Showing posts with label Free Chess Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Chess Books. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

Grunfeld Defense (D80-D99) Opening Theory

The Grunfeld Defense:
 Dynamic Play from the Start!

Tired of dull chess openings?
The Grunfeld Defense injects excitement into your games!

Black strikes back immediately! Unlike some passive openings, the Grunfeld Defense allows Black to fight for the center from the get-go. This creates an open and dynamic battlefield, perfect for players who love tactical battles and strategic maneuvering.

This curated list equips you to:

  • Master the Grunfeld's core ideas:
    Learn key variations and strategic concepts to navigate the Grunfeld's complexities.
  • Sharpen your tactics:
    The Grunfeld is a tactical minefield, and this guide provides resources to hone your tactical skills.
  • Dominate the chessboard:
    Unleash the Grunfeld's full potential and surprise your opponents with this aggressive opening!

Is the Grunfeld Defense right for you? If you're a player who enjoys sharp positions and tactical battles, then the Grunfeld Defense is a great opening to explore!

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5.

Animated GIF showcasing the first moves of the Grunfeld Defense chess opening: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5. White opens with a pawn in the center (d4), Black responds with a knight (Nf6), White develops a knight (Nc3), and Black challenges the center with a pawn thrust (d5).
Grunfeld Defense

Books & Courses (Free)

Fantastic free resources available online to delve into the Grunfeld Defense!

FREE Chessable Courses

Grunfeld Chess Articles

Opening Guides

Grunfeld Defense – The Definitive Guide To A Dynamic Chess Opening - ichess Opening Guide (Indepth w/ embedded Video) Step by step Instruction, Most Important Variations (Archived Article)

Grunfeld Defense – How to Play (as White & Black) - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (In-Depth) Idea & Strategies with most of the Variations Covered with a bit of History.

How To Play The Grunfeld Defense: For The Attacking Player - Hercules Chess
Grünfeld Defense - Opening Guide - IM Alberto Chueca - Nice Guide with Opening Variations, Example games, Talk about Pawn Structures  and a few Embedded Videos.

Variation Articles

Grunfeld Defense: Exchange Variation Classical Bc4 Analysis. - ichess Article (Archived) 
A Lazy Counter To The Grunfeld - Lichess Blog Article - GM Max Illingworth - 
See how to stop Black employing his usual Grunfeld plans with an annoying check

Gruenfeld LiChess Studies

The Grunfeld Defense - 9 Chapter Study ( 600+ hearts)
Grünfeld Defense - 16 Chapter Study
Grunfeld Defense - 22 Chapter Study (Can go to Listudy and do this Course below)

Grunfeld, Three Knights Variation (Black) - 11 Chapter Study

LiStudy (Study and Practice Moves from lines here)

Grunfeld Defense - 16 Chapters to learn and Practice
Grunfeld - 21 Chapters to learn and practice
lichess grunfeld - 22 Chapters (Course from above)

Grunfeld Games Databases

Neo-Grunfeld Defense (D70-D99) - 49 Annotated games

D80: Gruenfeld defence 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 - 43,000 Games
D81: Gruenfeld, Russian variation 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Qb3 - 499 Games
D82: Gruenfeld, 4.Bf4 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bf4 - 3945 Games
D83: Gruenfeld, Gruenfeld gambit 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bf4 Bg7 5. e3 O-O - 1597 Games

Gruenfeld Defense, General (D80) - 32,000 Games

Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation, Accelerated Variation (D81) - 400 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Brinckmann Attack (D82) - 2800 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Brinckmann Attack, Grünfeld Gambit (D83) - 2000 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Brinckmann Attack, Grünfeld Gambit Accepted (D84) - 300 Games

Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation (D85) - 15,000 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation, Nadanian Attack (D85) - 200 games
Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation, Modern Exchange Variation (D85) - 6700 Games

Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation, Classical Variation (D86) - 4600 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation, Spassky Variation (D87) - 1600 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Exchange Variation, Spassky Variation (D88) - 900 Games

Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation (D90) - 3500 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation, Petrosian System (D91) - 6000 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation, Hungarian Attack (D92) - 2100 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation, Hungarian Variation (D93) - 2300 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation, Paris Variation (D94) - 500 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Three Knights Variation, Vienna Variation (D95) - 470 games

Gruenfeld Defense, Botvinnik Variation (D95) - 300 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation (D96) - 3600 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation, Hungarian Variation (D97) - 1400 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation, Szabo (Boleslavsky) (D97) - 480 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation, Smyslov Variation (D98) - 500 Games
Gruenfeld Defense, Russian Variation, Smyslov Variation (D99) - 180 Games

Grunfeld Chess Puzzles

Grunfeld (ECO D80) - 7 puzzles
Grunfeld, 4.Bf4 (ECO D82) - 8 Puzzles
Grunfeld Gambit (ECO D83) - 8 Puzzles
Grunfeld (ECO D85) - 9 Puzzles

Lichess Tactics  (Grunfeld Tactics Puzzles A bit over halfway down page)

Grünfeld Defense: 2,692 Puzzles
Exchange Variation: 1,073 Puzzles
Three Knights Variation: 960 Puzzles
Stockholm Variation: 209 Puzzles
Brinckmann Attack: 100 Puzzles
Russian Variation: 77 Puzzles

Grunfeld Chess Video Lessons

Grünfeld Defense Opening Theory - 7 Video playlist  - Hanging Pawns

Grunfeld Defense Theory Taught by Super GM Peter Svidler! - 20 Min

Master The Grunfeld with US Chess Champion Sam Shankland - 80/20 Tactics Multiplier - 42 Min

The Grünfeld Defence - Chess Openings Explained - 39 Min - St.Louis Chess Club

GRANDMASTER EXPLAINS: Grunfeld Chess Defence - 21 Min - GM Eric Hansen

The Complete Gruenfeld Defense with New Secrets and Novelities 1 - 2hr 6 Min - GM Roman Dzindzichashvili
The Complete Gruenfeld Defense with New Secrets and Novelities 2 - 51 Min - GM Roman Dzindzichashvili

Learn the basics of Grunfeld Defence - GM Markus Ragger (Elo: 2656) - 104 Min - Chessbase India
Basics of Grunfeld by GM Abhijeet Gupta | (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5) - 86 Min - Chessbase India

Grunfeld Defense Opening Traps

Bonus video - Opening trap in the fianchetto Grunfeld - 15 Min - Jims Chess Channel
Chess Opening Traps in The Grunfeld Defence - 5 Min

Grunfeld Defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Grunfeld - 107 Video Playlist- kingscrusher
Grunfeld Defense - 16 Video Playlist  - Jazarov's Chess Channel
Grunfeld Defense - 50 Video Playlist  - Chess School
Grunfeld Defense - 45 Video Playlist  - agadmantor

GM Naroditsky

Master Class | Grünfeld Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 31 Min
Amazing Game!! 95% Accuracy! | Grunfeld Defense | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 70 Min
What's a Tabia? | Grunfeld Theory: Fianchetto System | GM Naroditsky’s Top Theory Speedrun - 45 Min
Master Class | Grünfeld Defence | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 33 Min

IM John Bartholomew

Standard Chess #242: xyjan vs. IM Bartholomew (Grunfeld Defense) -57 Min
Standard Chess #97: NC vs. IM Bartholomew (Grunfeld Defense) - 42 Min
Standard Chess #36: IM Bartholomew vs. hood (Grunfeld Defense) - 32 Min
Standard Chess #33: ratakela vs. IM Bartholomew (Grunfeld Defense) - 26 Min
Blitz Chess #122: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Artemiev (Grunfeld Defense) - 15 Min
Blitz Chess #4: IM Bartholomew vs. GM DonaldDraper (Grunfeld Defense) - 15 Min
Blitz Chess #187: GM Khachiyan vs. IM Bartholomew (Grunfeld Defense) - 16 min
Blitz Chess #365: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Igor Teplyi (Grunfeld Defense) - 21 Min

