Epaulette Mate - Chess Tactic

Mastering the Epaulette Mate:
A Key Checkmate Pattern for Chess Beginners & Beyond

Epaulette Mate is a striking checkmate pattern in chess where the opposing king is trapped by its own pieces, often resembling the ornamental shoulder pieces of a military uniform, hence the name.

This mate typically occurs on the back rank, with the queen delivering the decisive blow while the king’s escape is blocked by rooks or pawns.

 Recognizing this pattern is essential for both executing it in your games and avoiding it in your defense.

Epaulette Mate Chess Articles

Epaulette Mate LiChess Studies

Checkmate Patterns III - 3 Examples (LiChess Mate Training Area)

Epaulette Mate Game Collections

Explore actual chess games featuring the Epaulette Mate, a powerful yet simple checkmate pattern. Learn this key tactic with real-game examples, ideal for beginners and advanced players alike.


Epaulette mates  - 6 Games - Games from Carlsen in 2004 back to Anderssen in 1885

Epaulette Mate Video Lessons

Epaulette Checkmate 101  - 4 Min - GM Swapnil Dhopade -  in-depth look at the Epaulette Checkmate, a classic checkmating pattern in chess. Explains how this pattern involves trapping the opposing king with its own pieces, typically using two rooks or a rook and a queen.

Checkmates - Epaulette Mate  - 3 Min - Chess Wizard - 
several example games and positions to illustrate the effectiveness of this checkmating pattern.

Epaulette Mate (Checkmate Pattern You Must Know !)  - 5 Min - ChessZen -  
includes several example games and positions to illustrate the effectiveness of this checkmating pattern. The video is well-structured and easy to follow
Video Below

Game Videos w/ Epaulette Mate

Beautiful Epaulette Mate - Nakamura vs Solak - King's Indian Attack (2012 Chess Olympiad)  - 12 Min - S howcases the Epaulette Mate, a classic checkmating pattern where the opposing king is trapped by its own pieces, typically using two rooks or a rook and a queen. The video includes detailed commentary and analysis of the game, highlighting key moments and strategies that led to the Epaulette Mate.

An Absolutely Fantastic Epaulette Mate By Alexander Morozevich  - 4 Min -  
Loek van Wely and Alexander Morozevich during the Corus tournament in 2001. The game showcases the Epaulette Mate

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