Showing posts with label Chess Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Games. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Unlocking the Baltic Defense in Chess: Strategies, Variations, and Resources (QGD D06)

Mastering the Baltic Defense:  
Your Complete Repository of Free Chess Resources

This repository delves into the fascinating world of the Baltic Defense, an uncommon yet intriguing chess opening. Often shrouded in mystery, the Baltic offers a unique approach to the Queen's Gambit Declined, immediately bringing the queen bishop out with 2...Bf5!?

Here, you'll find a treasure trove of resources to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies needed to conquer the Baltic, regardless of which side of the board you find yourself on.

The Baltic Defense (also known as the Grau Defense, or the Sahovic Defense) is a chess opening characterized by the moves:

1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5!?

Animated GIF demonstrating the first moves of the Baltic Defense in chess: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5"

Baltic Defense Wikipedia Page
Uncover the historical background & core moves of the Baltic Defense.

Baltic Defense Chess Articles

Tired of the Queen's Gambit Declined mainlines? Explore the surprising and dynamic Baltic Defense with our collection of FREE chess articles!

Baltic Defense Chess Opening - Chess Klub Article - Learn the fundamentals of the Baltic Defense with clear explanations and illustrative variations.

The Baltic Defence: A beginner’s mistake - 6page PDF

Baltic Defense LiChess Studies

Practice & analyze Baltic Defense LiChess studies.

Baltic Defense: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - 8 Chapter Study

Queens Gambit Declined (QGD) - Baltic Defense 
- 10 Chapter Study

Games Databases

Learn from the masters! Explore collections of Baltic Defense games for in-depth analysis. 

Q.G.D. Baltic Defense - 14 Game Collection - all Black Wins or Draws
QGD Baltic (Grau, Keres) defense - 38 Game Collection

D06: Queen's Gambit Declined, Grau (Sahovic) defence 1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5 - 2006 Games

Baltic Defense Puzzles

Tactical puzzles and challenges to enhance your understanding and skill in the Baltic Defense.

LiChess Baltic Defense Puzzles - 1344 Puzzles

Video Lessons and Tutorials

Video lessons and tutorials from renowned chess personalities covering the Baltic Defense.

Chess Openings - Baltic Defense - 18 Min - Krisna Prem - Learn the fundamentals of the Baltic Defense in an 18-minute video lesson.

GM Ben Finegold's Lesson on the Baltic Defense and More - 68 Min - Delve deeper with a 68-minute lesson by GM Ben Finegold on the Baltic Defense & more.

Obscure 1. d4 Openings: Baltic, Albin, Dutch, Englund - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 30 Min - St.Louis CC - Explore the Baltic Defense alongside other uncommon 1.d4 openings.

Baltic Defense Primer - 26 Min  (Video Below) Grasp the core concepts of the Baltic Defense in a focused 26-minute video.

Baltic Traps and Tactics

Unearth hidden traps and tactical opportunities within the Baltic Defense.

Traps, Miniatures and Tactics! - D06 Queen's Gambit Declined: Baltic (Grau, Sahović) Defense - INTRO - 21 Min - Jozarov's Chess Channel - A 21-minute video exploring traps & tactics specifically in the Baltic Defense.

Baltic Defense Unleashed: 8 Tactical Traps to Dominate as White in QGD - 20 Min - Dominate as White with 8 tactical traps specifically against the Baltic Defense

Mastering the Baltic Defense: 9 Deadly Traps for Black in the Queen's Gambit Declined - 24 Min

Countering the Baltic Defense:

Strategies and resources for opponents looking to counter the Baltic Defense effectively.

Chess Openings: Bust the Baltic Defense!! - 18 min - IM Miodrag Perunovic

Use this Method to DESTROY the BALTIC Defense! - D06 👑 's Gambit Declined, Baltic Defense - Part 2 - Jozarov's Chess Channel

Baltic Defense Games w/Analysis

This section dives into the heart of the Baltic Defense by showcasing actual games with detailed analysis. By studying these games, you can gain valuable insights into:

  • Typical positional themes arising from the Baltic Defense.
  • Strategic ideas employed by both White and Black players.
  • Tactical opportunities that can be exploited in both attack and defense.
  • Common mistakes to avoid in your own Baltic Defense games.

