Showing posts with label Chess Opening for Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Opening for Black. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

Classical Dutch Defense: Free Resources & Video Lessons

A captivating oil painting in the style of a Dutch Golden Age master, reminiscent of Johannes Vermeer's works. The serene scene depicts a tranquil Amsterdam canal, lined with charming gabled houses featuring red brick facades. In the foreground, a small wooden boat adorned with a richly colored rug houses two figures, intently engaged in a game of chess on an ornate, portable board. The warm, diffused light bathes the scene in a golden hue, casting soft reflections on the canal's surface. The exquisite attention to detail and vibrant colors evoke a sense of timeless beauty and nostalgia.

 Unlocking the Dutch Defense: A Repository of Classical Variation Resources

The Classical Dutch ( or the Ilyin-Zenevsky System as it is also called) covers the Dutch Defense ( 1.d4  f5  ) where the Bishop is placed on e7 and the pawn on d6.

 It is characterized by Black's pawn structure of f5, e6, d6, and White's pawn structure of d4, c4, e3. 

This setup aims to control the center and create counterplay on the flanks.

Gif from LiChess of the first 6 opening moves of the classical Dutch defense on a chessboard.
Classical Dutch

Bishop's Bounty Main Dutch Defense Page Link

Books & Lessons (FREE)

Internet Archive

  • Classical Dutch by Jan Pinski - 164 Page PDF - In this book, -- Pinski delves into the secrets of the Classical Dutch, studying both the positional motives and tactical nuances for both sides1. 
    He deals with the theoretical main lines as well as the crafty side variations, 
    updating the reader on all the new important wrinkles1.


  • Short & Sweet: Classical Dutch - FREE Chessable Course - (18 Trainable Variations w/ 58 Min Video) - GM Simon Williams - Learn the Classical Dutch step-by-step as GM Williams guides you through his choices, giving you an overview of structures and practical play within the opening.

Classical Dutch Articles

Refine your understanding of the Classical Dutch with insightful articles:

Classical Dutch LiChess Studies

Deepen your understanding of the Classical Dutch with these interactive Lichess studies:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Classical Dutch Puzzles:  Sharpen Your Tactical Vision

Test your tactical prowess with these challenging puzzles:

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Game Databases

Dive Deeper: Classical Dutch Game Databases & Collections

Chess Tempo

Game Collections
  • Classical Dutch - 20 Games -Practice the ideas presented in Simon Williams' "Play the Classical Dutch" and "Killer Dutch" alongside other resources. 
  • Dutch defense - classical - 30 GamesFocus on Black's victories, particularly those achieved by GM Simon Williams.

Classical Dutch Video Lessons

Embrace the aggressive Classical Dutch! This section offers a variety of video lessons catering to players of all levels, empowering you to conquer the center with confidence.

Classical Dutch Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Unlock the Secrets of the Classical Dutch: Dive into a collection of analyzed games, revealing the strategic and tactical possibilities within the Classical Dutch Defense.

The Dutch Defence in Action!!! - 8 Video playlist
- Gm Simon Williams

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Master the Leningrad Dutch Defense: A Comprehensive Guide to A81, A87-A89

Double exposure of Leningrad landmark with a chess game inside, representing strategy and history.  pen_spark
"Behind the imposing walls lies a cunning defense."
- unknown

Unlock Black's Winning Chances
A Deep Dive into the Leningrad Dutch

The Leningrad Dutch Defense is an aggressive and tactical choice for Black, involving fianchettoing the king’s bishop and controlling the center with pawns on d6 and e6. This opening allows Black to launch a counterattack on White’s position, often leading to sharp and complex games.

  • Control the center with dynamic pawn structures.
  • Create opportunities for a powerful kingside attack.
  • Challenge your opponent with lesser-known lines.

Dive into the ultimate collection of resources to master the Leningrad Dutch Defense, from in-depth articles and LiChess studies to comprehensive video lessons and puzzles.
Bishop's Bounty Dutch Defense Page - Link Here

Leningrad Dutch Articles

  • Leningrad Dutch: Complete Guide - IM Zaur Tekeyev - Chessworld (W/33 Min Embedded Video) General look at the Main Line, Model game and an example of how White trys to refute the Leningrad Dutch.

