Showing posts with label Beginner Video lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner Video lessons. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Removing Defender - Chess Tactic

"Removing the Defender" (Removing The Guard) Chess Resources

Unlock Hidden Attacks

Forget brute force attacks! The "Removing the Defender" tactic, also known as "Removing the Guard," is a sneaky chess weapon that lets you exploit weaknesses and snag valuable pieces.

Imagine a heavily guarded treasure chest – by eliminating the guard (the defender), you open up a path to capture the riches within (the valuable piece). This tactic doesn't rely on overpowering your opponent, but rather exploiting their defenses for a material advantage.

Mastering it will sharpen your tactical vision like a laser, leading to more wins and improved overall chess skills.

Undermining (chess) Wikipedia Page

Undermining (also known as removal of the guard, or removing the defender) is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is captured, leaving one of the opponent's pieces undefended or under-defended.


Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 page PDF - Really Nice PDF Created By the Exeter Chess Club on tactics.

Internet Archive

Removing the Defender Chess Articles

LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Tactics & Puzzles

Remove The Defender Chess Video Lessons

Chess Kid Series

Chess Tactics: 2 Removing the Defender - 4 Min Video

Chess Tactics: Removing the Defender - 6 Min - IM David Pruiss -
presents the important "Removing the Defender" tactic, and all of its different facets. (New - 5/30/24)

Chess Tactic: How to Remove the Defender!! (win a piece!) - 3 Min

Remove the Defender! - Chess Middlegame Strategies Tutorial - 13 Min - Jozerv's Chess Channel - chess tutorial videos with the subject of removing defenders to gain great attacking possiblities.

Removing the Defender | Chess Beginner Tactics 13 Min - IM Astraneh - What is removing the defender? Removing the defender is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is captured/ removed, leaving one of the opponent’s pieces or squares undefended or under-defended. Video below

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back Rank Weakness - Chess Tactic

Backrank Weakness:
The Most Common Chess Checkmate You NEED to Master!

This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and resources to exploit and defend against a critical chess concept: the back rank weakness.

Why Learn Back Rank Weakness?

  • Master the Most Common Checkmate:Backrank mates are the single most prevalent checkmate on chess training platforms like LiChess, with a staggering 94,250 problems compared to just 19,000 for all other checkmate themes combined.

  • Sharpen Your Mating Skills: Learning to identify and exploit backrank weaknesses equips you to deliver swift checkmates and dominate the game.

  • Fortify Your Defenses: Understanding BackRank threats empowers you to build a secure home for your king, preventing similar attacks from your opponent.

  • Essential First Step: Mastering backrank weakness is a critical foundation for any chess player looking to improve their tactical prowess.

Your One-Stop Back Rank Weakness Chess Resource Hub!

 General Knowledge and info

Backrank Weakness Chess Articles

Predator at the Chessboard - (54 Pages Total)

Backrank Puzzles

Lichess Blog

(Breaking Down the Back rank Mates into Specific types of Tactics Used)
Back Rank mate (Using X-Ray Tactic)  -  7 Puzzles 
BackRank Mate - (Queen Sac, Bishop - Rook Combo) -  12 Puzzles 
BackRank Mate (Double and Single Knight helper) - 13 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Bishop Helper)  - 16 Puzzles
BackRank Mate - (Queen Sac, Knight - Rook Combo)  - 6 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Attacking the a or h File)   -  8 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Unpinning your Rook to Mate) - 7 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (High Level Puzzles)  - 17 Puzzles    (2200 - 2650 Rated Assorted Puzzles)

Backrank Lichess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

BackRank Chess Video Lessons

Back Rank Mate - 16 Video playlist
- Chessbase India (Lessons and Games)

Understanding Back Rank Checkmates | How to Spot & Exploit Back Rank Weaknesses? - 32 Min Covering the topic of back rank mates from the beginner level going up to the intermediate level. The video covers five powerful techniques that one must learn in order to successfully deliver back rank checkmates or gain tremendous advantage in the game because of weaknesses in the back rank. To make these techniques, easy to understand and get a through practice of the same, each of these 5 techniques is explained with the help of 5 examples taken from the games of players who played in the tournament. That means, you will get to learn from 25 different chess positions.

Learn tactics around the Back Rank | Chess Tactics 101 - 14 Min - shows Motif plus 5 guess the move type problems to solve.

