Showing posts with label Spanish opening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish opening. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2023

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Schliemann Defence (Jaenisch Gambit) C63 - Opening Theory

 Exploring the Schliemann Defense
 in the Ruy Lopez

The Schliemann Defense, also known as the Jaenisch Gambit, presents an intriguing challenge for both White and Black.

Despite its name, it's not a true gambit in the traditional sense. With the knight on c6, capturing on e5 doesn't lead to a straightforward pawn grab for White. Instead, White must navigate the complexities that arise from Black's aggressive play.

In response to 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5,
White has options like 4. Nc3, the Berger Variation, or 4. d3, the Safe Variation.

These moves aim to maintain control while preparing to exploit weaknesses in Black's position. Black, on the other hand, typically aims to recapture on e4 with ...fxe4, leading to dynamic play.

Chess resources offer a wealth of analysis, instructional content, and games to delve deeper into this fascinating opening. From video lessons dissecting strategic nuances to traps and tactical insights, the Schliemann Defense promises rich exploration for players seeking dynamic and aggressive options against the Ruy Lopez.

Bishop's Bounty Ruy Lopez Main Page

 Schliemann Defence WikiBook Page

Schliemann Defense Chess Articles

Master the Schliemann Defense: A Bold Opening for Aggressive Players - papa Chess - Move by move guide, statistics, pawn structure and tips.

Mastering the Schliemann Defense: Mรถhring Variation - papa Chess

Chess Opening Basics: The Jaenisch Gambit - Short Chessable Blog Article on this Opening.

Jaenisch Gambit – A Complete Guide for Black - - FM Nikhil - Guide on the Gambit for Black and White.

The Jaenisch/Schliemann Gambit - IM Jeremy Silman - Both of the ways of dealing with this are shown with detailed example games. 
 One is 4.Nc3, which leads to serious complications . The other is 4.d3, a quiet positional line.

Openings for Tactical Players: Ruy Lopez, Schliemann (Jaenisch) Gambit - GM Gregory Serper 
- give you some general ideas about the key lines of this gambit variation as well as to show some typical tactical ideas.

Schliemann LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Databases

C63: Ruy Lopez, Schliemann defence 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 - 6379 Games

Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense (C63) 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 f5 - 2600 Games

Chess Tempo

Spanish Game, Schliemann Defense (C63) - 3400 Games

Schliemann Defense Chess Video Lessons



CRUSH e4 with this Black GAMBIT! - 26 min - GothamChess - IM Levy Rozman - Lesson on the Theory w/ 2 games fully analysed

GM Melik Khachiyan

SECRET WEAPON Against Ruy Lopez (Jaenisch Gambit) - 44 Min - explains key concepts, strategies, and responses to common moves by white, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively employ the Jaenisch Gambit in their games.

This Gambit? A Surprise Weapon Against Unprepared Players! (EMPIRE CHESS) - 15 Min - Gm Sam Shankland 
- creates a repertoire that can help the player deal with all the important lines of this opening,

The Janisch Gambit - GM Leonid Kritz (EMPIRE CHESS) - 15 Min -  
Grandmaster Leonid Kritz explains one of white's most common responses with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 4. d3 - declining the pawn to steer play towards a more rational game.

AlphaZero Schliemann Defence novelties for White and Black. AlphaZero Opening Novelties #2 - 18 Min - GM Mathew Sadler

The Most Aggressive Gambit Against Ruy Lopez [TRAPS Included] - 11 Min
- GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the most aggressive gambit against the Ruy Lopez chess opening.

Schlielman Defense Chess Traps

Schlielman Defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Holy Gambit Grail #3: Jaenisch Gambit - 9 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Challenging Game with the Jaenisch Gambit | Lichess Livestream | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy  

Shocking tactic in Jaenisch Gambit | 12 move chess miniature - 10 Min - Chess Viking

AI Generated watercolor Image in the style of John Singer Sargent of the Schlielman Defense Chess Position

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ruy Lopez (Berlin Defence)(C65-67) - Opening Theory

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Berlin Defense

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6

Wikipedia page 
 The Berlin Defence, 3...Nf6, has long had a reputation for solidity and drawishness and is commonly referred to as "the Berlin Wall"

BOOKS (Free)

The Modenized Ruy Lopez  Vol 1 A Complete Repertoire for White - 18 Page (Chap. 2 Birds)  PDF
500 Ruy Lopez Miniatures By Bill Wall  - 122 Page PDF
Easy Guide to Ruy Lopez by John Emms  - 74 Page PDF

Free Chessable Course

Short & Sweet: Berlin Defense MoveTrainer™ Opening course by GM Sam Shankland - 20 Trainable Variations with 32 Min of Video

Ruy Lopez (Berlin Defense) Articles

Berlin Defense: Complete Guide - Solid article by FM Zaur Tekeyev
The Mortimer Trap - It's only natural that it should be rediscovered, given the recent popularity of the Berlin Defense to the Spanish / Ruy Lopez 

Berlin Defense LiChess Studies

Games Databases 
Berlin Defence Games - 1100+ Games at you can go through online.
C65: Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence - Link Page to all the Sub- Varients and 18,000 games at 
  Annotated Games
Svidler vs Topalov 2006 - A nicely Annotated game from the
Nisipeanu vs Topalov 2006 - Annotated by Mihail Marin 
 Hou Yifan vs Nigel Short - Washington post article on the 13 yr old girl beating Short. 