Nakamura vs. Karjakin | Gruenfeld Defense - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 2013.10.03 - 37 Min - St.Louis CC
Akobian vs. Hansen | 2010 Las Vegas | Gruenfeld - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 43 Min - St.Louis CC

Chess Poster art of Chess pieces and Images of people in a black and white monocrome look

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Nimzo-Larsen Attack (1.b3) Explained: Hypermodern Chess Weapon


Unlock the Power of 1.b3
Guide to the Nimzo-Larsen Attack

 Surprise your opponents and dominate the center with the dynamic Nimzo-Larsen Attack (1.b3).

This hypermodern opening fianchettoes the light-squared bishop, aiming for long-term pressure on the kingside. 

This comprehensive guide offers free resources, video lessons, and everything you need to master this hypermodern chess weapon!

Nimzo - Larsen Wikipedia Page 
1. b3

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, modern variation           
 1. b3 e5         27%        < 2000 >     33%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Indian variation 
            1. b3 Nf6        10%       < 2000 >    16%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, classical variation   
        1. b3 d5         31 %       < 2000 >      25%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, English variation   
        1. b3 c5             5%       < 2000 >       5%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Dutch variation   
           1. b3 f5             1%       < 2000 >       1%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Polish variation   
           1. b3 b5            > 1%    <  2000 >     >1%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, symmetrical variation 
     1. b3 b6           3%        < 2000 >      2.5%

(Percentages Above are a rough Estimate of How often each variation is Played by people under 2000 and over 2000 off LiChess Database  (( 25 Million+  1.b3 Games)  This is Rough , not including Transpositions etc and all the other crazy Moves)

BOOKS (Free)

  • Short & Sweet: 1. b3  -  FREE Chessable Course -  26 Trainable Lines w/59 min Video  - GM Adhiban Baskaran  

Nimzo-Larsen Attack Chess Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Nimzo-Larsen Attack.

Nimzo-Larsen Attack LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

(Learn Openings Here and Practice them with Movetrainer or Play them against Computer)

Nimzo-Larsen Attack  -  5 Studys here To learn and Practice Opening

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Halasz Gambit and see how it's played in practice.

Larsen's Opening Video Lessons

Beat Black with Larsen’s Opening 1.b3: A Positional Powerhouse ⚔ - GM Damian Lemos (Chess Openings) - 41 Min it’s solid and flexible… but we're here to tell you that 1.b3 (aka Larsen’s Opening) can also be a stone-cold killer.

Larsen's Opening: 1.b3 | Chess Openings Explained
 - 57 min - St.Louis Chess Club
See three of the most classic games of Larsen's Opening.

The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack: Lecture with GM Ben Finegold - 57 Min  - GM Ben Finegold -
lectures on the opening move 1.b3, a quite playable way for White to begin a game. Covers 4 famous games.

Learn the Larsen Opening (1.b3)  - 18 Min   - Chess Geek 
- cover both the d5 classical system and the e5 modern system! Plus we look at a game example of the Larsen's Opening

Nimzo Larsen Attack (Modern Variation) in Hindi - Strategies and Ideas - 18 Min - Hindi Chess Videos

GM Igor Smirnov

  • 1.b3 Chess Opening for White (More POWERFUL Than You Think!) - 18 Min - You will learn the common ideas for White if Black plays 1...e5 or 1...d5, which are the most common replies. GM Igor Smirnov tests your knowledge at the end with the famous game where the Indian grandmaster Adhiban Baskaran beat David Navara in just 9 moves in this opening.

  • 1.b3 Part - 1 by GM Igor Smirnov  - 33 Min - this part contains the explanation for Black's reply 1...e5 for 1.b3.

  • 1.b3 Part - 2 by GM Igor Smirnov  - 20 Min - In this second part of the video 1.b3 I will showing you the variation or the reply 1...d5 for the white's first move which often leads to the Queens Indian opening.

