Showing posts with label Chess articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess articles. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Exploring Endgames: A Guide to Hidden Treasures on

An image of a chess-themed treasure map leading to hidden treasure, depicted in the style of a weathered oil painting by a classic artist.
Endgame Insights:
Delving into Player Blogs

Dive deep into the realm of endgames with this curated collection of insightful articles from's player blogs. From strategic planning to tactical maneuvers, these articles offer valuable perspectives and techniques to enhance your understanding and mastery of endgame play.

Beginner - Intermediate Articles

Embark on your chess journey with our selection of beginner to intermediate articles. These articles offer a solid foundation in endgame strategies, helping you avoid common mistakes and understand key principles.

Endgame roadmap: 9 strategies on how to play chess endgames - GM Avetik Grigoryan
Explore the intricacies of chess endgames with GM Avetik Grigoryan as he unveils a comprehensive roadmap comprising nine strategic principles. Discover how to navigate the complexities of endgames and elevate your play to new heights, whether you're an aspiring player or a seasoned enthusiast. Join the journey of improvement as you delve into practical strategies designed to transform your endgame prowess. (Really Nice Article) Chess Endgames | 10 Principles for Beginners - IM Danny Rensch
Dive into the world of chess endgames with IM Daniel Rensch as he shares invaluable insights and strategies tailored for beginners. From mastering basic checkmates to understanding the importance of pawn majorities, this article offers a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the complexities of endgame play. The Top 3 Endgame Mistakes That New Chess Players Should Know - GM Gregory Serper
In this insightful guide, we'll uncover the top three mistakes that often plague beginner players and provide practical tips to overcome them. From stalemating opponents to navigating rook endgames with precision, learn how to navigate the final stages of the game with confidence and finesse. What Is The Most Important Endgame? - GM Gregory Serper
Dive into the heart of endgame strategy by mastering the king and pawn endgame. In this illuminating article, GM Gserper explores why the king and pawn endgame reigns supreme as the most important kind of endgame. Magnus Carlsen Knows This Endgame. Do You? - GM Gregory Serper
Learn from GM Gserper how mastering the concept of opposition in king and pawn endgames can prevent costly mistakes. A Prison For A King - GM Gregory Serper
Discover the power of imprisoning your opponent's king in endgames . Learn from instructive examples and find out how to exploit this concept for both winning and defensive purposes. The Amazing Geometry Of Chess - GM Gregory Serper
Discover how the unique dimensions of the chessboard offer creative solutions to seemingly impossible scenarios. Learn from famous studies and real-game examples where understanding chess geometry can turn the tables. Dive into this intriguing aspect of chess and enhance your strategic thinking! How Ding Liren Let Me Down - GM Gregory Serper
The blunder occurred in an elementary position where knowing the correct technique is fundamental. Drawing on historical games and personal experiences, the importance of mastering fundamental endgames is emphasized. How To Lose A Move To Win The Game! - GM Gregory Serper
In chess, losing a tempo can sometimes be beneficial, although it's a concept that even strong players can find tricky. The idea of losing a tempo to win the game is exemplified in various famous and lesser-known games, showcasing the importance of time management and maneuvering in chess. Pawn Endgames: A Practical Guide - GM Naroditsky
Provides valuable insights into the complexities of pawn endgames, offering instructive examples and analysis to help players navigate these critical phases of the game effectively. From understanding opposition and pawn races to recognizing the potential of pawn breakthroughs. The Two Rook Endings You Must Know - GM Naroditsky
The Philidor and Lucena Positions" delves into two crucial theoretical rook endings, offering insights and clarity on these complex endgame scenarios. Exploring key maneuvers and illustrating them through notable games, the article aims to demystify these positions and provide invaluable guidance for players of all levels. Heavy Piece Endgames - WGM Nitalia Pogonina
Exploring strategic plans in endgames involving only queens, rooks, and pawns. She outlines typical maneuvers, such as exploiting open files, attacking weak pawns, targeting the opponent's king, creating passers, and considering piece transformations. Pogonina illustrates these concepts with instructive examples from her own games, demonstrating practical application of these strategies in real tournament situations.

Advanced Endgame Articles

Take your chess skills to the next level with our advanced endgame articles. These  delve deeper into complex strategies and tactics, offering a more nuanced understanding of endgame play.

