Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Checkmate Patterns - Tactics

The word Checkmate created with neon lights with a lit chess piece above.

Checkmate Patterns Resource Page

Wikipedia Checkmate Patterns 

Pawns, Rooks,Queen Mate Patterns

Anderssen's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Video lessons (Version of Mayet's mate)

Blind Swine Mate -  Articles, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Backrank Checkmate -  Old Blog Post ,  Many LiChess Studies, Articles and Video Lessons

Damiano's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video lessons

Pawn / David and Goliath Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lessons

Dove Tail (Cozio) Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Puzzles, Video Lessons

Epaulette Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lessons

Kill-Box Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Lawnmower Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

 Lolli's Mate Page -   Article, Lichess Studies and a few Videos

RailRoad Mate Pattern Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons 

Swallow's Tail (Gueridon's) Mate -  Article, LiChess Study, Video Lesson

Triangle Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studie, Video lesson

Bishop Mates

Balestra Mate Page -   Article, LiChess Studies and a Few Video lessons

Boden's Mate Page -  Lots of nice Articles, Studies and Video lessons on this Mate.

Diagonal Corridor Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video lesson

Greco's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Max Lange's Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lesson

Mayet's Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Morphy's Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Studies, Video Lessons

Opera Mate Page - Article, LiChess Study, Video Lessons (Opera Mate Game Info as well)

Pillsbury's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video Lessons  ( a variation of Morphy's Mate)

Reti's Mate Page - Article, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lessons

Double Bishop Mate Page - Article, LiChess Studies, Video lessons (Also Bombardier Mate)

Beginner Checkmate Patterns

Scholars Mate Page - Articles, LiChess Study, Video Lessons

Fool's Mate Page -  Articles, LiChess Study, Video lessons

Knight and Rook Mates

Hook Mate Page -  Article, Lichess Studies, Games , Several Video Lessons

Arabian Mate Page -  Articles, Several Nice Lichess Studies, Games, Puzzles, Several Video Lessons

Anastasia Mate Page - Articles, Bunch Lichess Studies, Games, Puzzles, Several Video lessons

Vukovic's Mate Page
- Articles, LiChess Study, Games, Several Video lessons, Video Playlist of Games

Corner Mate Page -  Article, LiChess Study, Games, Couple Video Lessons

Knight Mates

Smothered Mates Page - Articles, LiChess Studies, game Collection, Video Lessons

Suffocation Mates Page - Article, LiChess Study, Game Collection, Video Lesson

Blackburne's Mate Page -  Articles , LiChess Study, Video Lessons

LiChess Mate Studies

Checkmate Patterns: Bishops - 44 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns w/ Bishops)

Checkmate Patterns: Knights - 44 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns w/ Knights)

Checkmate Patterns: Pawns,Rooks,Queen - 64 Chapter Study (All the Mating Patterns with Pawns, Rooks, Queen)

Mating Patterns (Part 1) - 32 Chapter Interactive Study (ChessMood Mate List )

Mating Patterns Part 2  - 10 Chapter Interactive Study  (ChessMood Mate List)

LiChess Piece Checkmate Training Page - Interactive (Q vs. B,N or Rook) (2 Bishop) (B&N Mate)

Articles Covering Many Mating Patterns

30+ Ways to Checkmate in Chess - Chessable Blog Article Showing an Example of each.

40 Checkmate Patterns Sure To Win You Games  - Chess for Sharks (Nice Article)

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples) - GM Avetik Grigoryan - ChessMood page 
36 Mating patterns w/ Explanations (Really Nice Page)

Chess Tempos Tactical Motifs Page -   Links to the Descriptions of 30 Mates (Along with other Tactics)

Top 18 Checkmate Patterns: Must-Know Checkmates for Club Players - The ChessWorld Article

Video Lessons Covering Mating Patterns

The Top 23 Checkmate Patterns | Most Important Mating Patterns In Chess | Chess Tactics and Ideas - 23 min - NM Nelson Lopez

6 Checkmate Patterns YOU MUST KNOW - 21 Min - Gotham Chess - IM Rozman

Retro 3-d T-shirt design of Chess pieces and saying "The right move is out there in the multiverse