Back Rank Mate Concepts + Intermediate/Advanced Exercises To Test Your Knowledge Of This Tactic -  15 Min  NM Nelson Lopez

Grandmaster Lesson 3 - 6 Min - GM Lev Alburt (Examines a weak back rank) Real Old Video - is aimed at players ready for ideas that are a bit more complex. Alburt examines the problem of a weak back rank and the tactic that often capitalizes on this weakness—deflection. Alburt also discusses good and bad double attacks and points out that sacrifices require concrete calculation-visualization at every step. He teaches some of the red flags that indicate when and where to look for tactics,

Learn Tactics #7: Back-rank Mate - 73 Min WIM Jesse FebruaryWIM Jesse February discusses the concept of back-rank checkmates in chess, using examples from recent and historical games. includes a detailed analysis of specific chess positions where back-rank checkmates are a key factor, and Jesse provides insights into the thought processes behind certain moves.

 Back Rank Checkmates: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold-50 Min
a lecture on back rank checkmates, explaining the concept and demonstrating it through various examples and puzzles.

Trent's Tactics - Back-rank checkmate - 41 Min  IM Trent LawrenceIn this episode, Lawrence will show us different tactics about the back-rank mate. And even though we know the motif now, some of the examples which Lawrence picked are still very challenging!

Master Back-Rank- Mates with IM Sopiko Guramishvili - 14 Minhe most typical checkmate with rooks, very common in amateur and master games alike. Many teachers advice, with reason, to don't move the pawns in front of your castle, to avoid creating weaknesses around the king. But this leads to different types of back-rank mates.

St. Louis Chess Club  Video Lessons

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learn & Practice Skewer Tactics: Sharpen Your Chess Game


Master the Skewer: Essential Chess Tactics Guide & Resources

Sharpen your chess vision! The skewer is a powerful tactical weapon that can win you material and turn the tide of the game. Learn how to identify, execute, and defend against skewers with this comprehensive resource guide.

A skewer is an attack upon two pieces in a line and is similar to a pin.
 In fact, a skewer is sometimes described as a "reverse pin".

 In a skewer, a valuable piece is attacked and forced to move to avoid being captured, leaving a less valuable piece behind it free for capture.
Like pins, skewers can only be created by the long-range pieces (queen, rook and bishop).
  Wikipedia Skewer Page
 General info and a few examples


BOOKS (Free)

English Chess Federation - The Skewer - 6 page PDF - This concise 6-page guide provides a clear explanation of skewers with illustrative diagrams.

Skewer Articles 

Level Up Your Chess Tactics: In-Depth Articles on Skewers

Skewer - Chessfox Unravel the Secrets of the Skewer! Deepen Your Chess Tactics: Dive into a comprehensive guide on the skewer tactic by Chessfox.

The Skewer in Chess a Deadly Tactic Unleash the Power of Skewers! In-Depth Guide - Another Nice Article

The Skewer Tactic explained by a Grandmaster! This in-depth guide by GM GABUZYAN_CHESSMOOD provides a comprehensive understanding of skewer tactics.

Tactics: The Skewer! - 
ChessKid: Skewers  - This interactive article from ChessKid uses puzzles and explanations to introduce the skewer concept to young learners.

Beginner-Friendly Guide to Skewers: Learn the fundamentals of the powerful skewer tactic with clear explanations and diagrams from 

LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Skills: Practice Skewer Puzzles on Lichess

Skewer Puzzles - 15 Puzzles (LiChess Practice Area)

LiChess Puzzle Themes

Games Databases

Real-World Examples: Analyze Skewers in OTB Games

Skewer Chess Videos

Win More Games with Skewers! Learn powerful chess tactics with these video guides on the skewer tactic. 

This Thanksgiving, Try a Skewer! | Beginner Breakdown - 60 Min - St.Louis CC - 
Alex Moellering teaches a beginner chess class on skewers

Chess Tactics: 5 Skewers You Must Know! 
- 8 Min - A fast-paced introduction to 5 essential skewer patterns. Great for beginners and intermediate players. Master the Skewer Chess Tactic in 11 Minutes - 11 min - Chess Nerd - A comprehensive guide to mastering the skewer. Learn how to identify and exploit skewer opportunities to gain the upper hand. (New 5/29/24)

Why The Skewer Chess Tactic Is More Important Than You Thought - 13 Min - NM Nelson Lopez -
a comprehensive guide on the skewer chess tactic, explaining its importance and demonstrating various examples ranging from basic to master level.  (New 5/29/24)

The absolute and relative Skewer | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 19 Min Video -Dive deep into the concept of absolute vs. relative skewers with International Master Alex Astaneh.

How the Skewer can decide your Rook Endgame | Beginner Level | GM Alex Ipatov - 9 Min - Unlock the secrets of using skewers in rook endgames with Grandmaster Alex Ipatov. Perfect for beginners! 

