Saturday, February 17, 2024

Alien Gambit - Caro-Kann

The Alien Gambit is an intriguing and aggressive chess opening that aims to surprise opponents and create a strong attack.
It is a lesser-known variation within the Caro-Kann Defense.

LiChess Studies

Caro-Kann: Targetting f7 (Caro-Kane and Alien Gambit - 12 Chapter Study

Alien Gambit Study: Alien Gambit Study - 12 Chapter Study (w/ 4 Games)

COUNTER the Alien Gambit - 3 Chapter Study

Alien Gambit Video Lessons

Crush EVERYONE with the Alien Gambit! - 33 Min - IM Gotham Chess

Mastering The Alien Gambit 👽 | Tips & Tricks - 34 Min - Witty_Alien

The Difference Between Alien Gambit & Caro Kane Variation 👽‼️ - 21 Min  - Witty_Alien

The Gambit That Shocked The Chess World - Alien Gambit - 22 min - Witty_Alien

Learn the Alien Gambit with Hikaru!! - 57 Min - GM Nakamura

Black vs. Alien Gambit

CRUSH the Alien Gambit | Easiest Beginner Guide - 4 Min (Well done Video, easy to Understand)

Levy Rozman VS Russian School of Chess: ALIEN GAMBIT REFUTED! - 17 Min - WGM Dina Belenkiya

How to CRUSH EVERYONE who uses Gothamchess Alien Gambit! - 6 Min -  ChessGoals

Alien Gambit Game Videos

I Unknowingly Faced the ALIEN GAMBIT - 16 Min - IM Eric Rosen

The Alien Gambit is TOO STRONG - 6 Min - IM Eric Rosen

Stockfish Played ALIEN GAMBIT Against An Alien Today in | Stockfish Vs Alien| Chess Gambit - 7 Min

This surreal image depicts an otherworldly chess game, where an imposing alien creature with tentacles hovers over a chessboard, challenging the viewer to a cosmic battle of wits and strategy against an array of chess pieces amidst a backdrop of vibrant nebulae and planets.

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