Misc. Chess Channels w/ Great Content

Looking for fresh, under-the-radar chess content that’s both insightful and engaging? You’ve come to the right place! This page is designed to introduce you to some of the lesser-known but incredibly talented chess channels on YouTube. Each channel featured here brings a unique perspective to the game, offering everything from deep strategic analysis and tactical puzzles to entertaining game commentary and beginner-friendly lessons.

The most recent video from each channel is displayed here, so you can quickly check if there’s something new to explore. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics, an intermediate player aiming to sharpen your skills, or a seasoned enthusiast seeking fresh insights, these channels are packed with hidden treasures to help you grow your chess knowledge.

And if you want to dive deeper into a specific channel’s content, just click the three vertical bars (⋮) in the upper right corner of any video to access their full playlist. It’s that easy!
ChessCoach Andras

Videos: 878 Videos

Subscribers: 41.2KK Subscribers

IM Alex Banzea

Videos: 380 Videos

Subscribers: 115K Subscribers

IM John Bartholomew

Videos: 1.8K Videos

Subscribers: 199K Subscribers

the chess nerd

Videos: 1.3k Videos

Subscribers: 215K Subscribers

Coach Kestony

Videos: 218 Videos

Subscribers: 20.1K Subscribers


Videos: 608 Videos

Subscribers: 633K Subscribers

Jim's Chess Channel

Videos: 2.7K Videos

Subscribers: 21.7K Subscribers

The Chess Giant

Videos: 701 Videos

Subscribers: 38.6K Subscribers

Hanging Pawns

Videos: 1.3K Videos

Subscribers: 252K Subscribers

Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab

Videos: 485 Videos

Subscribers: 4.9K Subscribers

Jozarov’s chess channel

Videos: 3k Videos

Subscribers: 36.1K Subscribers

Bad Bishop Chess Channel

Videos: 110 Videos

Subscribers: 8K Subscribers


Videos: 1.9K Videos

Subscribers: 525K Subscribers


Videos: 506 Videos

Subscribers: 57.4K Subscribers

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