Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2022

Jobava London - Opening Theory


Sharpen Your Skills:
Free Resources for the Jobava London

Delve into the intricacies of the Jobava London with our comprehensive archive of articles, video lessons, and interactive studies. 

Perfect your attacking plans and discover hidden tactical opportunities!

Looking to expand your chess opening repertoire with  an opening known for its sharp tactics and attacking potential. Look no further than the Rapport-Jobava London System!

 This exciting opening variation builds upon the solid foundations of the London System, adding an extra punch for players who enjoy attacking chess.

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 d5 3.e3 c5 4.Nc3 cxd4 5.exd4 Nc6 6.Qd2 Bf5 7.O-O-O

Animated chessboard demonstrating the first 8 moves of the Rapport-Jobava London System, a dynamic chess opening known for its attacking potential. White (bottom) plays 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bf4, challenging Black's center. Black responds 3... c5, accepting the gambit. White continues with 4. e3 cxd4 5. exd4 Nc6 6. Qd2 Bf5, developing their pieces and putting pressure on Black's kingside. The move 7. O-O-O castles White's king on the queenside, a key element of the Jobava London System.

Sub-varient Queen Pawn - Chigoran Variation
 => 3. Bg5 Richter-Veresov
=> 3. Bf4 Jobava London.

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

Jobava London Chessable Courses (FREE)

Jobava London Chess Articles

Jobava London LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

Jobava London Video Lessons


Basics of Jobava London (1.d4 2.Nc3 3.Bf4) with Daniel Naroditsky - 68 Min - Chessbase India - IM Sagar Shah learns the basics of this opening from Daniel Naroditsky and this can be an introduction if you are interested to start playing this opening. Jobava London: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 50 Min -
A lecture on the Jobava London System, Finegold discusses the system’s key features, including the combination of Bishop F4 with Knight C3, and contrasts it with the traditional London System. He emphasizes the Jobava London’s aggressive nature, favoring players who excel in tactics and non-theoretical positions.

1000s Can Learn the Aggressive Jobava London!! - 57 Min - GM Nakamura
shows you how to implement the aggressive and crowd-pleasing Jobava London in your chess repertoire.

GM Denes Boros

Learn the Jobava London (Complete Guide - Ideas, Theory, and Game Examples) - 16 Min - ChessGeek complete guide on the Jobava London System! the opening moves, main ideas and key strategies for both white and black. We'll also examine a range of typical plans and tactical motifs that arise in this opening, and provide tips and tricks for navigating the position.

Jobava London: everything you need to know - 54 Min - IM Banzea - 7 Games w/ analysis

London MasterClass (Jobava Variation)
 47 MIN IM Banzea - a Comprehensive guide on playing the London System against the King’s Indian and Grunfeld defenses in chess. It begins by explaining the Jobava London setup and why it’s specifically effective against kingside fianchetto structures. Delves into various lines and responses, highlighting the importance of pawn structure, piece placement, and strategic planning.

Jobava London System | Chess Traps | ChessMaster2000 - 15 Min

GM Simon Williams 

Battling The Jovbava London
 (Black Systems & Games)

Jobava London Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Jobava London - 13 Video playlist - Chessbase India

Attacking with the Jobava London - 35 Min IM Eric Rosen
Jobava London System as played by the World Champ! - 10 Min
Tactics in the Jobava London System you should know. #1 Jobava vs Quparadze - 26 Min
Jobava London by Magnus! What a Game! | Carlsen vs Xiong | - 23 Min
Strategy in the Jobava London | Standard Chess #293 - 48 Min IM Bartholomew
My Most Brilliant Rapport-Jobava Game - 7 Min GM Denes Boros

GM Simon Williams (Games)

Longer Chess Games #41 Climbing the 2500 mountain - A Typical Trick in the  'Jobava-London System' - 8 Min
Longer Chess Games #48 The Jobava London System in Action - 40 Min 
Longer Chess Games #49 The Jobava London System - What to do against an early ...Bf5 - 40 Min
Longer Chess Games #63 The Jobava London System - A Common Trap - 56 Min
Chess Speed Run 50: The Jobava London System is a Killer! - 17 Min - we look at some typical mistakes that players make around the 2000+ level

Water color Painting of London at night with lamp post
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is." - Vince Lombardi

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Always a Move Ahead: The Ultimate Guide to Initiative Chess


"Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack." - Wilhelm Steinitz

Don't Get Stuck Reacting
 Seize the Initiative and Control the Chessboard!


