Showing posts with label chess for beginners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chess for beginners. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Chess Counting Mastery: Resources to Sharpen Your Tactical Vision

Abstract geometric shapes and numbers representing the concept of counting chess pieces and their value.

Elevate Your Chess:
 Counting & Calculation (Resources)

"Pins and forks...usually occur a few times a game. Counting takes place whenever possible exchanges exist – almost every move after the early opening." - Heisman Novice Nook

Unlock the Power of Chess Counting!

 As Heisman suggests, counting material and evaluating exchanges are fundamental skills for chess improvement. This comprehensive guide equips you with a variety of resources to master this crucial aspect of chess:

Counting and Calculation Chess Videos

Unlock the secrets to evaluating positions and making strong moves with video lessons from top instructors.

IM Alex Astaneh

IM Kostya Kavutskiy

Kostya’s Blueprint: is a comprehensive guide to improving chess calculation skills.

The SuperGM Skill Set - Chess Calculation with GM Sam Shankland - 27 MinImprove your calculation, sacrifices, positional play, strategy, pattern recognition, and more... with coaching from one of the top players in the world today.

Counting in Chess - 17 Min - IM Erik Kislik how to count the material while working your way through complicated variations w/ 2 example game Variations.

Chess Math? | Learning to Count! | ChessKid - 9 Min -  FM Mike Klein explains the key chess concept of counting how many pieces attack and defend your target. Learn how to make one of the most important decisions in chess by simply adding things up. Trading and Counting | Beginner Breakdown - 60 Min - St.Louis CC - a beginner chess class on trading pieces and counting their worth. When is it a good time to trade and when is it best to leave the material on the board?

NM Dan Heismith

  • The Counting Tactic - Back to Basics - 27 Min - An introductory video on the tactic "Counting". NM Dan Heisman describes how tactics are determined by analysis, and that a forced maneuver that wins material or checkmates is a tactic. The video then gives several basic examples of one-square Counting before progressing to multi-square tactics and more difficult Counting issues such as desperado pieces.

How To Calculate In Chess - 32 Min IM Rozman (Gotham)comprehensive guide on how to improve your chess calculation skills, tailored for players of all levels. It begins with fundamental concepts for beginners and progresses to advanced techniques for more experienced players.

How to Master Chess CALCULATION 💯 Best Techniques - 28 Min - provides a comprehensive guide on mastering chess calculation, detailing techniques used by top masters and methods to improve and train calculation skills. It emphasizes the importance of thinking ahead, considering candidate moves, and anticipating the opponent’s responses. The video includes examples from actual games to illustrate key concepts like the order of moves, emergency exits in complex positions, and the importance of evaluation in choosing the best line of play.

Counting trick in pawn endgames [Starter chess lesson] - 7 MinMost king and pawn endgames are very tricky, but sometimes when there is a single long line of play, you can save energy by skipping the visualization and just counting the moves that it takes to execute the plans -- with the caveat that you should look out for opportunities to use checks to steal free moves.

Precise Chess Calculation Secrets 🕵️ with GM Bryan Smith! [Master Method] - 32 Min can you learn to calculate long variations accurately? And how do GMs calculate them so easily 🥇?That’s the topic for this chapter from GM Bryan Smith’s “4 Pillars of Chess Strength”. Stop Counting 'Attackers' vs 'Defenders'! - 18 Min - IM Andreas Toth - In the world of chess education, it's easy to get caught up in the traditional approach of counting attackers versus defenders on the board. However, Coach Andras challenges the norm and provides an instructive chess lesson that will transform your chess strategy. Discover why you should rethink the way you evaluate positions and understand that chess improvement goes beyond mere numbers. Video Below

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Don't Let Them Escape! A Guide to Trapping Your Opponent's Pieces in Chess


Knight Chess Piece Trapped against a wall in spider webbing

Mastering the Art of Trapping Chess Pieces: Your Ultimate Guide

Don't Let Them Escape! Mastering the Art of Trapping Chess Pieces

Have you ever captured your opponent's queen in chess? It feels amazing, right? But how do you get your opponent's powerful pieces into such a vulnerable position? That's where trapping comes in!

A trapped piece is one that can't move to a safe square. This means you can capture it easily, gaining a big advantage in the game. It might be a sneaky knight stuck between your pawns, a bishop cornered by your king, or even the mighty queen with nowhere to run!

