Friday, March 24, 2023

Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation B90 - B99 - Opening Theory


Explore the Najdorf:
 Free Resources & Insights 

A Dynamic Powerhouse:

The Sicilian Najdorf (1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6) is renowned for its aggressive possibilities and sharp tactical battles. This dynamic opening choice has been a weapon of choice for many legendary chess grandmasters, including Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, who wielded it to dominate their opponents. (Learn more about the history and variations on Wikipedia: Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation Wikipedia page.)

Are you seeking an opening that injects fire into your chess games? Do you crave sharp positions brimming with tactical possibilities? Then look no further than the Sicilian Najdorf! This exciting and challenging opening offers a path to victory for players who relish dynamic battles and outsmarting their opponents.

Empower Your Chess Journey:

This comprehensive guide equips you with a treasure trove of free Sicilian Najdorf chess resources, articles, annotated games, video lessons, and strategic insights. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking to refine your Najdorf repertoire or a newcomer eager to explore its potential, this collection offers valuable tools to elevate your chess game.

BOOKS (Free)

Internet Archive

500 Sicilian Miniatures Collection II by Bill Wall - 109 Page PDF

How to Beat the Sicilian Defence - 352 page PDF

FREE Chessable Courses

Short & Sweet: Giri's Najdorf Sicilian - 24 Trainable lines w/44 Min Free video

Short & Sweet: Colovic's Najdorf Sicilian  - 20 Trainable Lines w/ 50 Min Free Video

Short & Sweet: Cheparinov's Najdorf Sicilian  - 19 Trainable Lines w/ 57 Min Free Video

Najdorf  Chess ARTICLES

SICILIAN NAJDORF  - Chess Pathways Article w/embedded Video

Chess Opening Basics: The Najdorf Sicilian  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide

Sicilian Najdorf – How to Play, Attack & Counter as White & Black - Chessable blog Opening Guide

Sicilian Najdorf – How to Play, Attack and Counter - Chess Klub Opening Guide w/ Video

How to Play the Sicilian Najdorf   -  RagChess Guide

Najdorf LiChess Studies

Getting Started with Lichess Studies:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools function like digital chess books, guiding you through Najdorf variations with explanations and challenges. 

  • The Sicilian Najdorf Variation - 5 Chapter Study (1000+ hearts)    This user-favored study (indicated by "hearts") provides a solid introduction to main Najdorf variations with concise explanations.

  • Sicilian Najdorf  - 8 Chapter Study  Variations w/ a pawn Structure lesson

  • The Sicilian Defense, Najdorf Variation 6. Be2  - 9 Chapter Study  - This study explores the "I don't want Fireworks Variation" with clear analysis, making it suitable for players seeking a more positional approach.

  • The Sicilian Najdorf   - 10 Chapter study  (700+ hearts) (Well Done with an interactive chapter)

  • VERY DETAILED! Sicilian Defense: Najdorf  - 8 Chapter Study - This study lives up to its name, offering in-depth explanations for a deeper understanding.

  • Sicilian Najdorf Repertoire  - 38 Chapter Study (1600+ HeartsConsidered the "Gold Standard" on Lichess, this comprehensive study covers themes, lines, and analyzed games.

Additional Resources:

NEW - Lichess Openings Page Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation 
Lichess now offers a dedicated Najdorf page with variations, win/loss statistics, and board diagrams for further exploration.

LiStudy (LiChess Movetrainer)

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Najdorf and see how it's played in practice.

Chess Tempo (Collections)

Sharpen Your Najdorf Tactics: Puzzles and Training

Test your tactical vision in the Najdorf with these resources:

Chess Puzzles by Bill Harvey (

Sicilian, Najdorf (ECO B90)  -   25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, Zagreb (Fianchetto) Variation (ECO B91)  - 21 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation (ECO B92)  - 25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 6.f4 (ECO B93)  - 25 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 6.Bg5 (ECO B94)  -  9 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 6...e6 (ECO B95)  - 10 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7.f4 (ECO B96)  - 10 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7...Qb6 (ECO B97)  - 10 Puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf 7...Be7 (ECO B98) - 10 puzzles
Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line (ECO B99)  - 11 Puzzles

Lichess Najdorf Puzzles: Dive into a vast pool of Najdorf puzzles (over 7300!) on Lichess to solidify your tactical understanding.