Here's a curated selection of games with analysis to get you started:

The Baltic Defense - 6 Video Playlist - This playlist by Chess School delves into the Baltic Defense through a series of analyzed games, providing a comprehensive overview. 

Queens Gambit Symmetrical and Baltic Defences D06
 - 4 Min - This short video by Chess School offers a quick comparison between the Symmetrical Queen's Gambit Declined and the Baltic Defense, using a sample game.

Stockfish Destroys with the Baltic Defense! - Chiron vs SF - QGD, Baltic Defense - 20 Min - Witness a powerful display of the Baltic Defense by the chess engine Stockfish in this analyzed game.

Baltic Defense | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naro - 17 Min - Watch GM Naroditzky showcase his expertise with the Baltic Defense in this analyzed game.

Standard Chess #263: IM Bartholomew vs. peter 12 (Baltic Defense) - 16 Min

LIVE Blitz #3074 (Speed) Chess Game: Black vs FM QGD: Grau (Sahovic) defense aka Baltic Defence
 - 13 Min - kingscrusher

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Italian Game - Giuoco Piano (C50 - C54)

Conquer the Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) with These Resources!

The Italian Game is a family of chess openings beginning with the moves:

1. e4 e5  2. Nf3 Nc6  3. Bc4

Wikipedia Article (Giuoco Piano)

The Giuoco Piano  also called the Italian Game, is a chess opening beginning with the moves: 

 1.e4 e5  2.Nf3 Nc6   3.Bc4 Bc5

The Giuoco Piano can be divided into three major variations based on White's fourth move:

the Main Line (4. c3)
the Evans Gambit (4. b4)           Bishops Bounty Evans Gambit Page Link
the Giuoco Pianissimo (4. d3)

ECO Code

C50    King's pawn game          1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4
C51    Evans gambit declined  1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4
C52    Evans gambit                   1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5
C53    Giuoco Piano                    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3
C54    Giuoco Piano                    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. cxd4

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Italian Game Free Chessable Course - 13 Trainable Variations

Short & Sweet: Krykun's Italian Game - Free Chessable Course - 25 Trainable Varations

Italian Game Chess Articles

Giuoco Piano at Simplify Chess - In-depth Article Explaining every Move of the Main Lines

The Italian Game at Simplify Chess - In-depth Looking at all lines

The Italian Game at Simplify Chess - In-depth Looking at all lines

GETTING STARTED WITH THE GIUOCO PIANO - Interactive page Explaining every Move of Lines and traps (Pretty Neat)

Giuoco Piano Opening Explained: The Moves, The Why and Variations - Real nice page to get an Overview of the opening.

The Evans Gambit at Simplify Chess -  In-depth Look at this Gambit

Evan’s Gambit Theory (Accepted and Declined) | A Definitive Guide - Nice Guide at RagChess

The Italian Game – Best Openings for Beginners (#1) - Page with beginner opening tips.

Italian Game Opening  - Guide by GM Marian Petrov  (Lots Links at Bottom to resources)

Playing the Italian Game like a Pro! (Includes Giuoco Piano) - Chessable Blog Opening Guide

Italian Game LiChess Studys

The Italian 🍕🎏 Game - 15 Chapter  Study
Opening Master - Italian Game: - 9 Chapter Study
The Italian game - 11 Chapter Interactive Study  (You play the moves)
Italian game opening traps - 28 Chapter Study

Listudy page

Italian Game -  7 Variations to Learn and Practice Here.

Game Databases

C50: King's pawn game 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 - 75,000 games
C51: Evans gambit declined 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 - 3400 Games
C52: Evans gambit 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 - 1500 Games
C53: Giuoco Piano 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 - 17,000 Games
C54: Giuoco Piano 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. cxd4 - 5200 Games

Giuoco Piano (C50) as White- Viswanathan Anand -  48 Games 
Giuoco Piano (C50) as Black - Levon Aronian - 38 Games

Italian Game Video Lessons

 Most All of the Evans Gambit Videos  are on my Evans Gambit Page Here.