Are you tired of constantly playing defense? Do you dream of dictating the pace of the game, forcing your opponent to scramble and react to your threats?

The secret weapon you need is initiative. In chess, initiative is the lifeblood of an aggressive and dynamic playstyle. It allows you to control the flow of the game, putting your opponent under constant pressure and creating opportunities for powerful attacks.

But how do you master this crucial skill? Don't worry, we've got you covered! This ultimate guide compiles a treasure trove of resources to transform you into an initiative chess master.

We'll delve into articles, video lessons, game collections, and more, all designed to help you:

  • Grasp the core concept of initiative and its importance in all phases of the game.

  • Develop tactical skills to create continuous threats and force your opponent to react.

  • Learn from the masters with expert analyses of iconic initiative-driven games.

  • Build a comprehensive training arsenal to hone your initiative chess and dominate the competition.

So, buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner chess predator! With these resources, you'll be well on your way to controlling the board and dictating the terms of victory.


Initiative Chess Articles

Sharpen Your Chess Arsenal: Must-Read Articles on Initiative

What Is The Initiative? - Article by Im Jeremy Silman -Unravel the core concept of initiative and discover how to translate it into lasting advantages, with practical examples from real games. (Focuses on both understanding and application)

Initiative  - Article by WGM Natalia Pogonina

Initiative - GM Rashad Babaev
Explore the concept of initiative through the lens of GM Rashad Babaev, featuring analysis of three illustrative games.

Material for Initiative - GM 
Magesh Chandran Panchanathan -Delve into the aggressive strategy of sacrificing a pawn for initiative in the French Tarrasch variation, analyzed through three games.

The Struggle for the Initiative in the Opening - WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos
Demystify the art of fighting for the initiative in the opening phase, with expert guidance

Initiative: 10 Reasons Why You Should Gain It in Your Games - thechessworld article - Discover 10 compelling reasons why prioritizing initiative should be a cornerstone of your chess strategy

Maintaining a Strategic Initiative - GM Mihail Marin - Chessmood Article
Embark on a deep dive with GM Mihail Marin as he explores the art of maintaining a strategic initiative. Learn to balance strategy and tactics through historical game analysis and Polugaevsky's thought process.

Modern Chess Magazine Issue 1 - 67 Page PDF  (Fighting for the initiative (by GM Boris Chatalbashev Article page 13-21) ( Free Issue) 


Initiative Games Collection

Studying games where initiative plays a central role is an excellent way to hone your skills. Here are some resources packed with inspiring examples: Collection

Sacrifice and Initiative (Sokolov) - 81 Games from Sokolov's Book


Initiative Chess Video Lessons

This curated list offers a variety of resources, from bite-sized explanations to in-depth explorations:

The initiative in chess - 10 Video Playlist ( about 2.5 hrs worth of videos)

How to Think About The Initiative in Chess -  23 Min   IM John Bartholomew 
- I demonstrate how a single pawn sacrifice in the opening led to a string of small, annoying threats that snowballed to a victory. - Initiative vs. Material
 - 4 Min
displaying examples of when the initiative and the ability to remain active was more important than the gaining of material.

Fischer shows how to grab the INITIATIVE | Sensing the moment in a chess game - 37 Min -  IM  Szabo 
-  explains this with a couple of interesting games - one played between Paul Keres and Mikhail Botvinnik, and the other between Donald Byrne and Bobby Fischer.

Sacrificing Pawns for the Initiative | Chess Middlegames - 22 Min Hanging Pawns

Chess Tips: The Initiative - 14 Min IM Rozman (Gotham Chess) - Grasp the core concept of initiative with clear explanations from a renowned chess instructor.

GM Alex Lenderman: The Importance of Initiative | U.S. Chess School 3.17.2022 - 55 Min -
discusses the importance of initiative in chess, using his own games as examples. He emphasizes that even at the GM level, playing against initiative can be challenging, even if the position is objectively equal.

Level up your chess! #1 The initiative in chess by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko - 66 Min
Learn from a Grandmaster! Analyze historical games and see how even world champions can struggle when they lose focus on initiative.

Understanding Imbalances in Chess - Initiative - 12 Min FM Dalton Perrine

Initiative in Chess by IM Boroljub Zlatanovic - 14 Min
So how important is initiative? And how to keep and maintain the initiative? Watch the video and learn now!

Fundamentals #8: Initiative | Max Warmerdam | World Online Schools - 68 Min
A comprehensive guide on the concept of initiative in chess, focusing on its importance in various openings and how to maintain it throughout the game.

