Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learn & Practice Skewer Tactics: Sharpen Your Chess Game


Master the Skewer: Essential Chess Tactics Guide & Resources

Sharpen your chess vision! The skewer is a powerful tactical weapon that can win you material and turn the tide of the game. Learn how to identify, execute, and defend against skewers with this comprehensive resource guide.

A skewer is an attack upon two pieces in a line and is similar to a pin.
 In fact, a skewer is sometimes described as a "reverse pin".

 In a skewer, a valuable piece is attacked and forced to move to avoid being captured, leaving a less valuable piece behind it free for capture.
Like pins, skewers can only be created by the long-range pieces (queen, rook and bishop).
  Wikipedia Skewer Page
 General info and a few examples


BOOKS (Free)

English Chess Federation - The Skewer - 6 page PDF - This concise 6-page guide provides a clear explanation of skewers with illustrative diagrams.

Skewer Articles 

Level Up Your Chess Tactics: In-Depth Articles on Skewers

Skewer - Chessfox Unravel the Secrets of the Skewer! Deepen Your Chess Tactics: Dive into a comprehensive guide on the skewer tactic by Chessfox.

The Skewer in Chess a Deadly Tactic Unleash the Power of Skewers! In-Depth Guide - Another Nice Article

The Skewer Tactic explained by a Grandmaster! This in-depth guide by GM GABUZYAN_CHESSMOOD provides a comprehensive understanding of skewer tactics.

Tactics: The Skewer! - 
ChessKid: Skewers  - This interactive article from ChessKid uses puzzles and explanations to introduce the skewer concept to young learners.

Beginner-Friendly Guide to Skewers: Learn the fundamentals of the powerful skewer tactic with clear explanations and diagrams from 

LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Skills: Practice Skewer Puzzles on Lichess

Skewer Puzzles - 15 Puzzles (LiChess Practice Area)

LiChess Puzzle Themes

Games Databases

Real-World Examples: Analyze Skewers in OTB Games

Skewer Chess Videos

Win More Games with Skewers! Learn powerful chess tactics with these video guides on the skewer tactic. 

This Thanksgiving, Try a Skewer! | Beginner Breakdown - 60 Min - St.Louis CC - 
Alex Moellering teaches a beginner chess class on skewers

Chess Tactics: 5 Skewers You Must Know! 
- 8 Min - A fast-paced introduction to 5 essential skewer patterns. Great for beginners and intermediate players. Master the Skewer Chess Tactic in 11 Minutes - 11 min - Chess Nerd - A comprehensive guide to mastering the skewer. Learn how to identify and exploit skewer opportunities to gain the upper hand. (New 5/29/24)

Why The Skewer Chess Tactic Is More Important Than You Thought - 13 Min - NM Nelson Lopez -
a comprehensive guide on the skewer chess tactic, explaining its importance and demonstrating various examples ranging from basic to master level.  (New 5/29/24)

The absolute and relative Skewer | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 19 Min Video -Dive deep into the concept of absolute vs. relative skewers with International Master Alex Astaneh.

How the Skewer can decide your Rook Endgame | Beginner Level | GM Alex Ipatov - 9 Min - Unlock the secrets of using skewers in rook endgames with Grandmaster Alex Ipatov. Perfect for beginners! 

Introduction to basic tactical themes- Pins and Skewers - 6 min Video - Learn the fundamentals of pins and skewers, two powerful tactical weapons in chess. 

Rook Endgame Skewer - 2 min Video  - A quick and effective lesson on utilizing the skewer in rook endgames.

Chess tactics | Pins vs Skewers | Learn how to play Chess the right way - 10 Min - Sharpen Your Chess Vision: Pins vs Skewers with NM Robert Ramirez

 Ready to unleash the power of the skewer? Dive into the resources listed above and start practicing! With dedication and study, you'll be skewering your opponents in no time.
A dreamlike depiction of a chess tactic - the skewer. A distorted white chess piece delivers a double attack on a melting chessboard, forcing the black king to move and leaving another piece vulnerable.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doubled Pawns


Doubled Pawns:
A Chess Strategy Guide with Resources

Doubled pawns can be a double-edged sword in chess. While they might seem like a weakness, they can also create unique opportunities for both offense and defense. This post will guide you through the world of doubled pawns, providing resources to understand their impact on the game and how to use them to your advantage.

