Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 10 - Random Lessons

 Treasury of  FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Random Lessons  

Most of the Titles Explain the Lessons

Tales Of Bishops And Knights - Lesson Comparing The strength and Weaknesses of Both.

The Time-Trouble Blues - Lesson About Time Troubles and Reasons

The Joy Of Reviewing Chess Games - Great lesson, 4 games , 2 Puzzles , History

Fixing Your Weaknesses - Couple games , Lesson

Knowing When to Pull the Trigger - 3 Puzzles, 6 Master Games -  analyzing a student's game in a Closed Sicilian opening. The importance of properly assessing winning and losing positions psychologically. He stresses tactics, imbalances, threat awareness, and cultivating the right mindset to find knockout blows in dynamic positions. The game serves as an example of seizing winning chances versus passivity.

If The Board Says ATTACK, Then ATTACK! - One game , (Lots of lessons from Opening to Endgame)

The Man Who Wouldn't Castle -   3 Master Games - Analyzes an exciting Najdorf Sicilian, Instructive game demonstrating critical lessons like choosing suitable openings, the vital need to castle, and avoiding unfocused attacks. Also highlights some common strategic errors and the importance of understanding your opponent's ideas.

Emotions vs. Cold Reason - 2 Master Games - Instructive game highlighting key skills like managing emotions, recovering from errors, deeply understanding opening structures, and converting winning positions. The game emphasizes the importance of objectivity, resilience, opening knowledge, and keeping things simple when ahead.

What Is The Initiative? - Lesson w/ positions

The Eye Of The Beholder - Lesson w/3 Games (seeking a way to come up with a creative move or idea that your opponent didn’t even imagine)

How To Play Multi-Purpose Moves - Lessons w/ 6 positions

Recognizing The Big Moment In A Game - game starts with a Center Counter opening but transposes into various other openings, creating an interesting and complex position. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing key moments in a game where your opponent may be vulnerable or where you can seize the initiative.

Protecting Overprotection - Lesson w/ 3 example Games

The Difficult Opponent  - 3 games, 4 Puzzles (Players with equal ratings sometimes aren’t equal at all in battles against each other due to a players style)

Greed and Two King Hunts - 2 Puzzles - Lesson on Greed

Pawns, Greed, Pins, and the Center - 3 Puzzles - w/ 4 lessons (Strong Center, Pins, Greed, Pawn moves)

Rules, Homes, and a Big Decision - 2 Puzzles - w/ 3 lessons 

Space, Negativity, and Dreams  - Short Article on Space Advantage

Checks and Threats, Should You or Shouldn’t You - 6 Puzzles - Lesson on Checks and Threats

Material Imbalances, Opening Ideas, and Hanging Stuff - Lessons from 2 Amateur Games

Countdown to Mate - 3 Master Games -  analyzes a student's game, emphasizing the dangers of unnecessary checks and inactive pieces, while advising playing actively over reacting to threats.

Threats, Real & Imagined - 3 Puzzles , 3 Master games - analyzes a student's game, advising him to avoid over-responding to threats and instead play with confidence in his own position.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

When Both Sides Try to Lose - Analysis of Amateur Game

Death by Dark Squares - 6 Puzzles - Analysis of Amateur Game

A Key Tactical Theme - 2 Puzzles - Deep Analysis of Amateur game

Fighting For Your Chessboard Rights! - 1 Puzzle - Analysis of Amateur Game.

Threats, Agendas, Demands, and Safety - 4 Positions from Reader games with a lesson from each.

Don't Play a Move If You Can't Back it Up! -  Detailed Analysis of reader game  (Long Article)

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - 2 Puzzles, So in summary, while an Alapin Sicilian, the critical lessons are more general about seizing opportunities, handling defenses, and the importance of determination and resilience.

Know Your Position's Agenda - 3 Puzzles -  Analyzes a Caro-Kann game that turns into a Panov-Botvinnik, emphasizing knowing your position's needs and not reacting to superficial threats. Counterattack in the center when facing a wing attack.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

Two Players, Two Different Fantasies - 3 Puzzles, (Amateur Game) The key overall messages are to adhere to opening principles, calculate responses diligently, castle early, coordinate your forces, and maintain a purpose behind each move. Rash attacks before development lead to disaster.

Cultivating a Positive Attitude  -  4 Puzzles , 3 games - Analyzes a game between two amateurs, highlighting the importance of confidence, calmness and avoiding unnecessary defenses.