Take the Initiative and punish Opening Errors! - GM Damian Lemos - 24 Min
See how a top Grandmaster like Magnus Carlsen utilizes initiative to exploit opening mistakes. Learn to prioritize piece activity and capitalize on your opponent's weaknesses.

Importance of Initiative in Chess - 2hr 15 Min  GM Ramachandran Ramesh  (Starts at 12 Min) (Long Live Stream on the Topic with it being a lesson w/ Q&A as well. Free lesson from one of Indias Most famous Trainers.

How To Use The Initiative In Chess - 14 Min - GM Max Illingworth
Sharpen your skills with this new addition! Analyze a game between top players, focusing on how to effectively translate initiative into concrete advantages. (New - 6/3/24)

Attacking Chess - Seize the Initiative with Aggressive Play - 30 Min - NM Dan Heisman -
defines the initiative in chess and shows three games as examples

St. Louis CC Lectures

Paul Morphy's Forcing Moves & Initiative | Kids' Class - GM Josh Friedel - 27 Min - Witness initiative in action as GM Friedel breaks down a classic game by the legendary Paul Morphy.

Quickly! Take the Initiative! - FM Aviv Friedman - 32 Min  (Video below) - Two inspiring games where one player kept applying pressure and attacking. (Beginner)


Monday, April 20, 2009

Crack The Chess Endgame Code: Guide to Free Endgame Resources

A modern painted art piece featuring a chess endgame scenario with only pawns and kings of both colors, abstract elements blending into the background, dynamic brushstrokes, and vibrant hues. [painting, conceptual art]"
"The endgame is where the brilliancies are." - Savielly Tartakower

Free Endgame Mastery
Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Endgames

The endgame is often referred to as the "soul of chess." While the opening and middlegame set the stage and create tactical opportunities, the endgame is where the battle truly comes down to strategy, precision, and technical skill. Mastering endgame principles allows you to:

  • Convert winning positions: Even with a material advantage, if you don't know how to checkmate your opponent, victory can slip away.
  • Salvage losing positions: Skilled endgame play can sometimes turn a seemingly lost game into a draw.
  • Recognize and exploit weaknesses: Understanding endgame techniques helps you identify and exploit your opponent's weaknesses, leading to a winning advantage.

This comprehensive archive offers a treasure trove of FREE resources to elevate your endgame skills, from basic checkmates to advanced strategies. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, you'll find valuable tools to sharpen your endgame technique and secure those crucial victories.

Books (Free)

Internet Archive

Chess Endgames - 171 types in 4560 positions - Lazlo Polgar  - 1165 page PDF - A comprehensive guide covering 171 types of endgames with thousands of positions, ideal for in-depth study and mastery of endgame strategies.

Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol.1 by Efstratios Grivas  -  A strategic approach to endgames, focusing on planning and execution, presented in a detailed format across 379 pages.

A Guide To Chess Endings by Max Euwe, David Hooper  -   A concise yet informative guide to chess endings authored by Max Euwe and David Hooper, providing essential knowledge in 252 pages.

Practical Chess Endings - Chirnov -  A practical handbook on chess endings, offering valuable insights and techniques through 317 pages of analysis and instruction.

Domination In 2,545 Endgame Studies by Ghenrikh M. Kasparyan -   An extensive collection of endgame studies, totaling 2,545 positions, aimed at enhancing tactical skills and strategic understanding across 544 pages.

Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual by Mark Dvoretsky  -  A revered manual authored by Mark Dvoretsky, renowned for its depth and clarity in explaining endgame concepts and strategies over 408 pages.

FREE Chessable Endgame Courses - Sharpen Your Skills

Chessable offers a fantastic platform to learn endgames for free. Here are some excellent courses to kick-start your endgame mastery:

Basic Endgames - 181 Endgames (Very Nice in-depth Instruction) (This course was made by a chess-coach for his students and put up here for FREE)     (This alone is worth trying Chessable for Free)

Endgame Bootcamp with John Bartholomew - Learn the Basics(Learn 10 Basic pawn , and Rook & Pawn Endgames) 

Essential endings: Mating with B+N - Conquer the Chessboard's Trickiest Checkmate!  - Learn this Endgame  - Here we go - winning the most complicated basic ending. I will teach you an easy to learn way, wasting very few moves, but keeping the path smooth. There are practicing variations and lots of explanations.