What are Doubled Pawns?

Doubled pawns occur when two pawns of the same color occupy the same file (vertical column) on the chessboard. This can happen due to various openings, captures, or pawn promotions. 

Understanding the Impact of Doubled Pawns:

Doubled pawns can have both positive and negative consequences:

  • Disadvantages:
    • Weaker squares: The file in front of the doubled pawns becomes weaker, as there's no pawn to defend it.
    • Limited mobility: Doubled pawns can restrict your pawn structure and limit your piece movement.
    • Endgame weakness: Doubled pawns are generally considered a weakness in the endgame, as they can be difficult to defend.
  • Advantages:
    • Central control: Doubled pawns can help solidify control over the center of the board, creating a strong base for your pieces.
    • Open files: Doubled pawns can create open files for your rooks, potentially increasing their attacking power.
    • King safety: In some cases, doubled pawns can provide additional protection for your king.

Learning More About Doubled Pawns:

Here are some resources to delve deeper into the world of doubled pawns and how to use them strategically:

Doubled Pawn Wikipedia Article 

Doubled Pawn Articles Article by GM Gserper

Doubled Pawns: Chess Pariahs Or Misunderstood? - IM Jeremy Silman - 4 Rules with examples and explanations of how to handle Doubled Pawns.

Doubled Pawns Structure – 3 Things to Know  -  WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos - Middlegame Doubled Pawn Structure

(Archived Articles - takes a min to Load)

Doubled Pawns LiChess Studies

[CHESS STRATEGY] Doubled Pawns  - 14 Chapter Study 

Intermediate: Doubled Pawns
 - 7 Chapter Study - Nice study with a lot of analysis and explanations.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Collections

Doubled pawns - 17 Games (Each Game labeled as Bad or Good w/ Doubled Pawns)

 Doubled Pawn Video Lessons

Learn from the Chess Masters: Doubled Pawns Strategies

Doubled pawns | Improve your technique and positional play - 14 Min NM Robert Ramirezyou will learn what doubled pawns are, when they represent a weakness, and also what benefits they can offer.

The Advantages of Doubled Pawns -54 Min IM Eric Rosenshows 4 games where doubled pawns led to a winning advantage.

Pawn Structures: Double, TRIPLE the Pawns! | Secret Life of Pawns - IM Vitaly Neimer  - 44 Minshows two games where pawns were doubled and even tripled. Learn to avoid weakening your structures.

Doubled Pawns | Double King-Pawn Openings - 43 Min GM Ben Finegolda lecture on doubled pawns at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis

What to do with Doubled Pawns in the Center? - 18 Min  - GM Ivan Sokolov will take a look at the advantages of doubled pawns in the center. Exploiting Doubled Pawns around an opponents King - 11 min - Kingscrusher

Matisons vs Nimzovich - 6 min Video 
(Who better than Nimzovich to show how to play against doubled pawns)

Explaining Doubled Pawns Step by Step - 13 Min  GM Hikaru Nakamura - Hikaru walks us through a game against a 600 and shows us when doubling your pawns can be a good thing.

An Image of a chess board with doubled pawns drawn with Crayon
"The tiniest pawn can upset the most perfectly laid plans." - Bobby Fischer 

Bonus: Dive Deeper into Pawn Structures.

Learn more about the impact of pawn placement on your chess strategy. Bishop's Bounty Pawn Structure Page

Saturday, December 13, 2008

King - Pawn Endings - (Endgame Theory)



 King and Pawn Endgames:
 The Key to Chess Victory

King and Pawn Endgames are the final act of a chess game, where the forces on the board have dwindled, and the focus intensifies. Here, a single pawn, the underdog of the chess world, takes center stage. Its successful promotion to a powerful queen can spell victory, while its capture can lead to a frustrating draw. Understanding these critical positions is essential for any chess player who wants to:

  • Convert Winning Advantages: Many winning positions boil down to a King and Pawn Endgame. Knowing how to maneuver your king and escort your pawn to promotion ensures you capitalize on your hard-earned edge.