Incredible Bishop Endgame Played In Computer Chess Championship - GM Dejan Bojkov and IM Daniel Rensch analyze a thrilling endgame featuring zugzwang. Explore the intricacies of this concept and its application in high-level chess. How To Win 'Dead Drawn' Endgames - GM Gregory Serper In endgames with opposite-colored bishops, many consider them 'dead drawn.' However, as pieces are added, these endgames become less drawish. Examining classic and modern games, we see how the side with the advantage can make progress. Learn from Nimzowitsch, Lahno, and Karpov as they demonstrate the winning potential of opposite-colored bishop endgames. Don't underestimate these positions—opposite-colored bishops can lead to decisive results! What Happened To Elite Chess? - GM Gregory Serper In the past, deep analysis and discussion of chess games were common, but today's rapid pace of tournaments has led to a decline in such activities. With the abundance of games, many instructive positions are overlooked, and players often repeat mistakes. Examples from past and recent games illustrate this point, showing how fundamental errors persist over time. How To Build A Chess Fortress - GM Gregory Serper In chess, fortresses are often overlooked but can save seemingly lost positions. The recent Tata Steel chess tournament highlighted the importance of understanding fortresses, particularly in endgames. Sam Shankland's resignation in a book-drawn position garnered attention, emphasizing the need for players to study basic fortresses. Examples include the "bishop of the wrong color" scenario and positions where a lone king holds off an opponent's army. Recognizing and utilizing fortresses can turn the tide in challenging situations, making them essential knowledge for tournament players." In Pursuit Of Zugzwang - GM Naroditsky Delves into the intricate concept of zugzwang in chess, illustrating its profound impact through insightful analyses of notable games. From leveraging zugzwang to force concessions from opponents to unraveling impregnable fortresses. Pawn Endgames - Easy, Yet Difficult - GM Alexander Ipotov The article delves into the complexities of pawn endgames, showcasing how seemingly simple positions can become incredibly intricate. Also presented several other examples from grandmaster games where players have misjudged or mishandled pawn endgames, underscoring the importance of studying these positions thoroughly. How to Understand Pawn Races - GM Naroditsky The article discusses the complexities of pawn endings, emphasizing the importance of precise calculation and attention to detail in understanding and winning pawn races in endgames. It highlights key strategies such as not assuming simultaneous promotion leads to a draw and investing a tempo to induce concessions from opponents. WIM Iryna Zenyuk (Initiative in Endgame Series) In the 'Initiative in Endgames' series, we analyzed modern endgames, focusing on developing and defending against the initiative. Beginning with clear positions, we progressed to more complex games, honing the ability to spot critical moments and construct clear plans. Through studying this series, one can sharpen their endgame skills, improve assessment, and grasp the nuances of initiative in contemporary tournament play. GM Bryan Smith (Space in the Endgame Series) Explores the nuances of space advantage in chess, highlighting both its benefits and drawbacks. Through instructive examples and analyses of key positions, Bryan Smith demonstrates how advanced pawns can lead to victory or vulnerability, depending on the mobility of the pieces and the exploitation of weaknesses. From Mikhail Tal's strategic patience to Anish Giri's dynamic play, the series illustrates the dynamic interplay between space, pawn structure, and piece activity in the endgame. GM Bryan Smith (Defense in the Endgame Series) Famous Examples of players hanging on in really tough positions. With detailed explanations and illustrative examples, the series offers valuable insights into the art of defensive mastery in the endgame phase of chess. (Lasker ,

GM Dejan Bojkov ( Typical Rook Endgames Series)

Studying the typical situations that might appear in these endgames makes a lot of sense for the active tournament player. (Nice Articles) GM Alexander Ipotov (Rook Endgame Series) Important Rook Endgame Ideas, Positions and Fundamental Principals.

