Showing posts with label Marshall gambit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marshall gambit. Show all posts

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) - Marshall Attack (Gambit) C89

Demystifying the Marshall Gambit:
A Comprehensive Guide

 Dive into the rich history and tactical brilliance of the Marshall Gambit with a curated collection of articles, studies, and game analyses.

The Marshall Gambit in the Ruy López Opening

 (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 O-O 8.c3 d5)

is known for its sharp and aggressive play,
which can lead to tactical and exciting games.

Elevate your chess game with this animated demonstration of the Marshall Gambit. Explore the nuances of this aggressive opening and learn how to dominate the board with calculated moves and strategic finesse.

Bishop's Bounty Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Main Page

Marshall Gambit Articles 

The Marshall Gambit  - Huge page with Pictures, History and games. (Really Well Done)

Marshall Gambit – Playing Against the Ruy Lopez  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (Nice place to Start)

 Openings for Tactical Players: Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack  - Article by GM  Serper


Marshall Gambit LiChess Studies

Marshall attack  - 56 Chapter Study   (Study at Top of post)

RANSACK the Ruy Lopez  - 4 Chapter Study

Games Databases

C89: Ruy Lopez, Marshall counter-attack  - 3386 Games  (7 Sub-Varients Listed w/Links)

Ruy Lopez, Marshall (C89)  - 1643 games  (1893 -2023)

Chess Tempo

Spanish game marshall Attack (C89)  -  1699 Games

Marshall Gambit Video Lessons

Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained - 60 min - St.Louis CC
Maul 'em with the Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained  - 45 Min - St. Louis CC

Learn How to Use The Marshall Attack in The Spanish Opening - Chess24 - 20 min - GM Gustofsson
Master the Marshall Attack ⎸Chess Openings, Ruy Lopez, Marshall (C89) - 20 Min - Hanging Pawns

Tactics and Traps

Marshall Attack: Almost 6000 People Made This Mistake - 6 Min
Spanish Marshall - The f3 Faux Pas (trap no. 250) -  4 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #1 (trap no. 256) - 5 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11 Nf6 idea #2 (trap no. 257)  - 3 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #3 (trap no. 258) - 4 Min
Spanish Marshall - Original Marshall 11…Nf6 idea #4 (trap no. 259) - 5 Min

Marshall Gambit Game Videos (Analyzed)

Ruy Lopez: Marshall Gambit - Chess Opening  - 31 Video playlist - kingscrusher

Master Class | Ruy Lopez | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 20 Min
Chess Opening: Marshall Attack (Gambit) - Ruy Lopez - 13 Min  Remote Chess Academy
Carlsen plays the Marshall Gambit | Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs Magnus Carlsen - 21 Min 
Using Your Special Attack Against the World Champion (Marshall vs Capa) - 17 min - GM Nakamura
The Marshall Attack! || Radjabov vs Ding || FIDE World Cup (2019)  - 9 Min - Agadmantor
New Poison in the Marshall Attack! || Carlsen vs Ding - 14 Min - Agadmantor
Ivanchuk Unleashes the Marshall Attack  - 17 min - Agadmantor

Image of the Ruy lopez Marshal Attack set up on a chess Board painted with acrylics.