Blunders That Give Us Hidden Gold  - Great overall lesson covering all the mistakes (From opening to Endgame) of one game.

Having Fun With Blunders -  22 Puzzles,  Famous Players Blundering, Lesson on Blunders

The Rocky Horror Picture Blunder - Lesson on the use of symbols like "!", "!!", "?", and "??" , 10 Puzzles on assigning Symbols

Everyone, of Every Rating, Blunders - 5 Puzzles, 1 Game -  Lesson on Fighting from Inferior position, and Nice Endgame Lesson 

Return of the Blunder Gland, Part One -  2 Master Games - The opening was a Queen's Gambit Declined transitioning from a Caro-Kann Defense. Analyzes a beginner's game, emphasizing basic tactics like ensuring your pieces are safe and not hanging them.

The Blunder Gland: Playing Blind -  3 Puzzles -  Bunch of Lessons from an Amateur game.

Blunder Gland Redux: First Baby Steps, and Then The World - 2 Puzzles - Analysis and Lessons from Amateur game

Endgame Theory

The Two Faces Of Opposite-Colored Bishops -  Lesson w/ 4 Positions

Monday, January 1, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 4 - Studying Old Master Games

 Silmans Articles on

Treasury of FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Master Games

The Point of Studying Master Games, Part One - 6 Games 
The Point of Studying Master Games, Part Two - 3 Games w/Deep Analysis
The Point of Studying Master Games, Part Three  - 2 games 

How Past Masters Can Help Your Game  - 6 Games w/ 6 Puzzles  , History

Who Was The Greatest Chess Theorist? - Positions and Games of the Old Masters , History
Chess Criminals And The Games They Play  - 11 games, History

When Men Were Men  - 3 games , 2 Puzzles, History

The Greatest Amateur Game of all Time -  The shocking brilliancy played by 1500 class player Micky Mills, leaving masters speechless with his intuitive attacking masterpiece. Shows how reading the classics and embracing their lessons can help amateurs create true chess art.

Fischer - Spassky 1992 -   3 Master Games - Debate over the quality of play compared to Kasparov's matches. Delve into a detailed analysis of a brilliant game from this historic encounter and discover valuable insights into endgame study and becoming a stronger chess player.

Monster Opening Preparation, Part 2 - 6 Games, 3 Puzzles,  (Lasker, Marshall, Capa, Pillsbury)

(Games That Taught a Lesson)

My Favorite Classic Games, Part 1 - Lesson from Rubinstein masterpiece (Positional magic) , 1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 2 -  Lessons from Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian Games , 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 3 -  Lesson on Good Bishop vs Bad Bishop , 1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 4 - Lesson on a Superior Minor Piece ,  1 Game
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 5 -  Lesson on Open Files and Rooks, 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 6 - Lesson on "Space" Games , 1 game (Lots of Annotation)
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 7 - Lesson on strategic " Knight Relocation" , 4 games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 8 -  Lesson on trading your fianchettoed “must-keep” dark-squared bishop , 3 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 9 -  Lesson on Massive Space Gains,  2 games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 10 - Lesson on The Big Pawn Center ,  3 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 11 -  Lesson on Battle of Mutual Imbalances ,  1 Game (Nimzowitsch)
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 12 -  Lesson on the 2 Bishops, , 2 Games
My Favorite Classic Games, Part 13 -  Lesson On Knights ,  2 Games 

Old Masters
 (In Alphabetical order)

Adolf Anderssen, Mr. Slice And Dice! - 4 games, 13 Puzzles and Lots of History
Adolf Anderssen: More Slicing And Dicing! -  3 Games , 10 Puzzles , More History

Alexander Alekhine
Alexander Alekhine (Part 1): The Game of Death - 10 Puzzles
Alexander Alekhine (Part 2): Success and Despair -  13 Puzzles , 5 Games
Alexander Alekhine (Part 3): The New Plan -  19 Puzzles , 2 Games, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 4): His Prime Years -  15 Puzzles, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 5): Singing the Middle-aged Blues - 16 Puzzles , History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 6): His Worst “Combination” – Age + Booze -  12 Puzzles , 3 Games, History
Alexander Alekhine (Part 7): The Dark Years -  15 Puzzles , Bunch of History

photograph of Alekhine and Bogoljubow from the October 1929 Schweizerische Schachzeitung
Alekhine and Bogoljubow from October 1929

