Showing posts with label Chess Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Studies. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Sharp & Aggressive: Mastering the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (D00)

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
 A Sacrificial Dance for Aggressive Players

Why Play the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit?

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (BDG) is a dynamic chess opening known for its unorthodox pawn sacrifice on move two (1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4!). This gambit appeals to both new and experienced players for several reasons:

  • New Players:
    • Exciting and Unpredictable: The BDG throws your opponent off-balance, offering a chance to surprise them with an unfamiliar position.
    • Fast Development: The pawn sacrifice opens lines and allows for rapid development of your pieces, leading to a quick attack.
    • Learn Tactical Motifs: The BDG is rich in tactical opportunities, helping you develop your tactical vision and calculation skills.
  • Experienced Players:
    • Sharp and Aggressive Play: The BDG offers a chance to play for a win with an imbalanced position, appealing to aggressive players.
    • Test Your Opponent's Opening Knowledge: Many players are unfamiliar with the BDG, allowing you to potentially gain an early advantage.
    • Deep Strategic Ideas: While appearing reckless, the BDG has underlying strategic concepts like piece activity and central control to explore.

Whether you're a new player seeking excitement or an experienced player looking to sharpen your attacking skills, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit offers a unique and rewarding path to victory.

  BDG Wikipedia Page 
Nice Wikipedia Page on the Main Variations.
It is one of the few gambits available to White after 1.d4
Main Line
After 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Nxf3

Black has five main options:

Gunderam Defence: 5...Bf5 
Teichmann Defence: 5...Bg4 
Euwe Defence: 5...e6
Bogoljubov Defence: 5...g6 
Ziegler Defence: 5...c6 

Ryder Gambit: 5.Qxf3
Black's Options: It's important to note that Black has several ways to decline the gambit on move two (2...e6 or 2...c6), leading to more solid openings like the French Defense or Caro-Kann Defense. 

Books (Courses) Free


  • A beginner's blitz repertoire  FREE Chessable Course - 53 Trainable Variations -  The core of the repertoire is a set of interpretations of the Blackmar-Diemer gambit - but more often than not castling queenside, rather than kingside with this aggressive opening.

Internet Archive
  • The Blackmar Diemer Gambit ( 1995) - 130 page PDF - Gary Lane - Dive into Gary Lane's comprehensive exploration of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, offering 130 pages of in-depth analysis, strategies, and key tactics for mastering this aggressive opening.
  • 500 Blackmar Diemer Gambit Miniatures By Bill Wall  - 96 Page PDF - Bill Wall presents 500 quick and tactical games in this 96-page PDF, showcasing the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit's dynamic nature through a collection of exciting miniatures.

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Chess Opening.


BDG Blogs

LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

Games Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit and see how it's played in practice.

Chess Tempo


Extra Games

  LiChess Puzzles (Tactics)

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit.


Blackmar Diemer Gambit Videos

FREE ELO With The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit   - 25 Min Video - Gotham Chess - The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, a great aggressive chess opening for beginners and intermediate players. Very tricky and full of tactics. Theory w/ 2 games analyzed.

GM Boris Alderman Explore this in-depth guide to the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, a bold and aggressive opening for White against the Scandinavian Defense . This series offers a detailed explanation of the key ideas and strategies behind the gambit, highlighting various traps and tactical motifs that can arise

Most Aggressive Chess Opening for White | Powerful Gambit  - 11 Min - GM Igor Smirnov - You will learn about the Halosar Trap which happens after the following moves: 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Qf3. This variation is so aggressive that Black can get checkmate in just about 10 moves.

Brilliant Blackmar-Diemer Gambit | Journey to GM #5 | GM Moulthun Ly  - 9 Min - One of my favorite attacking game I played with this unusual aggressive Gambit.

Blackmar–Diemer Gambit: Openings Explorations - 13 Min - NM Bryan Tillis - We investigate a game in the Blackmar–Diemer Gambit.

Opening Basics #40: Blackmar-Diemer gambit - 43 Min - Jim's Chess Channel - Video explains the gambit’s origins, key moves, and strategic ideas w/ some game examples.

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit · Chess Openings - 34 Min - Hanging Pawns - Nice Guide w/ Basics, plans ideas and lines .