  • Chess Opening Basics: The Leningrad Dutch Defense - Chessable Blog GuideGet a solid foundation in the Leningrad Dutch  with this introductory guide from the Chessable Blog. This article offers a general overview of the opening's ideas and themes, perfect for beginners looking to add this dynamic defense to their repertoire.

  • Leningrad Dutch by GM Magesh and GM Arun Sharpen your tactical vision with two annotated games featuring the Leningrad Dutch on Gain insights from Grandmaster-level analysis and see how to exploit opportunities arising from this aggressive opening.

Leningrad LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts. New to LiChess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • Leningrad Dutch - Complete Repertoire - 32 Chapter Study (55 Hearts) -Created by Shreksify, this comprehensive study covers main lines, sidelines, and the Polar Bear System. It includes 10 model games and detailed lessons for various variations, making it an excellent resource for in-depth learning.

  • Leningrad Dutch - 12 Chapter Study (225 Hearts) Authored by Rnugteren, this popular study focuses on mainlines, sidelines, and gambits with detailed explanations. It’s highly rated by the community and provides a thorough exploration of the Leningrad Dutch.

  • The Leningrad Dutch - 8 Chapter Interactive StudyCreated by pandolf, this interactive study offers detailed discussions on plans for different scenarios. It’s designed to help players understand the strategic ideas behind the Leningrad Dutch through interactive learning.

These studies provide a structured and interactive way to master the Leningrad Dutch Defense, catering to different learning preferences and levels of detail.

Chess Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Leningrad Dutch and see how it's played in practice.

Chess Tempo (Collections)

Leningrad Dutch Tactics Puzzles

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Leningrad Dutch.

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Leningrad Dutch Video Lessons 

This section equips you with a variety of video resources to master the Leningrad Dutch, a dynamic and aggressive opening for Black.

  • GM Neiksans Boot Camp #9 - Dutch Defense for Black -  2.5 Hrs - Dive deep into the Leningrad Dutch with GM Neiksans. This extensive boot camp covers unorthodox positions, attacking strategies, and dynamic play. Perfect for players looking to enhance their tactical prowess and understanding of the Leningrad system.

  • The Leningrad Dutch · Chess Openings - 54 Min - Hanging Pawns - Focuses on the theoretical aspects of the Leningrad Dutch. It provides a thorough breakdown of key plans and variations, making it ideal for players who want to build a solid theoretical foundation..

  • Opening Basics #34: Dutch defense - Leningrad variation - 35 Min - Jim's Chess Channel - Offers a strategic exploration of the Leningrad Dutch, analyzing games played by grandmasters. This video is great for understanding the practical application of strategies in real games.

  • Svitlana's Smart Moves - How to play the Leningrad Dutch Defence - 22 Min - ChessBase - Practical tips and strategic advice for playing the Leningrad Dutch. This concise video is perfect for players looking for quick, actionable insights to improve their game.

St.Louis Chess Club

Leningrad Dutch Games (w/Analysis)

This section equips you with a variety of video resources to master the Leningrad Dutch, a dynamic and aggressive opening for Black.

Dutch Defence: Leningrad - 28 Video playlist - kingscrusher - Kingscrusher offers a comprehensive playlist featuring assorted games, from famous encounters to his own. This series provides a wide range of examples and in-depth analysis.

Your Chess Analyzed #6 | Leningrad Dutch Attack - 13 Min - GM Moulthun Le -
Analyzes a viewer's game, highlighting a powerful kingside attack from Black in the Leningrad Dutch. This video is excellent for learning practical attacking techniques.

GM Chess Analysis #46 My first Leningrad Dutch! Ravi vs Williams - 21 Min -
GM Simon Williams shares his first experience playing the Leningrad Dutch against Indian International Master Ravi. This personal account provides valuable insights and practical tips.

Dutch Defense, Leningrad - Standard chess #2 - 40 Min - ChessNetwork 
- After playing, I briefly review the game using the Stockfish chess engine.

