Showing posts with label Chess Lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Lessons. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

QGD - Chigorin Defense D07 - Opening Theory

QGD - Chigorin Defense Chess Resources

The Chigorin Defense is a chess opening named for 19th-century Russian master Mikhail Chigorin. An uncommonly played defense to the Queen's Gambit, it begins with the following moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6

The Chigorin Defense is a solid but slightly offbeat choice for Black, as it allows White to gain a slight space advantage in the center of the board. Black's idea is to undermine White's center with counterattacks on the queenside, often by advancing the a-pawn and placing pressure on the b2-pawn. Black also has the option of playing for an eventual ...e5 break to challenge White's pawn center.

One of the main drawbacks of the Chigorin Defense is that it can lead to somewhat passive positions for Black, as the c4-pawn exchange weakens the d5-pawn and makes it difficult for Black to mount an attack on the kingside. However, experienced players can use the Chigorin Defense to good effect by seeking counter-play and attacking chances on the queenside.

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Chigorin Defense - FREE Chessable Course - 23 trainable Lines w/ 45 min Video
MoveTrainer® Opening course by GM Sahaj Grover & by GM Abhijeet Gupta

Chigorin Defense Chess Articles

Kill the Chigorin Defense With the Queen’s Gambit… Kasparov Style! - ichess Article w/ embedded Video
Chigorin Defense: Complete Guide for Black - chesstier Article 


Chigorin Defense: Active Play in the Queen’s Gambit Declined - Chessable Blog Guide (Nice In-Depth Guide)
Chess Opening Basics: The Chigorin Defense  - Another Chessable Blog Guide

Chigorin Defense LiChess Studies

Chigorin defense repertoire  - 6 Chapter Study
D07 Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense - 10 Chapter Study
Chigorin Defense - 9 Chapter Study

The Queen's Gambit (Grandmaster Guide) - 64 Chapter Study (Chigorin Ch 43-49)

Chigorin Defense PUZZLES

Chigorin Defense Puzzles - 1690 Puzzles  (Lichess Puzzles By Opening)

GAMES Databases

The Chigorin Defense According To Morozevich - 54 Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense (D07)  - 4 Annotated Games

D07: Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin defence - 5871 Games

Chigorin Defense Video Lessons

The Chigorin Defence full repertoire - 16 Video playlist - Endgame Strategy's
Chigorin Defense Theory  - 5 Video playlist - Hanging Pawns

Chigorin teaches 🤓 you the Chigorin with GM Damián Lemos [Lemos Deep Dive] - 22 Min
Crush 1.d4 with the Chigorin Defense! 🛡 with IM Valeri Lilov - 44 Min
Chigorin Defense with IM Milovan Ratkovic - 22 Min
How to play the Chigorin Defense - 22 Min - OfferSpill Chess Club

ST.Louis Chess Club
Ch-Ch-Ch Chigorin Defense!🎵: Part 1 | Chess Openings Explained - 40 min
Ch-Ch-Ch Chigorin Defense!🎵: Part 2 | Chess Openings Explained - 24 Min

Ben Finegold
Chigorin Defense Middlegames - GM Ben Finegold - 2015.10.13 - 47 Min
Queen's Gambit Part 3: Albin-Counter, Baltic & Chigorin - 45 Min - GM Ben Finegold
15+ Years of Chigorin Games of Ben Finegold - 1991-2006 - 2 hr - GM Ben Finegold

Play Against The Chigorin
The Simple Solution to the Chigorin Defense | Chess Opening Blueprint - 13 Min  Jonathan Schrantz
DESTROY the Chigorin Defense EASILY With the Queen's Gambit! - 36 Min - GM Damian Lemos
The Simple Solution to the Chigorin Defense | Chess Opening Blueprint - 13 Min - Johnathan Schrantz
Destroy the Chigorin Defense! - Queen's Gambit Declined Theory - Chigorin Defense Ideas And Plans - 20 Min

Refute Chigorin Defense like Carlsen and Firouzja!! - 25 Min - IM Modrag Perunovic

Chigorin Traps
Chess Trap 10 (Chigorin Defense) - 10 Min
Chess Trap 22 (2018 Chigorin Trap) - 8 Min

Chigorin Game Videos (w/ Analysis)

Longer Chess Games #58 The Chigorin Opening - 59 min - GM Simon Williams
Chigorin Crushes! - 16 Min - GM Ben Finegold  (Two games)