Introduction to basic tactical themes- Pins and Skewers - 6 min Video - Learn the fundamentals of pins and skewers, two powerful tactical weapons in chess. 

Rook Endgame Skewer - 2 min Video  - A quick and effective lesson on utilizing the skewer in rook endgames.

Chess tactics | Pins vs Skewers | Learn how to play Chess the right way - 10 Min - Sharpen Your Chess Vision: Pins vs Skewers with NM Robert Ramirez

 Ready to unleash the power of the skewer? Dive into the resources listed above and start practicing! With dedication and study, you'll be skewering your opponents in no time.
A dreamlike depiction of a chess tactic - the skewer. A distorted white chess piece delivers a double attack on a melting chessboard, forcing the black king to move and leaving another piece vulnerable.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Danish Gambit C-21 - Unleash Your Inner Chess Warrior


 Master an Aggressive Chess Opening 
 & Surprise Your Opponents

The Danish Gambit (also known as the Nordic Gambit) is an aggressive chess opening for white that throws down the gauntlet, sacrificing a pawn (or even two!) for rapid development and a fierce attack on the black king. This gambit is perfect for players who:

  • Thrive on Attack: If you crave dynamic positions and enjoy tactical battles, the Danish Gambit is your weapon of choice.

  • Embrace Calculated Risk: The gambit offers a chance to gain a significant advantage, but careful play is required to navigate the complexities.

  • Want to Stand Out: The Danish Gambit is less common than other openings, allowing you to surprise your opponent and showcase your knowledge.

This comprehensive guide equips you with everything you need to master the Danish Gambit. We'll explore its rich history, delve into key variations, and provide a treasure trove of learning resources to sharpen your skills.

Unveiling the Danish Gambit's History 
Wikipedia Page

Master the Fundamentals (Books): 

Dive deep into the theory behind the Danish Gambit with a selection of free, downloadable books and Courses.

Danish Gambit for White Chessable Course  (FREE) covers 7 variations (Can practice them with Movetrainer)

Expert Insights (Danish Gambit Articles): 

Learn from chess masters and delve into the strategic ideas and tactical nuances of the Danish Gambit.

GM Boris Altermans Chess Blog
Danish Gambit Part 1
Danish Gambit Part 2

Danish Gambit Part 3

Danish Gambit Game Databases

Sharpen your strategy and explore real-life battles by delving into these top Danish Gambit game databases:

C21 Danish Gambit I - 89 Games 

General 3...Nf6 3...Nc6 3...d6 3...c5 3...d3 4...Nf6 4...Qf6 4...d6
 4...d5 4.Nc3 #4...Nc6 4...Bb4 4...Bc5 4...Qb3 4...c2

C21 Danish Gambit II - 77 Games -Sorensen Defense 

C21 Danish Gambit III - 57 Games - 
Copenhagen Defense 5...Bb4 6.Nc3 6.Kf1
Accepted Classical Defense 6.Nc3 6.e5
Accepted 5...d6 5...Nc6 5...Qg5 5...Bb4 & others
Accepted Svenonius Defense 3...Ne7

C21 Danish Gambit IV - 44 Games - Chigorin Defense & Schlechter Defense

Danish Gambit Miniatures - 4 games
Danish Miniatures - 52 Games all under 15 Moves
Center Game (C21) - 6 Annotated Games

Lichess Study Guide: Danish Gambit Mastery

Sharpen your tactics, explore variations & build a Danish Gambit repertoire with these top-rated Lichess studies.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • The Danish Gambit - 4 chapters  (230 Hearts) - Get a solid foundation with this well-explained basic overview.

  • Danish Gambit Traps - 8 Chapters  (72 Hearts) - Sharpen your tactics by mastering traps, including the Schlechter Defense.

  • Interactive Danish Gambit study - 6 Chapters Interactive Study (** Interactive):** Test your understanding with branching lines and replies to various Danish Gambit variations.

  • Danish Gambit Repertoire  - 25 Chapter  (37 Hearts) Build a complete Danish Gambit repertoire with lines and common traps.

  • Danish Gambit - GothamChess Video - 9 Chapter  (170 Hearts)  - Explore Accepted & Declined variations, plus 3 model games for analysis.

Interactive Learning (Danish Gambit Videos)  

Sharpen your skills with video lessons covering various Danish Gambit lines.

CRUSH EVERYONE With The Danish Gambit - 31 Min - IM Rozman (Gotham) Lesson on a very practical and aggressive opening for beginners and intermediate players.