Playing Against 1. b3

1.b3 Traps

Nimzo-Larsen Attack Game Videos (w/Analysis)


Aman plays 1.b3 every game | TITLED TUESDAY - 1.5 hr - GM Aman Hambelton  -
(New - 6/7/2024) 

Master Class | Nimzowitsch–Larsen Attack | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min

Master Class | 1.B3!! Nimzo-Larsen | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 33 MIN

Bobby Plays 1.b3 | Fischer vs Filip | Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970)  - 11 Min

Boris Spassky's 17-move crush of Bent Larsen's 1.b3  - 8 Min

EVERYONE loses to this opening  -  10 Min - GM Aman Hambelton  (Speed run )

This Is Nimzo–Larsen Attack Or Fischer's Shiny Zwischenzug - 6 Min

Praggnanandhaa Plays Larsen's Opening Against An Experienced Opponent - 7 Min

When the beast goes 1.b3! | Adhiban vs Praggnanandhaa - 12 Min

FM James Canty III

Fighting The Nimzo Larsen - 1. b3 - Game Analysis  - 13 Min   
Crushing 1. b3 - The Larsen System - Game Analysis  - 8 Min
Tate Memorial Round 4 - Nimzo Larsen System  -  24 Min
Tate Memorial Round - 6 - Nimzo Larsen - 20 Min

IM John Bartholomew

Standard Chess #29: robwilby vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 25 Min
Standard Chess #223: IM Bartholomew vs. seeuingoa (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 30 Min
Blitz Chess #244: Hultin vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 20 Min
Blitz Chess #455: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Melikset Khachiyan (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 21 Min
Blitz Chess #143: IM Joorge vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 17 Min
Blitz Chess #60: GM Mareco vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Opening) - 12 Min
Blitz Chess #455: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Melikset Khachiyan (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 21 Min

Dali Inspired AI Created Chessboard with detailed Chess pieces
"The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance
but in the thought behind it."
- Aron Nimzowitsch

Friday, January 27, 2023

Alekhine's Defense B02 - B05


Unlock the Secrets of the Alekhine's Defense:
Your Complete Resource Guide 

The Alekhine's Defense (1. e4 Nf6) is a dynamic and aggressive chess opening where Black challenges White's central control early on.

This unconventional approach can catch your opponents off guard and create excellent winning chances with a complex and unbalanced middlegame.

Ready to unlock the secrets of the Alekhine's Defense and surprise your opponents? Let's explore the resources!

Wikipedia Page

Page of resources on this variation.

BOOKS (Free)

Internet Archive

Starting Out: Alekhine's Defence by John Cox  - 97 Page PDF

Alekhine Alert!: A Repertoire for Black against 1 e4 by Timothy Taylor  - 287 Page PDF

Alekhine's Defense Chess Articles

Alekhine Defense: How to Play as White and Black  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide ( Very nice) - This comprehensive guide covers everything from strategic concepts and tactics to specific variations for both Black and White. It emphasizes the dynamic nature of the defense and offers practical advice for all skill levels. (Great all-around resource)

The Alekhine's Defence  - Simplify Chess Guide - Another In-depth Guide To Learn this opening.

Alekhine’s Defense - Guide from IM Alberto ChuecaThis article provides a quick start for Black players, focusing on the main line and core concepts behind the aggressive Alekhine approach. (Ideal for beginners who want to try the Alekhine quickly.

Alekhine's Defense: World Champion Openings - GM Bryan SmithThis in-depth guide explores the aggressive Alekhine's Defense (1...Nf6). Learn how to exploit White's space advantage and launch your own attacks, with historical examples and strategic insights.

Alekhine's Defense LiChess Studies

Up your Alekhine's Defense with Interactive Lichess Studies!