The Fall of Leningrad | Tal vs Botvinnik 1960. | Game 19
 - 16 Min - Agadmator (Classic Game) - 
Agadmator analyzes the classic game between Tal and Botvinnik from the 1960 World Championship. This historic match showcases the Leningrad Dutch in a high-stakes setting, offering timeless lessons.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Unlocking the Baltic Defense in Chess: Strategies, Variations, and Resources (QGD D06)

Mastering the Baltic Defense:  
Your Complete Repository of Free Chess Resources

This repository delves into the fascinating world of the Baltic Defense, an uncommon yet intriguing chess opening. Often shrouded in mystery, the Baltic offers a unique approach to the Queen's Gambit Declined, immediately bringing the queen bishop out with 2...Bf5!?

Here, you'll find a treasure trove of resources to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies needed to conquer the Baltic, regardless of which side of the board you find yourself on.

The Baltic Defense (also known as the Grau Defense, or the Sahovic Defense) is a chess opening characterized by the moves:

1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5!?

Animated GIF demonstrating the first moves of the Baltic Defense in chess: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5"

Baltic Defense Wikipedia Page
Uncover the historical background & core moves of the Baltic Defense.

Baltic Defense Chess Articles

Tired of the Queen's Gambit Declined mainlines? Explore the surprising and dynamic Baltic Defense with our collection of FREE chess articles!

Baltic Defense Chess Opening - Chess Klub Article - Learn the fundamentals of the Baltic Defense with clear explanations and illustrative variations.

The Baltic Defence: A beginner’s mistake - 6page PDF

Baltic Defense LiChess Studies

Practice & analyze Baltic Defense LiChess studies.

Baltic Defense: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - 8 Chapter Study

Queens Gambit Declined (QGD) - Baltic Defense 
- 10 Chapter Study

Games Databases

Learn from the masters! Explore collections of Baltic Defense games for in-depth analysis. 

Q.G.D. Baltic Defense - 14 Game Collection - all Black Wins or Draws
QGD Baltic (Grau, Keres) defense - 38 Game Collection

D06: Queen's Gambit Declined, Grau (Sahovic) defence 1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5 - 2006 Games

Baltic Defense Puzzles

Tactical puzzles and challenges to enhance your understanding and skill in the Baltic Defense.

LiChess Baltic Defense Puzzles - 1344 Puzzles

Video Lessons and Tutorials

Video lessons and tutorials from renowned chess personalities covering the Baltic Defense.

Chess Openings - Baltic Defense - 18 Min - Krisna Prem - Learn the fundamentals of the Baltic Defense in an 18-minute video lesson.

GM Ben Finegold's Lesson on the Baltic Defense and More - 68 Min - Delve deeper with a 68-minute lesson by GM Ben Finegold on the Baltic Defense & more.

Obscure 1. d4 Openings: Baltic, Albin, Dutch, Englund - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 30 Min - St.Louis CC - Explore the Baltic Defense alongside other uncommon 1.d4 openings.

Baltic Defense Primer - 26 Min  (Video Below) Grasp the core concepts of the Baltic Defense in a focused 26-minute video.

Baltic Traps and Tactics

Unearth hidden traps and tactical opportunities within the Baltic Defense.

Traps, Miniatures and Tactics! - D06 Queen's Gambit Declined: Baltic (Grau, Sahović) Defense - INTRO - 21 Min - Jozarov's Chess Channel - A 21-minute video exploring traps & tactics specifically in the Baltic Defense.

Baltic Defense Unleashed: 8 Tactical Traps to Dominate as White in QGD - 20 Min - Dominate as White with 8 tactical traps specifically against the Baltic Defense

Mastering the Baltic Defense: 9 Deadly Traps for Black in the Queen's Gambit Declined - 24 Min

Countering the Baltic Defense:

Strategies and resources for opponents looking to counter the Baltic Defense effectively.