Monday, June 19, 2023

Update to Gambit Pages (New Videos) (June 2023)

 Albin Counter Gambit Page - Albin Counter Gambit Here

Opening Guides
Master the Brutal Albin Counter-Gambit - Chess Opening Guide  - 30 Min
Crush The Queen's Gambit - An Aggressive Countergambit  -  14 Min - NM Nelson Lopez

Guides Against
Annoying Openings: How to Beat the Albin Counter Gambit - 16 Min - Chessdawg
How to Easily Defeat The Albin Counter Gambit!! - 20 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic
Crush Albin Counter-Gambit - 33 Min - The Chessworld

Game Videos (w/analysis)
Holy Gambit Grail #11: Albin Countergambit   - 12 Min  - Johnathan Schrantz

Benko Gambit (Volga) Page -  Benko Gambit Page Here

The Benko Gambit: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 54 Min

Guides Against
THE BEST Opening For Black Against 1.d4 | Benko Gambit | Chess Opening Explained - 14 Min - Coach Kestony
Crush The Benko Gambit with White!! - 31 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic (The Butcher)

Game Videos (w/analysis)

Taking Down the Benko Gambit!! | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 36 Min
Magnus Carlsen DESTROYS Prodigy Gukesh D with the Benko Gambit - 5 Min
Magnus Carlsen Plays Benko Gambit Against Grandmaster Arthur Kogan - 6 Min
Dealing with the Benko Gambit · Training Game - 46 min - Hanging Pawns
Shakhriyar Crushing the Benko Gambit - 9 Min

Budapest Gambit Page - Budapest Gambit Page Here

The simplest chess opening for Black || Budapest Gambit - 15 Min 

Guides Against
Good Opening For Black Against 1.d4 - Budapest Gambit - 16 Min - Coach Kestony
Alekhine Variation to CRUSH the Budapest Gambit - 17 Min - Chess Geek

Game Videos (w/analysis)
Holy Gambit Grail #12: Budapest Gambit - 8 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Friday, March 24, 2023

Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation B90 - B99 - Opening Theory


Explore the Najdorf:
 Free Resources & Insights 

A Dynamic Powerhouse:

The Sicilian Najdorf (1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6) is renowned for its aggressive possibilities and sharp tactical battles. This dynamic opening choice has been a weapon of choice for many legendary chess grandmasters, including Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, who wielded it to dominate their opponents. (Learn more about the history and variations on Wikipedia: Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation Wikipedia page.)

Are you seeking an opening that injects fire into your chess games? Do you crave sharp positions brimming with tactical possibilities? Then look no further than the Sicilian Najdorf! This exciting and challenging opening offers a path to victory for players who relish dynamic battles and outsmarting their opponents.

Empower Your Chess Journey:

This comprehensive guide equips you with a treasure trove of free Sicilian Najdorf chess resources, articles, annotated games, video lessons, and strategic insights. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking to refine your Najdorf repertoire or a newcomer eager to explore its potential, this collection offers valuable tools to elevate your chess game.

BOOKS (Free)

Internet Archive

500 Sicilian Miniatures Collection II by Bill Wall - 109 Page PDF

How to Beat the Sicilian Defence - 352 page PDF

FREE Chessable Courses

Short & Sweet: Giri's Najdorf Sicilian - 24 Trainable lines w/44 Min Free video

Short & Sweet: Colovic's Najdorf Sicilian  - 20 Trainable Lines w/ 50 Min Free Video

Short & Sweet: Cheparinov's Najdorf Sicilian  - 19 Trainable Lines w/ 57 Min Free Video

Najdorf  Chess ARTICLES

SICILIAN NAJDORF  - Chess Pathways Article w/embedded Video

Chess Opening Basics: The Najdorf Sicilian  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide

Sicilian Najdorf – How to Play, Attack & Counter as White & Black - Chessable blog Opening Guide

Sicilian Najdorf – How to Play, Attack and Counter - Chess Klub Opening Guide w/ Video

How to Play the Sicilian Najdorf   -  RagChess Guide

Najdorf LiChess Studies

Getting Started with Lichess Studies:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools function like digital chess books, guiding you through Najdorf variations with explanations and challenges. They're perfect for:

  • Testing your understanding: Studies often include questions that test your knowledge of key positions and best moves.
  • Deepening your knowledge: Move-by-move analysis and explanations provide insights into Najdorf strategy and tactics.