How to refute the Blackmar Diemer Gambit
- 15 min - Robert Plunkett's Chess LabA simple refutation to the Blackmar Diemer gambit and why the Blackmar Diemer Gambit is unsound.


Ryder Gambit  (DBL Pawn Sacrifice)

  •   GM Ben Finegold's Gambit Series: The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit  - 7 Min - Introduces the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, specifically the Ryder Gambit, in this video. He explains the move sequences, strategies, and potential traps for both white and black players.

  • Kill with 1.d4 | The Unorthodox Ryder Gambit!!  - 22Min - IM Modrag PerunovicExplores the Ryder Gambit, an unorthodox opening in chess that begins with 1.d4. detailed analysis and examples of how to play this gambit effectively, especially against opponents who are not well-versed in theory or prefer positional play.

  • Ryder Gambit - Chess Opening - 14 Min - theChessWebsite It covers various responses and strategies for both white and black.

  • Unbelievable Traps in the Ryder Gambit! Fire Upon Fire!  - 15 min - Kaspachess -  some of the most interesting traps you may use in the queen's pawn opening after 1. d4 d5. The gambit in discussion is called the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Accepted: Ryder Gambit.

von Popiel Gambit  (A New Twist on the Blackmar-Diemer )

  Von Popiel Gambit!! Playlist   7 Video Playlist - FM William Graif

Blackmmar - Diemer Gambit Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Evaluating a Chess Position - Chess Strategy


A classic painting depicting the Scales of Justice, with one pan replaced by a black and white chessboard. Black Bishop and White Knight face each other across the board, flanked by Kings and Pawns (one side), Kings and Rooks (other side). Symbolic representation of strategic balance in pursuit of justice.
"The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius

Beyond Material:
 Demystifying Chess Position Evaluation

Chess evaluation is the art of dissecting a chess position to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each player. It goes beyond simply counting pieces – it's about analyzing factors like pawn structure, piece mobility, king safety, and potential plans. By mastering evaluation, you'll gain the confidence to make informed decisions throughout the game, ultimately leading to stronger chess strategy and more wins.

This guide brings together a wealth of FREE resources to help you elevate your chess evaluation skills. We'll explore articles, interactive studies, puzzles, and video lessons created by experienced chess instructors, including Grandmasters (GMs) and International Masters (IMs). You'll learn:

  • The key factors that contribute to a strong position
  • How to systematically analyze a chessboard
  • Practical tips and techniques to improve your evaluation skills

Let's dive into the treasure trove of resources and unlock your potential as a chess player!

 Books & Courses (Free)

Chessable Courses

  • The Art of Analysis - ICCF Master - 55 Variations - Introduces you to his simple 8-step method for independent analysis. The same type of analysis you carry out when playing and reviewing your games.

Internet Archive


Chess Evaluation Articles

Evaluation LiChess Studies


Evaluation Video Lessons

Evaluating Positions & Creating Plans - IM Irina Krush - 2013.10.16 - 46 Min Presents an intermediate-level lecture at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis.

Evaluate 📝 Chess Positions Immediately! - IM Lilov [Free Training] - 55 MinLearn to understand what is happening in the chessboard. Knowing which pieces are active and which are passive and what the important weaknesses in the position are (to exploit and to defend) is the first and most important step in creating a winning plan.
Chess Strategy Mastery 🎓 How To Evaluate a Chess Position - GM Bryan Smith (The Chess World) - 47 Min - GM Bryan Smith analyzes a number of games in order to teach this crucial skill in chess strategy.
Get Better at Chess Evaluation And Chess Strategy with GM Damian Lemos! - 36 Min - Talks about the static and dynamic elements of a chess position.

The Amateur's Mind - The secrets of evaluating - 27 Min - IM Andreas Toth I am discussing a few positions and the evaluating techniques that help you to be able to better assess them!
The Amateur's Mind 18 - Decision making and assessment in chess - 52 min - IM Andreas TothA discussion about evaluation, preparation and analytical thinking in chess - with examples from both student games, as well as one of my own.

How to Evaluate Chess Positions? Ft. Magnus Carlsen - 13 Min - Remote Chess Academy GM Igor Smirnov will teach you how to evaluate any chess position easily within seconds with the example of the world champion Magnus Carlsen's games.