Learning how to trap pieces is a powerful skill for any chess player. It can turn the tide of a game and leave your opponent in a difficult spot. This guide will show you how to do just that! We'll break down the basics of trapping, explore different trapping patterns, and provide you with resources to practice your newfound skills. So buckle up, chess warriors, and prepare to unleash your inner trap master!

Books (Courses)

Trapped Pieces for Intermediates 2 page PDF - 8 Examples This concise resource is geared towards intermediate players who want to refine their trapping skills. It provides eight clear examples of trapping tactics, ideal for focused learning. 

Articles to Sharpen Your Trapping Skills

Trapping Pieces - Article by WGM Natalia_PogoninaA beginner-friendly guide to basic trapping tactics.

Teaching Kids how to Trap Pieces - Article From The Chess Improver Blog- An article geared towards helping young players learn about trapping.

Kevin Smith Blog
(Bunch of Nice Posts and Chess Lessons)
For an in-depth exploration of trapping tactics, dive into the treasure trove of articles. His "Secrets of Trapping Pieces" series is a comprehensive guide, dissecting various trapping scenarios. Smith's insightful analysis equips you to handle every trapping situation. This blog is a one-stop shop for mastering the art of trapping your opponent's pieces!
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Boden Configuration - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: B+P v Knight -  Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Can B+N beat N? - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Pawns versus Knight Blog Post
Knights and Foot Soldiers Hunting Her Majesty Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Rook versus Knight Part 1 of 2 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Rook versus Knight Part 2 of 2 - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight versus Knight Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--King versus Knight - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 1 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 2 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 3 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 4 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 5 of 5 - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Rook + Pawn - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Epaulette Configuration - Blog Post
Fianchettoed Rook - Blog Post

LiChess Studies: Sharpen Your Trapping Skills Interactively

Take your trapping skills to the next level with LiChess, a free online chess platform offering interactive studies. Here are some highly-rated studies to explore:

Trapping pieces - 36 Chapter Study (Really Nice) - This comprehensive study delves deep into various trapping tactics, providing a well-rounded learning experience. 

Trapping Pieces EXERCISE - 10 ChapterEnhance your understanding by actively solving puzzles and practicing your trapping skills in this interactive study.

Trapping Pieces - 35 Chapter StudyThis beginner-friendly study breaks down trapping tactics for each piece (queen, rook, etc.), allowing you to focus on specific weaknesses and improve your overall trapping strategy. Even new players can start with basic trapping patterns for pawns and knights!

Trapped Pieces -  17 Chapter Study -  Learn from real-world examples! This study showcases 9 full games featuring 10 different trapping patterns used by strong players.

Game Databases: Analyze Real-World Trapping Tactics

Witness trapping tactics in action! Explore these online game Collections to see how skilled players have executed various trapping maneuvers in actual games.

Trapped Piece Tactic-- OTB Examples - 37 Game Collection

Trapped Piece - 71 Game CollectionThis broader collection allows you to explore a wider range of trapping situations 


Trapped Queen - 80 Game CollectionA focused collection showcasing the dramatic downfall of powerful queens. This can be particularly interesting for players who want to learn how to exploit queen vulnerabilities.

Knight trapped? Rescue it with adjacent pawn. - 4 game CollectionThis specific collection can be a valuable resource for beginners who might be more familiar with basic knight movement and want to understand how pawns can be used for defense.

Tip: While exploring these game databases, pay close attention to the piece placement and the moves that led to the trapped piece. This will help you identify patterns and improve your ability to set traps in your own games.

Trapping Pieces Chess Video Lessons

Elevate your trapping skills by watching insightful video lessons from experienced chess instructors. Whether you prefer quick explanations or in-depth analysis, you'll find a lesson that suits your needs:

The ULTIMATE Trapping Technique | ChessKid
 - 7 MinIdeal for beginners, this short video by ChessKid introduces basic trapping concepts in a clear and engaging way.

Restraining and Trapping Bad Pieces | Chess Middlegames
 - 21 Min - Hanging Pawns - Dive deeper with this comprehensive lesson that explores not just trapping, but also restraining your opponent's pieces, a crucial middlegame strategy.

Chess Tactics: Trapped Pieces!
 -  8 Min -  Presented by International Master Danial Tapia, this video showcases real-world examples of trapping tactics used by Grandmasters. Analyze these high-level games and learn from the best!