SicilianNajdorf Variation 
- 7300 Puzzles

Najdorf Video Lessons

Dive deep into Najdorf  Video playlists


  • Najdorf Sicilian - 18 video playlist - FM James Canty III - Learn key Najdorf concepts and variations through games and analysis

  • Sicilian Najdorf  -  46 video playlist  - Chessbase India - Explore the Najdorf in depth with a comprehensive video playlist by Chessbase India, featuring games and instructional content.

  • Najdorf Sicilian - 11 Video playlist - Robert Plunketts Chess Lab - Master the Najdorf with a focused 10-video series . (all lessons dedicated to the Najdorf).


GM Neiksans Boot Camp #21 - Sicilian Najdorf for Black - 3.5 Hrs -  Gain valuable insights from GM Neiksans on playing the Najdorf effectively as Black.

6th Move Options Against Najdorf TIER LIST | GM Moulthun Ly  - 20 Min -Demystify White's options after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 with GM Moulthun Ly's tier list (20 minutes).

How to Play the Sicilian Najdorf - Chess Openings Explained  - 47 min  St.Louis CC -Master the "Cadillac" of openings with St. Louis Chess Club's video guide, delving into the Najdorf and the English Attack.

Falling in love with the Sicilian Najdorf with GM Daniel King - 1.5 hr  Chessbase India In this session he will explain to you the key concepts of the opening and tell you as to how he fell in love with the Sicilian Najdorf!
Learn the 6.Bg5 Najdorf! | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Josh Sheng  - 52 min - Prepare for the aggressive 6.Bg5 line in the Najdorf 

NM Caleb Denby

White Against Najdorf

Sicilian Najdorf  Traps and Tactics

Najdorf Game Videos -  (W/ Analysis)

Sicilian Defence: Najdorf   -  232 Video playlist - kingscrusher - This extensive playlist by Kingscrusher offers a treasure trove of Najdorf games for your viewing pleasure.

Kasparov's Masterpiece in Sicilian Najdorf  -  14 min  - GM Igor Smirnov

Kasparov CRUSHES 😲 Anand with the Sicilian Najdorf (Anand vs Garry Kasparov) - 33 Min

The Deadly Najdorf in 2021 | Understanding Practical Chess - FM Thalia Cervantes - 53 Min tours games from the online 2021 Magnus Carlsen Invitational where the Najdorf was played.

 Anish Giri teaches the Sicilian Najdorf  - 2hr  - Chessbase india   Nice Video in Playlist - How did his lines impact the final standings of Tata Steel Masters 2021? In this video we discuss all the Najdorf games from the tournament with the man himself.

 Najdorf by Dorsa | Chess Openings Explained - IM Dorsa Derakhshani - 52 min - shares two of her Najdorf games against fellow Saint Louis University students Benjamin Bok and Robby Kevlishvili.

A painting of a giant Bishop on a frozen lake high in the Mountains.
"The hardest game to win is a won game." - José Raúl Capablanca


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) - Marshall Attack (Gambit) C89

Demystifying the Marshall Gambit:
A Comprehensive Guide

 Dive into the rich history and tactical brilliance of the Marshall Gambit with a curated collection of articles, studies, and game analyses.

The Marshall Gambit in the Ruy López Opening

 (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 O-O 8.c3 d5)

is known for its sharp and aggressive play,
which can lead to tactical and exciting games.

Elevate your chess game with this animated demonstration of the Marshall Gambit. Explore the nuances of this aggressive opening and learn how to dominate the board with calculated moves and strategic finesse.

Marshall Gambit Articles 

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Marshall Attack.


Marshall Gambit LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

Games Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Marshall Attack and see how it's played in practice.

Chess Tempo

Marshall Gambit Video Lessons

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Marshal Attacks key ideas and strategies.