Video Playlists

Italian Game Opening Theory Playlist  28 Videos by IM Astaneh (over 6 hrs)
Italian Opening Playlist - 7 Videos by IM Perunovic   (3.5 Hrs)
Italian Opening Playlist - 7 Videos by IM Perunovic   (3.5 Hrs)
Italian Game - Opening Theory  - 28 Video Playlist  - Chessfactor  (all Lessons)
Italian Game Theory  - 9 Video Playlist  - Hanging Pawns

A Brief History Of The Giuoco Piano - Chess Openings - 20 min IM Koysta Chess Dojo
The Evans Gambit | Italian Game Theory - 36 Min Hanging Pawns
November 17, 2019 Stream Analysis: Italian Game - 49 Min GM Ben Finegold
Attack with the Scotch and Giuoco Piano! - GM Roman Dzindzichashvili - 35 Min
Hidden line in the Italian Game | Crushing Chess Opening for White - 21 Min GM Igor Smirnov
Sync Chess #27: Learn the Italian Game with Eric Rosen and Gauri Shankar - 23 Min
Learn the Italian game with IM Joachim Nilsen - 26 Min
The Italian Game - Beginner Breakdown - 39 Min St Louis CC Lesson
Italian Game Explained | Ultimate Beginner Guide to King Pawn Openings Part 2 - 24 Min 

Giuoco Piano | Italian Game Theory - 30 Min  Hanging Pawns

Grandmaster Pia Cramling Chess Opening Class: The Italian Game - 35 Min
Grandmaster Pia Cramling Chess Opening Class: Tactical Lines in The Italian Game - 66 Min

Anish Giri teaches the Italian | 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 - 2 hr
Italian Game: Basic Repertoire for White -  1hr 40 Min GM Nieksans

Italian Game Traps & Tactics

Early Tactics in the Italian Opening - 20 Min IM Rosen
Chess Secret Traps in the Italian Opening 🤓 with GM Damian Lemos - 27 Min
5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Italian Game - 18 Min GM Igor Smirnov
Crush the ITALIAN Game with this DEADLY Trap - 13 Min GM Igor Smirnov

Italian Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Italian Game  - 135 Video Playlist  - agadmantor (Famous Games)
The Guioco Piano Collection  - 6 Video playlist - Kingscrusher

The most STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL Giuoco Piano Opening game in Chess History! - 28 Min
Know Your Giuoco Piano | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. mishtup (1797) - 37 Min  IM Bartholomew
Italian Game: Giuoco Piano | The Sensei Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 14 Min
Not So Quiet Giuoco Piano | Carlsen vs Nakamura: - 9 Min
Standard Chess #168: IM Bartholomew vs. klojo (Giuoco Pianissimo) - 43 Min
Standard Chess #23: IM Bartholomew vs. hek (Giuoco Pianissimo) - 30 Min

GM Daniel Naroditsky

Italian Game: Giuoco Piano | The Sensei Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 14 Min
The Italian Game | The Sensei Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 20 Min
Sacking the Queen!?! | Italian Game | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naro - 52 Min

AI Generated Paint splatter chess pieces

Friday, April 1, 2022

The Budapest Gambit: A Swashbuckling Chess Adventure A51 - A52


The Budapest Gambit (Defense )
 A Comprehensive Resource

Intrigued by aggressive chess openings?
Look no further than the Budapest Gambit, a daring gambit that injects excitement into your games from move one. This guide equips you with everything you need to master this dynamic opening, whether you're wielding White's central pawn control or wielding Black's potent piece play.

What is the Budapest Gambit?

With the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5, Black sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and attacking chances. This gambit has allured enterprising players for decades, offering sharp, unbalanced battles that test your tactical skills and strategic vision.

Why Play the Budapest Gambit?