Player Articles: Mastering Chess Endgames with the Greats

Here, we delve into the endgame strategies of some of the greatest players in the history of chess. From Capablanca’s timeless simplicity to Karpov’s prophylactic precision, these articles offer a unique opportunity to learn from the masters themselves.  7 Chess Endgame Magicians - Colin Stapczyski Delve into the realm of endgame mastery with a spotlight on seven legendary chess players renowned for their exceptional skills in the endgame. From Jose Raul Capablanca's timeless simplicity to Anatoly Karpov's prophylactic precision, each player showcased a unique blend of patience, strategy, and tactical finesse that set them apart as true endgame magicians. Magnus Carlsen's Best Endgame Wins - GM Naroditsky A masterful analysis of Carlsen's endgame prowess, highlighting his ability to turn seemingly equal positions into wins through precise calculation and relentless pressure. The article meticulously dissects three of Carlsen's most impressive endgame victories, showcasing his strategic depth and tactical acumen. Kamsky's Endgame Play - GM Bryan Smith Gata Kamsky's distinctive style and deep understanding of chess mechanics through analyses of his games from the Philadelphia Open. Smith highlights Kamsky's unorthodox yet effective decision-making, showcasing his ability to create problems for opponents and exploit positional advantages in the endgame. GM Bryan Smith (Lasker Endgame Series) Through in-depth analyses of Lasker's pivotal games, Smith uncovers the subtleties of Lasker's play, revealing how he leveraged his deep understanding of the game and his opponents' psychology to secure victories in critical moments. With a focus on Lasker's endgame prowess and tournament strategies, Smith offers both historical insights and practical lessons for chess enthusiasts seeking to enhance their understanding of the game. Karpov - Endgame Virtuoso - WIM Iryna Zenyuk Emphasizes efficient study techniques and practical application of learned concepts during actual games. Through analysis of specific positions from Karpov's games, readers gain insight into his strategic prowess, even when his moves may not align with computer recommendations, highlighting the nuanced nature of endgame play.

A captivating minimalist line art drawing, inspired by the exceptional skills of Albrecht Dürer, masterfully captures the essence of a tense chess game. At the center, a finely crafted chessboard is presented, with Dürer's signature hatching and cross-hatching techniques used to meticulously shade the squares. Two opposing kings, one white and the other black sit at the far ends of the board, reflecting the intensity of the match, while a few well-placed pawns are scattered around, indicating strategic moves. The blue shadows cast by the chess pieces add a touch of color, drawing the viewer in and enhancing the depth and form of the scene. This remarkable piece of art showcases Dürer's artistic genius through its precise linework, attention to detail, and timeless appeal, making it a stunning poster and illustration
Openings teach you openings. Endgames teach you chess!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Improving Your Worst Piece - Chess Strategy


A knight trapped no more! This image symbolizes the power of strategic thinking and improvement in chess.

Unleash Your Weakest Warrior:
Resources to Improve Your Worst Chess Piece

Is there a piece on the board feeling a little lost? Don't resign them to the sidelines! This post provides articles, videos, and strategic tips to help you identify and activate your weakest piece, turning a potential liability into a game-changing asset.

Essential Articles on Activating Your Worst Pieces

Explore expert articles diving into proven strategies for activating your worst-placed chess pieces and unlocking their hidden potential.

The Biggest Secret Of Positional Chess - Article by GM Gregory Serper - Unlock the biggest secret of positional chess with GM Gserper! Discover how to transform your game by improving your pieces strategically, one move at a time.

3 Ways To Improve Your Pieces - Article by IM Koysta Kavutskiy - 
Unlock the power of your pieces with three expert tips ! Learn how to strategically position your rooks, bishops, and knights for maximum impact on the board.

Good and Bad Pieces - Article by WGM Natalia Pogonina - 
Discover the secrets of piece evaluation with WGM Natalia_Pogonina! Learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each piece to dominate the board.

Video Lessons: Turning Liabilities into Assets

Level up your piece activation skills with video lessons from renowned coaches. Learn to identify and reposition underutilized pieces for greater board control.

The One Positional Chess Idea You MUST KNOW - 17 Min - Epic Chess -Learn the top secret to positional chess - improving your worst piece. This video teaches a key positional strategy to activate underutilized pieces for maximum impact.

Improving the Worst Piece IM John Ludwig - 29 Min - Palm Beach Chess - IM John Ludwig analyzes a Karpov masterpiece, providing a masterclass on identifying and activating your worst-placed piece for better control.

Improving your worst-placed piece [Beginner-Intermediate chess lesson] - 2hr - Coach Robert   (Beginner's Guide to Piece Activation)Coach Robert's comprehensive guide helps beginners visualize pieces as controllable "fields" to identify poorly-placed pieces and plan maneuvers for optimal activation.

Improve Your Worst Piece! - 16 Min - Chess to Impress

When stuck, look for the worst piece! · Daily Chess Test #9 - 15 Min - Hanging Pawns -Test your skills at identifying and improving bad or suboptimal pieces to create a winning plan in these instructive positions.

How To Fix Bad Pieces In Chess! - Chess Strategy Explained - 15 Min -Dr. Can's Clinic - Dr. Can explains a key chess strategy - recognizing and reactivating poorly-placed pieces to turn liabilities into assets on the board.