Who Was Henry Ernest Atkins? - 6 games w/  17 Puzzles (Bunch of History)

The Early Life Of Pal Benko  -  3 Pal Benko Compositions -   10 Annotated games (Notes by Pal benko) w/ History
Pal Benko: At Last, Freedom! -  4 Pal Benko Compositions -  12 Annotated games (Notes by Pal Benko)  w/History

Bisguier's Greatest Hits -  12 puzzles, One full game, Lots of History
More Of Bisguier's Greatest Hits - 14 Puzzles , One Full game , History

A Legendary Chess Zen Master Has Died (Steve Brandywine) - 2 games , Great History 

Seeking Chess Fame (Jimmy Buff) - 5 Puzzles , 1 Game  - Article about famous Blitz Player Back in the day.

A Short Look At The Great Mikhail Chigorin -  1 Annotated Amazing game - 9 Puzzles (Nice History)

Salo Flohr and the Fickle Winds of Fate -  17 Puzzles,  3 Games , History

IM John Grefe: Talent Isn’t Enough! -  1 Game - 11 Puzzles ,  History of 1973 US Champion

Kolisch: Unknown Tactical Monster -  4 Games - 22 Puzzles (Baron Ignatz von Kolisch (1837-1889)) Long Article 

George Koltanowski's Long Walk - 9 Game Positions w/ History

Positional Player vs. Tactical Player IM Cyrus Lakdawala - 5 Annotated games (By Silman and Cyrus)

Emanuel Lasker (Another Really Amazing Series)
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 1 -  14 Puzzles , History
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 2 -  15 Puzzles , 4 Full Games , History  (Pins and Forks)
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 3 -  10 Puzzles , 1 Full Game w/ Great Analysis
Emanuel Lasker, Tactical Monster - Part 4 -  18 Puzzles , 2 Full games , Lots of History (Einstein Letter)
Key Moments In Time: Lasker’s Last Stand - 3 games , History
3 Of Emanuel Lasker's Greatest Hits - 3 Annotated games w/ History
Emanuel Lasker's Greatest Hits -  3 Annotated Games w/ History
How To Stomp Emanuel Lasker -   10 games from Simuls , 10 Puzzles
Let's Do The Lasker Stomp Again! - 8 Games From Simuls , 8 Puzzles

Photo of Capablanca and Lasker, Moscow, 1925
Capablanca and Lasker, Moscow, 1925

Frank Marshall  (This Series would actually Make a nice Book)
Frank Marshall: The Growth Of A Chess Champion -  12 Games w/ 6 Puzzles - History (Lots of Analysis)
Frank Marshall, Part 2: Fighting For The World Championship - 6 Games  w/ 2 Puzzles  - History
Frank Marshall, Part 3: Capablanca Takes The Stage  -  6 Games w/Analysis - 10 puzzles - History
Frank Marshall, Part 4: St. Petersburg 1914 And The Gods Of Chess - 5 Games w/ 3 Puzzles and History
Frank Marshall, Part 5: A Radical Change - 10 Games w/ 8 Puzzles - History

Photo of Emanuel Lasker and Frank Marshall
 Frank Marshall in 1907 title match against Emanuel Lasker. VIA ChessBase

The Brilliant, Young Samuel Reshevsky -  11 Full Games and Positions - History & Analysis w/Lessons
Samuel Reshevsky's Prime Years -  16 Full Games and Positions (Positional lessons) History (Real Nice Article)

Rudolf Spielmann, the Lethal Gentleman! -  22 Puzzles , 3 Games, History

Behold, The Austrian Morphy! (Steinitz) -  4 Full games w/Annotation & 19 Puzzles (Lots of History)
Steinitz Changes The Chess World -  5 Full games w/Annotation & 5 Puzzles  (Lots of History)
Steinitz: The Official World Chess Champion -  9 Full games and Quite the History lesson.

Tal's Tactical Tidal Wave  - 20 Puzzles , History (The article highlights the power of tactical play and the impact of Tal's style on the world of chess.)

The Great Siegbert Tarrasch: Puzzles And Games -  14 Game Positions and Some Interesting History.

The Downs And Ups Of GM Elmars Zemgalis (Silman's Last Article) - History and 11 Positions from His Games as Puzzles.