The Sicilian Najdorf Variation - 5 Chapter Study (1000+ hearts)    This user-favored study (indicated by "hearts") provides a solid introduction to main Najdorf variations with concise explanations.

Sicilian Najdorf  - 8 Chapter Study  Variations w/ a pawn Structure lesson

The Sicilian Defense, Najdorf Variation 6. Be2  - 9 Chapter Study  - This study explores the "I don't want Fireworks Variation" with clear analysis, making it suitable for players seeking a more positional approach.

The Sicilian Najdorf   - 10 Chapter study  (700+ hearts) (Well Done with an interactive chapter)

VERY DETAILED! Sicilian Defense: Najdorf  - 8 Chapter Study - This study lives up to its name, offering in-depth explanations for a deeper understanding.

Sicilian Najdorf Repertoire  - 38 Chapter Study (1600+ HeartsConsidered the "Gold Standard" on Lichess, this comprehensive study covers themes, lines, and analyzed games.

Additional Resources:

NEW - Lichess Openings Page Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation 
Lichess now offers a dedicated Najdorf page with variations, win/loss statistics, and board diagrams for further exploration.

LiStudy (LiChess Movetrainer)

Game Databases

Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation B90 - B99  - Page with Links to the 10 Variations

Chess Tempo

Sicilian Defense, Najdorf Variation (B90-99)   -  62,000 Games (Collections)

Sicilian Najdorf 6.Be2 [White] - 17 Games (All White Wins)
Najdorf Variation. Adams Attack - 19 Games
Sicilian: Najdorf. 7. ...Be7 B99 [Black] - (All Black Wins)

Sharpen Your Najdorf Tactics: Puzzles and Training

Test your tactical vision in the Najdorf with these resources:

Chess Puzzles by Bill Harvey (

Sicilian, Najdorf (ECO B90)  -   25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, Zagreb (Fianchetto) Variation (ECO B91)  - 21 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation (ECO B92)  - 25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 6.f4 (ECO B93)  - 25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 6.Bg5 (ECO B94)  -  9 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 6...e6 (ECO B95)  - 10 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7.f4 (ECO B96)  - 10 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7...Qb6 (ECO B97)  - 10 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7...Be7 (ECO B98) - 10 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line (ECO B99)  - 11 Puzzles

Lichess Najdorf Puzzles: Dive into a vast pool of Najdorf puzzles (over 7300!) on Lichess to solidify your tactical understanding.

SicilianNajdorf Variation 
- 7300 Puzzles

Najdorf Video Lessons

Dive deep into Najdorf  Video playlists

Najdorf Sicilian - 18 video playlist - FM James Canty III - Learn key Najdorf concepts and variations through games and analysis

Sicilian Najdorf  -  46 video playlist  - Chessbase India - Explore the Najdorf in depth with a comprehensive video playlist by Chessbase India, featuring games and instructional content.

Najdorf Sicilian - 10 Video playlist - Robert Plunketts Chess Lab - Master the Najdorf with a focused 10-video series . (all lessons dedicated to the Najdorf).

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #21 - Sicilian Najdorf for Black - 3.5 Hrs -  Gain valuable insights from GM Neiksans on playing the Najdorf effectively as Black.

6th Move Options Against Najdorf TIER LIST | GM Moulthun Ly  - 20 Min -Demystify White's options after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 with GM Moulthun Ly's tier list (20 minutes).

How to Play the Sicilian Najdorf - Chess Openings Explained  - 47 min  St.Louis CC -Master the "Cadillac" of openings with St. Louis Chess Club's video guide, delving into the Najdorf and the English Attack.