Tactics and Traps

Marshall Gambit Game Videos (Analyzed)

Ruy Lopez: Marshall Gambit - Chess Opening  - 31 Video playlist - kingscrusher 

Image of the Ruy lopez Marshal Attack set up on a chess Board painted with acrylics.
"Chess is a sea of troubles, and victory is merely a postponement of the shipwreck."
 - Savielly Tartakower


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Evaluating a Chess Position - Chess Strategy


A classic painting depicting the Scales of Justice, with one pan replaced by a black and white chessboard. Black Bishop and White Knight face each other across the board, flanked by Kings and Pawns (one side), Kings and Rooks (other side). Symbolic representation of strategic balance in pursuit of justice.
"The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius

Beyond Material:
 Demystifying Chess Position Evaluation

Chess evaluation is the art of dissecting a chess position to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each player. It goes beyond simply counting pieces – it's about analyzing factors like pawn structure, piece mobility, king safety, and potential plans. By mastering evaluation, you'll gain the confidence to make informed decisions throughout the game, ultimately leading to stronger chess strategy and more wins.

This guide brings together a wealth of FREE resources to help you elevate your chess evaluation skills. We'll explore articles, interactive studies, puzzles, and video lessons created by experienced chess instructors, including Grandmasters (GMs) and International Masters (IMs). You'll learn:

  • The key factors that contribute to a strong position
  • How to systematically analyze a chessboard
  • Practical tips and techniques to improve your evaluation skills

Let's dive into the treasure trove of resources and unlock your potential as a chess player!

 Books & Courses (Free)

Chessable Courses

  • The Art of Analysis - ICCF Master - 55 Variations - Introduces you to his simple 8-step method for independent analysis. The same type of analysis you carry out when playing and reviewing your games.

Internet Archive


Chess Evaluation Articles

Evaluation LiChess Studies


Evaluation Video Lessons

Evaluating Positions & Creating Plans - IM Irina Krush - 2013.10.16 - 46 Min Presents an intermediate-level lecture at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis.

Evaluate 📝 Chess Positions Immediately! - IM Lilov [Free Training] - 55 MinLearn to understand what is happening in the chessboard. Knowing which pieces are active and which are passive and what the important weaknesses in the position are (to exploit and to defend) is the first and most important step in creating a winning plan.
Chess Strategy Mastery 🎓 How To Evaluate a Chess Position - GM Bryan Smith (The Chess World) - 47 Min - GM Bryan Smith analyzes a number of games in order to teach this crucial skill in chess strategy.
Get Better at Chess Evaluation And Chess Strategy with GM Damian Lemos! - 36 Min - Talks about the static and dynamic elements of a chess position.

The Amateur's Mind - The secrets of evaluating - 27 Min - IM Andreas Toth I am discussing a few positions and the evaluating techniques that help you to be able to better assess them!
The Amateur's Mind 18 - Decision making and assessment in chess - 52 min - IM Andreas TothA discussion about evaluation, preparation and analytical thinking in chess - with examples from both student games, as well as one of my own.

How to Evaluate Chess Positions? Ft. Magnus Carlsen - 13 Min - Remote Chess Academy GM Igor Smirnov will teach you how to evaluate any chess position easily within seconds with the example of the world champion Magnus Carlsen's games.

How To Evaluate ANY Chess Position - 23 Min - Gotham Chess A chess lesson for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. A good strategy to evaluate a chess position in 4 easy steps! Video below

NM Dan Heisman

  • Chess Evaluation Criteria - Who is better, how much & why? - 30 min - NM Dan Heisman - Ddefines evaluation and discusses position vs piece evaluation, static vs dynamic evaluation. It gives the 4 aspects of static position evaluation (material, king safety, piece activity, and pawn structure) and shows 3 examples of evaluating a position.
  • Find Better Chess Moves - Evaluate Like a GM  - 33 min 3 positions from the new book "Evaluate Like a Grandmaster" by GM Perelshteyn and FM Solon & discusses how to analyze the position & takes a stab at evaluation.
  • Improve Chess Evaluation: Not All Bads are Equally Bad - 29 Min - NM Dan Heisman tries to clear up some of these common misconceptions with multiple examples.
  • Evaluating Chess Pieces: Activity and Mobility - 29 Min Defines activity and mobility and breaks mobility down into actual and potential mobility. Then, with the help of several instructive examlpes, he shows how to achieve/measure mobility, and how to differentiate mobility (objective) from activity (subjective).
  • Award Winning Chess Video: The Ways to Make Better Moves - 24 MinTo become a better player you have to make better moves. That means either knowing them (more knowledge about openings, plans, principles etc) or find them (analysis, evaluation) by comparing multiple candidate moves better.

