Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023

Reti Opening A04 - A09


Reti Opening Chess Resources

Wikipedia Page
The Réti Opening is a hypermodern chess opening whose "traditional" or "classic method" begins with the moves:

1. Nf3 d5   2. c4

BOOKS (Free)

Easy Guide to the Réti opening by Angus Dunnington -  130 Page PDF
The Modern Réti: An Anti-Slav Repertoire by Alexander Delchev - 216 Page PDF

Short & Sweet: The Réti  - FREE Chessable Course  - 22 Trainable Lines by IM Alkhatib 

Reti Opening Chess Articles

The Reti Opening: The Ultimate Chess Opening Guide -  Real Nice Guide from  (Annotated Games, 3 Embedded Videos with over 1.5 hrs)
The Réti Opening  - another Guide by Simplify Chess, explains move by move
Réti Opening  - Guide by IM Alberto Cheuca


The Réti Opening: How to Play It as White and Black - Nice Guide on Chessable Blog

Nakamura's Secret Weapon Against the Réti Opening - Introduction (Part 1) - LiChess Blog Post
Nakamura's Secret Weapon Against the Réti Opening - The Ideal Center (Part 2) - LiChess Blog Post

Reti LICHESS Studies

The Reti Opening  -  23 Chapters  (296 Hearts)
COMPLETE GUIDE ON THE RETI - 16 Chapters   (63 Hearts)
RETI OPENING - 1.Nf3 - 10 Chapter Guide  (514 Hearts)
The Butcher Beats the Reti  -  10 Chapter Study (Playing against the Reti)


Use Listudy to better memorize openings.
Play against your opening repertoire and learn them playfully and with scientifically effective methods.
Reti Studies- Mainline Variations  -  12 Lines to Practice and 3 Model games
Zukertort/Reti Opening Variations - 11 Lines to Practice

GAMES Databases

A04: Reti opening 1. Nf3  -  316,000 Games
A05: Reti opening 1. Nf3 Nf6  - 143,000 Games
A06: Reti opening 1. Nf3 d5  - 86,000 Games
A07: Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 - 34,000 Games
A08: Reti, King's Indian attack 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 c5 3. Bg2  - 3800 Games
A09: Reti opening 1. Nf3 d5 2. c4  - 19,500 Games

Reti Opening (A04-A06) - 80 Annotated Games
King's Indian Attack (A07) - 65 Annotated Games
King's Indian Attack (A08)  - 2 Annotated Games  
Reti Opening (A09)     - 7 Annotated games


Reti Opening, King's Indian Attack (ECO A07) -  14 Puzzles

Reti Opening Video Lessons

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #12 - Reti Opening  - 1hr 45 min  Great Video
Réti Opening: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 50 Min  - GM Ben Finegold
Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Reti Opening / Reti Gambit!  - 16 Min Chess Giant
Reti Overview  - 14 Min   (Palm Beach Chess) NM Bryan Tillis

Reti Opening Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic Part 1  - 24 Min

Reti Opening Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic Part 2  - 25 Min

Reti Opening Masterclass: Typical Plans and Strategy for White - 27 Min IM Alex Banzea
Chess Opening: Reti Gambit  - 20 Min   thechesswebsite  (Way to mess with French defense Players)
Crush The French - The Reti Gambit! - 9 Min GM Denes Boros
Crush The French - The Reti Gambit II - 10 Min GM Denes Boros

Reti Chess Traps

Chess Opening Traps #10: Reti Opening Trap - 10 Min Kingcrusher
2 GMs fell for this trap in the Reti| Expert Aleksander Delchev speaks about his favourite opening - 21 Min

Reti Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Reti Opening  -  81 game Playlist  -  agadmator's Chess Channel
Reti - Chess Opening  - 60 Game Playlist  _ Kingcrusher   (Annotated famous games)
Reti Gambit - Chess Opening  - 16 game Playlist  - Kingcrusher   (Mostly Blitz games by him )
Reti  - 8 Game Playlist   - Chessbase india   (More Recent top level games)

Fischer Wins with the Reti | Kids' Class - GM Varuzhan Akobian  - 32 Min
Richard Réti & Judit Polgár Hypermodern Games | Games to Know by Heart - WGM Sabina Foisor -52 Min

100 Repertoires: Reti updates from my OTB tournament! - 33 Min - FM Nate Solon
( 4 Reti Games from His Tournament Win w/ Analysis )

IM John Bartholomew 

Standard Chess #6: DAG87001 vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 41 Min
Blitz Chess #392: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Carlo D'Amore (Reti Opening) - 18 Min
Blitz Chess #386: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Johann Echavarria (Reti Opening) - 16 min
Blitz Chess #180: FM Sagit vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 17 min
Blitz Chess #377: GM PROFESSORSMITH vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 25 min
Blitz Chess #410: IM Bartholomew vs. ansatsu (Reti Opening) - 13 Min
Blitz Chess #21: IM Pichot vs. IM Bartholomew (Reti Opening) - 9 Min

IM Greg Shahade

5 minute chess #47: Greg Shahade vs GM Emre Can - (Reti Opening) - 8 Min
5 minute chess #41: Greg Shahade vs IM Oleg Krivonosov - Reti Opening - 11 min
5 minute chess #49: Greg Shahade vs Z-Integrator (Reti Opening) - 12 Min
5 minute chess #74: IM Oleg Krivonosov vs IM Greg Shahade - Reti Opening - 9 Min

Salvidore Dali Inspired Chess Set of Decorative pieces going off into nothingness

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tactics Section Update 2022


Went Through the Entire Tactics Section 

Cleared out all of the Dead Links

Added Quite a few New Videos, Removing a lot of the Old Dated Content.
Added A Bunch of Newer Articles From Across the Internet.
Added Links to OTB Games for most of the Tactics.

NEW  Added a Books Section to each Tactic (any free PDF downloads on that tactic)
           (Many are papers 4-25 pages long or worksheets for that tactic)

NEW Added  LiChess Studies Links to the Tactics Page.