Chess Openings: Bust the Baltic Defense!! - 18 min - IM Miodrag Perunovic

Use this Method to DESTROY the BALTIC Defense! - D06 👑 's Gambit Declined, Baltic Defense - Part 2 - Jozarov's Chess Channel

Baltic Defense Games w/Analysis

This section dives into the heart of the Baltic Defense by showcasing actual games with detailed analysis. By studying these games, you can gain valuable insights into:

  • Typical positional themes arising from the Baltic Defense.
  • Strategic ideas employed by both White and Black players.
  • Tactical opportunities that can be exploited in both attack and defense.
  • Common mistakes to avoid in your own Baltic Defense games.

Here's a curated selection of games with analysis to get you started:

The Baltic Defense - 6 Video Playlist - This playlist by Chess School delves into the Baltic Defense through a series of analyzed games, providing a comprehensive overview. 

Queens Gambit Symmetrical and Baltic Defences D06
 - 4 Min - This short video by Chess School offers a quick comparison between the Symmetrical Queen's Gambit Declined and the Baltic Defense, using a sample game.

Stockfish Destroys with the Baltic Defense! - Chiron vs SF - QGD, Baltic Defense - 20 Min - Witness a powerful display of the Baltic Defense by the chess engine Stockfish in this analyzed game.

Baltic Defense | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naro - 17 Min - Watch GM Naroditzky showcase his expertise with the Baltic Defense in this analyzed game.

Standard Chess #263: IM Bartholomew vs. peter 12 (Baltic Defense) - 16 Min

LIVE Blitz #3074 (Speed) Chess Game: Black vs FM QGD: Grau (Sahovic) defense aka Baltic Defence
 - 13 Min - kingscrusher

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Queen's Indian Defense - E12 - E17 - Opening Theory

Queens Indian Defense Resources

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6

E12 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6

E13 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb7 5.Bg5

E14 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.e3

E15 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3

E16 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7

E17 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7

E18 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Nc3

E19 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Nc3 Ne4 8.Qc2

Free Books / Courses Queen's Indian

Short & Sweet: Fernandez's Nimzo-Queen's Indian - Free Chessable Course - 10 Lines w/ 22 Min Video - GM Ernesto Fernandez

Queen's Indian Defense- Tournament Edition - 27 Lines - Free Chessable Course 

Short & Sweet: Accelerated Queen's Indian Defense - 25 Variations w/ 67 Min Video - Free Chessable Course - IM Yuriy Krykun

Queen's Indian Defense Articles

You Can Trust the Queen’s Indian Defense - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (Nice Article w/ Embedded Course Video)
Queen’s Indian Defense – Complete Guide - Chessworld Article w/ 33 Min Embedded Video

The Excellent Queen’s Indian Defense - IM Alberto Chueca - Opening Guide

Queen's Indian Defense LiChess Studies

Queen's Indian Defense -6 Chapter Study (400+ Hearts)
Queen's Indian: The Complete Guide - 13 Chapter Study (140 Hearts)

MASTER 🐱‍👤😎😎 Queen's Indian Defense - 14 Chapter Study (100+ Hearts) 6 Chapters on Pawn Structures

Queen's Indian Defense Puzzles

Queen's Indian (ECO E15) - 15 Puzzles

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Queens Indian Defense - 1091 Puzzles (Broken Below into Variations)

Kasparov Variation - 201 Puzzles
Kasparov-Petrosian Variation - 115 Puzzles
Capablanca Variation - 40 Puzzles
Classical Variation - 186 Puzzles
Spassky System - 95 Puzzles
Fianchetto Variation - 159 Puzzles
Petrosian Variation - 46 Puzzles

Queens Indian Game Databases

Queen's Indian (E12) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6 - 10,600 Games

E12-E19_Queen's_Indian_defence - (Page with all the Variations Outlined w/ Links)

Queen's Indian Defense Video Lessons

Queen's Indian Defense Opening Theory - 7 Video Playlist - (2.5 hrs)- Hanging Pawns

The Modern Queen's Indian: US Chess School w/ GM Hellsten - 71 Min - Great lesson