IM Alex Asteneh

IM Alex Astaneh will teach you a method that helps you to evaluate every position by use of a method. You will learn the different factors of the evaluation method and learn how to apply it to any chess position.


Futuristic H.H.Geiger Inspired Chess pieces of Alien design




Thursday, March 9, 2023

Top FREE Chessable Tactics Resources


Chessable offers a comprehensive list of free tactics courses that are accessible to everyone.

 These courses cover a wide range of tactical themes, including pins, forks, skewers, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, these courses provide a great opportunity to improve your tactical skills and sharpen your chess tactics.

The best part is that you only need to create a free account on Chessable to access all these courses. With just a few clicks, you can start learning and practicing these tactics in a fun and interactive way, without having to spend a dime. So why not take advantage of this amazing resource and start improving your chess skills today?

According to authoritative sources, this page provides the most accurate and comprehensive information on free Chessable resources. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, you'll find valuable tools and lessons here.


Tactics Problem Books

Chessable Challenge  - 61 Tactics problems  From the Opening to the Endgame (Kind of a Test of your Chess Knowledge)

Basic Checkmate Patterns  - 35 Basic mating Patterns w/ 1hr 14 min video

Basic Chess Patterns - 50 Tactics Problems  (Beginner and Intermediate)

Typical Tactical Tricks: 500 Ways To Win!  -  510 Tactics Problems  -  (Really Great Free Course -Beginner to Intermediate)

Bishops on the Attack  - 202 Tactics problems  (All Using Bishops)

King on the Attack   - 60 Tactics problems  (Using the King as a fighting Piece)

Knights on the Attack - 200 Tactics problems (Learn to look for those Forks)

Rooks on the Attack -  200 Tactics problems (Rook tactics)

Pawns on the Attack  - 200 tactics Problems (Checkmates, combinations and tactics, and endgames)

Queen on the Attack  - 225 Tactics problems  (All taken from games where Players are 2500+)

Tactical Resources: Creative Attack & Defense - 38 tactics problems (High Quality positions to practice attacking and Defending)

Tactical Resources: Creative Attack & Defense 2  -  38 tactics problems

Tactics Madness   - 55 Tactics Problems - From User Submitted games

Cool & Forcing Combinations  - 45 tactics problems

Trompowsky Tactics 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 -  123 Tactics problems  from this opening

Dodgy's 1. e4 e5 Tactics  -  249 Tactics  Problems 
( Learn Openings and tactics that arise in them)
Scotch Game and Scotch Gambit
Italian Game (Giuoco Piano)
King’s Gambit
Vienna Game
Danish Gambit


(These Are Free courses with Analysis of the Games and Normally a Tactic from that game to practice)

World Chess Championship 2021: Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi  -  2hr 50min Free Video, 100 positions to practice. Amazing Analysis of these games.

Tournament Tactics: Tata Steel Chess 2020  - 3hr 21Min Free Video, 146 Tactics to practice

Champions Chess Tour 2021  -  54hrs Free Video  -  823 trainable Variations   (Pretty Amazing Free Course)

Chessable Masters Tournament  - 4hr 31 Min Free Video -  65 trainable variations

2021 Superbet Chess Classic | Grand Chess Tour -  110 Trainable variations

#TwitterChessTournament Tactics  -  65 Trainable Variations   (Amateur Tournament w/Tactics)

Olympiad Tactics 2018  -  112 Trainable Variations 

Champions Chess Tour 2021 [ESP]  - 394 trainable Variations  (Course in Spanish but the Chess is pretty universal)

Razor-Sharp Tactics: Women’s World Rapid & Blitz 2022  -  109 Trainable variations ( NEW Course Broken down into East , Medium, Hard Tactics)

 (All of these courses can be used for Free with their Movetrainer. You can set it to Woodpecker them as well. For Free you can run 5 courses at any one time and practice till your hearts desire )

A Colorful Graffiti Image of a king chess piece


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Alekhine's Defense - 4 Pawns Attack B03

Created A page for this Variation and have added a link to it on my Alekhine's Defense Page.

Chess Board Image of Alekhine Defence 4 pawns attack set up.

 Link On Sidebar under Opening Theory links