  • Surprise your opponent: The Budapest Gambit is less common than other Queen's pawn openings, giving you an edge in preparation.
  • Sharp and attacking play: If you crave dynamic positions, the Budapest Gambit delivers! Black enjoys active piece play and excellent attacking prospects.
  • Deep strategic possibilities: Despite the early pawn sacrifice, the Budapest Gambit offers rich strategic opportunities for both sides.

Wikipedia Page 
(Sizable amount of Info Here covering this Gambit)

A51 Sub-variants:     Budapest defense declined

Budapest defense declined                 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5

Budapest, Fajarowicz variation           1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4

Budapest, Fajarowicz, Steiner variation   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4 4. Qc2


A52 Sub-variants:    Budapest Defense Accepted

Budapest Defence                          1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4

Budapest, Adler variation             1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Nf3

Budapest, Rubinstein variation   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Bf4

Budapest, Alekhine variation        1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4

Budapest, Alekhine, Abonyi variation    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4 Nxe5 5. f4 Nec6

Budapest, Alekhine variation, Balogh gambit   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4 d6

Books & Courses (Free)

Internet Archive


Free Chessable Course 

Short & Sweet: Budapest Gambit 
-FM Kamil Plichta 
- Learn 25 Lines w/ 78 Min Video - 
use movetrainer to practice them. Ideal starter repertoire on the fearsome and fun Budapest Gambit. He took the essential knowledge from the repertoire, then boiled it down to just 25 core lines and 1 hour and 18 minutes of newbie-friendly video instruction.

Budapest Gambit Articles

The Budapest Gambit ignites dynamic battles on the chessboard, and a wealth of articles await you to explore its intricacies.

Beginner-Friendly Resources:

  • The Budapest Gambit - This guide by Simplify Chess delves into the opening with move-by-move explanations, making it easy to grasp the Budapest Gambit's core concepts. Learn about the three main variations and start building your understanding.

  • Chess Opening Basics: The Budapest Gambit - Chessable Blog Article - This article provides a solid introduction to the Budapest Gambit, outlining the basic opening moves and offering a general overview for beginner players.

Intermediate & Advanced Resources:

Additional Note:

  • Refutation of the Budapest Gambit -  Gm Alex Colovic -  Short Article Talking about the easiest way to defuse this Gambit. This short article discusses ways to counter the Budapest Gambit. It can be a helpful tool for players facing the Budapest Gambit as White.


Sharpen Your Budapest Gambit Skills


Budapest Gambit A52 - 82 Puzzles 

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Indian Defense- Budapest Defence - 3928 Puzzles - 
Challenge yourself with a vast pool of puzzles on LiChess, encompassing all variations of the Budapest Gambit. This is a fantastic resource to continuously improve your overall tactical awareness in the opening.


Budapest Gambit Lichess Studies

LiChess Studies offer an interactive playground to delve into the Budapest Gambit's intricacies. Here are some exceptional studies curated to guide you through the opening's complexities:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Game databases are invaluable resources for studying the Budapest Gambit in action. Here are some prominent platforms to explore:

Budapest Gambit (A51) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 - 418 games (Budapest Gambit Declined)

 Budapest Gambit (A52) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 - 1597 Games  (Budapest Gambit Accepted)

Budapest Gambit (A51-A52) - 3 Annotated Games

A51: Budapest defence declined 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 - 9600 Games 

 A52: Budapest defence 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 - 6900 games 

Budapest Gambit Video Lessons

Learn the Budapest Gambit from some of the best chess educators and channels with these comprehensive video lessons:


St. Louis Chess Club


The Budapest Gambit · Chess Openings - 37 min Hanging Pawns - is quite a positional opening, in which pawn breaks are the most important factor. 

Simon Williams - The Exciting Budapest Gambit - 32 Min

How to play the Budapest Gambit | Main Ideas and Plans | Gambits | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 16 Min

Gambit a Pawn for Aggressive Piece Play! - GM James Plaskett - 11 Min - Talks about the main lines where Black always gets active piece play and compensation for the pawn being sacrificed early in the game.

