Showing posts with label Chess Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Study. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2023

Italian Game, Rousseau Gambit C50 Opening Theory

 Rousseau Gambit Resources

Wikipedia Page
The Rousseau Gambit (or Ponziani Countergambit)
is a chess opening that begins with the moves:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 f5
White has three main choices in the Rousseau Gambit:
1. Defend the e4 pawn with d3 and trust the extra tempo will make itself felt.
(With This move Black can Transpose into the Lucchini Gambit)
2. Accept the gambit with 4.exf5.
3. Strike back in the center with 4.d4.

Rousseau Gambit Chess Articles

Rousseau Gambit in the Italian Game - Guide w/ Embedded video by GM Igor Smirnov
Rousseau Gambit: Where Italian Game and King’s Gambit Meet - Chessable Blog Opening Guide
Lucchini Gambit: A Little Known Chess Opening - Chessable Blog Opening Guide

Rousseau Gambit LiChess Studies

Rousseau Gambit - 12 Chapter Study (at Top)
Rousseau Gambit - 11 Chapter interactive Study (80 hearts)
Rousseau Gambit vs. Italian - 25 Chapter Interactive Study
Super Cool Rousseau Gambit Traps! - 5 Chapter Study
Rousseau Gambit in the Italian Game - 5 Chapter Study (Just 5 games Played By Guys 2000+)

Lucchini gambit - 4 Chapter Study (1100 hearts)

Game Databases

Italian Gambits (C50-C55 actually) - 2 Games in this collection

C50: Rousseau gambit 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 f5 - 104 games

Rousseau Gambit Video Lessons

Learn This INSANE NEW Gambit!! - 26 min - Gotham Chess
The Rousseau Gambit | Risky Opening Choice for Black in the Italian Game | IM Alex Astaneh - 10 Min
The MOST AGGRESSIVE Gambit Ever? - 34 min - Johnathan Schrantz
The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 - Every Move is a Trap! -19 min GM Igor Smirnov
The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 | TRAPPIEST Gambit for Black - 14 Min GM Igor Smirnov

Lucchini Gambit

(If White Plays Rousseau Gambit Declined. and on move 4.d3 black can transpose to this Gambit)
Lucchini Gambit - Every Move is a Trap - 16 min - TheChesswebsite
Lucchini Gambit - Accepted Variation - 13 min -TheChesswebsite
Top 10 Traps in the Lucchini Gambit | Chess Opening Tricks, Moves, Strategy & Tactics - 9 Min

Rousseau Gambit Chess Traps

Italian - Rousseau Gambit - Equal but in Chains (trap no. 58) - 4Min

Rousseau gambit Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Facing the Rousseau Gambit (3...f5?!) | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. artur74blef - (1376) - 35 Min IM John Bartholomew
Morphy vs the Rousseau Gambit | Learn Giuoco Piano Ep.1 - 10 Min
Discovering a New Opening Trap | Lucchini Gambit - 4 Min - Im Eric Rosen
Lucchini Gambit || Stockfish 8 vs Stockfish 14 - 8 Min

Silver Chess Pieces On a Chess board, Knight, bishop and pawns

Friday, December 23, 2022

Mastering the Benoni Defense: Ultimate Chess Resources Guide

Benoni Defense
 Crush White's d4 Dreams with Razor-Sharp Counterplay

The Benoni Defense is a bold and dynamic chess opening for Black, characterized by the moves:

  • 1. d4 Nf6
  • 2. c4 c5
  • 3. d5 e6

Named after Hungarian chess player Gyula Benoni, this opening offers Black sharp counterplay and leads to complex, unbalanced positions. Here's what you need to know:

  • Strategic Aims: Black challenges White's center early, aiming for queenside counterplay and potential kingside attacks.
  • Pawn Structure: The characteristic c5 pawn thrust creates tension in the center, often leading to a closed center with opposing pawn chains.
  • Piece Activity: Black often develops the light-squared bishop to g7 (fianchetto), applying pressure on the long diagonal.
  • Tactical Opportunities: The unbalanced nature of the position frequently leads to sharp tactical play and sacrificial attacks.
  • Variations: The Benoni family includes the Modern Benoni, Czech Benoni, and the aggressive Benko Gambit, each with its own strategic nuances.

While considered slightly risky for Black, the Benoni Defense rewards precise play with dynamic counterattacking chances. It's favored by players who enjoy tactical, high-stakes chess and are willing to navigate complex middlegame positions.

 Bishops Bounty Benko Gambit page

Bishops Bounty Czech Benoni Page 

Books & Courses (Free)

Chessable Course (Free)

  • Short & Sweet: Modern Benoni  -  Opening course by GM Mircea Parligras - with 29 Trainable Variations and 72 Min of Video - A weapon to give White a run for his money against 1.d4

  • Short & Sweet: Alonso's Modern Benoni - GM Alvar Alonzo Rosell - 10 Variations w/ 39 Min of Video. 10 lines of the purest Modern Benoni repertoire to sample. You'll also get Alonso's unique descriptive move-by-move annotations.