GM Danial Naroditsky
Master Class | QGD Chigorin & Baltic Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 44 Min
Chigorin Defense; QGD | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naro - 18 min

Chess School
Chigorin played the Chigorin defence | Steinitz - Chigorin World Championship Match 1889, round 10 - 7 Min - Chess School
Chigorin Defense: Brucker vs Lanni Atlanta 1980 - 5 Min - Chess School
Unleash The Chigorin Defence  - 5 Min - Chess School
Magnus Carlsen lost to Chigorin defence - 5 Min - Chess School

Magical Dark forest with Chess pieces

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

QGD - Semi-Tarrasch Defense - D40-42 - Opening Theory


Semi-Tarrasch Defense Resources

Semi-Tarrasch Defense Wikipedia Page

The Semi-Tarrasch Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined ,
 characterized by the following moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 Nf6
4. Nf3 c5


Books and Courses (Free)

Short & Sweet: Dominguez's Semi-Tarrasch - FREE Chessable Course - 20 Trainable Lines - GM Leinier Dominguez (2 hr Free Video)

Short & Sweet: Ganguly's Semi-Tarrasch - FREE Chessable Course - 33 Trainable Lines - GM Surya Shekhar Ganguly  (44 Min Free Video)

Semi-Tarrasch Chess Articles

The Semi-Tarrasch – How to Play, Attack and Counter (as White & Black) - Chessable Blog Article - Very Extensive

Semi-Tarrasch Defense LiChess Studies

QGD Semi-Tarrasch -  9 Chapter Study

A Semi-Trash Repertoire for the Black pieces - 4 Chapter Study

Game Databases

D40: Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch defence 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 c5 - 5800 Games
D41: Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch, 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 c5 5. cxd5 - 4200 games
D42: Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 c5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. e3 Nc6 7. Bd3 - 735 Games

Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch (D40) 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nf3 c5 - 1000 Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch (D41) 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nf3 c5 5 cxd5 - 1500 Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch, 7.Bd3 (D42) 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nf3 c5 5 cxd5 Nxd5 6 e3 Nc6 7 Bd3 - 540 games
Semi-Tarrasch - 17 Game Collection (Famous Players Games)

Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch Defense (D40) - 2300 Games

Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch Defense, Exchange Variation (D41) - 2400 games

Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch Defense, Main Line (D42) - 830 Games

Semi-Tarrasch Puzzles (Tactics)

QGD- Semi-Tarrasch Puzzles - 1000 Puzzles ( LiChess Puzzles by Openings )

Semi-Tarrasch Defense Video Lessons

Semi-Tarrasch Defense Theory - 13 Video Playlist -  3+Hrs Video - Jazarov's Chess Channel

Powerful ideas for Black against 1.d4 ft. GM Surya Ganguly - 81 min - Chessbase India

The Semi-Tarrasch Opening explained by Leinier Domínguez - 2 HR - GM Leinier Dominguez (Great FREE Lesson) 

Video Below - Really Nice Lesson

Semi-Tarrasch Exchange Variation (D41)

QGD Semi Tarrasch, Exchange Variation D41 - 16 Min - Advancing Pawn

Master Game Analysis - QGD Semi Tarrasch, Exchange Variation - 1 - 30 Min - Advancing Pawn
Master Game Analysis - QGD Semi Tarrasch, Exchange Variation - 2 - 30 Min - Advancing Pawn

Semi-Tarrasch Chess Traps

Queens Gambit Semi Tarrasch - The Crash in the Semi Tarrasch - 4 Min

Queen's Gambit Semi Tarrasch - The Yudovich Not So Fine Trap - 3 Min

Stunning Opening Trap Queen Sacrifice | Semi Tarrasch | - 2 Min

Semi-Tarrasch Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Semi-Tarrasch - 6 Video Playlist - Chessbase India

John Bartholomew
Blitz Chess #301: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Kassa Korley (Semi-Tarrasch Defense) - 16 Min
Blitz Chess #5: IM Bartholomew vs. ercoleiaccone (Semi-Tarrasch Defense) - 14 Min

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Chess Prophylaxis - Advanced Strategy

Prophylaxis Chess Resources

In chess, prophylaxis consists of a move or series of moves done by a player to prevent their opponent from taking some action. Such preventative moves, or prophylactic moves, aim not only to improve one's position but also to restrict the opponent in improving their own.
The term prophylaxis comes from the Greek προφύλαξις, profýlaxis, "guarding or preventing beforehand".
Chess Prophylaxis Wikipedia Page - Just a General Description