Trapping Bad Pieces in the Middlegame | Chess Tactics
 - 7 Min Another lesson by an International Master, Kostya Kavutskiy, focusing specifically on trapping tactics within the middlegame.

8 Ways To TRAP Pieces In Chess - 14 MinNational Master Nelson Lopez breaks down eight different trapping methods in this informative video. This is a great resource for players seeking a broader understanding of various trapping techniques. (Video below)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Unlock Sharp Chess! Learn the Exciting Albin Countergambit D08 - D09


Unleash the Fury!
Explore the Exciting Albin Countergambit

Seeking an aggressive edge in the Queen's Gambit?

This aggressive approach can be quite effective if played correctly, but it also carries some risks. Black has several ways to respond to the gambit, and navigating these variations requires a good understanding of the opening's strategic themes.

 The Albin Countergambit (1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5) throws tradition out the window, sacrificing a pawn for rapid development and a ferocious kingside attack.  This gambit sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and a ferocious kingside attack, perfect for players who enjoy imbalanced positions and tactical battles. However, wielding this double-edged sword effectively requires a good understanding of its strategic themes and potential pitfalls. 

  • Sharp Weapon: Counter the Queen's Gambit with an aggressive pawn sacrifice!
  • Dynamic & Unbalanced: Enjoy imbalanced positions and tactical battles? The Albin Countergambit is for you!
  • Rapid Development: Get your pieces out quickly and launch a kingside attack!

Albin Counter Gambit Articles

  • Openings for Tactical Players: Albin Countergambit - (by GM GSerper Blog) - This article delves into the tactical possibilities of the Albin Countergambit, showcasing both classic and modern lines for aggressive players.

  • The Albin Counter Gambit: Morozevich-Mengarini Variation - (Annotated Games) - Explore three highly annotated games featuring Alexander Morozevich, a renowned Albin Countergambit player. Witness his mastery of the opening in action! (Archived page)

  • Albin Counter-Gambit -by GM Magesh and GM Arun Gain insights from Grandmasters Magesh and Arun as they dissect five annotated games, ranging from the play of the old masters to the modern approach of Morozevich.

  • Albin Counter-Gambit Continued... - by GM Magesh and GM Arun - This article takes a unique perspective, exploring how White can effectively counter the Albin Countergambit itself! Analyze two annotated games featuring strategic responses to the gambit.

  • Wikipedia Page On the Albin  -  This comprehensive Wikipedia entry provides a general history of the Albin Countergambit, outlining its main variations and offering a solid foundation for further exploration.

Albin LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge of the Albin Countergambit.

  • 14 High level games Annotated Albin Counter Gambit  -15 Chapter Study - This in-depth study by a strong player features 14 annotated games, some with detailed analysis, providing valuable insights into practical play.

  • Albin Counter-Gambit - 11 Chapter Study -  Explore 8 annotated games in this comprehensive study, gaining valuable strategic and tactical ideas for the Albin Countergambit.

  • Opening - Albin Countergambit - 7 Chapter Study Delve into two main opening lines for Black against the Albin Countergambit. Additionally, analyze five games played by the renowned Albin Countergambit expert, Alexander Morozevich.

  • How to beat the Albin - 6 chapter Study - Thinking of playing White? This study equips you with strategic guidance by analyzing all of White's common 4th moves against the Albin Countergambit.

  • Against D4. Albin countergambit Part 1 - 23 Chapter Interactive StudyThis extensive, well-structured study by a strong player provides model games and explores how Black can effectively counter various White lines after 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5.

  • Albin Traps - Small Study - Sharpen your tactical awareness with this study exploring potential pitfalls for both White and Black in the Albin Countergambit.

Deepen Your Chess Knowledge with LiChess Studies!

The interactive Albin Countergambit studies showcased here are just a taste of what LiChess studies offer. Take your chess learning to the next level! This page provides a comprehensive overview of what studies are, how they work, and how you can leverage them to improve your chess: Study chess, the lichess way

Chess Puzzles 

Sharpen your tactical vision in the Albin Countergambit with these puzzles!

QGD, Albin Counter Gambit (ECO D08).   - 9 Chess Puzzles 

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Albin Counter Gambit - 2768 Puzzles - Dive into a massive collection of 2768 Albin Countergambit puzzles, perfect for players of all skill levels. Hone your tactical skills and identify winning opportunities in various Albin Countergambit scenarios.