The Fridman Variation of the Queen's Indian Defense - 35 Min- GM Matthias Whals

Dominate with the Queen's Indian Defense ⚔ GM Jan Werle [ChessWorld] - 32 Min

Chess Openings: How to Play the Queen's Indian! - 9 Min -

1.d4 Solid Repertoire: Queens Indian Defense - 10 Min - NM Bryan Tillis

Queen's Indian Defense: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 45 Min - Video Below

Queen's Indian Traps and Tactics

Small Opening Mistake | The imprisoned Bishop | Queen's Indian Defence - 5 Min - Chessbase India

Chess Trap 33 (Queen's Indian Defense) - 8 Min

Chess Tactics in the Queen's Indian with IM Hans Niemann - 28 Min

Queen's Indian Defense Game Videos w/ Analysis

Queen's Indian Defense - 15 Video Playlist- agadmator's Chess Channel (Games from Tal to Carlsen )

Queens Indian Defence - 63 Video Playlist- kingscrusher

Queen's Indian Defense Theory - 20 Video Playlist- Jozorov's Chess Channel

Queen's Indian - 17 Video Playlist - Chessbase India

Garry Kasparov - Crushing The Queen's Indian Defense - 16 Min 
Kasparov destroys the Queen’s Indian in 23 moves - 13 Min - Chess Network

Polugaevsky-Korchnoi Queen's Indian Defense - GM Dariusz Swiercz - 51 Min
Seirawan vs. Timman, 1990 | Queen's Indian Defense - GM Yasser Seirawan - 56 Min

Standard Chess #253: IM Bartholomew vs. Larsens_son (Queen's Indian Defense) - 42 Min
Standard Chess #62: fanta6 vs. IM Bartholomew (Queen's Indian Defense) - 41 Min

Sudden Impact! - Stockfish vs Seer - Queen's Indian Defense, Kasparov Variation - 15 Min
AI Generated Chess art with a knight charging a black Queenside of Chess pieces

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

4.e3 Nimzo-Indian Defense (Rubenstein System)

Mastering the Rubinstein System
 A Deep Dive into the
 4.e3 Nimzo-Indian Defense

 The 4.e3 line in the Nimzo-Indian Defense is known as the Rubinstein System.
This variation is characterized by the moves

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3.

 It is named after the Polish Grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein and is one of the most solid and classical ways for White to handle the Nimzo-Indian Defense.

Key Features of the Rubinstein System

  1. Solid Structure: By playing 4.e3, White aims to build a solid pawn structure and prepare for the development of the bishop to d3. This move supports the center and prepares for the eventual development of the knight to f3.
  2. Flexibility: The Rubinstein System allows White to maintain flexibility in the pawn structure and piece placement. White can choose to castle kingside and develop the pieces harmoniously.
  3. Avoiding Immediate Complications: Unlike more aggressive lines such as the Samisch Variation (4.a3), the Rubinstein System avoids immediate tactical complications and focuses on solid development.

Typical Plans for White

  • Development: White typically follows up with moves like Nf3, Bd3, and O-O, aiming for a solid and harmonious development.
  • Central Control: White often looks to play for d4-d5 at an appropriate moment to gain space and open the center.
  • Piece Coordination: White aims to coordinate the pieces effectively, often placing the rooks on c1 and d1 to support central and queenside operations.

Typical Plans for Black

  • Pressure on the Center: Black often aims to put pressure on White's center with moves like ...d5 or ...c5.
  • Piece Activity: Black can develop the pieces actively, often placing the knight on c6 and the bishop on b7 after playing ...b6.
  • Counterplay: Black seeks counterplay on the queenside or in the center, depending on White's setup.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages for White:

  • Solid and flexible pawn structure.
  • Avoids immediate tactical complications.
  • Good for players who prefer a strategic and positional game.

Disadvantages for White:

  • Can be somewhat passive if not handled correctly.
  • Black has various ways to counter and equalize.

The Rubinstein System is a reliable and solid choice for White against the Nimzo-Indian Defense, offering a good balance between solidity and flexibility.