Johannes Zukertort, Master of Dynamics - 11 Puzzles - History

Bishops Bounty Jeremy Silman Article Archive - Main Page

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Stonewall Pawn Structure - Chess Strategy

Mastering the Stonewall:
 Essential Resources & Training Materials

Unleash the Power of the Stonewall!
This formidable pawn structure is a chess warrior's secret weapon.

The Stonewall Pawn Structure, characterized by pawns on d4, c3, f4, and e3, creates a solid and dynamic foundation for your chess strategy. It excels at controlling the center, restricting your opponent's piece mobility, and launching powerful kingside attacks.

Mastering the Stonewall empowers you to:

  • Solidify your position: Gain a firm foothold in the center and build a fortress for your king.
  • Control the flow of the game: Limit your opponent's options and dictate the pace.
  • Launch surprise attacks: Exploiting weaknesses created by the Stonewall's pressure can lead to decisive victories.

Dive into this comprehensive guide and unlock the secrets of the Stonewall Pawn Structure with a wealth of free resources, articles, Lichess studies, video lessons, and game collections!

Bishop's Bounty - Stonewall Dutch Page
Bishop's Bounty - Stonewall Attack Page

Stonewall Articles 

Learn the Stonewall: Essential Reading

LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • How to deal with the Stonewall -  4 Chapter Study (Lesson w/ 3 annotated games) - Tackle the Stonewall head-on and learn effective strategies to counter this solid structure.

  • Stonewall Dutch Defense - 7 Chapter Interactive Study (500+ HeartsFully interactive study w/ plans, structure, and different maneuvers.- Delve into the Stonewall Dutch Defense, a popular opening that leads to Stonewall positions. Explore plans, key structures, and tactical possibilities.

  • Stonewall Structures  (Chess Structures : A GM's Guide Chapter 6) - 8 Chapter Study -  Deepen your understanding of Stonewall structures with a GM-level study featuring general plans and analysis of well-annotated games from the book "Chess Structures: A GM's Guide."

Game Databases 

(Game Collections) 
Explore collections of classic games showcasing the Stonewall in action.


Dutch, Stonewall (A95) 1 d4 f5 2 c4 Nf6 3 g3 e6 4 Bg2 Be7 5 Nf3 O-O 6 O-O d5 7 Nc3 c6 - 328 Games

Stonewall Pawn Structure Video Lessons

Delve into Stonewall pawn structure theory, strategic ideas, and tactical opportunities with expertly crafted video guides.

Stonewall Structure | Must Know Pawn Formations #1 | GM Moulthun Ly - 15 Min - (Beginner-friendly): This video walks you through various common middgame pawn structures, starting with the Stonewall.

Pawn breaks: The Stonewall pawn structures - 1.5 Hr - Coach Robert - (Intermediate): This series delves into pawn breaks, starting with two "totally-blocked" pawn structures: the kingside and queenside Stonewalls.

Pawn Structure 101 IM Daniel Rensch - 31 Min IM Daniel Rensch
- This comprehensive guide focuses on pawn structure in chess, with a deep dive into the Stonewall formation.

Stonewall Dutch for chess beginners (explained) - 14 Min - Bad Bishop Chess Channel - (Beginner-friendly): This video introduces the Stonewall Dutch Defense, focusing on the pawn structure and the strategic ideas it creates.

The Amateur's Mind #12 : How to play rigid structures (Stonewall, Symmetrical English) - 28 Min - IM Andras Toth  Video Below - (Advanced): This video offers insights into playing with "rigid structures" like the Stonewall and Symmetrical English openings.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Conquer the King's Gambit with the Falkbeer Countergambit (C31)

 Master this Aggressive Chess Opening - Expert Resources at Your Fingertips

New to chess openings?

The King's Gambit is a popular but risky strategy for White. The Falkbeer Countergambit (C31) is Black's aggressive response, aiming to exploit weaknesses and turn the tables!

This curated page equips you with everything you need to master the Falkbeer Countergambit, with links to articles, puzzles, videos, and game analysis – all from trusted sources.

Falkbeer Wikipedia Page

In this aggressive Countergambit, Black disdains the pawn offered as a sacrifice, instead opening the centre to exploit White's weakness on the kingside. 