Falling in love with the Sicilian Najdorf with GM Daniel King - 1.5 hr  Chessbase India In this session he will explain to you the key concepts of the opening and tell you as to how he fell in love with the Sicilian Najdorf!
Learn the 6.Bg5 Najdorf! | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Josh Sheng  - 52 min - Prepare for the aggressive 6.Bg5 line in the Najdorf 

NM Caleb Denby

White Against Najdorf

Crush the Sicilian Najdorf the Easy Way with the Classical Variation | Chess Opening Blueprint - 38Min - johnathan Schrantz -  a simple recipe to take down the most popular variation of the Sicilian Defense.

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #3 - Anti Najdorf  - 2 Hr -  Discover alternative strategies against the Najdorf with GM Neiksans, emphasizing positional play and offbeat lines (2 hours).

Anti-Najdorf Part - 1 by GM Igor Smirnov - 17 Min -  Learn a unique anti-Najdorf approach with GM Igor Smirnov, focusing on 5.f3 and exploiting Black's weaknesses with e5
Anti-Najdorf Part - 2 by GM Igor Smirnov  - 22 Min 
- focusing on the main move e5 and its implications. He explains the strategic weaknesses this move creates for black and outlines white’s approach to exploiting them.

Play the Sicilian: Najdorf #1 | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani - 66 Min Explore effective ways to combat the Najdorf as White with IM Dorsa Derakhshani's video series 
Play the Sicilian: Najdorf #2 | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani - 57 min favorite ways to play against the Sicilian Defense with White. This is her second and final hour on the Najdorf, specifically lines from 6.Be3.
Najdorf Structures | Mastering the Middlegame - WGM Tatev Abrahamyan - 42 min
 the Najdorf Sicilian as white to the middlegame structure it creates. See three of her games and try to find the best moves along the way.

Sicilian Najdorf  Traps and Tactics

Najdorf Game Videos -  (W/ Analysis)

Sicilian Defence: Najdorf   -  232 Video playlist - kingscrusher - This extensive playlist by Kingscrusher offers a treasure trove of Najdorf games for your viewing pleasure.

Kasparov's Masterpiece in Sicilian Najdorf  -  14 min  - GM Igor Smirnov

Kasparov CRUSHES 😲 Anand with the Sicilian Najdorf (Anand vs Garry Kasparov) - 33 Min

The Deadly Najdorf in 2021 | Understanding Practical Chess - FM Thalia Cervantes - 53 Min tours games from the online 2021 Magnus Carlsen Invitational where the Najdorf was played.

 Anish Giri teaches the Sicilian Najdorf  - 2hr  - Chessbase india   Nice Video in Playlist - How did his lines impact the final standings of Tata Steel Masters 2021? In this video we discuss all the Najdorf games from the tournament with the man himself.

 Najdorf by Dorsa | Chess Openings Explained - IM Dorsa Derakhshani - 52 min - shares two of her Najdorf games against fellow Saint Louis University students Benjamin Bok and Robby Kevlishvili.

A painting of a giant Bishop on a frozen lake high in the Mountains.
"The hardest game to win is a won game." - José Raúl Capablanca


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Evaluating a Chess Position - Chess Strategy


 Positional Evaluation Resources

Chess evaluation is a critical process that involves analyzing the various aspects of a given chess position to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each player. This involves assessing the material balance, pawn structure, piece mobility, king safety, and other relevant factors to determine which player has the advantage and by how much. The primary objective of chess evaluation is to provide players with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their next moves and overall strategy.