The Dangerous Danish Gambit | Chess Openings Explained - 25 Min - St.Louis CC -
Dennis LaRue substitutes the openings class to teach the Danish Gambit. White sacrifices one or two pawns for the sake of rapid development and attack.

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Danish Gambit! - 30 Min - Chess Giant
We look to cover beginner chess strategy, beginner chess tips, beginner chess openings, beginner chess tactics, and beginner chess traps in this beginner chess lesson.

How to Play Danish Gambit (20 MIN FULLY EXPLAINED) | Very Aggressive Chess Opening - 22 Min IM Andras Toth -
a comprehensive guide on how to play the Danish Gambit, an aggressive chess opening. It explains various scenarios, transitions into other openings, and the importance of development and initiative over material.

Danish Gambit Live Opening Study - Learn This Tricky Opening For White! - 2hr  -NM Lopez - 
Thoroughly explore the Danish Gambit and some of the ideas/tricks/traps to be aware of.

IM Miodrag Perunovic
Over 3 hrs Of Danish Lessons from A Senior FIDE Trainer.

Danish Gambit Traps 

Every Move is a TRAP in this Opening After 1.e4 | Danish Gambit - 18 Min - GM Igor Smirnov - Opening Lesson w/ Traps Shown as well.

BEWARE!! 5 Opening Traps in the Danish Gambit - 14 Min - Chess Nerd

10 DEADLY Traps in the Danish Gambit You Need to Try - 16 Min - Chess Sensei

Playing Against The Danish Gambit

Counter Aggressive Openings - How to Counter The Danish Gambit - 8 Min - Chesswebsite
A Simple Move To Destroy The Danish Gambit! - 6 Min

How to crush the Danish and Scotch Gambit - 8 Min IM Eric Rosen

Endgame Strategies

Game Videos (w/ Expert Analysis)

Danish Gambit Chess Games - 9 Video Playlist - Jazarov's Chess Channel
Danish Gambit - 17 Video Playlist - Chess School
Danish Gambit - Chess Opening - 8 Video Playlist - kingscrusher

Danish Gambit PGN Downloads

Danish - 119 Games (U-of-Pitt Archive)

A powerful Viking longship, inspired by Hokusai's "The Great Wave," charges through a churning sea towards a smaller black ship, symbolizing the aggressive opening strategy of the Danish Gambit in chess.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Chess Pin Tactics"

A Queen wrapped in a chess board with flying pieces all around her with a clock on the wall.

Chess Pins:
 Learn, Practice, and Master the Pin

The pin is a powerful chess tactic that restricts your opponent's options and unlocks winning opportunities.

 When an attacking piece puts pressure on a defending piece, pinning it to a more valuable piece behind it, the defender faces a dilemma: move and expose the valuable piece, or stay put and remain limited. Pins can win material, deliver checkmate, or simply disrupt your opponent's plans.

Let's delve into the world of pins and explore the resources that will turn you into a pin-pointing pro!

Pin (chess)
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BOOKS (Free)

Pin Chess Articles

LiChess Pin Studies

LiChess offers a wealth of interactive studies designed to sharpen your pin tactic skills. Here's a curated selection to elevate your chess game:

Interactive Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Pin Puzzles

Test your pin-solving skills with a variety of puzzles designed to challenge your ability to identify and exploit pin tactics. 


Expert Chess Strategies 

LiChess Puzzle Themes

  • LiChess Pin Puzzles - 220,000+ Puzzles - Explore a vast library of  puzzles on Lichess to hone your pin-solving skills.

PIN Video Lessons

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Chess Pins | Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed  - 17 Min - kingscrushe
r goes over the Pin chess tactic with numerous pinning examples

2 MOST Important Chess Tactics You Should Know | Tactics Training - 15 Min GM Smirnov - Pins and Forks 
- He starts from simple positions and gradually increases the complexity, going for more advanced level chess tactics.

The 4 most important Pins in Chess | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 24 Min
Based on practical examples, you will get a basic understanding of the absolute pin, the relative pin, the situational pin and the partial pin.
The Power of the Pin - Beginner to Chess Master #14 - 37 Min -
Discussed is what makes a pin so powerful in a chess game.

How To Deal With Pins On Your Knights - 19 Min NM Lopez  - Practical advice on what to do when your knight gets pinned by a bishop.

ST Louis Chess Club

Tactic the Pin - 11 Min Video 

The Power of the Pin - 9 Min Video 
Chess Puzzle Nasty Pin - 2 min Video
The 5 Most Amazing Pins in Chess - 10 Min GM Simon Williams