Blind Swine Mate - Chess Tactics

The Blind Swine Mate:
A Comprehensive Guide to This Potent Chess Tactic

The Blind Swine Mate is a cunning checkmate pattern that utilizes two rooks on the seventh rank to trap the opponent's king.

This guide explores the concept in detail, provides examples and puzzles for practice, showcases famous Blind Swine Mate games, and offers video lessons on this double rook checkmate for visual learners.

 Sharpen your chess tactics and master the Blind Swine Mate today!

Blind Swine Mate Chess Articles

Blind Swine Mate LiChess Studies

Blind Swine Mate Game Collection

Actual chess games featuring the blind swine mate, a checkmate pattern with rooks on the seventh rank. Perfect for recognizing and learning this straightforward tactic in action.

Seventh Rank Mate Examples -  11 Games - Most are Rook and Queen
7th heaven! 7th rank above all! - 18 Games Nimzowitsch famous saying about the desire of a rook to penetrate into the enemy position via the 7th rank.
PIGS ON THE 7TH RANK!!!  - 4 Games

Animated GIF depicting the Blind Swine Mate checkmate delivered by Sergei Movsesian against Levan Pantsulaia in a chess game.
Witness a powerful Blind Swine Mate in action!

 In this decisive moment from the game Movsesian vs. Pantsulaia, White (Movsesian) delivers a stunning Blind Swine Mate checkmate using two rooks on the seventh rank. Watch as Black (Pantsulaia) is forced into checkmate!

New to Lichess studies?  These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Blind Swine Mate Video Lessons

Learn from experts, see it in action, and dominate the board with this powerful checkmate.

Blind Swine Mate - Chess Checkmate Patterns  - 11 Min - Chess Viking - I n-depth look at the Blind Swine Mate, a checkmate pattern named by Grandmaster Janowski. Explains how this pattern involves rooks on the 7th rank delivering checkmate, and it includes several example games and positions to illustrate its effectiveness.

Blind Swine Mate (And It's History) | Checkmating Pattern - Daily Lesson with a Grandmaster 153  - 7 Min - ChessMood - an in-depth look at the Blind Swine Mate, a famous checkmating pattern that arises with two rooks on the seventh rank. In this lesson, GM Gabuzyan shares the history of the Blind Swine Mate, explaining where the name comes from and how this mating pattern arises on the chessboard. 

In this 7-minute video lesson below by Grandmaster Gabuzyan,
you'll learn a powerful Blind Swine checkmate pattern

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