Internet Archive

Benoni Chess Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Benoni Defense.


Benoni LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.



Analyze real-life games featuring the Benoni Defense and see how it's played in practice.

Benoni Chess PUZZLES

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Benoni. 

LiChess Openings Puzzles



  • Benoni Defense Opening Theory   -  6 Part Playlist   -  4+ Hrs   Hanging Pawns
  • Czech Benoni  -  13 Video Playlist  (Short Videos to the point of Diff Lines and Middle-game Plans) - NM Bryan Tillis

The Benoni: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold  - 50 min - GM Ben Finegold (New 2024)
Mostly covering the Modern Benoni

Understanding Your Openings | The Benoni Defence - 24 Min IM Andreas TothA mini lecture about the importance of pattern recognition in the opening/early middlegame in the Benoni structure!

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Benoni Defense! - 15 Min  Chess Giant - Lesson on the Modern Benoni, which is the most popular variation at the Grandmaster level.
Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Old Benoni Defense - 11 Min  Chess Giant - The Old Benoni Defense is one of the best responses to d4 and in this video we cover the chess strategy, chess moves, chess ideas, chess principles, chess theory, chess traps, chess tricks, and a chess lesson.

NM Spencer Finegold

Benoni Chess Traps


Chess 24 Lessons

St.Louis Chess Club

Jonathan Schrantz presents three Modern Benoni lectures.

Game Videos w/ Analysis


FM Dennis Monokroussos - Tactics in the Benoni  - 37 Min
Benoni is Back! | Xiong VS Caruana | US Championship 2018. - 10 Min
Boris Spassky vs Bobby Fischer - 1972 World Championship - Game 3 - Benoni - 9 Min
Mikhail Tal's sharpest Modern Benoni games - vs Averbakh - 20 Min
Mikhail Tal's most emphatic and crushing Modern Benoni games: Black vs Gurgenidze : USSR 1957 - 15 Min
Ponomariov vs Donchenko | Benoni Masterclass by Alexander Donchenko - 17 Min
Analyzing Benoni Games with Eric Rosen - 60 Min
Modern Benoni many years ahead of its time! || Alekhine vs Capablanca - 13 Min
Sacrifice in the Benoni | Journey to GM #14 - 13 Min  GM Molton

Oil painted Image of Chess pieces in bright Colors, Abstract

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Chess Pin Tactics"

A Queen wrapped in a chess board with flying pieces all around her with a clock on the wall.

Chess Pins:
 Learn, Practice, and Master the Pin

The pin is a powerful chess tactic that restricts your opponent's options and unlocks winning opportunities.

 When an attacking piece puts pressure on a defending piece, pinning it to a more valuable piece behind it, the defender faces a dilemma: move and expose the valuable piece, or stay put and remain limited. Pins can win material, deliver checkmate, or simply disrupt your opponent's plans.

Let's delve into the world of pins and explore the resources that will turn you into a pin-pointing pro!

Pin (chess)
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BOOKS (Free)

Pin Chess Articles

LiChess Pin Studies

LiChess offers a wealth of interactive studies designed to sharpen your pin tactic skills. Here's a curated selection to elevate your chess game:

Interactive Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Pin Puzzles

Test your pin-solving skills with a variety of puzzles designed to challenge your ability to identify and exploit pin tactics. 


Expert Chess Strategies 

LiChess Puzzle Themes

  • LiChess Pin Puzzles - 220,000+ Puzzles - Explore a vast library of  puzzles on Lichess to hone your pin-solving skills.

PIN Video Lessons

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Chess Pins | Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed  - 17 Min - kingscrushe
r goes over the Pin chess tactic with numerous pinning examples

2 MOST Important Chess Tactics You Should Know | Tactics Training - 15 Min GM Smirnov - Pins and Forks 
- He starts from simple positions and gradually increases the complexity, going for more advanced level chess tactics.

The 4 most important Pins in Chess | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 24 Min
Based on practical examples, you will get a basic understanding of the absolute pin, the relative pin, the situational pin and the partial pin.
The Power of the Pin - Beginner to Chess Master #14 - 37 Min -
Discussed is what makes a pin so powerful in a chess game.

How To Deal With Pins On Your Knights - 19 Min NM Lopez  - Practical advice on what to do when your knight gets pinned by a bishop.

ST Louis Chess Club

Tactic the Pin - 11 Min Video 

The Power of the Pin - 9 Min Video 
Chess Puzzle Nasty Pin - 2 min Video
The 5 Most Amazing Pins in Chess - 10 Min GM Simon Williams