The Falkbeer Countergambit is a chess opening that begins:

1. e4 e5   2. f4 d5 

 Bishop's Bounty King's Gambit Page

Books (Free)

Internet Archive
Boris Aldermans Gambit Guide  - Part 1 - 30 Min , Part 2  - 34 Min  (Both Falkbeer Counter Gambit Videos Found here)

Falkbeer Counter Gambit Articles

Delve into the exciting world of the Falkbeer Countergambit with these in-depth articles:

Falkbeer Counter Gambit: A Comprehensive Opening Guide  - This Chess Journal guide equips you with a strategic roadmap to mastering the Falkbeer Countergambit.

Ernst Karl Falkbeer and his countergambit 
- ChessBase takes you on a historical journey exploring the origins of the gambit and analyzing exemplary games.

Falkbeer LiChess Studies

Sharpen your tactical vision and master the Falkbeer Countergambit with interactive LiChess studies:

How to counter the King's Gambit  - 6 Chapter Study -This interactive study on Lichess guides you through key themes, tactics, and strategic ideas in the Falkbeer Countergambit.

Falkbeer Countergambit  -
6 Chapter Study

What are LiChess Studies?

LiChess Studies are a fantastic, free resource for chess players of all levels. They're interactive training tools that allow you to explore chess concepts, tactics, and opening lines move-by-move. You can test your understanding, analyze variations, and receive feedback as you progress through the study.

Game Databases

Explore a vast collection of Falkbeer Countergambit games to enhance your strategic understanding:

Chess Tempo

King's Gambit, Falkbeer Countergambit, Accepted (C31)  - 918 Games - Chess Tempo offers a user-friendly interface to explore 918 Falkbeer Countergambit games. You can sort by rating, opening line, or other criteria to find games that match your learning goals.

King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit (C31) 1 e4 e5 2 f4 d5 - 939 Games - Can also filter for Annotated Games

C31: King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer counter-gambit 1. e4 e5 2. f4 d5 - 2859 Games - Dive deep into a massive collection of 2859 Falkbeer Countergambit games on This database allows you to filter and explore a wide range of games to suit your needs.

Puzzles (Tactics)

Test your tactical skills and sharpen your vision for exploiting weaknesses in the King's Gambit with these Falkbeer Countergambit puzzles:

Falkbeer Counter Gambit (ECO C31) - 5 Puzzles - Get started with a focused set of 5 puzzles from to solidify core tactical concepts in the Falkbeer Countergambit.

LiChess Openings Puzzles

FalkBeer Countergambit - 1647 Puzzles - Deepen your understanding with a massive collection specifically targeting the Falkbeer Countergambit on Lichess Openings.

King's Gambit Declined - Falkbeer Countergambit Accepted - 325 Puzzles
Focus on the accepted line with this set of 325 puzzles from Lichess Openings, honing your ability to punish inaccuracies after White accepts the pawn sacrifice.

Falkbeer Counter Gambit Videos

Falkbeer Countergambit | King’s Gambit Opening Theory - 20 Min - Hanging Pawns - This video dives into the exciting world of the Falkbeer Countergambit, a response to the King's Gambit that offers aggressive possibilities for Black. Learn how Black challenges White's center with a pawn sacrifice (d5) and disrupts their opening plans. The video explores the main lines arising from this move, including lines with Nf3, Nc6, and gambit continuations.

King’s Gambit Declined | Falkbeer Countergambit | Mainlines, Plans & Strategies | Chess Openings - 25 Min IM Ostrovsk - Delve deeper with video on the main lines, plans, and strategies employed in the Falkbeer Countergambit, equipping you for complex positions.

Refute the King's Gambit as Black | Falkbeer Countergambit: Tricky Opening - 20 Min - Remote Chess Academy - Learn how to exploit common mistakes in the King's Gambit and punish your opponent with the Falkbeer Countergambit.

Falkbeer Counter Gambit Chess Traps

Bizarre Opening Trap: Falkbeer Countergambit - 7 Min - IM Eric Rosen -Sharpen your tactical vision with IM Eric Rosen as he unveils surprising traps you can spring in the Falkbeer Countergambit.

Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Falkbeer Counter Gambit - Chess Opening - 16 Video Playlist - Immerse yourself in a series of 16 video analyses of Falkbeer Countergambit games by kingscrusher, learning from the play of masters.

Keres Plays King's Gambit, His Opponent Answers With Falkbeer Countergambit - 7 Min - Watch a historical game where chess legend Paul Keres faces the Falkbeer Countergambit.