Essential Endings: Playing R+B vs. R - Key Strategy's - I present some key positions and strategies to either win (if possible) or draw (if possible) this ending.

Essential R+P vs. R Endings - IM John Bartholomew - I present some key positions and strategies to either win (if possible) or draw (if possible) this ending.

Winning Chess Endings: Free Lesson - Some techniques by GM Yasser Seirwain - With only 9 trainable variations and 25 minutes of instructive videoWinning Chess Endings: Free Lesson is light in workload...but heavy in game-changing instruction.

Johan Hellsten: Free Endgame Lesson - Endgame Techniques (10 Lessons)
Chess master Johan Hellsten teaches a crucial endgame skill: piece domination.

Learn the "magic distance" for different piece combinations and use this knowledge to:  Win material,Create winning opportunities and Enhance your overall chess strategy.    This free lesson includes a video lesson and practice exercises. 

Silman's Complete Endgame Course: Free Lesson 
Master overkills, opposition, & rook pawn wins (42 mins video and 21 MoveTrainer Drills.)

Magnus Carlsen: Free endgame Lesson - Uncover the secrets behind the endgame mastery of a chess legend with lessons from Magnus Carlsen himself!

Free Lesson: The Principle of Two Weaknesses -  GM Sam Shankland - 42 Variations w/62 Min Video. Master a key endgame strategy from legendary coach Shereshevsky.

Rook Endgames: Free Lesson -  GM Ivan Sokolov & by GM Efstratios Grivas -  32 min Video w/20 Variations - A free Lesson on Smashing Fortresses in Rook Endgames.

The Queen vs. Rook Endgame - Extensive Free Course
- This course is tailored to intermediate players up to experts and is a comprehensive course on such positions. It is broken down into three courses of different lengths: an ultra-short course (around 50 trainable lines), a short course (around 70 trainable lines), and the full course (around 130 trainable lines). All are included in this course and you can work your way up based on your needs.

Chessable offers a freemium model, allowing you to explore these courses for free. Consider creating an account to track progress and unlock additional features.

By utilizing these free Chessable resources, you can lay a strong foundation for mastering chess endgames and elevate your overall chess game!

 Endgame Lessons (Articles)

8 Endgame Chess Principles To Always Follow (for Beginners and Experts) - Nice Guide 

Logical Chess Endgame Lessons -  Links all at bottom of page

Complete Guide to Chess Endgames (From Beginner to Master) - Really Nice Site !
           -  Articles broken down into each ELO Group (Over 100 articles covering each endgame type)

Logical Chess - Learn how to play chess well with tactical exercises, strategy and endgame lessons. 98 Endgame Lessons here.  (Nice Site)

Bishop's Bounty Exploring Endgames:
A Guide to Hidden Treasures on
- Blog Posts on . All the Lessons and Posts are about Endgames. 45 Posts By GM's and other Titled  Players.

Chess Endgame Blogs 

Chess Endgame Studies by Árpád Rusz - Nice Site with 30+ Endgame Books for Download

Chessable Blog

Yes, that sounds perfectly fine! "Explore the intricacies of chess endgames with Chessable course examples and insights

Endgame Archive at TheChessWorld
Articles By WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos

15 Must-Know Chess Endgame Patterns - Article with 40 Min Video embeded
10 Reasons to Learn Endgames in 2021 -  Article with 55 Min Video embeded
3 Must-Know Ideas in Pawn Endgames - Article
Rook Endgames: 3 vs. 2 on the Same Flank - Article
Rook and Knight versus Rook and Bishop Endgames - Article
The Importance of Piece Activity in Rooks Endgames - Article

Chess Endgame Video Lessons

Endgame Course - 17 Video Playlist  (From Chess Vibes)

Chess Endgames - 38 Video Playlist (From Hanging Pawns)

Complete Chess Endgame Course - 30 Video Playlist (ChessDiagnostic)

Endgame Essentials Lecture by GM Ben Finegold  - 60 Min

Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta
(over 60 hrs of Video Lessons here)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scandinavian Defense (Center Counter Defense) (B01) - Opening Theory


Scandianavian Defence (Center Counter Defense) Resources

Wikipedia Page 

The Scandinavian Defense, also known as the Center Counter Defense, is a chess opening that begins with the moves 1.e4 d5. It is a hyper-modern defense, meaning that it aims to control the center with pieces rather than pawns. This defense is characterized by the move d5, which aims to support the pawn on e5, and it is a good choice for players who like to play aggressively and counterattack.