  • Salvage Stalemates: Sometimes, complex middlegame positions can simplify into King and Pawn Endgames. If you grasp these endgames, you might be able to salvage a draw from a seemingly lost position.

  • Avoid Blunders: King and Pawn Endgames can be deceptively tricky. A seemingly simple misstep can cost you the game. Mastering these endgames equips you with the knowledge to navigate them confidently and avoid throwing away precious points.

This guide curates the best free resources to equip you with the knowledge and skills to conquer King and Pawn Endgames. With the help of ebooks, interactive studies, puzzles, and video lessons from top chess instructors, you'll be well on your way to mastering this crucial endgame skillset.

Books & Courses (Free)

Chess Endings - UK School 89 Page PDF  (Nice Study Guide with worksheets)
Pawn Endings (Part 1) - 4 page PDF (Handout)

Internet Archive


  • Basic Endgames - FREE Chessable Course - 191 Endgames (First 45 are K+P)   Practice all of them with the Movetrainer

King & Pawn Chess Articles

Theoretical Pawn Endgames - All You Need to Know U2000 Level - ChessMood - 
What are the most important King and pawn endgame positions that you must know? GM Gabuzyan shares them in this article. (Really Nice Page)

How to Win a King and Pawn vs King Endgame - Very nice article and in depth
- Understanding the Square
- How to Promote a Pawn vs a Lone King
- Rook Pawns are Usually Drawn
- How to Draw with a Lone King vs a Pawn and King
- Positions to Test Yourself

Ultimate Guide to Pawn Endgames -  Pretty Amazing Page With Lessons on Many of the Basic Pawn Endgame Need to Know Topics.

Pawn Endgame: How To Win Pawn Endgames -  The Chess Journal -Covers Most of the Basics w/ puzzles at end

The Floating Square | Split Pawns vs Connected Pawns in the Endgame - Nice Well Done Lesson

The Chess World Articles

King & Pawn LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

King and Pawn Endgames 1 - 60 Chapter Study (One at the top of the Page)

King and Pawn Endgames 2 -  5 Chapter interactive Study

Beginner Opposition -  6 Chapter Study

Interactive Studies

Games Database - K & P Endings (Collections)

By studying both collections, you'll gain valuable insights into the nuances of King and Pawn Endgames and how they arise from various middlegame situations.

King & Pawn Endgame Video Lessons

1) King and Pawn Endgames

a) Foundational King and Pawn Endgame Positions

 b) Intermediate Pawn Endgame Ideas

 c) More Complicated Pawn Endings


d) Pawn Breakthroughs


Friday, December 5, 2008

Pawn Structure

Pawn Structure Chess Resources:
 A Comprehensive Guide

 Pawn structures are the foundation of chess strategy.

Understanding how to manipulate and exploit pawn formations is crucial for developing strong positional play.

This guide compiles a wealth of resources to help you master pawn structures in chess.

Provides a starting point with an overview of the 20 major pawn formations

1 Caro formation     
2 Slav formation
 3 Sicilian – Scheveningen
4 Sicilian – Dragon         
5 Boleslavsky hole
 6 Maróczy Bind     
7 Hedgehog 
8 Rauzer formation
 9 Boleslavsky Wall
 10 d5 chain          11 e5 chain
12 Modern Benoni formation
 13 Giuoco Piano – Isolani formation
14 Queen's Gambit – Isolani formation
 15 Hanging pawns
16 Carlsbad formation 17 Panov formation
 18 Stonewall formation
19 Botvinnik system   20 Closed Sicilian formation

Jeremy Silman  Article Archive
  Pawn Structure Articles
(20 Articles Here)

Pawn Structure Books (Free)

Internet Archive

Additional Resources:

Pawn Structure Chess Articles

Understanding Pawn Structures:

  • Chess Pawn Moves and Structures - Chessable Blog Guide  (Real Nice)Unveiling the importance of pawn structure in chess strategy. This Chessable Blog guide explores pawn movement basics and how pawn formations influence your game.