Must See! King's Gambit Against Mikhail Tal Himself  - 7 Min - Witness a thrilling encounter where White plays the King's Gambit against the legendary Mikhail Tal, who responds with the Falkbeer Countergambit.
Learn more about Mikhail Tal: Great Chess Players of the Past - Tal

Crushing the Kings Gambit with Falkbeer Counter Gambit | 14 moves | Punishing Opening Blunders - 6 Min - Enjoy a quick and exciting video demonstrating how to punish inaccuracies in the King's Gambit with the Falkbeer Countergambit.


Oil Painting of the Center of Chess board with a falkbeer counter gambit.
"He who fears a pawn down in the King's Gambit should not play chess." - Adolf Anderssen

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) - Marshall Attack (Gambit) C89

Demystifying the Marshall Gambit:
A Comprehensive Guide

 Dive into the rich history and tactical brilliance of the Marshall Gambit with a curated collection of articles, studies, and game analyses.

The Marshall Gambit in the Ruy López Opening

 (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 O-O 8.c3 d5)

is known for its sharp and aggressive play,
which can lead to tactical and exciting games.

Elevate your chess game with this animated demonstration of the Marshall Gambit. Explore the nuances of this aggressive opening and learn how to dominate the board with calculated moves and strategic finesse.

Bishop's Bounty Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Main Page

Marshall Gambit Articles 

The Marshall Gambit  - Huge page with Pictures, History and games. (Really Well Done)

Marshall Gambit – Playing Against the Ruy Lopez  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (Nice place to Start)

 Openings for Tactical Players: Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack  - Article by GM  Serper


Marshall Gambit LiChess Studies

Marshall attack  - 56 Chapter Study   (Study at Top of post)

RANSACK the Ruy Lopez  - 4 Chapter Study

Games Databases

C89: Ruy Lopez, Marshall counter-attack  - 3386 Games  (7 Sub-Varients Listed w/Links)

Ruy Lopez, Marshall (C89)  - 1643 games  (1893 -2023)

Chess Tempo

Spanish game marshall Attack (C89)  -  1699 Games

Marshall Gambit Video Lessons

Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained - 60 min - St.Louis CC
Maul 'em with the Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained  - 45 Min - St. Louis CC

Learn How to Use The Marshall Attack in The Spanish Opening - Chess24 - 20 min - GM Gustofsson
Master the Marshall Attack ⎸Chess Openings, Ruy Lopez, Marshall (C89) - 20 Min - Hanging Pawns

Tactics and Traps

Marshall Attack: Almost 6000 People Made This Mistake - 6 Min
Spanish Marshall - The f3 Faux Pas (trap no. 250) -  4 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #1 (trap no. 256) - 5 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11 Nf6 idea #2 (trap no. 257)  - 3 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #3 (trap no. 258) - 4 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #4 (trap no. 259) - 5 Min

Marshall Gambit Game Videos (Analyzed)

Ruy Lopez: Marshall Gambit - Chess Opening  - 31 Video playlist - kingscrusher

Master Class | Ruy Lopez | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 20 Min
Chess Opening: Marshall Attack (Gambit) - Ruy Lopez - 13 Min  Remote Chess Academy
Carlsen plays the Marshall Gambit | Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs Magnus Carlsen - 21 Min 
Using Your Special Attack Against the World Champion (Marshall vs Capa) - 17 min - GM Nakamura
The Marshall Attack! || Radjabov vs Ding || FIDE World Cup (2019)  - 9 Min - Agadmantor
New Poison in the Marshall Attack! || Carlsen vs Ding - 14 Min - Agadmantor
Ivanchuk Unleashes the Marshall Attack  - 17 min - Agadmantor

Image of the Ruy lopez Marshal Attack set up on a chess Board painted with acrylics.


Thursday, March 9, 2023

FREE Chessable Tactics Courses


Chessable offers a comprehensive list of free tactics courses that are accessible to everyone.

 These courses cover a wide range of tactical themes, including pins, forks, skewers, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, these courses provide a great opportunity to improve your tactical skills and sharpen your chess tactics.

The best part is that you only need to create a free account on Chessable to access all these courses. With just a few clicks, you can start learning and practicing these tactics in a fun and interactive way, without having to spend a dime. So why not take advantage of this amazing resource and start improving your chess skills today?