How To Evaluate ANY Chess Position - 23 Min - Gotham Chess A chess lesson for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. A good strategy to evaluate a chess position in 4 easy steps! Video below

NM Dan Heisman

  • Chess Evaluation Criteria - Who is better, how much & why? - 30 min - NM Dan Heisman - Ddefines evaluation and discusses position vs piece evaluation, static vs dynamic evaluation. It gives the 4 aspects of static position evaluation (material, king safety, piece activity, and pawn structure) and shows 3 examples of evaluating a position.
  • Find Better Chess Moves - Evaluate Like a GM  - 33 min 3 positions from the new book "Evaluate Like a Grandmaster" by GM Perelshteyn and FM Solon & discusses how to analyze the position & takes a stab at evaluation.
  • Improve Chess Evaluation: Not All Bads are Equally Bad - 29 Min - NM Dan Heisman tries to clear up some of these common misconceptions with multiple examples.
  • Evaluating Chess Pieces: Activity and Mobility - 29 Min Defines activity and mobility and breaks mobility down into actual and potential mobility. Then, with the help of several instructive examlpes, he shows how to achieve/measure mobility, and how to differentiate mobility (objective) from activity (subjective).
  • Award Winning Chess Video: The Ways to Make Better Moves - 24 MinTo become a better player you have to make better moves. That means either knowing them (more knowledge about openings, plans, principles etc) or find them (analysis, evaluation) by comparing multiple candidate moves better.

IM Alex Asteneh

IM Alex Astaneh will teach you a method that helps you to evaluate every position by use of a method. You will learn the different factors of the evaluation method and learn how to apply it to any chess position.


Futuristic H.H.Geiger Inspired Chess pieces of Alien design




Sunday, May 8, 2022

Unlocking Victory: The Art of Domination in Chess


 The Power of Piece Domination

Domination: It's not just about capturing! In chess endgames, domination gives you a powerful edge by limiting your opponent's piece movement. Imagine a knight surrounded by squares, yet unable to escape your control. That's domination in action!

Domination Articles: Mastering Control in the Endgame

Learn how to recognize domination patterns, restrict your opponent's piece movement, and ultimately secure victories you might have thought impossible.

Domination. A chess concept you should learn - chesscoachdiego - Explore the fundamentals of domination and its impact on endgame strategy.

Some classical dominations by Siegfried Hornecker - - Put your domination skills to the test with 12 interactive studies by a renowned endgame composer, complete with annotations.

Gain valuable insights from five annotated domination examples, solidifying your understanding of this crucial endgame concept.

Domination LiChess Studies

Put your domination skills to the test with these interactive studies from Lichess. Solve puzzles and witness domination in action!

Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies: - 10 Chapters -  Explore a range of domination concepts through 10 interactive endgame studies.

Domination (39 Endgame Studies) - 39 Chapters (Interactive)

kasparyan domination in 2545 endgames - 64 Chapters (Interactive) - Dive deep into the mastery of Genrikh Kasparyan with a whopping 64 interactive studies on domination in endgames.

Domination Videos: Learn from the Masters

Sharpen your domination skills with expert insights!  Witness domination strategies in action and gain valuable tips to incorporate into your own play.

Domination Chess Studies | Insane in the Endgame - WGM Sabina Foisor - 60 Min -Woman Grandmaster Sabina Foisor presents a exploration of domination through engaging chess puzzles.

Dominate in the Endgame! - A study by Genrikh Kasparyan - Endgame Composition 4# - 7 Min -Dive into a 7-minute endgame study by Genrikh Kasparyan and see if you can find the domination strategy that leads to victory for White.

Powerful Domination in Endgame Study by Korolkov -1948 (White to move and win) - 10 Min -Uncover the brilliance of endgame composer Vladimir Korolkov in this 10-minute video featuring a domination study with in-depth analysis..

Knight vs Bishop Endgames | Domination in Chess Endgames | Chess Studies by Reti, Troitsky and Sneft - 10 Min - Explore the nuances of knight vs bishop endgames and the concept of domination in a 10-minute lesson by renowned chess figures Reti, Troitsky, and Sneft. 

Bishops Bounty Endgame Study Page - Updated with new Videos, Lichess Studies, Articles and Endgame Study Database.

