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"As one by one I mowed them down, my superiority soon became apparent." - Capablanca

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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Stafford Gambit (C42): A Complete Resource Guide ♟️

  Stafford Gambit Chess Resources

Looking for a sharp, aggressive opening to surprise your opponent?

 The Stafford Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nc6)
might be perfect for you!

 This gambit offers traps and tactical possibilities, but requires precise play to maintain an edge.

The Stafford Gambit is a fascinating chess opening that arises from the
  Petrov Defense (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nc6).

  Within this popular opening, White sacrifices a pawn early on (3.Nxe5) for quick development and attacking chances. The Stafford Gambit offers rich tactical possibilities for players who understand its nuances. Learn how to play both sides of the gambit with this curated list of high-quality resources!

Stafford Gambit Articles

Stafford Gambit Lichess Studies

New to Lichess studies?  These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Listudy Site 

Stafford Gambit -  
  Several Videos on The Stafford
  6 Lichess Studies On The Gambit
   - Allows you to practice against with it against Stockfish

Stafford Gambit Videos

Stafford Gambit Traps  - 17 Video Playlist  - Chess Traps

IM Rosen

ChessKid (Beginner)

Why We Play the Stafford Gambit  - 24 Min GM Nakamura - Hikaru hosts a Stafford Gambit Viewer tourney and shows us how to play it with white and black.

On Eric Rosen's Beloved Stafford Gambit  - 22 Min GM Nakamura - Eric Rosen uses the Stafford Gambit against Hikaru, and Hikaru uses it against him.

Learn to Play NEW Stafford Gambit Trap! More Stafford Theory  - 9 min - go over a recent opening novelty discovered by Eric Rosen as he pulls off a checkmate against a 2445 ELO in only 15 moves!

Stafford Gambit Accepted - 17 Min Video - Chess Website - discusses strategies for both sides, focusing on the accepted line where White captures the knight on c6.

WIN FAST with Stafford Gambit : All Traps included | Complete guide - 18 Min - ProChessIndia - ProChess Head Coach, Sarthak, analyses all the variations of Stafford Gambit. (New - 5/29/24)

Rufuting The Stafford

Game Videos w/ Analysis

STAFFORD GAMBIT Chess Tournament! - 47 Min - IM Rosen I host a thematic Stafford Gambit Blitz Chess tournament in which every game starts as a Stafford Gambit Accepted. (12 Games)
An Easy Solution to the Stafford Gambit | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 1821 - 53 Min - IM John Bartholomew 

Two mice dressed in fancy clothes playing chess on a chessboard.
"There is no substitute for playing gambits.
You must play them, win with them, and lose with them." - Ken Parr

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