Turn Your BAD Pieces Into HAPPY Pieces! - Chess Strategy Deep Dive #3 - 18 Min - Dr. Can's Clinic - 
Dive deep into the vital skill of piece improvement. Learn to identify bad pieces and find multi-purpose moves to fix weaknesses while activating your forces.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 10 - Random Lessons

 Treasury of  FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Random Lessons  

Most of the Titles Explain the Lessons

Tales Of Bishops And Knights - Lesson Comparing The strength and Weaknesses of Both.

The Time-Trouble Blues - Lesson About Time Troubles and Reasons

The Joy Of Reviewing Chess Games - Great lesson, 4 games , 2 Puzzles , History

Fixing Your Weaknesses - Couple games , Lesson

Knowing When to Pull the Trigger - 3 Puzzles, 6 Master Games -  analyzing a student's game in a Closed Sicilian opening. The importance of properly assessing winning and losing positions psychologically. He stresses tactics, imbalances, threat awareness, and cultivating the right mindset to find knockout blows in dynamic positions. The game serves as an example of seizing winning chances versus passivity.

If The Board Says ATTACK, Then ATTACK! - One game , (Lots of lessons from Opening to Endgame)

The Man Who Wouldn't Castle -   3 Master Games - Analyzes an exciting Najdorf Sicilian, Instructive game demonstrating critical lessons like choosing suitable openings, the vital need to castle, and avoiding unfocused attacks. Also highlights some common strategic errors and the importance of understanding your opponent's ideas.

Emotions vs. Cold Reason - 2 Master Games - Instructive game highlighting key skills like managing emotions, recovering from errors, deeply understanding opening structures, and converting winning positions. The game emphasizes the importance of objectivity, resilience, opening knowledge, and keeping things simple when ahead.

What Is The Initiative? - Lesson w/ positions

The Eye Of The Beholder - Lesson w/3 Games (seeking a way to come up with a creative move or idea that your opponent didn’t even imagine)

How To Play Multi-Purpose Moves - Lessons w/ 6 positions

Recognizing The Big Moment In A Game - game starts with a Center Counter opening but transposes into various other openings, creating an interesting and complex position. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing key moments in a game where your opponent may be vulnerable or where you can seize the initiative.

Protecting Overprotection - Lesson w/ 3 example Games

The Difficult Opponent  - 3 games, 4 Puzzles (Players with equal ratings sometimes aren’t equal at all in battles against each other due to a players style)

Greed and Two King Hunts - 2 Puzzles - Lesson on Greed

Pawns, Greed, Pins, and the Center - 3 Puzzles - w/ 4 lessons (Strong Center, Pins, Greed, Pawn moves)

Rules, Homes, and a Big Decision - 2 Puzzles - w/ 3 lessons 

Space, Negativity, and Dreams  - Short Article on Space Advantage

Checks and Threats, Should You or Shouldn’t You - 6 Puzzles - Lesson on Checks and Threats

Material Imbalances, Opening Ideas, and Hanging Stuff - Lessons from 2 Amateur Games

Countdown to Mate - 3 Master Games -  analyzes a student's game, emphasizing the dangers of unnecessary checks and inactive pieces, while advising playing actively over reacting to threats.

Threats, Real & Imagined - 3 Puzzles , 3 Master games - analyzes a student's game, advising him to avoid over-responding to threats and instead play with confidence in his own position.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

When Both Sides Try to Lose - Analysis of Amateur Game

Death by Dark Squares - 6 Puzzles - Analysis of Amateur Game

A Key Tactical Theme - 2 Puzzles - Deep Analysis of Amateur game

Fighting For Your Chessboard Rights! - 1 Puzzle - Analysis of Amateur Game.

Threats, Agendas, Demands, and Safety - 4 Positions from Reader games with a lesson from each.

Don't Play a Move If You Can't Back it Up! -  Detailed Analysis of reader game  (Long Article)

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - 2 Puzzles, So in summary, while an Alapin Sicilian, the critical lessons are more general about seizing opportunities, handling defenses, and the importance of determination and resilience.

Know Your Position's Agenda - 3 Puzzles -  Analyzes a Caro-Kann game that turns into a Panov-Botvinnik, emphasizing knowing your position's needs and not reacting to superficial threats. Counterattack in the center when facing a wing attack.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

Two Players, Two Different Fantasies - 3 Puzzles, (Amateur Game) The key overall messages are to adhere to opening principles, calculate responses diligently, castle early, coordinate your forces, and maintain a purpose behind each move. Rash attacks before development lead to disaster.