Tactics Problem Books

Chessable Challenge  - 61 Tactics problems  From the Opening to the Endgame (Kind of a Test of your Chess Knowledge)

Basic Checkmate Patterns  - 35 Basic mating Patterns w/ 1hr 14 min video

Basic Chess Patterns - 50 Tactics Problems  (Beginner and Intermediate)

Typical Tactical Tricks: 500 Ways To Win!  -  510 Tactics Problems  -  (Really Great Free Course -Beginner to Intermediate)

Bishops on the Attack  - 202 Tactics problems  (All Using Bishops)

King on the Attack   - 60 Tactics problems  (Using the King as a fighting Piece)

Knights on the Attack - 200 Tactics problems (Learn to look for those Forks)

Rooks on the Attack -  200 Tactics problems (Rook tactics)

Pawns on the Attack  - 200 tactics Problems (Checkmates, combinations and tactics, and endgames)

Queen on the Attack  - 225 Tactics problems  (All taken from games where Players are 2500+)

Tactical Resources: Creative Attack & Defense - 38 tactics problems (High Quality positions to practice attacking and Defending)

Tactical Resources: Creative Attack & Defense 2  -  38 tactics problems

Tactics Madness   - 55 Tactics Problems - From User Submitted games

Cool & Forcing Combinations  - 45 tactics problems

Trompowsky Tactics 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 -  123 Tactics problems  from this opening

Dodgy's 1. e4 e5 Tactics  -  249 Tactics  Problems 
( Learn Openings and tactics that arise in them)
Scotch Game and Scotch Gambit
Italian Game (Giuoco Piano)
King’s Gambit
Vienna Game
Danish Gambit


(These Are Free courses with Analysis of the Games and Normally a Tactic from that game to practice)

World Chess Championship 2021: Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi  -  2hr 50min Free Video, 100 positions to practice. Amazing Analysis of these games.

Tournament Tactics: Tata Steel Chess 2020  - 3hr 21Min Free Video, 146 Tactics to practice

Champions Chess Tour 2021  -  54hrs Free Video  -  823 trainable Variations   (Pretty Amazing Free Course)

Chessable Masters Tournament  - 4hr 31 Min Free Video -  65 trainable variations

2021 Superbet Chess Classic | Grand Chess Tour -  110 Trainable variations

#TwitterChessTournament Tactics  -  65 Trainable Variations   (Amateur Tournament w/Tactics)

Olympiad Tactics 2018  -  112 Trainable Variations 

Champions Chess Tour 2021 [ESP]  - 394 trainable Variations  (Course in Spanish but the Chess is pretty universal)

Razor-Sharp Tactics: Women’s World Rapid & Blitz 2022  -  109 Trainable variations ( NEW Course Broken down into East , Medium, Hard Tactics)

 (All of these courses can be used for Free with their Movetrainer. You can set it to Woodpecker them as well. For Free you can run 5 courses at any one time and practice till your hearts desire )

A Colorful Graffiti Image of a king chess piece


Friday, February 24, 2023

Demystify the Chess Middlegame (FREE Resources!)

 Conquering the Middlegame
 Essential Chess Resources to Sharpen Your Skills

The middlegame, the heart and soul of chess, is where strategies unfold, tactics unleash their fury, and the entire game's course can shift dramatically. Mastering this dynamic phase is crucial for chess players of all levels.

This comprehensive guide equips you with a treasure trove of valuable resources to elevate your middlegame prowess. We've categorized them for easy navigation, catering to both beginners seeking fundamental concepts and seasoned players aiming to refine their strategic thinking.

Why Focus on the Middlegame?

  • Strategic Planning: The middlegame is your canvas to craft a winning strategy. You'll learn to exploit weaknesses, control key squares, and create imbalances favoring your piece activity.
  • Tactical Awareness: Sharp tactics often come to the forefront. You'll develop your ability to identify and execute powerful tactical opportunities like forks, pins, skewers, and discovered attacks.
  • Positional Understanding: Chess isn't just about brute force. The middlegame hones your positional understanding, teaching you the value of piece placement, pawn structure, and king safety.

Books (Free)

Chess blueprints : planning in the middlegame by Yakovlev, Nikolay  - 282 page PDF

Chess Middlegame Articles

  • Chess Middlegame Strategy: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners  - Really Nice Guide (In-Depth) - This comprehensive guide, perfect for beginners, dives into the fundamentals of middlegame play. Learn where to best position your pieces and gain valuable general tips to build a strong foundation for success.