Prophylaxis Chess Articles

The Art of Prophylaxis in Chess - Nice Chessable Blog Article w/Embedded Johan Hellston Video

Prophylaxis – Learn from Anatoly Karpov - Nice article w/example games - GM Swapnil Dhopade Blog on LiChess

Prophylaxis - Chessworld Article by WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Understanding before Moving 65: Prophylaxis - Chessbase Article w/ 26 Min Embedded Video with IM Herman Grooten

Prophylaxis LiChess Studies

PROPHYLAXIS - 11 Chapter study (120 Hearts)

endgame tatics prophylaxis - 24 Chapter Interactive Study 

Prophylaxis - 10 Chapter Interactive Study (Looking at Opening , Middle game and Endgame Examples)

Chess Prophylaxis Video Lessons

IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Prophylactic Thinking | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 18 Min
Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Part 2 | Prophylactic Thinking | - 17 Min
Improve your Chess with Prophylaxis | Part 3 | Prophylactic Thinking | - 15 min

GM Sune Berg Hansen.

Prophylaxis in Chess - The Prevention Strategy - A GM Tool - 21 min - GM Talks
The Hidden Art of Prophylaxis: Transform Your Game With This Strong Chess Tool - 22 min - GM Talks
Use Prophylaxis As Your Weapon Of Dark Empathy To Destroy Your Opponents - 20 min - GM Talks
Magnus Carlsen dominated Hikaru Nakamura with a strong concept: Prophylactic Thinking! - 20 Min -GM Talks

St.Louis Chess Club

Prophylaxis and Dynamics | Grandmaster's Choice - GM JJ Ali Marandi - 56 min - St.Louis CC
Prophylaxis: Chess Prevention | Strategy Session - WGM Sabina Foisor - 53 min - St.Louis CC
Chess Prophylaxis | Strategy Session with Jonathan Schrantz - 26 Min - St.Louis CC

Grand Master RB Ramesh - Learn Chess the right way! - Prophylactic thinking and Prophylaxis - 2hr 7 Min

Understanding Prophylaxis - Play Like a Master! - IM Valeri Lilov - 60 Min

Defense Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski - Chapter 1 Prophylaxis - 26 Min

How to Think in Chess: 🤔 Prophylactic Thinking with GM Artur Yusupov & GM Jan Gustafsson - 24 min
Prophylaxis against Pawn Levers - Strategic Planning | Chess Middlegame | GM Alex Lenderman - 20 Min

Live Stream: Chess Prophylaxis - Chess Strategy with IM Valeri Lilov - 23 Min

Chess Strategy: Prophylaxis - 12 Min - Chess website

Destroy Your Opponents With the Magic of Chess Prophylaxis - 7 Min

Chess Lesson # 82: Prophylaxis - 15 Min - NM Rober Ramirez

Chess Strategy: Prophylactic Thinking - 17 Min - Remote Chess Academy

Pro Chess Training - GM Surya Ganguly explains Importance of Prophylaxis - 26 Min

Svitlana's Smart Moves - The prophylactic moves - 50 min - ChessBase

Chess Stream #108 A Lesson in Prophylaxis - 91 Min - GM Simon Williams

GM Alex Lenderman: Prophylactic Thinking | U.S. Chess School - 41 Min

Online Chess Survival! : Prophylaxis as a way of surviving on the chess board as long as possible! - 15 min - kingscrusher
Instructive Prophylaxis discussion! King Safety moves such as Kh1 and Kb1-a1 - 14 min -kingscrusher

Back to our favorite theme, prophylaxis - 12 Min - GM Irina Krush

CTCA Advanced - Prophylactic Thinking - 88 Mins - Cape Town Chess Academy

Geometric painting of a warrior Kneeling in a defensive stance on a chessboard in cool blue colors.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Anti- London - Chess Opening Theory

 Conquer the London System:
Learn Powerful Anti-London Strategies!

Do you struggle against the ever-popular 1.d4 London System opening?

Feeling lost in a sea of white pawns?
Dive into free Chessable courses packed with actionable lines, explore insightful articles that expose the London System's weaknesses, and train your tactical vision with interactive studies.
 Gain invaluable insights from top chess instructors through video masterclasses,
 and witness practical applications in analyzed games.

  Fret no more! This page is your one-stop shop for everything Anti-London System.