LISTUDY Alekhine Defense (Site Where Studies are put in and turned into Movetrainer Courses)

Alekhine's Defense   -  26 Chapters  (Can Learn and Practice all the Opening Moves here!)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Databases

Alekhine's Defense (B02-B05)  - 12 Annotated Games
Alekhine Defense Sadler's Collections Plus  - 103 Games
Historically Important Alekhine's Defense Games  - 38 Games
Alekhine's Defense (B02-B05)  - 12,061 Games

B02: Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6  - 41,400 Games
B03: Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 - 22,610 Games
B04: Alekhine's defence, modern variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 - 13,000 Games
B05: Alekhine's defence, modern variation, 4...Bg4 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 Bg4 - 5900 Games

Alekhine's Defense Chess Puzzles

Alekhine's Defense (ECO B02)  - 8 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense (ECO B03)  - 7 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense, Modern (ECO B04)  - 9 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense, Modern (ECO B05) - 13 Puzzles

LiChess Puzzle Page

Alekhine Defense -  6000+ Puzzles (Almost halfway down the Page -  w/ 13 Variations to pick from)

Alekhine Defense Videos


Alekhine Defense Opening Theory  - 6 Video Playlist  - Hanging Pawns
Alekhine's Defense  -  41 Video playlist  - Sibi Chess

Alekhine's Defense: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 50 Min - History, key strategies & famous games to understand this aggressive opening.

How to Play the Alekhine Defence | Grandmaster Repertoire - 22 Min - GM Mouthun Grandmaster Repertoire on how to play the Alekhine with Black.

Alekhine's Defense - Concepts and Quick Theoretical Overview - 60 min - Tony Rotella - I give a brief overview of the history and lore of Alekhine's Defense, why you'd want to give it a punt as Black, as well as a quick tour of the main variations.

The Alekhine Defense ♟ – Play for a Win with Black! - GM Marian Petrov - 61 Min - dives deep into the Four Pawns Variation, showing Black how to exploit an aggressive pawn structure. (Ideal for players who want to learn a specific, sharp variation.)

Alekhine Defense Opening Masterclass  - 94 min - This comprehensive video covers all 14 variations and 6 gambits within the Alekhine Defense. (Best for those who want an exhaustive exploration of every line.)

Beat 1.e4 with Alekhine's Defense!!  -  34 min - IM David Fitzsimons - analyzes how World Champion Magnus Carlsen uses the Alekhine, discussing various strategies and lines. (Perfect for players who want to learn from a master.)

Play the Alekhine Defense ♟Chess Opening with GM Damian Lemos - 27 min -focuses on core concepts like counter-attacking and pawn structure, providing viewers with the tools to navigate the Alekhine's complexities. (Solid choice for players who want a strategic overview with variations.)

Alekhine Defense Traps and Tactics

Playing Against the Alekhine's Defense

Refute the Alekhine Defence / Exchange Variation / Full Repertoire! - 35 min -Master a complete repertoire against the Alekhine's Defense, focusing on the Exchange Variation. Learn "secret" strategies and White's most effective continuations.

Chess Training 
Learn a strong Exchange Variation repertoire for White against the Alekhine's Defense. This 3-part series explores main lines and sidelines after Black's ...cxd6 capture.

Chess Tips: Crush The Alekhine Defense!!  - 43 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic -Master the Samisch Attack, a dynamic strategy to counter the Alekhine's Defense. IM Perunovic emphasizes controlling the center, exploiting weaknesses, and tactical opportunities for White.

Chess Openings: Crazy 2 Pawns Attack vs Alekhine Defense!! - 35 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic  Explore the aggressive "Crazy 2 Pawns Attack" against the Alekhine's Defense. IM Perunovic showcases pawn sacrifices, tactical ideas, and strategies for gaining an advantage.

How to WIN against the Alekhine Defense  - 29 min  - IM Alex Astaneh -Learn winning strategies against the Alekhine's Defense! IM Astaneh emphasizes center control, development, and tactical ideas for White. He analyzes common mistakes and offers tricks like the h3 move and the d5 pawn sacrifice.