 Books (Free)

Test and improve your chess : numerical evaluation and other improvement techniques - 136 Page PDF
The Art of Chess Analysis by Jan Timman - 210 page PDF


Chess Evaluation Articles

How to Evaluate Chess Positions (Example)  - Long Article by IM Jeremy Silman
How to evaluate a position?  - Article by IM Mat Kolosowski
5 Easy Steps to Evaluate a Chess Position Like a GM - GM Noel Studer  (Chessmood Article) Nice.
Example of How to Evaluate a Chess Position  - Chessfox guide

Evaluation LiChess Studies

How to analyze a chess game - 8 Chapter interactive Study  (1750) hearts)
How to evaluate ANY position  - 6 Chapter interactive Study


Evaluation Video Lessons

Evaluating Positions & Creating Plans - IM Irina Krush - 2013.10.16 - 46 Min

Evaluate 📝 Chess Positions Immediately! - IM Lilov [Free Training] - 55 Min
Chess Strategy Mastery 🎓 How To Evaluate a Chess Position - GM Bryan Smith (The Chess World) - 47 Min
Get Better at Chess Evaluation And Chess Strategy with GM Damian Lemos! - 36 Min

The Amateur's Mind - The secrets of evaluating - 27 Min - IM Andreas Toth
The Amateur's Mind 18 - Decision making and assessment in chess - 52 min - IM Andreas Toth

How To Evaluate ANY Chess Position - 23 Min - Gotham Chess
How to Evaluate Chess Positions? Ft. Magnus Carlsen - 13 Min - Remote Chess Academy

NM Dan Heisman

Chess Evaluation Criteria - Who is better, how much & why? - 30 min - NM Dan Heisman
Find Better Chess Moves - Evaluate Like a GM  - 33 min
Improve Chess Evaluation: Not All Bads are Equally Bad - 29 Min
Evaluating Chess Pieces: Activity and Mobility - 29 Min
Award Winning Chess Video: The Ways to Make Better Moves - 24 Min

IM Alex Asteneh

Improver - 13.Unit: Evaluation of the Position - 5 Video Playlist
How to find the right Plan? | Evaluation Training Lesson | Improver Level | IM Alex Astaneh - 32 Min
How to evaluate Chess Positions | Principles & Key Factors | Improver Level | IM Alex Astaneh - 20 Min

Chess Strategy: How to Evaluate Positions - Part 1! - 10 Min
Chess Strategy: How to Evaluate Positions - Part 2!  - 12 min


Futuristic H.H.Geiger Inspired Chess pieces of Alien design




Monday, July 18, 2022

Attraction (Magnet Attack) - Advanced Chess Tactics


Unleash the Magnet Attack
 Mastering Chess Attraction Tactics

Imagine dangling a tempting piece in front of your opponent's king,
a forbidden fruit they can't resist.

In chess, this maneuver is known as Attraction (or Decoy Sacrifice).

 It's a powerful tactic where you strategically sacrifice material to lure a key enemy piece, often the king, to a vulnerable square where it becomes exposed and ripe for exploitation.

Attraction Chess Articles


Mate in Two: Magnet Attack Puzzles - 5 Puzzles on ChessKids

LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

LiChess Tactics Practice Area - 10 Attraction Tactics

Attraction - 16 Chapter Study - 12 Attraction Positions
[Motif - Attraction] - 18 Chapter Study - Nice Selection of Positions with detailed Analysis and Lessons.
Magnetic Attack - 18 Chapter Study - Examples broken into different Themes.

Chess Tempo Tactic: Attraction - 11 Chapter Interactive Study - Starts at 1000 ELO problem then keeps stepping up to the last being 2000 ELO
J] Attraction Tactics 
- 14 Chapter Interactive Study - Positions, Games and Compositions fully Interactive.

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Attraction Tactic and see how it's played in practice.


Attraction Video Lessons

Bishops Bounty Deflection Page
-  Many argue that These Two Tactics overlap or are essentially the same thing. So here is my page on Deflection.

Oil painting of a pawn gazing into a mirror, reflecting a powerful king. Vivid blue hues and geometric shapes create a striking illusion.
"The lure is often stronger than the truth." 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Devious Decoy Tactic: A Comprehensive Guide


The Decoy Tactic:
 A Masterful Way to Lure Your Opponent

Sharpen your chess arsenal with the art of the decoy!

This comprehensive guide equips you with valuable resources to master this deceptive tactic. Explore articles, puzzles, video lessons, and real game examples to identify decoy opportunities, calculate variations, and outsmart your opponents.

