #3536 vs JustKID Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 8 Min
Blitz Chess #4962 vs MOMO1404 Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 13 Min

IM John Bartholomew 
Standard Chess #57: fanta6 vs. IM Bartholomew (Tarrasch Defense) - 46 Min
Standard Chess #116: Boesemine vs. IM Bartholomew (Tarrasch Defense) - 42 Min
Blitz Chess #301: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Kassa Korley (Semi-Tarrasch Defense) - 16 Min
Standard Chess #150: IM Bartholomew vs. opus55 (Tarrasch Defense) - 7 Min
Standard Chess #211: IM Bartholomew vs. racketeer (Tarrasch Defense) - 53 Min
Blitz Chess #140: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Bryant (Tarrasch Defense) - 18 Min

Impressionist Painting of a Man Studying a Chess Board