Alekhine Defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Alekhine Defense - 7 Video Playlist  - agadmantor   (Famous Games)

Alekhine's Defense Chess Games - 14 Video Playlist  - Chess w/ Suren

Alekhine's Defence - Chess Opening  - 111 Video playlist  - kingscrusher

Fighting Against the Alekhine's Defense | Classical Chess - 59 Min IM Rosen

GM Naroditsky
Master Class | Alekhine Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 26 Min
Master Class | Alekhine Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min
Master Class | Alekhine (The Better Scandi) | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 45 Min
Queenside Vs Kingside Castle!! | Alekhine's Defense | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 28 Min
Master Class | Alekhine's Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 20 Min
Four Pawns Attack | Alekhine's Defence | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 22 Min

Close up of a knight and pawn on a chess board set in an Alekhine defense, watercolor
Chess first of all teaches you to be objective - Alekhine

Friday, July 15, 2022

Clearance Chess Tactics Explained: A Guide to Devastating Sacrifices


A colorful Painted Image of the Back rank of a chess board in oranges and blacks.
"A sacrifice is a calculation, not a guess." - Emanuel Lasker

Master the Art of Making Way for Victory

Chess is a constant battle for control of the board. Sometimes, your own pieces can get in the way of a powerful attack. Enter the clearance sacrifice, a tactical weapon where you give up material to open lines and unleash your fury! Studying clearance tactics will sharpen your tactical vision and elevate your game. Here's your one-stop shop to master this skill!

Clearance Sacrifice: This tactical maneuver involves giving up a piece (pawn or minor piece) to vacate a square. This newly opened square often creates a critical line (file, diagonal, or rank) for your other pieces to launch a devastating attack on your opponent's king or key position.

Line Sacrifice: A specific type of clearance sacrifice where you give up material to open a specific file or diagonal. This newly opened line allows your rooks, queen, or bishop to dominate that line and potentially deliver checkmate or capture valuable enemy pieces.

BOOKS (Free)

Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF -Exeter Chess ClubThis free 84-page resource by the Exeter Chess Club covers clearance sacrifices on page 33 . (Free)

Clearance Chess Articles

Chess Tactics Guide : Clearance Sacrifice - A clear and concise guide with 4 well-explained clearance sacrifice examples.

Games Databases

Clearance - 60 Games with a clearance Tactic (

Clearance Chess Puzzles

LiChess Puzzle Themes

Clearance Tactic - 53,000 Puzzles - Dive into a massive pool of over 53,000 clearance tactic puzzles on LiChess

Clearance LiChess Studies

Interactive Learning for Clearance Mastery

  • Clearance Sacrifice - 15 Chapters  This in-depth study  provides detailed instruction across 12 lessons, guiding you through gaining material and checkmates with clearance sacrifices. 3 tests at the end solidify your learning!

  • Line Clearance - 19 Chapters - Delve into the specific intricacies of line clearance tactics with this 19-chapter study. The first 3 chapters provide foundational theory, followed by a wealth of illustrative examples.

  • 557 - 620 CLEARANCE - 64 Chapters  (26 Clearance Puzzles and Rest Interference Puzzles)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Clearance Tactic Video Lessons

Using Clearance Sacrifices to Improve Pieces - 30 Min Hanging Pawns
Giving up material in order to improve your position and make your pieces better.

Clearance In Chess | Chess Tactics - Line Clearance - 15 Min - Les
son on the deliberate sacrifice of material with the goal of "clearing" either a square or a line.

Chess Tactics #9: CLEARANCE ➡️ 5 Amazing Puzzles explained MOVE by MOVE - 7 Min FM Mederos -
 Sharpen your skills with FM Mederos as he guides you through 5 carefully chosen clearance tactic puzzles, explaining each move in detail.

How to find tactics in chess! --Clearance Sacrifice with 7 chess puzzles - 9 Min

Advanced Tactics : Clearance (5 Puzzles) - 10 Min

Line Blocking and Line Clearing in Chess | Chess Tactics - 8 Min IM Kavutskiy- 
delves into the concepts of line blocking and line clearing, illustrating them with tactical examples. This foundational knowledge is crucial for mastering clearance sacrifices.