 We've curated a comprehensive collection of resources designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to dismantle the London System and emerge victorious.

Books (Courses) (FREE)


Agadmator's Anti-London System  -  Free Chessable Course -  40 Trainable Variations

Short & Sweet: Anti-London System - Free Chessable Course - 18 Trainable Lines w/ 48 min Video - FM Viktor Neustroev (2252 FIDE)

Anti-London Articles


The Anti-Anti-London System  - FM Ingvar Thor Johannesson  - Like the Title says, Article about how to bust many of the Anti-Londons Played. Especially Agadmantor's. 
(Pretty Interesting and worth a read, some tricky lines played by white that can give you a really bad position out of the gate if you just blindly play some of these Anti-Londons)

Tricky Chess Opening Against the London System – Every Move Is A TRAP! - Remote Chess Academy Article - GM Igor Smirnov   

Anti-London LiChess Studies


Gothamchess: Beat (Agadmator's) Anti-London  -  11 Chapter Study (The Anti-Anti-London)
ANTI⚔️ LONDON👌 GAMBIT🔥 - 23 Chapter Study - Black makes a  Crazy 3... g5 Gambit.
Anti-London | Crazy Knight Attack  - 16 Chapter Study  (1800 Hearts)
Anti-London System Lines  - 9 Chapter Study  (Study at Top of Page)

Anti-London Videos


Beat the London System! - 62 Min - ChessGoals - Beat the London system for Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defense players! If you like to play e6, this is the course for you. (New - 5/29/24)

Want To Crush The London System?  - 32 min - Gotham Chess

3 Secret Rare Lines to Beat the London System  - 17 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

How to beat the London System at any level  - 14 Min - IM Alex Banzea

The ABSOLUTE BEST Way to Beat the London for Nf6 Players - 25 Min - ArcG3

Beat The London System! || Learn The Ultimate Defense - 32 min - agadmantor

Learn two weapons against the London System in 10 minutes  - 10 Min - Chessbase India

An aggressive anti-London system for club players - 16 Min - The Bristol Chess Times

NEVER FEAR The London Again! FULL GM-Analysis 6... cxd4 - 45 Min - GM Jesper Thybo (New)

IM Minh Le

A repertoire for Black against the London System : The introduction and some nasty traps - 11 Min 
A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 2): Minor Lines - 12 Min
A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 3): The tricky and complex line 3.d5 - 13 Min

IM Christof  Sielecki

Fight the London System with Black Pt 1 - ...d5 Setups (Queens Gambit) - 22 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 2 - ...Nf6,g6 Setups (Kings Indian, Grunfeld) - 15 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 3 - ...Nf6 e6 Setups (Nimzo, Queens Indian) - 16 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 4 - London vs. other moves (1...d6,g6,f5,e6) - 18 Min

Game Videos (w/analysis)

Master Class | Defeating The London System | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 28 Min
Catching the London off Guard With QB6!! | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 31 Min
The Anti-London Game Every Chess Player Should Know - 17 Min - IM Rosen
Get London Players Out of Their Comfort Zone  - 20 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Bishops Bounty London Page - Here  

London on fire, water color, style of john singer sargent, AI Created


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Chess Strategy


Unlocking the Carlsbad Pawn Structure: A Comprehensive Resource Hub

Discover an extensive collection of resources dedicated to the Carlsbad pawn structure.

articles and video lessons to annotated games and studies, delve into the nuances of this strategic framework and elevate your understanding of chess strategy.

Carlsbad Chess Articles

The Carlsbad Structure – Complete Lesson - The Chess World

Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Article Telling What it is.

Mastering Mini-games - FM Nate Solon - Article on Why The Minority Attack is not The Most Important Thing to Learn with the Carlsbad

The Minority Attack in Action - iChess Article
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Minority attack? - Long Exeter Chess Club Article

Pawn Structure 101 - Part 2: The Minority Attack - Chess Kid Video 

LiChess Studies

Carlsbad Structure - 5 Chapter Study (Info and Annotated games)
Minority Attack - 7 Chapter Study
Carlsbad `pawn Structure ' - 16 Chapter Study (Top of Page)

Games Databases

Pawn Structures - 246 Games - 16 Carlsbad games (Incredible Collection with many Pawn Structures)

Middlegame Strategy - 177 games (With the Carlsbad Structure)

D17: Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Carlsbad variation - 1344 games