  • General Middlegame Advice  - Nice in-depth Guide By Exeter Chess Club - Feeling overwhelmed by middlegame complexity? This guide, compiled from beginner's chess books, offers practical strategies to simplify your decision-making process.

  • 16 tips on how to improve your middlegame in chess  -  Chess delights - Consider this a handy cheat sheet packed with actionable tips to elevate your middlegame prowess. Quickly reference these pointers to make informed choices during your next game.

  • 9 Middlegame Concepts You Must Know - TheChessWorld - Overview of all the Major Middlegame Concepts w/ 40 min Embedded Video

Middlegame LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • Middlegame Strategies  -  11 Chapters  (495 hearts) - This comprehensive study delves into each piece's role, guiding you through the process of making a plan and exploiting an exposed king.

  • The Art Of The Middle Game  - 11 Chapters (295 hearts) - Based on the renowned work by Alexander Kotov & Paul Keres, this study condenses the wisdom of the masters, teaching you how to form a plan and effectively attack your opponent's king in a castled position.

  • How to WIN in the Middlegame - 9 Chapter Study  (777 hearts) - Harness the winning techniques employed by GM Igor Smirnov through this study, packed with insights gleaned from his video lectures.

  • 11 Middle Game Plans - 12 Chapter interactive Study -Dive into an interactive learning experience where you'll learn a valuable lesson and plan from each carefully chosen position.

Chess Middlegame Video Lessons



The 10 Best Chess Plans For The Middlegame - Chess Strategy For The Middlegame - Midgame Strategy - 13 Min - NM Nelson Lopez -
several examples of types of chess plans and strategies that you can use in your next game!

How To Use Pawns In Chess Middlegames - 15 min - IM Levy Rozman

Creating Strategic Plans | Chess Middlegames  - 28 Min - Hanging Pawns

Middlegame strategy - Using all pieces in the middlegame - 17 min Jozarov's Chess Channel -
Today's theme is again the middlegame strategy with the principle of using all of your pieces in the attack.

Finding the best Squares for your Pieces with Maneuvering | Chess Middlegame | GM Sam Shankland
 - 16 Min -
GM Sam Shankland will show you how to improve the placement of your pieces.

The Influence of centralized Pieces in the Middlegame | Chess Strategy - 15 Min IM Ostrovskiy 
- learn the influence of centralized pieces in the position based on practical examples.

The Golden Rules for the Middlegame |  IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 27 Min -
 IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is teaching to you the golden middlegame rules that every chess player needs to know. (Video below)

Tactical Motifs MiddleGame

Middlegame Tactical Motifs | Full Lesson | Oxford University Chess Club - 61 Min

Secrets of the Middlegame 🕵 Unexpected Tactical Chess Opportunities - GM Danny Gormally - 40 Min 
- In this sample from his course Danny looks at the unexpected tactical opportunities that can arise in every game.

Middlegame Mistakes

Most Common Middlegame Mistakes of Club Players [FM Viktor Neustroev]  - 47 Min - Learn How to Avoid Mistakes in the Middlegame and Improve Your Performance! Covers Many middlegame topics.

Typical Mistakes in Practical Middlegame and Endings - 5 Min

NM Robert Ramirez

St.Louis Chess Club


Middlegame Planning | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Josh Friedel  - 46 Min 
Develop a Middlegame Plan - FM Aviv Friedman - 2014.10.22  - 49 Min
The Early Middlegame: What to do?! | Road to 2000  - 52 min  NM Caleb Denby
Restriction: Shutdown of Pieces | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Cristian Chirila - 49 Min
Two Bishops in the Middlegame - GM Eric Hansen  - 47 Min
Endgames & Middlegame Exercises | Grandmaster's Choice - GM Yuniesky Quesada - 66 Min
Akobian at the 2014 Olympiad | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 37 Min
My Great Middlegames of 1987 & 1988 - GM Ben Finegold - 41 Min
Ben's Wild European Days | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold - 43 Min
Thanksgiving Open Middlegames - GM Ben Finegold  - 45 Min

Game Videos (Emphasis On Middle-game Plans)

Developing a Plan in the Early Middlegame | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. trhdude (1844) - 31 MIN

Middlegame Strategy of Anatoly Karpov by GM Ben Finegold  - 50 min - Analysis of 3 of Karpov's games

AI Drawn Image of Detailed Chess Pieces in a Fantasy Setting Chess Board
"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do." - Savielly Tartakower