Clearance In Chess | Chess Tactics - Line Clearance - 15 Min - 

Advance 22 - Clearance Sacrifice - 10 Min- Lesson w/ example and 2 Master games
Advance 23 - Clearance Sacrifice Practice - 6 Min - 3 master games

10 Levels of Tactics: The Clearance Sacrifice -  36 Min - Chess nerd - 
Let's not only learn but MASTER the Clearance Sacrifice with this Challenge for all levels! 
(New - 6/4/24)

Morpheus Academy ( Videos of live stream teaching kids Chess)

Examples from master play of the concepts of Square Clearance and Line as a powerful tactic.

Chess Diagnostic

Covers Clearance! advanced tactics. I cover the method to break down very complicated chess positions. I go really deep in these lessons to lay a foundation for further practice of more complicated chess puzzles and positions.

Game Videos w/ Analysis

Brilliant Clearance Sacrifice: Nepomuk vs Frohlich - Graz 1888 - 3 Min

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Pirc Defense (B07-B09) - Opening Theory


Black Magic Revealed
 Demystify the Pirc Defense

Black players, sharpen your arsenal! This one-stop shop unlocks the secrets of the Pirc Defense, a dynamic opening that offers a ton of benefits:

  • Challenge White's Center: Fight for control from move one and disrupt your opponent's early plans.

  • Dynamic & Unpredictable: The Pirc Defense leads to complex positions with rich possibilities, keeping your games exciting.

  • Solid Yet Aggressive: Develop your pieces efficiently while creating chances for tactical opportunities.

  • Suitable for All Levels: Whether you're a seasoned player or a curious beginner, the Pirc Defense offers a rewarding path to chess improvement.

  • Free Resources Galore: This guide equips you with everything you need to master the Pirc Defense, completely free – dive into articles, videos, puzzles, and more!

Pirc Wikipedia Page

The Pirc Defence is a powerful and versatile opening that allows Black to challenge White's center control from the start. With proper play, Black can get a strong position and a good chance to win.
1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6

Free Pirc Defense Books & Courses

Supplement your Pirc Defense knowledge with these free resources, including Grandmaster repertoire recommendations and miniature collections to sharpen your tactics!

Internet Archive

FREE Chessable Course 
Short & Sweet: Pirc Defense - - Learn 24 Variations w/ 2 hrs Free Video (Use Spaced repetition to train Course)

Master the Pirc Defense: A Selection of Compelling Articles

Delve into the strategic intricacies of the Pirc Defense with these in-depth articles. Learn opening principles, explore common variations, and discover the dynamic ideas behind this aggressive opening.

The Pirc Defense - Simplify Chess Page  (In-depth Look at Opening)

How To Play The Pirc Defense Chess Opening - Hercules Chess Article

The Simplified Pirc - Kenilworth Chessclub Article

The Pirc Defense – The Ultimate Guide To A Dynamic Chess Opening - (In-depth Article with 3 Embedded Videos )

Pirc Defense – How to Play (as White & Black) - Nice Opening Guide On Chessabale Blog.

Interactive Pirc Defense Studies on Lichess

Master Key Lines: Sharpen your Pirc Defense with interactive studies on Lichess.

Pirc defense - 10 Chapter Study  (80 hearts)

The Pirc Defense - 6 Chapter Study  (Simple with info on Variations) (60 hearts)

Pirc Defense Repertoire - 6 Chapter Interactive Study  (400 hearts)

The Pirc Defense - 14 Chapter Study

Sharpen Your Tactics: Pirc Defense Chess Puzzles

Isolate your weaknesses and refine your tactical vision with these puzzles categorized by specific Pirc Defense variations. Test your skills and identify winning opportunities in critical positions.

Pirc (B07) -1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6  (10 Puzzles)

Pirc, Classical (B08) - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Nf3   (10 Puzzles)

Pirc, Austrian Attack (B09) - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.f4   (10 Puzzles)

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Pirc Defense - 11,879 Puzzles (Main)

Pirc Defense: Classical Variation - 2253 Puzzles
Pirc Defense: Austrian Attack - 866 Puzzles
Pirc Defense: Byrne Variation - 665 Puzzles
Pirc Defense: Kholmov System - 254 Puzzles
Pirc Defense: Roscher Gambit - 129 Puzzles
Pirc Defense: Bayonet Attack - 61 Puzzles

Pirc Defense Games Databases

Analyze master games from various databases, categorized by variations like the Austrian Attack and the Classical Pirc. Learn from the greats and discover new ideas for your own games.