Cultivating a Positive Attitude  -  4 Puzzles , 3 games - Analyzes a game between two amateurs, highlighting the importance of confidence, calmness and avoiding unnecessary defenses.


Blunders That Give Us Hidden Gold  - Great overall lesson covering all the mistakes (From opening to Endgame) of one game.

Having Fun With Blunders -  22 Puzzles,  Famous Players Blundering, Lesson on Blunders

The Rocky Horror Picture Blunder - Lesson on the use of symbols like "!", "!!", "?", and "??" , 10 Puzzles on assigning Symbols

Everyone, of Every Rating, Blunders - 5 Puzzles, 1 Game -  Lesson on Fighting from Inferior position, and Nice Endgame Lesson 

Return of the Blunder Gland, Part One -  2 Master Games - The opening was a Queen's Gambit Declined transitioning from a Caro-Kann Defense. Analyzes a beginner's game, emphasizing basic tactics like ensuring your pieces are safe and not hanging them.

The Blunder Gland: Playing Blind -  3 Puzzles -  Bunch of Lessons from an Amateur game.

Blunder Gland Redux: First Baby Steps, and Then The World - 2 Puzzles - Analysis and Lessons from Amateur game

Endgame Theory

The Two Faces Of Opposite-Colored Bishops -  Lesson w/ 4 Positions

Monday, January 1, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 4 - Studying Old Master Games

 Silmans Articles on

Treasury of FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Master Games

The Point of Studying Master Games, Part One - 6 Games 
The Point of Studying Master Games, Part Two - 3 Games w/Deep Analysis
The Point of Studying Master Games, Part Three  - 2 games 

How Past Masters Can Help Your Game  - 6 Games w/ 6 Puzzles  , History

Who Was The Greatest Chess Theorist? - Positions and Games of the Old Masters , History
Chess Criminals And The Games They Play  - 11 games, History

When Men Were Men  - 3 games , 2 Puzzles, History

The Greatest Amateur Game of all Time -  The shocking brilliancy played by 1500 class player Micky Mills, leaving masters speechless with his intuitive attacking masterpiece. Shows how reading the classics and embracing their lessons can help amateurs create true chess art.

Fischer - Spassky 1992 -   3 Master Games - Debate over the quality of play compared to Kasparov's matches. Delve into a detailed analysis of a brilliant game from this historic encounter and discover valuable insights into endgame study and becoming a stronger chess player.

Monster Opening Preparation, Part 2 - 6 Games, 3 Puzzles,  (Lasker, Marshall, Capa, Pillsbury)

(Games That Taught a Lesson)

My Favorite Classic Games, Part 1 - Lesson from Rubinstein masterpiece (Positional magic) , 1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 2 -  Lessons from Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian Games , 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 3 -  Lesson on Good Bishop vs Bad Bishop , 1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 4 - Lesson on a Superior Minor Piece ,  1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 5 -  Lesson on Open Files and Rooks, 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 6 - Lesson on "Space" Games , 1 game (Lots of Annotation)
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 7 - Lesson on strategic " Knight Relocation" , 4 games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 8 -  Lesson on trading your fianchettoed “must-keep” dark-squared bishop , 3 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 9 -  Lesson on Massive Space Gains,  2 games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 10 - Lesson on The Big Pawn Center ,  3 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 11 -  Lesson on Battle of Mutual Imbalances ,  1 Game (Nimzowitsch)
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 12 -  Lesson on the 2 Bishops, , 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 13 -  Lesson On Knights ,  2 Games 

Old Masters
 (In Alphabetical order)

Adolf Anderssen, Mr. Slice And Dice! - 4 games, 13 Puzzles and Lots of History
Adolf Anderssen: More Slicing And Dicing! -  3 Games , 10 Puzzles , More History

Alexander Alekhine
Alexander Alekhine (Part 1): The Game of Death - 10 Puzzles
Alexander Alekhine (Part 2): Success and Despair -  13 Puzzles , 5 Games
Alexander Alekhine (Part 3): The New Plan -  19 Puzzles , 2 Games, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 4): His Prime Years -  15 Puzzles, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 5): Singing the Middle-aged Blues - 16 Puzzles , History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 6): His Worst “Combination” – Age + Booze -  12 Puzzles , 3 Games, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 7): The Dark Years -  15 Puzzles , Bunch of History

photograph of Alekhine and Bogoljubow from the October 1929 Schweizerische Schachzeitung
Alekhine and Bogoljubow from October 1929