Carlsbad Video Lessons

Advanced - 6.Unit: Carlsbad Structure - 6 Video Playlist - GM Alex Lenderman
Carlsbad Structure 17 Video playlist- GM Sune berg Hansen

Master the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - The Full Course with GM Sune Berg Hansen - 3 Hrs

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #32 - Carlsbad Structure - 2 Hr

Lesson on the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - 8 Min - NM Bryan Tillis

Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #4: Minority Attack - The Carlsbad structure - 35 Min - Jim's Chess Channel

Carlsbad pawn structure / Chess strategy explained - 12 Min - Bad Bishop Channel

St.Louis Chess Club

Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange | Carlsbad Structure - Chess Openings Explained - 39 Min
Minority Attack! | Pawn Structure - GM Yasser Seirawan - 32 Min St.Louis Chess Club
Minority Attacks in the Carlsbad Structure | Road to 2000 - 64 Min
Heavy Piece Carlsbad Endgames | Insane in the Endgame - GM Denes Boros - 55 Min

Chess Dojo

Why the Minority Attack is for Commoners w/ Kaspar/SuperBaguette33 | Dojo Lessons - 24 min
Two Games in the Carlsbad Structure | GM Kraai's Game Review #19 - 16 Min
Kaspar's Karlsbad | Dojo Lessons - 23 Min
IM Kassa Korley: Dissecting the Carlsbad | USCS Class 11.10.20 - 90 Min
IM Kassa Korley: Revisiting the Carlsbad | US Chess School 4.07.2021 - 56 Min

Carlsbad Game Video Lessons

What Is The Carlsbad?? | Queens Gambit Declined | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 37 Min
AlphaZero g-pawn attack against the Queen's Gambit Carlsbad structure - Opening Strategies #7 - 14 Min
Blitz Chess #4592 vs Johnhendra QGD Exchange Carlsbad White - 11 Min IM Christof Sielecki
Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So / Caro-Kann: Exchange variation / Carlsbad structure - 12 Min
A masterpiece chess miniature! || Caro-Kann: Two knights attack (Carlsbad structure) - 15 Min

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Nimzo-Larsen Attack (1.b3) Explained: Hypermodern Chess Weapon


Unlock the Power of 1.b3
Guide to the Nimzo-Larsen Attack

 Surprise your opponents and dominate the center with the dynamic Nimzo-Larsen Attack (1.b3).

This hypermodern opening fianchettoes the light-squared bishop, aiming for long-term pressure on the kingside. 

This comprehensive guide offers free resources, video lessons, and everything you need to master this hypermodern chess weapon!

Nimzo - Larsen Wikipedia Page 
1. b3

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, modern variation           
 1. b3 e5         27%        < 2000 >     33%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Indian variation 
            1. b3 Nf6        10%       < 2000 >    16%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, classical variation   
        1. b3 d5         31 %       < 2000 >      25%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, English variation   
        1. b3 c5             5%       < 2000 >       5%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Dutch variation   
           1. b3 f5             1%       < 2000 >       1%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Polish variation   
           1. b3 b5            > 1%    <  2000 >     >1%

Nimzovich-Larsen attack, symmetrical variation 
     1. b3 b6           3%        < 2000 >      2.5%

(Percentages Above are a rough Estimate of How often each variation is Played by people under 2000 and over 2000 off LiChess Database  (( 25 Million+  1.b3 Games)  This is Rough , not including Transpositions etc and all the other crazy Moves)

BOOKS (Free)

  • Short & Sweet: 1. b3  -  FREE Chessable Course -  26 Trainable Lines w/59 min Video  - GM Adhiban Baskaran  

Nimzo-Larsen Attack Chess Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Nimzo-Larsen Attack.

Nimzo-Larsen Attack LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

(Learn Openings Here and Practice them with Movetrainer or Play them against Computer)

Nimzo-Larsen Attack  -  5 Studys here To learn and Practice Opening

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Halasz Gambit and see how it's played in practice.

Larsen's Opening Video Lessons

Beat Black with Larsen’s Opening 1.b3: A Positional Powerhouse ⚔ - GM Damian Lemos (Chess Openings) - 41 Min it’s solid and flexible… but we're here to tell you that 1.b3 (aka Larsen’s Opening) can also be a stone-cold killer.

Larsen's Opening: 1.b3 | Chess Openings Explained
 - 57 min - St.Louis Chess Club
See three of the most classic games of Larsen's Opening.

