Showing posts with label London Opening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London Opening. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Anti- London - Chess Opening Theory

 Conquer the London System:
Learn Powerful Anti-London Strategies!

Do you struggle against the ever-popular 1.d4 London System opening?

Feeling lost in a sea of white pawns?
Dive into free Chessable courses packed with actionable lines, explore insightful articles that expose the London System's weaknesses, and train your tactical vision with interactive studies.
 Gain invaluable insights from top chess instructors through video masterclasses,
 and witness practical applications in analyzed games.

  Fret no more! This page is your one-stop shop for everything Anti-London System.

 We've curated a comprehensive collection of resources designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to dismantle the London System and emerge victorious.

Books (Courses) (FREE)


Agadmator's Anti-London System  -  Free Chessable Course -  40 Trainable Variations

Short & Sweet: Anti-London System - Free Chessable Course - 18 Trainable Lines w/ 48 min Video - FM Viktor Neustroev (2252 FIDE)

Anti-London Articles


The Anti-Anti-London System  - FM Ingvar Thor Johannesson  - Like the Title says, Article about how to bust many of the Anti-Londons Played. Especially Agadmantor's. 
(Pretty Interesting and worth a read, some tricky lines played by white that can give you a really bad position out of the gate if you just blindly play some of these Anti-Londons)

Tricky Chess Opening Against the London System – Every Move Is A TRAP! - Remote Chess Academy Article - GM Igor Smirnov   

Anti-London LiChess Studies


Gothamchess: Beat (Agadmator's) Anti-London  -  11 Chapter Study (The Anti-Anti-London)
ANTI⚔️ LONDON👌 GAMBIT🔥 - 23 Chapter Study - Black makes a  Crazy 3... g5 Gambit.
Anti-London | Crazy Knight Attack  - 16 Chapter Study  (1800 Hearts)
Anti-London System Lines  - 9 Chapter Study  (Study at Top of Page)

Anti-London Videos


Beat the London System! - 62 Min - ChessGoals - Beat the London system for Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defense players! If you like to play e6, this is the course for you. (New - 5/29/24)

Want To Crush The London System?  - 32 min - Gotham Chess

3 Secret Rare Lines to Beat the London System  - 17 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

How to beat the London System at any level  - 14 Min - IM Alex Banzea

The ABSOLUTE BEST Way to Beat the London for Nf6 Players - 25 Min - ArcG3

Beat The London System! || Learn The Ultimate Defense - 32 min - agadmantor

Learn two weapons against the London System in 10 minutes  - 10 Min - Chessbase India

An aggressive anti-London system for club players - 16 Min - The Bristol Chess Times

NEVER FEAR The London Again! FULL GM-Analysis 6... cxd4 - 45 Min - GM Jesper Thybo (New)

IM Minh Le

A repertoire for Black against the London System : The introduction and some nasty traps - 11 Min 
A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 2): Minor Lines - 12 Min
A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 3): The tricky and complex line 3.d5 - 13 Min

IM Christof  Sielecki

Fight the London System with Black Pt 1 - ...d5 Setups (Queens Gambit) - 22 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 2 - ...Nf6,g6 Setups (Kings Indian, Grunfeld) - 15 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 3 - ...Nf6 e6 Setups (Nimzo, Queens Indian) - 16 Min
Fight the London System with Black Pt 4 - London vs. other moves (1...d6,g6,f5,e6) - 18 Min

Game Videos (w/analysis)

Master Class | Defeating The London System | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky  - 28 Min
Catching the London off Guard With QB6!! | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 31 Min
The Anti-London Game Every Chess Player Should Know - 17 Min - IM Rosen
Get London Players Out of Their Comfort Zone  - 20 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Bishops Bounty London Page - Here  

London on fire, water color, style of john singer sargent, AI Created


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Updated London Page

 Just Cleaned Up , Organized, and Updated  The London Opening page on the Sidebar.

          - Added some New Guides and Articles
          - Added New Opening Lesson Video Playlist (From GM Aman Hambleton)
          - Added links to The and 365Chess pages of London games
          - Added Some New Annotated game Videos  and 2 Playlists of  70+ Annotated Game Videos

          -  Added Highlighted Links To The Following Pages There Now
          -  Link  To Jobava London Opening Page 
          -  Link To Anti-London Page 

Painting of Big ben and the River in London at Night with full Moon

Thursday, March 17, 2022

London Opening ECO D02, A46, A48 Opening Theory

Newest Stuff Organized and put in one place.

Organized Links of Videos, LIchess Studys and any other stuff found around the Internet on the London.   London Opening Organized  (Also on sidebar on left under Opening Theory Now)