I made the Budapest Gambit 100x MORE AGGRESSIVE - 43 Min - FM William Graif - Crazy, crazy, crazy sacrifices in this new chess opening variation of the Budapest Gambit! How to Play the Budapest Gambit | Grandmaster Repertoire - 20 Min - GM Moulton Li - recommendations in the Budapest Gambit.

Opening Basics #51: Budapest gambit - 37 Min - Jims Chess Channel - A comprehensive guide to the Budapest Gambit. It explores various lines and strategies, including the Adler and Rubinstein variations, and highlights the importance of piece activity and pawn structure. It also analyzes historical and modern games, demonstrating tactical ideas and common pitfalls in the gambit.

Boris Altermans Gambit Guide (Budapest Gambit) 
  Part 1 - 35 Min  ,   Part 2 - 28 Min,    Part 3 - 33 Min

IM Miodrag Perunovic


Budapest Gambit Traps

Opening Traps #3: Kieninger Trap with Jonathan Schrantz - 5 Min

Simple and Deadly Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 15 Min

Budapest Gambit Traps: Tricks to Win Fast | Best Checkmate Moves, Strategy & Ideas - 7 Min

5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 10 Min

Even More Tricks and Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 20 Min IM Rosen

9 CRUSHING Budapest Gambit Traps - 5 Min


Budapest Declined The Wandering King Trap - 4 Min

Budapest Declined Relative Pin Trap - 3 Min

Budapest - Opening Up the Floodgates - 3 min

Budapest - Hanging in Budapest - 3 Min

Budapest - The Fajorowitz Theme Trap - 3 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Passing Fad Trap - 2 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Clammy Sammy Trap - 4 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Faj Queen Trap - 5 Min

Budapest - Another Hungary Black Trap - 3 Min

Budapest Hungary Horses - 3 Min

Budapest - White Holds the Pawn - 5 Min

Budapest - The Black Pawn Overload - 3 Min

Budapest - Queen on the Run - 4 Min

Budapest - Family Fork - 3Min

Budapest The Pest Control Trap 3 min

Budapest - Finally Winning a Piece 5 Min

Budapest The Poisonous Bait Trap - 3 min

Budapest Knights Fork Tango - 4 Min

Budapest Kieninger Trap - 3 Min

Budapest - Glutton for Punishment - 3 Min

Budapest - Unsound But Only Natural - 3 Min

Budapest Gambit Game Videos (w/ Analysis)


Game Videos

Beating the Budapest Gambit | Blitz Game - 7 Min  (Model game Against Budapest)

Budapest Gambit: Attacking with Geometry - 7 Min IM Rosen

A Brilliant Budapest Gambit - Rubinstein vs. Vidmar - 15 Min

Chess Master Blitz...Fajarowicz Gambit as Black!! - 31 Mins  (Several Games)

Crush Your Opponents With The Evil Budapest Gambit - PROchess League - 10 Min

Longer Chess Games #51 A Lesson in the Budapest Gambit - 62 Min -Ginger GM

Colorful Image of 3d realistic painted chess pieces of Bright Colors
"The greatest compliment one can pay to the player of a gambit
 is to accept it."
- Emanuel Lasker

Monday, April 20, 2009

PGN Game Downloads & Annotated Databases


Dive into a Sea of Chess Games:

 Top PGN Download Sites

Chess players rejoice! This comprehensive guide equips you with a treasure trove of websites offering PGN (Portable Game Notation) downloads. Whether you're a seasoned strategist or a budding beginner, having access to a vast library of games can significantly enhance your chess journey.