The Decoy Tactic in Action:

  • Lure the Big Guns: You aim to tempt your opponent's most valuable pieces, like the king or queen, away from their safe zone.
  • Sacrifice Smartly: You offer a less valuable piece, often a pawn, to create an attractive target for your opponent.
  • Snap the Trap: Once your opponent takes the bait, their captured piece becomes exposed, creating an opening for an attack.
  • Exploit the Weakness: This attack can take many forms, like a fork, pin, skewer, or even checkmate!
  • Calculated Advantage: You need to think strategically and consider different scenarios to ensure your sacrifice leads to a clear benefit.

Decoy Chess Articles

Introduction to Chess Tactics: Decoys - Chess Strategy Online Article - This article provides a good overview of the decoy tactic, including how to identify opportunities to use it and how to calculate the consequences of a decoy sacrifice. 5 Example Problems at the end.

Tactics 101: Devious Decoy Sacrifices – Baiting the Wins - Real Nice Article w/ Different Piece Decoy Explanations and examples.

Decoy LiChess Studies

Sharpen your tactical vision with these exceptional Lichess studies on the decoy tactic!

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

These collections of games from features games where a decoy tactic was used to win the game. Studying these games can help you see how decoy tactics are used in practical play.

Decoy Chess Video Lessons

Decoys: Dupe the Defender | Beginner Breakdown - NM Ralph Tan - 58 Min - St.Louis Chess Club
 -  a chess class on decoys. A decoy is a tactic that lures an enemy piece off its square and away from its defensive role.

Chess Tactics: Decoy - 9 Min
- TheChessWebsite - in-depth explanation of the decoy tactic in chess, which involves luring an opponent’s piece to a disadvantageous square, often through sacrifice. The presenter, Kevin from, demonstrates various scenarios where decoys can be effectively used to gain material advantage or to expose the opponent’s king to a mating pattern.

Chess lesson # 38: Decoy vs Deflection | Chess tactics with National Master Robert Ramirez - 9 Min - In this video, National Master Robert Ramirez explains the chess tactics of deflection and decoy. He clarifies the differences between the two, provides examples, and demonstrates how to practice these tactics. Deflection involves distracting a defender to achieve an objective, while a decoy lures an opponent’s piece into a disadvantageous position.

Trapping your Opponent with a Decoy | Chess Tactics | Improver Level | IM Kostya Kavutskiy - 9 Min - a lesson on the decoy tactic in chess, explaining its distinction from deflection and demonstrating its application through classic game examples. He emphasizes the importance of observation skills in identifying decoys and provides tips for spotting such tactics in play.

28 Days To Better Chess Tactics - Day 21 - Decoy Attacking Chess - 7 Min - provides insights into advanced chess tactics focusing on the decoy technique. It features three positions from famous games, demonstrating how to use decoys to gain a tactical advantage. The presenter explains each position, highlighting the importance of forcing moves and the consequences of different decisions.

Chess Tactics, Decoy, Examples - 5 Min

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Decoy Tactic Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed | Everything you need! - 30 Min - Kingcrusher - delves into the intricacies of chess tactics, specifically focusing on the decoy tactic. It provides definitions, distinguishes between decoy and deflection, and presents numerous examples from chess history to illustrate the tactic’s effectiveness. 

A playful Disney-style illustration depicts a frog using a fishing pole to dangle a worm over a chessboard, attempting to lure his fish opponent's piece into a decoy tactic trap.
"The decoy is one of the chief tricks in the tactics of chess." - Max Euwe

Monday, July 4, 2022

Alekhine's Block - (Advanced Tactics)


Craft Your Kingside Onslaught
 Mastering Alekhine's Block

This blog post delves into the world of Alekhine's Block, a potent tactical weapon employed by the legendary Alexander Alekhine himself. We'll equip you with the knowledge and resources to unleash devastating kingside attacks!

Unleashing the Fury:

Alekhine's Block, a concept named after the fierce World Champion, involves strategically placing a piece directly in front of your opponent's kingside pawn. This audacious maneuver serves a dual purpose:

  • Restriction: It physically hinders the pawn's movement, limiting your opponent's defensive options.
  • Offensive Platform: The blocking piece becomes a powerful springboard for launching further attacks.