  • The Complete Guide To Pawn Structures - Chess Simplified Guide
     (Pages and Pages on all the Different Types of pawn Structures)Demystify pawn structures, the backbone of chess strategy! This in-depth guide from Simplify Chess explores various pawn formations, equipping you with the knowledge to dominate the middlegame.

  • Pawn-structures: Why pawns are the soul of chess - Chessfox dives into the concept of pawn structures, explaining why they are considered the foundation of successful chess strategy. Learn how pawn formations influence piece mobility and overall game plans.

  •  Pawn Types - General Info at Wikibooks on The different pawn types Doubled, Hanging, Passed etc. (Beginners)

  • Introduction To Chess: Pawns - Don't underestimate the pawn! Mark Lowery unveils the power hidden within these unassuming chess pieces. Explore pawn moves, captures, promotion, and their strategic significance.

Playing with Specific Pawn Structures:

  • Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Unpack the strategic ideas behind the Carlsbad pawn structure, a common middlegame formation in chess. This guide explores plans for both White and Black.

  • INTRODUCTION TO THE ISOLATED QUEEN’S PAWN POSITIONS - Friend or foe? Understand the complexities of the isolated queen's pawn, a common chess structure with both strengths and weaknesses. Learn how to handle it effectively on Pawnbreak.

  • Best Chess Formations to Win Games Consistently - Big Article on Chessable Blog - Beyond the pawns themselves - formations hold the key! Explore the fascinating world of chess formations in this Chessable blog post. Discover how pawn structures like the Carlsbad and the Slav influence your strategic thinking.
Bishop's Bounty Doubled Pawns Page
Articles,LiChess Studies,Video lessons

 Advanced Strategy:

Pawn Structure LiChess Studies

Deepen your understanding of pawn structures with these in-depth Lichess studies:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

 Pawn Structure Video Lessons

General Understanding Pawn Structures

Easy Structure - 7 Video playlist  - GM Sune Berg  ( 2 hr ) e vs c Pawn Structure Series
Pawn Structure - 30 Video Playlist -  Short Lessons on the Different Structures

IM Andrew Martin, Pawn Structure: How and Why it Matters - 2 Hr -  New

Chess Fundamentals #4: Pawn Play -  85 min John Bartholomew
How To Use Pawns In Chess -35 min GothamChess
Pawn Structures I - 45 Min 
Chess Openings: Introduction to Opening Pawn Structures - 27 Min - NM Dan Heisman
A Positional Discussion about Pawn Structures and Dynamism - 20 Min - IM Andreas Toth

Pawn Structure Principles - Full Guide With Timestamps - 38 Min NM Nelson Lopez

Pawn Structure Deep-Dive Video Lessons

1 -2 - Caro / Slav  Pawn Structure Lessons

Caro Pawn structure - Lasker v Capablanca - 15 Min
Planning in the French and Caro-Kann Structures | Road to 2000 - 55 Min
Caro Kann Pawn Structure Ideas - In 12 Minutes - 12 min
Understanding the structure from the Caro-Kann Defense and the Scandinavian Opening - 12 Min GM Hansen
Chess Pawn Structure : Pawn structures in depth - The Caro Formation - 9 Min - Kingscrusher Caro - Slav Pawn Structure Series -  Intro #1 , Video 2Video 3,  Video 4 , Video 5 , Video 6 ,Final Video

3 - Sicilian – Scheveningen

Chess Pawn structures in depth: The Scheveningen Structure - 6 Min
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 6 e4 Central Pressure  - 34 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 8 Tactical Finale Chess - 29 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 7 White s Slow Play Chess - 32 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 8 Tactical Finale Chess - 29 Min IM Rensch

4 - Sicilian – Dragon 

Chess Pawn structures in depth: The Dragon Formation - 5 Min
#1 Guide To Sicilian Dragon Pawn Structures - 17 Min
Sicilian Dragon Variation Plans and Pawn Structure, Yugoslav Attack  - 17 Min
Sicilian Pawn Structures with IM Mat Kolosowski - 62 Min