Who Was Henry Ernest Atkins? - 6 games w/  17 Puzzles (Bunch of History)

The Early Life Of Pal Benko  -  3 Pal Benko Compositions -   10 Annotated games (Notes by Pal benko) w/ History
Pal Benko: At Last, Freedom! -  4 Pal Benko Compositions -  12 Annotated games (Notes by Pal Benko)  w/History

Bisguier's Greatest Hits -  12 puzzles, One full game, Lots of History
More Of Bisguier's Greatest Hits - 14 Puzzles , One Full game , History

A Legendary Chess Zen Master Has Died (Steve Brandywine) - 2 games , Great History 

Seeking Chess Fame (Jimmy Buff) - 5 Puzzles , 1 Game  - Article about famous Blitz Player Back in the day.

A Short Look At The Great Mikhail Chigorin -  1 Annotated Amazing game - 9 Puzzles (Nice History)

Salo Flohr and the Fickle Winds of Fate -  17 Puzzles,  3 Games , History

IM John Grefe: Talent Isn’t Enough! -  1 Game - 11 Puzzles ,  History of 1973 US Champion

Kolisch: Unknown Tactical Monster -  4 Games - 22 Puzzles (Baron Ignatz von Kolisch (1837-1889)) Long Article 

George Koltanowski's Long Walk - 9 Game Positions w/ History

Positional Player vs. Tactical Player IM Cyrus Lakdawala - 5 Annotated games (By Silman and Cyrus)

Emanuel Lasker (Another Really Amazing Series)
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 1 -  14 Puzzles , History
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 2 -  15 Puzzles , 4 Full Games , History  (Pins and Forks)
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 3 -  10 Puzzles , 1 Full Game w/ Great Analysis
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 4 -  18 Puzzles , 2 Full games , Lots of History (Einstein Letter)
Key Moments In Time: Lasker’s Last Stand - 3 games , History
3 Of Emanuel Lasker's Greatest Hits - 3 Annotated games w/ History
Emanuel Lasker's Greatest Hits -  3 Annotated Games w/ History
How To Stomp Emanuel Lasker -   10 games from Simuls , 10 Puzzles
Let's Do The Lasker Stomp Again! - 8 Games From Simuls , 8 Puzzles

Photo of Capablanca and Lasker, Moscow, 1925
Capablanca and Lasker, Moscow, 1925

Frank Marshall  (This Series would actually Make a nice Book)
Frank Marshall: The Growth Of A Chess Champion -  12 Games w/ 6 Puzzles - History (Lots of Analysis)
Frank Marshall, Part 2: Fighting For The World Championship - 6 Games  w/ 2 Puzzles  - History
Frank Marshall, Part 3: Capablanca Takes The Stage  -  6 Games w/Analysis - 10 puzzles - History
Frank Marshall, Part 4: St. Petersburg 1914 And The Gods Of Chess - 5 Games w/ 3 Puzzles and History
Frank Marshall, Part 5: A Radical Change - 10 Games w/ 8 Puzzles - History

Photo of Emanuel Lasker and Frank Marshall
 Frank Marshall in 1907 title match against Emanuel Lasker. VIA ChessBase

The Brilliant, Young Samuel Reshevsky -  11 Full Games and Positions - History & Analysis w/Lessons
Samuel Reshevsky's Prime Years -  16 Full Games and Positions (Positional lessons) History (Real Nice Article)

Rudolf Spielmann, the Lethal Gentleman! -  22 Puzzles , 3 Games, History

Behold, The Austrian Morphy! (Steinitz) -  4 Full games w/Annotation & 19 Puzzles (Lots of History)
Steinitz Changes The Chess World -  5 Full games w/Annotation & 5 Puzzles  (Lots of History)
Steinitz: The Official World Chess Champion -  9 Full games and Quite the History lesson.

Tal's Tactical Tidal Wave  - 20 Puzzles , History (The article highlights the power of tactical play and the impact of Tal's style on the world of chess.)

The Great Siegbert Tarrasch: Puzzles And Games -  14 Game Positions and Some Interesting History.

The Downs And Ups Of GM Elmars Zemgalis (Silman's Last Article) - History and 11 Positions from His Games as Puzzles.

Johannes Zukertort, Master of Dynamics - 11 Puzzles - History

Bishops Bounty Jeremy Silman Article Archive - Main Page