 Nimzo-Indian Defence Wikipedia Page

E40 Nimzo-Indian,   4.e3
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3

E41-E42 Nimzo-Indian,  4.e3 c5
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 c5

E43-E44 Nimzo-Indian, Fischer variation
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 b6

E45 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Bronstein (Byrne) variation
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 b6 5. Nge2 Ba6

E46-E48 Nimzo-Indian,  4.e3 O-O
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O

E49 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Botvinnik system
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd3 d5 6. a3 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3

E50-E51 Nimzo-Indian,  4.e3 e8g8
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Nf3

E52-E59 Nimzo-Indian,  4.e3
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Nf3 d5 6. Bd3 b6


4.e3 - Nimzo Indian Defense Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the 4.e3 Nimzo.

4.e3 - Nimzo Indian Defense LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

New to LiChess Studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding, solidify your learning, and deepen your knowledge of the 4.e3 Nimzo Indian Defense.

4.e3 - Nimzo Indian Defense Puzzles

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Halasz Gambit. (Puzzle Site)

Nimzo-Indian 4.e3 c5 (ECO E41) -  14 Puzzles
Nimzo-Indian, Fischer Variation (ECO E43) - 10 Puzzles


LiChess Openings Puzzles 
  (Shows all the Game Moves up to The tactic as well) 

Nimzo- Indian  Normal Line -    158 Puzzles
Nimzo -Indian Normal Variation -  469 Puzzles
Nimzo- Indian St. Petersburg Variation -  60 Puzzles
Nimzo-Indian Hubner Variation -  107 Puzzles
Nimzo-Indian Reshevsky Variation - 45 Puzzles

Games Databases & Collections

Analyze real-life games featuring the 4.e3 Nimzo and see how it's played in practice.
Nimzo-Indian, Rubinstein Variation - 140 games ( Game Collection )
Nimzo-Indian Page  - Links to all the Nimzo Variations (lots)
Nimzo-Indian Defense, Normal Line (E40) - 1980 Games

4.e3 - Nimzo Indian Defense Video Lessons

Nimzo-Indian Defense  - 13 Video Playlist  - Chess geek  (Videos 2,3,4,7 are 4.e3 Nimzo-Indian)

Main Line of the Nimzo-Indian Defense - 27 Min - Hanging pawns
The main line of this popular defense starts after white plays e4 on move 4. This is the most solid of all options white has against the Nimzo. Unlike all the other moves he can play, e3 prepares to simply develop and castle.

ChessGeek - Nimzo Masterclass

Day 05: Improve your openings with IM Sagar Shah | Nimzo Indian 4.e3 1.5 hr - Chessbase India -
IM Sagar Shah speaks about the e3 system Rubinstein system in the Nimzo Indian.

Nimzo-Indian Mainline with 4.e3 | Understanding Your Openings #6 - 27 Min - IM Andras Toth
  Video Below- In depth look at the main line of the Nimzo-Indian defense, resulting in various topical pawn structures, opening lines and top GM sample games.

Game Videos w/Analysis

Nimzo-Indian Defence: Rubinstein System 4.e385 Video playlist - kingscrusher 

Chess School

Chess postmortem #24: Nimzo-Indian defense - Rubinstein variation - 32 Min - Jim's Chess Channel -  Recent over the board game.

IM Sielecki

QGD - Chigorin Defense D07 - Opening Theory

QGD - Chigorin Defense Chess Resources

The Chigorin Defense is a chess opening named for 19th-century Russian master Mikhail Chigorin. An uncommonly played defense to the Queen's Gambit, it begins with the following moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6

The Chigorin Defense is a solid but slightly offbeat choice for Black, as it allows White to gain a slight space advantage in the center of the board. Black's idea is to undermine White's center with counterattacks on the queenside, often by advancing the a-pawn and placing pressure on the b2-pawn. Black also has the option of playing for an eventual ...e5 break to challenge White's pawn center.

One of the main drawbacks of the Chigorin Defense is that it can lead to somewhat passive positions for Black, as the c4-pawn exchange weakens the d5-pawn and makes it difficult for Black to mount an attack on the kingside. However, experienced players can use the Chigorin Defense to good effect by seeking counter-play and attacking chances on the queenside.