A watercolor painting depicting a black knight chess piece towering dominantly over a fallen white bishop. The black knight has an imposing, spiked form standing amidst jagged spikes bursting from the chess board, conveying a sense of danger and subjugation. The white bishop lies shattered nearby, dwarfed by the knight's powerful presence, suggesting defeat or surrender. The loose brushwork and bleeding colors create an intense, atmospheric scene focused on the conflict between the two chess pieces.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Unlock Sharp Chess! Learn the Exciting Albin Countergambit D08 - D09

Unleash the Fury!
Explore the Exciting Albin Countergambit

Seeking an aggressive edge in the Queen's Gambit?

This aggressive approach can be quite effective if played correctly, but it also carries some risks. Black has several ways to respond to the gambit, and navigating these variations requires a good understanding of the opening's strategic themes. The Albin Countergambit (1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5)

throws tradition out the window, sacrificing a pawn for rapid development and a ferocious kingside attack.
 This gambit sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and a ferocious kingside attack, perfect for players who enjoy imbalanced positions and tactical battles. However, wielding this double-edged sword effectively requires a good understanding of its strategic themes and potential pitfalls. 

  • Sharp Weapon: Counter the Queen's Gambit with an aggressive pawn sacrifice!
  • Dynamic & Unbalanced: Enjoy imbalanced positions and tactical battles? The Albin Countergambit is for you!
  • Rapid Development: Get your pieces out quickly and launch a kingside attack!

Albin Counter Gambit Articles

  • Openings for Tactical Players: Albin Countergambit - (by GM GSerper Blog) - This article delves into the tactical possibilities of the Albin Countergambit, showcasing both classic and modern lines for aggressive players.

  • The Albin Counter Gambit: Morozevich-Mengarini Variation  -  (Annotated Games) - Explore three highly annotated games featuring Alexander Morozevich, a renowned Albin Countergambit player. Witness his mastery of the opening in action! (Archived page)

  • Albin Counter-Gambi t   - by GM Magesh and GM Arun   Gain insights from Grandmasters Magesh and Arun as they dissect five annotated games, ranging from the play of the old masters to the modern approach of Morozevich.

  • Albin Counter-Gambit Continued...  -  by GM Magesh and GM Arun -   This article takes a unique perspective, exploring how White can effectively counter the Albin Countergambit itself! Analyze two annotated games featuring strategic responses to the gambit.

  • Wikipedia Page On the Albin   -  This comprehensive Wikipedia entry provides a general history of the Albin Countergambit, outlining its main variations and offering a solid foundation for further exploration.

Albin LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge of the Albin Countergambit.

  • 14 High level games Annotated Albin Counter Gambit  -15 Chapter Study - This in-depth study by a strong player features 14 annotated games, some with detailed analysis, providing valuable insights into practical play.

  • Albin Counter-Gambit - 11 Chapter Study -   Explore 8 annotated games in this comprehensive study, gaining valuable strategic and tactical ideas for the Albin Countergambit.

  • Opening - Albin Countergambit - 7 Chapter Study Delve into two main opening lines for Black against the Albin Countergambit. Additionally, analyze five games played by the renowned Albin Countergambit expert, Alexander Morozevich.

  • How to beat the Albin - 6 chapter Study - Thinking of playing White? This study equips you with strategic guidance by analyzing all of White's common 4th moves against the Albin Countergambit.

  • Against D4. Albin countergambit Part 1 - 23 Chapter Interactive Study This extensive, well-structured study by a strong player provides model games and explores how Black can effectively counter various White lines after 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5.

  • Albin Traps - Small Study Sharpen your tactical awareness with this study exploring potential pitfalls for both White and Black in the Albin Countergambit.

Deepen Your Chess Knowledge with LiChess Studies!

The interactive Albin Countergambit studies showcased here are just a taste of what LiChess studies offer. Take your chess learning to the next level! This page provides a comprehensive overview of what studies are, how they work, and how you can leverage them to improve your chess: Study chess, the lichess way

Chess Puzzles 

Sharpen your tactical vision in the Albin Countergambit with these puzzles!

QGD, Albin Counter Gambit (ECO D08).   - 9 Chess Puzzles 

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Albin Counter Gambit - 2768 Puzzles - Dive into a massive collection of 2768 Albin Countergambit puzzles, perfect for players of all skill levels. Hone your tactical skills and identify winning opportunities in various Albin Countergambit scenarios.

Games Databases

Delve into real chess battles featuring the Albin Countergambit to see how top players handle the opening in practice!

Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit (D08) - 660 Games 
QGD: Albin Countergambit-Black wins - 18 games (Collection) Database

D08: Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin counter-gambit 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 - 3500 Games (Broken into 7 Subvariations)

D09: Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin counter-gambit, 5.g3 - 1200 Games

Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin Counter (D08) - 1152 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Modern Line (D08) - 509 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Normal Line (D08) - 1615 games

Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation (D09) - 841 Games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation Be6 Line(D09) - 402 games
Queen's Gambit Refused, Albin , Fianchetto Variation Bg4 Line(D09) - 374 Games

Albin Counter Gambit Video Lessons


CRUSH The Queen's Gambit in 6 Moves: THE ALBIN - 24 Min IM Rosman - Theory w/ 3 Games analyzed

The Albin Counter-Gambit · Chess Openings - 25 Min (Hanging Pawns) - C omprehensive guide to the Albin Counter-Gambit, . Explains the opening’s history, key ideas, and main lines, emphasizing its usefulness for developing tactical skills and dynamic play. He also discusses various responses and strategies for both black and white

Queen's Gambit Part 3: Albin-Counter, Baltic & Chigorin - 45 Min GM Finegold - D iscusses three unorthodox variations in the Queen's Gambit. E xplains the key ideas and strategies behind these variations, including various traps and tactical motifs

How to Win in Blitz Chess with The Albin Counter-Gambit!! - 33 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic -  detailed explanation of the Albin Counter-Gambit, an aggressive opening for Black against the Queen's Gambit, covers key ideas and strategies behind this gambit, including various traps and tactical motifs that can arise from it.

Tremendous pressure with The Albin Gambit! - IM Andrew Martin - 25 Min -  in-depth analysis of the Albin Counter-Gambit, an aggressive opening for Black against the Queen's Gambit.

Albin Counter Gambit with IM Milovan Ratkovic - Exclusive Preview - 25 Min -  explains how Black sacrifices a pawn in exchange for very good development and an advanced d4-pawn.

Crush The Queen's Gambit - An Aggressive Countergambit   -  14 Min - NM Nelson Lopez in-depth analysis of the Albin Counter Gambit,  It discusses various traps, such as the Lasker Trap, and explores different lines and responses that can arise from this gambit.

Master the Brutal Albin Counter-Gambit - Chess Opening Guide   - 30 Min -  key ideas and strategies behind the Albin Counter-Gambit, including various traps and tactical motifs

Playing Against Albin


Albin Counter Gambit Traps

Albin Counter Gambit Game Videos (w/analysis)


The Albin Counter-Gambit: Morozevich Destroys 💥 Gelfand With This Weapon! - 22 Min GM Alderman -  detailed analysis of a game where Alexander Morozevich uses the Albin Counter-Gambit to defeat Boris Gelfand . A comprehensive explanation of the key ideas and strategies behind the Albin Counter-Gambit, including various traps and tactical motifs.

The Albin Counter Gambit according to Alexander Morozevich (career results)  - 77 Mins - Chess Audio Books 
Longer Chess Games #44 - The Albin Counter Gambit in Action!
 - 40 Min -Ginger GM - I nsightful commentary and analysis of the game, highlighting key ideas and strategies behind the Albin Counter Gambit. 

Palm Beach Chess

Holy Gambit Grail #11: Albin Countergambit    - 12 Min  - Johnathan Schrantz -  successfully employs the Albin Countergambit to achieve a victory. Explains the key ideas and strategies behind the Albin Countergambit, including various traps and tactical motifs

Standard Chess #96: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Anatoly Sidorov (Albin Countergambit)  - 35 Min  - IM John Bartholomew - 
Bartholomew opts for a no-frills, queens-off approach to simplify the position and outplay his opponent in the middlegame.

Blitz Chess #158: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Zablotsky (Albin Counter-Gambit)  - 15 Min - IM Bartholomew - 
Bartholomew wins a pawn with a clever tactic on move 18, but converting it to a win proves challenging, leading to a tricky endgame.

PGN Files

470 Games  - From Univ. Pitt Archive (PGN File)

A close-up oil painting of a chessboard depicting the central pawn structure of the Albin Countergambit chess opening. Black's kingside pawn (e5) stands isolated and defiant in the center, challenging White's control over the key squares.
“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” – Bobby Fischer