The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack: Lecture with GM Ben Finegold - 57 Min  - GM Ben Finegold -
lectures on the opening move 1.b3, a quite playable way for White to begin a game. Covers 4 famous games.

Learn the Larsen Opening (1.b3)  - 18 Min   - Chess Geek 
- cover both the d5 classical system and the e5 modern system! Plus we look at a game example of the Larsen's Opening

Nimzo Larsen Attack (Modern Variation) in Hindi - Strategies and Ideas - 18 Min - Hindi Chess Videos

GM Igor Smirnov

  • 1.b3 Chess Opening for White (More POWERFUL Than You Think!) - 18 Min - You will learn the common ideas for White if Black plays 1...e5 or 1...d5, which are the most common replies. GM Igor Smirnov tests your knowledge at the end with the famous game where the Indian grandmaster Adhiban Baskaran beat David Navara in just 9 moves in this opening.

  • 1.b3 Part - 1 by GM Igor Smirnov  - 33 Min - this part contains the explanation for Black's reply 1...e5 for 1.b3.

  • 1.b3 Part - 2 by GM Igor Smirnov  - 20 Min - In this second part of the video 1.b3 I will showing you the variation or the reply 1...d5 for the white's first move which often leads to the Queens Indian opening.

Playing Against 1. b3

1.b3 Traps

Nimzo-Larsen Attack Game Videos (w/Analysis)


Aman plays 1.b3 every game | TITLED TUESDAY - 1.5 hr - GM Aman Hambelton  -
(New - 6/7/2024) 

Master Class | Nimzowitsch–Larsen Attack | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min

Master Class | 1.B3!! Nimzo-Larsen | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 33 MIN

Bobby Plays 1.b3 | Fischer vs Filip | Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970)  - 11 Min

Boris Spassky's 17-move crush of Bent Larsen's 1.b3  - 8 Min

EVERYONE loses to this opening  -  10 Min - GM Aman Hambelton  (Speed run )

This Is Nimzo–Larsen Attack Or Fischer's Shiny Zwischenzug - 6 Min

Praggnanandhaa Plays Larsen's Opening Against An Experienced Opponent - 7 Min

When the beast goes 1.b3! | Adhiban vs Praggnanandhaa - 12 Min

FM James Canty III

Fighting The Nimzo Larsen - 1. b3 - Game Analysis  - 13 Min   
Crushing 1. b3 - The Larsen System - Game Analysis  - 8 Min
Tate Memorial Round 4 - Nimzo Larsen System  -  24 Min
Tate Memorial Round - 6 - Nimzo Larsen - 20 Min

IM John Bartholomew

Standard Chess #29: robwilby vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 25 Min
Standard Chess #223: IM Bartholomew vs. seeuingoa (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 30 Min
Blitz Chess #244: Hultin vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 20 Min
Blitz Chess #455: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Melikset Khachiyan (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 21 Min
Blitz Chess #143: IM Joorge vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 17 Min
Blitz Chess #60: GM Mareco vs. IM Bartholomew (Nimzo-Larsen Opening) - 12 Min
Blitz Chess #455: IM Bartholomew vs. GM Melikset Khachiyan (Nimzo-Larsen Attack) - 21 Min

Dali Inspired AI Created Chessboard with detailed Chess pieces
"The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance
but in the thought behind it."
- Aron Nimzowitsch

Monday, January 2, 2023

Reti Opening A04 - A09


Reti Opening Chess Resources

Wikipedia Page
The Réti Opening is a hypermodern chess opening whose "traditional" or "classic method" begins with the moves:

1. Nf3 d5   2. c4

BOOKS (Free)

Easy Guide to the Réti opening by Angus Dunnington -  130 Page PDF
The Modern Réti: An Anti-Slav Repertoire by Alexander Delchev - 216 Page PDF

Short & Sweet: The Réti  - FREE Chessable Course  - 22 Trainable Lines by IM Alkhatib 

Reti Opening Chess Articles

The Reti Opening: The Ultimate Chess Opening Guide -  Real Nice Guide from  (Annotated Games, 3 Embedded Videos with over 1.5 hrs)
The Réti Opening  - another Guide by Simplify Chess, explains move by move
Réti Opening  - Guide by IM Alberto Cheuca


The Réti Opening: How to Play It as White and Black - Nice Guide on Chessable Blog