Major International PGN Download Sites

 FICS Games Database 

  Giant Database with intricate search functions.

games counted
games stored
players stored
1,531 computers stored
18,515 tournaments
FICGS correspondence chess database - 85,000 Game PGN  Download

IECC - International E-mail Chess Club  - PGNs of Games from 1995 -2021

International E-Mail Chess Group - 1995-2010  166,000 Games   PGN       CBV

Chess Mail - Correspondence Chess - 2005 - 2007  40,400 Games  PGN (Zipped)
Grandmaster games (8k games) and a hand full of Openings (17k games) here with game downloads.
Small Chess  - Thousands of games (Many Recent)
15 Million Game Database -Database is categorized into 6 parts, to learn which one you need please browse all files and read description.
In addition a huge collection of opening books for chess engines and Arena.
As well as other chess resources, to download separate packages please browse "all files

Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - Click any ECO code link here and download a PGN of games of that opening ranging in size from 2000-20,000 games. (From
FIDE Tournaments Archive - Pick a country and a month to see a list of Tournaments. Click INFO tab and many Tournaments Bring back a PGN download Link.  
OLIMPBASE - The Encyclopedia Of Team Chess  (Team Chess Events from around the World have their Games Stored here. )  Olympiads, Leagues , Club Championships (Lots)
LiChess Elite Database -  (standard) games from lichess by players rated 2400+ against players rated 2200+  (Millions of Games Here) Open Database  -   Over 4.1 Billion Standard rated games  (Also Variants and Puzzles located here as well)

PGN Mentor  - Organized PGN Files By Opening, Players or Events  (One of the Best Sites around)

Lumbra’s Giga Base - 13.2 Million Games - Updated monthly (2500+ vs 2300+) is the Low limit. The week in chess, Lichess Elite database. All Curated w/ no duplicates or games under 10 half moves. (Top Free Resource)

Periodicals with Free Game Downloads.

   The Week In Chess - Daily Chess News and Games. Weekly digest for download. By Mark Crowther. Started back in 1994   A year of PGN Game Files
 USCF  Chess Life Magazine Each Monthly Issue Has All the Games and Puzzles in a Free Download Going back Quite a ways.  Many of these Games are Highly Annotated by Top GM's.

National PGN Download Sites

Australian Chess Games Archive  -  43,000 Games From Chess Tourneys All Over Australia 2000- 2022 (Very well Organized)
South Australian Chess Association -  PGN Downloads  Tourneys 1864  to 2023 
Chess Association Western Australia - PGN Downloads (Tourneys  1906 - 2023)

British   - National Archive of British Games (Pre-1920's -2010)
              - BritBase - (Everything British is Here!! )
Canada -  National Archive of Canadian Games (1873-2013)  169,000 Games
       ----British Columbia - Archive  of Games 20k British Columbia Chess Federation Page
Denmark - Danbase - a collection of Danish chess games - 116,000 Games (Very well Organized)    
Finland - Well Organized Database (By Year and Tourneys)
France - French Download Page (In French) 
Germany -  200,000 Games from High Ranked German Leagues
Greece - 1984-Today Download Games from Greek Tourney and play

Italy -  Italian Chess Federation -Well organized Intensive Game Archive
Netherlands -  1800-2002 Database of Tourneys  (51,000 Games)
Norway -  1989 - 2015 Games 
PolandGames from Cuiavia Region -  1999- 2010
Russia - Huge Organized Database of Everything Russian (Start at bottom of page and click on a chapter your interested in)
          ---- Chess Siberia - Download Page
Scotland -  Large Scottish Tourney Download Page (Games from 1893 - 2016)
Games from team tournaments in Slovakia, opens and more.
          ---- Correspondence Chess Tourney Downloads.  (Some Annotated)
Ukranian - Downloads of Championships  1924 - 2009

United States
   --- CalChess  - 36,000 Games   California
   --- Dallas Chess Club - PGN and CBV (w/Fritz Annotations) Texas Tournaments
   --- The Massachusetts Chess Association - 10,000 Games from 1999 - 2003
   ---  Metro West Chess Club - PGN and CBV  (1983 - Present)  (New England - Boston)
   ---  Southern California Chess Federation - Tourneys and Games 2003 - 2022
   ---  United States Correspondence Chess Championships (USCCC) - 2004-2008


Annotated Chess Games

Anglefire Archive  -  Over 4000 Annotated Games

Picture of Computers with Binary numbers lit behind a row of chess pieces.