Games Databases

Delve into real chess battles featuring the Albin Countergambit to see how top players handle the opening in practice!

Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit (D08) - 660 Games 
QGD: Albin Countergambit-Black wins - 18 games (Collection) Database

D08: Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin counter-gambit 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 - 3500 Games (Broken into 7 Subvariations)

D09: Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin counter-gambit, 5.g3 - 1200 Games

Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin Counter (D08) - 1152 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Modern Line (D08) - 509 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Normal Line (D08) - 1615 games

Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation (D09) - 841 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation Be6 Line(D09) - 402 games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation Bg4 Line(D09) - 374 Games

Albin Counter Gambit Video Lessons


CRUSH The Queen's Gambit in 6 Moves: THE ALBIN - 24 Min IM Rosman - Theory w/ 3 Games analyzed

The Albin Counter-Gambit · Chess Openings - 25 Min (Hanging Pawns) - Comprehensive guide to the Albin Counter-Gambit, . Explains the opening’s history, key ideas, and main lines, emphasizing its usefulness for developing tactical skills and dynamic play. He also discusses various responses and strategies for both black and white

Queen's Gambit Part 3: Albin-Counter, Baltic & Chigorin - 45 Min GM Finegold

How to Win in Blitz Chess with The Albin Counter-Gambit!! - 33 Min

Tremendous pressure with The Albin Gambit! - IM Andrew Martin - 25 Min

Albin Counter Gambit with IM Milovan Ratkovic - Exclusive Preview - 25 Min

Crush The Queen's Gambit - An Aggressive Countergambit  -  14 Min - NM Nelson Lopezin-depth analysis of the Albin Counter Gambit,  It discusses various traps, such as the Lasker Trap, and explores different lines and responses that can arise from this gambit.

Master the Brutal Albin Counter-Gambit - Chess Opening Guide  - 30 Min

Playing Against Albin

Albin Counter Gambit Traps

Albin Counter Gambit Game Videos (w/analysis)


The Albin Counter-Gambit: Morozevich Destroys 💥 Gelfand With This Weapon! - 22 Min GM Alderman

The Albin Counter Gambit according to Alexander Morozevich (career results) - 77 Mins

Longer Chess Games #44 - The Albin Counter Gambit in Action!
 - 40 Min -Ginger GM

Palm Beach Chess

Holy Gambit Grail #11: Albin Countergambit   - 12 Min  - Johnathan Schrantz

Standard Chess #96: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Anatoly Sidorov (Albin Countergambit) - 35 Min  - IM John Bartholomew
Blitz Chess #158: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Zablotsky (Albin Counter-Gambit) - 15 Min - IM Bartholomew

PGN Files

470 Games - From Univ. Pitt Archive

A close-up oil painting of a chessboard depicting the central pawn structure of the Albin Countergambit chess opening. Black's kingside pawn (e5) stands isolated and defiant in the center, challenging White's control over the key squares.
“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” – Bobby Fischer

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mastering Open & Half-Open Files in Chess (Free Resources!)

Unleash Your Rooks:
 Mastering Open and Half-Open Files in Chess

Open and half-open files are powerful tools that can supercharge your rooks and dominate the board.

This post dives deep into this crucial concept, providing you with free, high-quality resources to understand, exploit, and conquer the power of open files!

Open File and Half Open File - Wikipedia Definitions

Open & Half-Open Files: Chess Articles

 We've curated a diverse range of articles from beginner-friendly explanations to in-depth guides by Grandmasters.

Elements of Chess Strategy/ Open Lines - Wiki Books Article (detailed Article on the concept)

Open Files - WGM Natalia Pogomina
This article addresses the concept of open files and equips you with methods to exploit them for an advantage.

Open Files: How to Exploit them - GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes 
dives deep into the key concepts and ideas behind using open files effectively. (Extensive Guide)

Positional Chess: The Importance of Open Files - The Chess World - This article takes a closer look at using open files in the middlegame, including analysis of 3 illustrative games.

Controlling the Open File -
 This resource emphasizes the importance of controlling open files with your rooks and acting quickly if your opponent neglects to contest them. It features several top-level annotated games for practical guidance.