B07: Pirc defence 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 - 57,000 Games (Page with 11 Sub-varients)
B08: Pirc, classical (two knights) system 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. Nf3 - 10,000 Games (4 Subvarients)
B09: Pirc, Austrian attack 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. f4 - 10,000 Games ( 7 Sub-Varients) (Collections)

Instructive games of the Pirc Defense - 10 games 
Pirc/Modern-150 Attack-White wins - 21 Games
Pirc with Black  - 27 Games

Pirc Defense, General (B07) - 25,986 Games
Pirc Defense, 150 Attack (B07) - 1776 Games
Pirc Defense, Byrne Variation (B07) - 4491 Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation (B07) - 756 Games
Pirc Defense, Bayonet Attack (B07) - 

Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Two Knights System (B08) - 5572Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Schlechter Variation (B08) - 4448 Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Quiet System (B08) - 3708 Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Quiet System, Chigorin Line (B08) - 1306 Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Quiet System, Czech Defense (B08) - 3956 Games
Pirc Defense, Classical Variation, Quiet System,Parma Defense (B08) - 2167 Games

Pirc Defense, Austrian Attack (B09) - 1530 Games
Pirc Defense, Austrian Attack, Dragon Formation (B09) - 3533 Games
Pirc Defense, Austrian Attack, Kurajica Variation (B09) - 1105 Games
Pirc Defense, Austrian Attack, Unzicker Attack (B09) - 1147 Games
Pirc Defense, Austrian Attack, Weiss Variation (B09) - 5592 Games

Pirc Defense Video Lessons 

Enhance your learning with a curated selection of Pirc Defense video lessons. Find playlists catering to beginners and experienced players alike, covering opening ideas, middlegame plans, and typical tactical motifs.


Pirc Defense | Ideas, Principles and Common Variations - 16 Min

PIRC Defense: Introduction, Middlegame Plans, Typical Tactics | Best Chess Openings - 26 Min -
 Middlegame plans, masters' games, and typical tactics for this Opening.

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Pirc Defense! - 30 Min 

Opening Ideas: Pirc Defense - GM Yasser Seirawan - 58 Min 
- intermediate-level lecture about opening ideas and the Pirc Defense

Move order matters | Pirc Defense - Standard Chess - 17 Min

GM Ben Finegold: The Pirc Defense - 45 Min - 
 History of the opening, its namesake Vasiukov Pirc, and the evolution of hypermodern chess. Finegold discusses various move orders, transpositions, and the flexibility of the Pirc Defense, offering insights into famous games and strategies for both white and black.

GM Damien Lemos
Not about theory, but more about understanding the plans and ideas behind this opening. Understanding the main strategic ideas such as the different pawn breaks against White's center and various pawn sacrifices which help Black to take over the initiative.

Austrian Attack (4.f4)

Two Knights System (Classical) (4.Nf3)

The Complete Pirc Defense Opening | Classical Variation | Two Knights System and Quiet System - 31 Min

150 Attack (4.Be3)

Czech Pirc

Chess Giant
Palm Beach Chess

Byrne Variation (4.Bg5)

Pirc Defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)


Paragua v Akobian | 2008 Chicago Open | Czech Pirc - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 58 Min
Ivanchuk vs. Kramnik, Candidates 2013 | Pirc Defense - GM Yasser Seirawan- 58 Min
Bobby Fischer faces Viktor Korchnoi in the Pirc Defence - World Chess Candidates 1962 - 18 Min
Pirc Defence | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 17 Min

Magnus Carlsen Shows How to Play the Pirc Defense - 10 Min - GM Benjamin Bok

Chess Quilt