As Aron Nimzowitsch famously stated, "First restrain, then blockade, finally destroy!" Alekhine's Block embodies this philosophy, paving the way for a crushing kingside onslaught.

Alekhines Block Chess Articles

What is Alekhine’s Block? - - Short Article talking about the history . (Archived)

LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the tactics concepts.

Alekhine's Block Collection of Studies

(Many Positions from famous Games with Examples and Annotations including Famous Studies by composers such as Charushin)

Games Database

Analyze real-life games featuring the Alekhine's Block Tactic and see how it's played in practice.

Alekhine's Block - 98 Game Collection (All have this tactic in them)

Alekhine's Block Video Lessons

Chess with Suren

The Alekhine Block - 49 min - One of the Only Lectures found about this Tactical device. Video Below

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Englund Gambit for White & Black: A Complete Guide (A40)


Englund Gambit
Explore the Possibilities

The Englund Gambit (1. d4 e5?!)

A daring chess opening that throws traditional positional play out the window.

 Black offers a pawn for rapid development and tactical possibilities, creating an imbalanced but exciting game.

 While not considered sound opening theory for White to accept, the Englund Gambit can be a powerful weapon in the right hands.

 ( An Interesting , if suspect opening against guys who like to play the London.)

Main Variations

  • 2.1 Blackburne–Hartlaub Gambit (1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 d6 )
  • 2.2 Soller Gambit
  • 2.3 Felbecker Gambit
  • 2.4 Zilbermints Gambit
  • 2.5 Englund Gambit main line

Books (Free)

Beat Bad & Pesky Openings - FREE Chessable Course - ( 9 Trainable lines on Defeating the Englund - Chapter 8)

Englund Gambit Articles

Dealing with the Englund - Chessbase Article - Matthew Lunn analyses and explains how to counter a dubious gambit

Englund Gambit Full Guide - - Very nice opening Guide w/ Links to Games

Exploring the Englund Gambit Against 1.d4 - GM Igor Smirnov - Nice Article w/ Lessons on several gambits, 3 Deeply Annotated games and a 12 Min Embedded Video.

LiChess Studies

Englund Gambit Traps - 7 Chapter Study

Games Databases

Analyze real-life Englund Gambit games from masters to see how theory translates into practical play.

A40 Queen's pawn, Charlick (Englund) gambit - 1000 Games

Englund Gambit-White wins - 7 Games 

Englund Gambit Video Lessons

WIN IN 8 MOVES: The Englund Gambit - 35 Min - GothamChess - A comprehensive guide on the Englund Gambit. The video includes theoretical explanations, subscriber games, and practical tips for playing the Englund Gambit successfully.

The Extremely Dodgy ENGLUND GAMBIT 24 Min Kingcrusher - 
in-depth analysis of the Englund Gambit. It explores various lines and traps associated with the gambit, highlighting its potential for quick victories as well as its inherent dangers, key moves, and strategic ideas.
    The Englund Gambit | Mainline and Traps | Chess Openings | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 10 Min How To Play: The Englund Gambit | ChessKid - 5 Min - Learn how to play and win with the Englund Gambit. FunMasterMike even has a few tricks up his sleeves on how to stop this opening. (Beginner) (New - 5/29/24)

 Chess Tips: Chessbrah Aman's Undefeated Opening for Black! Scary Englund Gambit!! -42 Min IM Miodrag Perunovic - a comprehensive guide on how to play the gambit, including various lines and responses to White’s moves. (Video below)

Zilbermints Gambit

Englund Gambit Traps

Playing Against the Englund

Game Videos w/ Analysis

This Englund Gambit Queen Sacrifice is TOO STRONG - 21 Min IM Rosen

Master Class | Ending The Englund Gambit | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 30 Min

I can't stop winning with the Englund Gambit - 8 Min GM Aman Hambleton

Is the Englund Gambit a Meme Opening? - 40 Min GM Nakamura


UNDEFEATED OPENING? | GM Aman Hambleton - 24 Min