How to use your rook effectively? -  GM Smirnov emphasizes the importance of placing rooks on open files and uses an example from the Accelerated Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defense to illustrate the concept.

Tactics | Attack using centre open files ♟️ - This article discusses tactics for quick wins in chess, focusing on using open center files to launch attacks. It even includes a helpful 13-minute embedded video!

The Importance of the Open File - Analyze a real game from the 2008 Limburg Open with full annotations and commentary, showcasing the importance of the open file.

Chess Middlegames: Open Files - Explore several annotated games covering the strategic use of open files in the middlegame.

LiChess Studies

This section introduces you to LiChess studies, a fantastic resource for interactive chess learning. These studies allow you to explore open file concepts and variations move-by-move, solving problems and testing your understanding in a dynamic way.

New to LiChess Studies?

(Link to 
Study Chess The LiChess Way) - A page of explanations of LiChess studies and how they can enhance your chess learning journey.

Open and Half-Open File Video Lessons

The Power of Controlling Open Files | Chess Middlegames - 32 Min -
Delve into the concept of controlling open files and how to translate that control into a winning advantage.

IM Kostya Kavutskiy 

Wei Yi vs. David Navara | Open Files in the Middlegame - WGM Vita Kryvoruchko - 26 Min Analyze a real game from the 2016 Wijk aan Zee tournament, focusing on the theme of creating open files and exploring alternative lines of play.
IM Boroljub Zlatonovic

Open file / Chess strategy explained - 10 Min - Bad Bishop -Gain an introduction to open files as a crucial element in positional evaluation.

IM Alex Astaneh

The important concept of open and semi-open files and how they apply in the context of positional play.

Chess Training Tuesday: Open Files - 54 Min - IM Jop Delemmar - This comprehensive lesson by IM Jop Delemmar covers everything you need to know about open files, including classic examples, practical tips, and exercises to solidify your learning.
Clear the Way! Long Diagonals & Open Files | Beginner Breakdown - 60 Min - St.louis Chess Club - a beginner chess class (Video Below) on long diagonals and open files, the interstate highways for bishops, rooks, and queens!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Chess Pin Tactics"

A Queen wrapped in a chess board with flying pieces all around her with a clock on the wall.

Chess Pins:
 Learn, Practice, and Master the Pin

The pin is a powerful chess tactic that restricts your opponent's options and unlocks winning opportunities.

 When an attacking piece puts pressure on a defending piece, pinning it to a more valuable piece behind it, the defender faces a dilemma: move and expose the valuable piece, or stay put and remain limited. Pins can win material, deliver checkmate, or simply disrupt your opponent's plans.

Let's delve into the world of pins and explore the resources that will turn you into a pin-pointing pro!

Pin (chess)
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BOOKS (Free)

Pin Chess Articles

LiChess Pin Studies

LiChess offers a wealth of interactive studies designed to sharpen your pin tactic skills. Here's a curated selection to elevate your chess game:

Interactive Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Pin Puzzles

Test your pin-solving skills with a variety of puzzles designed to challenge your ability to identify and exploit pin tactics. 


Expert Chess Strategies 

LiChess Puzzle Themes

  • LiChess Pin Puzzles - 220,000+ Puzzles - Explore a vast library of  puzzles on Lichess to hone your pin-solving skills.

PIN Video Lessons

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Chess Pins | Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed  - 17 Min - kingscrushe
r goes over the Pin chess tactic with numerous pinning examples

2 MOST Important Chess Tactics You Should Know | Tactics Training - 15 Min GM Smirnov - Pins and Forks 
- He starts from simple positions and gradually increases the complexity, going for more advanced level chess tactics.

The 4 most important Pins in Chess | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 24 Min
Based on practical examples, you will get a basic understanding of the absolute pin, the relative pin, the situational pin and the partial pin.
The Power of the Pin - Beginner to Chess Master #14 - 37 Min -
Discussed is what makes a pin so powerful in a chess game.

How To Deal With Pins On Your Knights - 19 Min NM Lopez  - Practical advice on what to do when your knight gets pinned by a bishop.

ST Louis Chess Club

Tactic the Pin - 11 Min Video 

The Power of the Pin - 9 Min Video 
Chess Puzzle Nasty Pin - 2 min Video
The 5 Most Amazing Pins in Chess - 10 Min GM Simon Williams