Nakamura's Secret Weapon Against the Réti Opening - Introduction (Part 1) - LiChess Blog Post
Nakamura's Secret Weapon Against the Réti Opening - The Ideal Center (Part 2) - LiChess Blog Post

Reti LICHESS Studies

The Reti Opening  -  23 Chapters  (296 Hearts)
COMPLETE GUIDE ON THE RETI - 16 Chapters   (63 Hearts)
RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 - 10 Chapter Guide  (514 Hearts)
The Butcher Beats the Reti  -  10 Chapter Study (Playing against the Reti)


Use Listudy to better memorize openings.
Play against your opening repertoire and learn them playfully and with scientifically effective methods.
Reti Studies- Mainline Variations  -  12 Lines to Practice and 3 Model games
Zukertort/Reti Opening Variations - 11 Lines to Practice

GAMES Databases

A04: Reti opening 1. Nf3  -  316,000 Games
A05: Reti opening 1. Nf3 Nf6  - 143,000 Games
A06: Reti opening 1. Nf3 d5  - 86,000 Games
A07: Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 - 34,000 Games
A08: Reti, King's Indian attack 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 c5 3. Bg2  - 3800 Games
A09: Reti opening 1. Nf3 d5 2. c4  - 19,500 Games

Reti Opening (A04-A06) - 80 Annotated Games
King's Indian Attack (A07) - 65 Annotated Games
King's Indian Attack (A08)  - 2 Annotated Games  
Reti Opening (A09)     - 7 Annotated games


Reti Opening, King's Indian Attack (ECO A07) -  14 Puzzles

Reti Opening Video Lessons

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #12 - Reti Opening  - 1hr 45 min  Great Video
Réti Opening: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 50 Min  - GM Ben Finegold
Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Reti Opening / Reti Gambit!  - 16 Min Chess Giant
Reti Overview  - 14 Min   (Palm Beach Chess) NM Bryan Tillis

Reti Opening Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic Part 1  - 24 Min

Reti Opening Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic Part 2  - 25 Min

Reti Opening Masterclass: Typical Plans and Strategy for White - 27 Min IM Alex Banzea
Chess Opening: Reti Gambit  - 20 Min   thechesswebsite  (Way to mess with French defense Players)
Crush The French - The Reti Gambit! - 9 Min GM Denes Boros
Crush The French - The Reti Gambit II - 10 Min GM Denes Boros

Reti Chess Traps

Chess Opening Traps #10: Reti Opening Trap - 10 Min Kingcrusher
2 GMs fell for this trap in the Reti| Expert Aleksander Delchev speaks about his favourite opening - 21 Min

Reti Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Reti Opening  -  81 game Playlist  -  agadmator's Chess Channel
Reti - Chess Opening  - 60 Game Playlist  _ Kingcrusher   (Annotated famous games)
Reti Gambit - Chess Opening  - 16 game Playlist  - Kingcrusher   (Mostly Blitz games by him )
Reti  - 8 Game Playlist   - Chessbase india   (More Recent top level games)

Fischer Wins with the Reti | Kids' Class - GM Varuzhan Akobian  - 32 Min
Richard Réti & Judit Polgár Hypermodern Games | Games to Know by Heart - WGM Sabina Foisor -52 Min

100 Repertoires: Reti updates from my OTB tournament! - 33 Min - FM Nate Solon
( 4 Reti Games from His Tournament Win w/ Analysis )

IM John Bartholomew 

Standard Chess #6: DAG87001 vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 41 Min
Blitz Chess #392: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Carlo D'Amore (Reti Opening) - 18 Min
Blitz Chess #386: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Johann Echavarria (Reti Opening) - 16 min
Blitz Chess #180: FM Sagit vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 17 min
Blitz Chess #377: GM PROFESSORSMITH vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 25 min
Blitz Chess #410: IM Bartholomew vs. ansatsu (Reti Opening) - 13 Min
Blitz Chess #21: IM Pichot vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 9 Min

IM Greg Shahade

5 minute chess #47: Greg Shahade vs GM Emre Can - (Reti Opening) - 8 Min
5 minute chess #41: Greg Shahade vs IM Oleg Krivonosov - Reti Opening - 11 min
5 minute chess #49: Greg Shahade vs Z-Integrator (Reti Opening) - 12 Min
5 minute chess #74: IM Oleg Krivonosov vs IM Greg Shahade - Reti Opening - 9 Min

Salvidore Dali Inspired Chess Set of Decorative pieces going off into nothingness