The main idea of the Scandinavian defense is for Black to gain space in the center and try to attack the white pawns on e4 and d4. Black's pawn on d5 also aims to exert pressure on e4, which could become a weakness if not properly supported.

The most common continuations for Black after 1.e4 d5 are 2.exd5 Qxd5 and 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4. The first move allows Black to develop their queen early and apply pressure on e4, while the second move allows Black to develop their knight and gain control of d5.

The Scandinavian Defense can be a solid choice for Black, but it also requires a good understanding of the middle game and the ability to counterattack, as it can lead to complex and tactical positions.

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

Internet Archive

Center Counter Defense: The Portuguese Variation - 98 Page PDF

Chessable Courses (Free)

IM John Bartholomew's Scandinavian (FREE version) - (Teaches 56 Lines and you can use the Movetrainer to practice them.)

Short & Sweet: Scandinavian - 13 Lines w/37 Min Video - IM Robert Ris 

Short & Sweet: Scandinavian for White - 10 Lines w/ 53 Min Video - IM Miodrag Perunovic

Scandinavian Defense Chess Articles

Scandinavian Defense - Simplify Chess - Nice Article with the what, why and moves explained.
Beating The Scandinavian Defense – Beginner Chess Openings - Thorough Article with Several Embeded Videos. (Good read if you face this opening a lot)

Centre-Counter Tutorial -
The Anti -Portuguese System -by Michael Goeller
Annotated Recent Game Article - from Chess Publishing

CHESS PIECE: SCANDINAVIAN SECRETS - Blog post Refuting the Qa5 line of the Scandinavian by Bobby Ang
Scandinavian Defense – Kadas Gambit  - Remote Chess Academy Article w/embedded Videos
How To Play The Scandinavian Defense: 3…Qa5 - Hercules Chess Guide

Scandinavian Defense – How to Play As White and Black - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (Nice Guide)

Scandinavian Defense LiChess Studies 

Comprhensive Study Scandinavian - 15 Chapter Study  (400 hearts)
Scandinavian Defense (Traps for White) - 12 Chapter Study
Scandinavian opening traps  - 29 Chapter Study  (150 Hearts)
The scandinavian defence - 11 Chapter Study  (Just Showing all the Variations)
Scandinavian Defense (White)  - 13 Chapter Study 

LiStudy Scandinavian Page -  6 Studies (At Bottom of Page) Set up to use the Movetrainer here to Learn or Practice opening. Can also Play opening Against Computer.


Miniatures in the Scandinavian - 16 Games
Annotated Recent Game Article - from Chess Publishing

B01: Scandinavian (centre counter) defence 1. e4 d5 - 62,000 Games ( Broken down to 13 Sub Variants)

Scandinavian (B01)  - 36 Annotated Games

Scandinavian Defence, General, B01  - 19,500 Games

Scaninavian Defense Video Lessons


Scandinavian Defense Opening Theory -6 Video playlistHanging Pawns  (About 3 hrs)

How to Play the Scandinavian Defence | Grandmaster Repertoire - 32 min GM Moulthun
How To CRUSH Opponents with the Scandinavian Defense! - 33 Min IM Rozman
Play Scandinavian Defense - 33 Min  - IM Marcin Sieciechowicz

Playing Against

Crush the Scandinavian Defense - 10 Min IM Rosen
Finally! An Answer to the Scandinavian Defense by GM Bryan Smith - 36 Min
Hacking the Scandinavian - GingerGM's Spicy Openings and Gambits - 18 Min
PUNISH THE SCANDINAVIAN DEFENSE | IM Miodrag 'The Butcher' Perunovic - 106 min
This ONE Move CRUSHES The Scandi | Dojo Lessons feat. DeanG - 14 min
How to beat the Scandinavian Defense-Part-1  -  10 Min GM Arun

Three POWERFUL Attacking Ideas to CRUSH the Scandinavian Defense - 16 Min - GM Jose Gonzales -
The strategies presented in this video are well-known to strong players. Adopt these powerful lines to effectively counter this solid defense. (New 5/29/24)

St Louis Chess Club

The Scandinavian Defense: Solid, Sharp, or Suspect? - Chess Openings Explained - 48 Min
Fallout from Scandinavian Defense Tournament - Beginner Breakdown - 38 Min

Scandinavian Opening Traps

7 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Scandinavian Defense - 28 Min 
op 5 Chess Opening Traps in the Scandinavian Defense [White & Black] - 16 Min
Traps against the Scandinavian defence aka "Center-Counter" opening -12 Min