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Chigorin Defense - FREE Chessable Course - 23 trainable Lines w/ 45 min Video
MoveTrainer® Opening course by GM Sahaj Grover & by GM Abhijeet Gupta

Chigorin Defense Chess Articles

Kill the Chigorin Defense With the Queen’s Gambit… Kasparov Style! - ichess Article w/ embedded Video
Chigorin Defense: Complete Guide for Black - chesstier Article 


Chigorin Defense: Active Play in the Queen’s Gambit Declined - Chessable Blog Guide (Nice In-Depth Guide)
Chess Opening Basics: The Chigorin Defense  - Another Chessable Blog Guide

Chigorin Defense LiChess Studies

Chigorin defense repertoire  - 6 Chapter Study
D07 Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense - 10 Chapter Study
Chigorin Defense - 9 Chapter Study

The Queen's Gambit (Grandmaster Guide) - 64 Chapter Study (Chigorin Ch 43-49)

Chigorin Defense PUZZLES

Chigorin Defense Puzzles - 1690 Puzzles  (Lichess Puzzles By Opening)

GAMES Databases

The Chigorin Defense According To Morozevich - 54 Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense (D07)  - 4 Annotated Games

D07: Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin defence - 5871 Games

Chigorin Defense Video Lessons

The Chigorin Defence full repertoire - 16 Video playlist - Endgame Strategy's
Chigorin Defense Theory  - 5 Video playlist - Hanging Pawns

Chigorin teaches 🤓 you the Chigorin with GM Damián Lemos [Lemos Deep Dive] - 22 Min
Crush 1.d4 with the Chigorin Defense! 🛡 with IM Valeri Lilov - 44 Min
Chigorin Defense with IM Milovan Ratkovic - 22 Min
How to play the Chigorin Defense - 22 Min - OfferSpill Chess Club

ST.Louis Chess Club
Ch-Ch-Ch Chigorin Defense!🎵: Part 1 | Chess Openings Explained - 40 min
Ch-Ch-Ch Chigorin Defense!🎵: Part 2 | Chess Openings Explained - 24 Min

Ben Finegold
Chigorin Defense Middlegames - GM Ben Finegold - 2015.10.13 - 47 Min
Queen's Gambit Part 3: Albin-Counter, Baltic & Chigorin - 45 Min - GM Ben Finegold
15+ Years of Chigorin Games of Ben Finegold - 1991-2006 - 2 hr - GM Ben Finegold

Play Against The Chigorin
The Simple Solution to the Chigorin Defense | Chess Opening Blueprint - 13 Min  Jonathan Schrantz
DESTROY the Chigorin Defense EASILY With the Queen's Gambit! - 36 Min - GM Damian Lemos
The Simple Solution to the Chigorin Defense | Chess Opening Blueprint - 13 Min - Johnathan Schrantz
Destroy the Chigorin Defense! - Queen's Gambit Declined Theory - Chigorin Defense Ideas And Plans - 20 Min

Refute Chigorin Defense like Carlsen and Firouzja!! - 25 Min - IM Modrag Perunovic

Chigorin Traps
Chess Trap 10 (Chigorin Defense) - 10 Min
Chess Trap 22 (2018 Chigorin Trap) - 8 Min

Chigorin Game Videos (w/ Analysis)

Longer Chess Games #58 The Chigorin Opening - 59 min - GM Simon Williams
Chigorin Crushes! - 16 Min - GM Ben Finegold  (Two games)

GM Danial Naroditsky
Master Class | QGD Chigorin & Baltic Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 44 Min
Chigorin Defense; QGD | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naro - 18 min

Chess School
Chigorin played the Chigorin defence | Steinitz - Chigorin World Championship Match 1889, round 10 - 7 Min - Chess School
Chigorin Defense: Brucker vs Lanni Atlanta 1980 - 5 Min - Chess School
Unleash The Chigorin Defence  - 5 Min - Chess School
Magnus Carlsen lost to Chigorin defence - 5 Min - Chess School

Magical Dark forest with Chess pieces