6 - Maróczy Bind 

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #5 - Maroczy Bind - 3 hr
Pawn Structure #1: Maróczy Bind | Strategy Session with Jonathan Schrantz - 48 Min
Maroczy Bind Pawn Structure in Chess (Middlegames) - 18 Min
The Maroczy Bind from "Pawn Structure Chess" by Soltis [advanced chess lesson] - 68 Min
Maroczy Bind Secrets with GM Liem Le Quang FIDE 2720 - 57 Min
How To Play the Maroczy Bind | Dojo Lessons feat KirkD (1700) - 17 Min IM 
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind-The Maroczy Hop - 20 min
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind- Nc2 idea by white - 12 Min
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind-c5-e5 break through - 11 Min
Destroy The Maroczy Bind with Black! - GM Dzindzichashvili - 30 Min
Live Stream: Dealing with the Maroczy Bind in the Dragon - GM Ron Henley - 48 Min
Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #6: Maroczy Bind - Introduction - 24 Min
Learn to Develop a Long-Term Chess Strategy With the Maroczy Bind - GM Damian Lemos - 25 Min
Chess Gym : Maroczy Bind - 36 Min 
Crushing the Sicilian 💪 with the Maroczy Bind - IM Valeri Lilov - 31 Min

7 - Hedgehog Pawn Structure

Hedgehog Pawn Structure In Chess (Middlegames) - 15 Min
Exploring the Hedgehog - GM Yasser Seirawan - 41 Min
Poke Holes in the Hedgehog! | Secret Life of Pawns - GM Mauricio Flores - 51 Min
Introduction to the Hedgehog - 2hr IM John Batholomew

Why the Knight Goes to d7 in the Hedgehog | Dojo Lessons - 15 Min IM Kavutskiy
The Hedgehog - GM Ben Finegold - 49 Min
GM Neiksans Boot Camp #38: The Hedgehog - 2 Hrs

9 - Boleslavsky Wall

Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall for black - d5 pawn breakthrough - 10 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall for black - 10 Min
Chess middlegame planning -Boleslavsky wall - Minority attack - 11 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall - Exploiting weaknesses - 11 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall - Kingside attack - 11 Min

10  -  d5 chain 

Chess Strategy: Chess Pawn structure series: The d5 vs. e5 pawn chains - 17 Min
Understanding Pawn Chains ♙♙ IM Valeri Lilov - 21 Min

11   e5 chain

13 -14 - Isolated Queen Pawn Formations

Bishops Bounty Isolated Queen Pawn Structure Page - Articles, Lichess Studies, Games Databases and Video lessons

15 Hanging Pawns

Introduction to Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | IM Alex Astaneh - 7 Min
Winning with Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | IM Alex Astaneh - 20 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures  | IM Alex Astaneh - 29 Min
How to play with Hanging Pawns| Advanced | GM Alex Lenderman - 16 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Part 1 | Advanced Level | GM Alex Lenderman - 18 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Part 2  | Advanced Level | GM Alex Lenderman - 16 Min
Hanging Pawns | Chess Middlegames - 35 Min

16 - Carlsbad Pawn Structure Lessons

Carlsbad Pawn Structure and Minority Attack - 24 Video Playlist  - Assorted Video's From YouTube
Carlsbad Structure17 Video Playlist   - FULL PLAYLIST (Videos Below Are in it)
Advanced - 6.Unit: Carlsbad Structure - 6 Video Playlist - GM Alex Lenderman
GM Neiksans Boot Camp #32 - Carlsbad Structure - 2 hr
Master the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - The Full Course with GM Sune Berg Hansen 3 hr 

Bishops Bounty Carlsbad Page  -   Post of Articles, Games, Lichess Studies and Video Lessons  (Most of the best Video Lessons I left above)

17 - Panov Formation

18 - Stonewall Formation

Bishops Bounty Stonewall Pawn Structure Page - Articles Games, LiChess Studies and Video lessons

19 - Botvinnik system 

The Botvinnik Formation | Chess Quick Study | #1 - 6 Min

20 -Closed Sicilian formation