Scandinavian Game Videos (W/analysis)

Scandinavian defense - 17 Video Playlist - Agadmantor
Scandinavian Defense - 33 Video Playlist - Chess School
PLAY ALL Scandinavian Defence (Center Counter) - Chess Opening - 74 Video Playlist - kingscrusher

Magnus Carlsen Plays His Old Favourite Blitz Opening; Scandinavian Defense 
Scandinavian Defense - 33 Video Playlist - Chess School
PLAY ALL Scandinavian Defence (Center Counter) - Chess Opening - 74 Video Playlist - kingscrusher

Magnus Carlsen Plays His Old Favourite Blitz Opening; Scandinavian Defense - 7 Min
Dmitry Andreikin vs Fabiano Caruana 2014 - 30 Min
Vishy Anand vs Loek Van Wely - Tata Steel (2013) - Scandinavian Defense (B01) - 33 Min

GM Naroditsky

How To CRUSH The Scandinavian Defense | The Sensei Speedrun |- 16 Min
Attacking The Scandi Kingside | The Sensei Speedrun  - 16 Min
Natural Developing Moves | Scandinavian Defense: Modern | - 30 Min
The Risks of Queenside Castle | Scandinavian Defence | The Sensei Speedrun - 37 Min
Master Class | Scandinavian Defense | Chess Speedrun - 38 Min
Master Class | Scandinavian Defense | Chess Speedrun  - 40 Min

IM John Bartholomew (Well Annotated Games)

Recent Theory Practice in the 3...Qd8 Scandinavian - 47 Min
 GM Z-Integrator vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 21 Min
IM Bartholomew vs. TOuchlighter (Scandinavian Defense) - 28 Min
Aruminos vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 18 Min
hek vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 36 Min
Belalugosi vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 36 Min
GM Humpy Koneru vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 44 Min
SnapCracklePop vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 48 Min
IM MWeston vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 18 Min
alakhine101 vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 45 Min
Twin Ports Open [Round 1]: Pratik Nehete vs. IM Bartholomew  - 28 Min
NM Andrew Titus vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 78 Min
GM Stefan Kristjansson vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 19 Min
GM Eric Lobron vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 16 Min
GM narkissos vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 15 Min
IM Luca Shytaj vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 20 Min
stalyansky vs. IM Bartholomew (Scandinavian Defense) - 37 Min

PGN Game Downloads -(1.e4 d5) - 4905 Games (U.of Pitt Archive)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Free Online Chess Study Courses

Chess Course Resources Online 

Chess Books (Free)

Chess Teaching Manual by IM Tom O'Donnell -303 page PDF
    (Produced by the Chess Federation of Canada)

A Course In Chess Tactics by Dejan Bojkov, Vladimir Georgiev - 193 Page PDF

Chess Visualization Course - Book 1: General Tactics by Ian Anderson - 328 Page PDF

Silman's Complete Endgame Course - 543 Page PDF

101 Essential Chess Tips - 101 Page PDF

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Chock full of Free Beginner lessons.

Chessable Free Courses - Over 100 Free Courses. You set up an account and you can use any 5  FREE courses at one time. Also allows the use of Movetrainer.
(Hands Down one of the best Free Resources Online for Chess Study)  

Lichess Learn Lichess (Everything here is free) full of videos, interactive lessons and study plans.

Predator at the Chessboard - A field guide to chess tactics. Lots of Lessons on tactics with practical examples and quiz's. This is a really nice free site for anyone wanting to improve their tactics.

How to Get to 1900 - (A Rapid Improvement Chess Course for all Class Players)
by John Coffee
15 Steps From Intro - 1900. Each Step is broken into 3-5 parts.(Tactics, Opening, Endgame, Critical Positions and Reviewing Games) There is a great Deal of free info here for anyone trying to improve with Hundreds of problems and Lessons.

Building Chess Habits
 -  (Link is to 31 Video Playlist) A course on Improvement from 400 ELO - 2000 ELO    
31 Videos with over 60 Hours of FREE instruction by GM Aman Hambleton

Beginner Lessons  -  Offers Instruction to help Kids learn Chess (Lessons and Videos Very nice)
Chess Lab  - Basics are covered
US Chess Federation Beginner Course
Chess Corner Learn Chess Guide - Bunch of Very nice lessons right up to intermediate stuff.

Home of the Free Chess Course - Beginner Course - 28 Lessons Intermediate Course - 30 Lessons

Pretty General Lessons for the Beginning Player