 Ruy Lopez Berlin Defense Chess Video Lessons

Play Against the Berlin

Berlin Defense Chess Traps

Indian Prodigy REFUTES the Berlin Defense??! | Ruy Lopez opening TRAP - 11 Min
Dirty Chess Tricks 63 (Trick the Berlin/Spanish/Ruy Lopez) - 15 Min
Spanish Game: Berlin Defense chess trap 18 - 8 Min
Chess Traps #5: Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence Trap (Fishing Pole) - 8 Min
Mortimer Trap | Berlin Defense in the Ruy Lopez | Opening Tricks and Traps to Win Fast - 7 Min
Dirty Chess Tricks 63 (Trick the Berlin/Spanish/Ruy Lopez) -15 Min

Berlin Defense Game Videos /w Analysis

Berlin Defence : GM Judit Polgar vs GM Sergey Karjakin - Spanish Game - 20 Min
Judit Polgar defeats Garry Kasparov in the Spanish Game - Berlin defence - 17 Min
I turned the Berlin into the MOST AGGRESSIVE GAMBIT EVER and CRUSHED Stockfish with it - 13 Min
GM Fabiano Caruana Vs GM Pavel Eljanov - Russian Team Championship 2011 - Berlin Defense Ruy Lopez - 12 Min
Berlin Defence : GM Judit Polgar vs GM Sergey Karjakin - Spanish Game (Berlin Defense) - 20 Min

Pop art image of Berlin Brandenburg gate and Chess pieces

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) (C60-99) - Opening Theory

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Resources

Wikipedia page

For a general overview of the opening and its variations.
List of Variations under Ruy Lopez Opening. (180 of Them)


The Modenized Ruy Lopez Vol 1 A Complete Repertoire for White - 18 Page (Chap. 2 Birds) PDF
500 Ruy Lopez Miniatures By Bill Wall - 122 Page PDF
Easy Guide to Ruy Lopez by John Emms - 74 Page PDF

FREE Chessable Courses

Ruy Lopez: Masterclass Edition - 67 Trainable Lines
Ruy Lopez common lines - 111 Trainable Lines
Short & Sweet: Grandelius's Ruy Lopez - 20 Trainable Lines w/ 77 min Video - GM Nils Grandelius
Short & Sweet: Werle's Ruy Lopez - 30 Trainable Lines w/ Over 4hrs Video instruction - GM Jan Werle
Short & Sweet: 3...g6 Ruy Lopez - 12 Trainable Lines w/ 44 min Video - IM Irena Bulmaga

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Chess Articles

An Introduction to the Ruy Lopez - 6 Pages taken from (Fines- Idea's Behind the Chess openings)
The Ruy Exchange - Article on by GM Megesh and GM Arun
The Ruy Lopez - Simplify Chess - Why To Play it, Every Move Explained and Variations.
The Ruy Lopez Opening: How to Play It as White and Black - Chessable Blog
Ruy Lopez Explained - Article w/ Embedded Video - Remote Chess Academy

Ruy Lopez Opening: How To Play The Ruy Lopez in Chess - Guide by the Chess Journal

Dominate with the Ruy Lopez – How to Play the Spanish Opening - Lareg Article embedded with Videos

Ruy Lopez LiChess Studies

The Ruy Lopez for all calibre of player - 16 Chapter Study (1450 hearts) Top of Page
Ruy Lopez - 14 Chapter Interactive Study (8850+ Hearts)

Ruy Lopez Complete Study Guide - 18 Chapter Study
THE RUY LOPEZ Opening - 11 Chapter Study (800 Hearts)

Ruy Lopez - main variations - 13 Chapter Study
Ruy Lopez Interactive Puzzles - 6 Chapter Interactive Study (360 hearts)

Games Databases

Ruy Lopez Variations - Page with Links to all 39 variations.
Ruy Lopez Closed C84 -C99  - Page with Link to games From theses Variations
Ruy Lopez Open C80- C83 - " "
Ruy Lopez Exchange C86,C69,C85 - " "

Ruy Lopez (C60-C99) - 243 Annotated games

Annotated Ruy Lopez Games

Shirov vs Grischuk (C65) - Berlin Defence
Kasparov vs Kramnik (C67) - Berlin Defence
Luter vs Graf (C78) - Moeller Defence
Anand vs Shirov C78 - Moeller Defence
Ivanchuk vs Adams (C88) -Closed
Kramnik vs Lenko (C89) - Marshall Counter Attack

Ruy Lopez Video Lessons

Ruy Lopez - Opening Theory - 11 Video playlist  - (2.5 hrs) IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
Ruy Lopez Opening Theory - 7 Video playlist - (Over 2 Hours) - Hanging Pawns

Ruy Lopez - 12 Video playlist - GM Sune Berg hansen (Assorted Stuff)

The Ruy Lopez explained by GM Nils Grandelius - 77 Min (Great Free Video from Chessable)

The Ruy Lopez - Beginner Breakdown - 38 Min

Chess Openings: Ruy Lopez | Ideas, Theory, and Attacking Plans - 24 Min - GM Igor Smirnov
Learning Chess Openings - Example: The Closed Ruy Lopez - 26 Min - NM Dan Heisman

Dominate with the Ruy Lopez! IM Valeri Lilov - 61 Min IM Valeri Lilov
Bobby Fischer's Deadly Weapon with the Ruy Lopez! IM Valeri Lilov - 42 Min IM Valeri Lilov
The Ruy Lopez - Chess Openings with GM Damian Lemos - 33 Min
Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Defense Gambits GM Leonid Kritz - 17 Min
Winning with the Ruy Lopez, Delayed Exchange Variation - 18 Min - IM Andrew Martin
ROCK the Ruy Lopez - GM Leonid Kritz - 16 Min
Peter Svidler's Awesome Ruy Lopez Archangel Repertoire! - 22 Min
Svidler's Weapon ⚔ in the Ruy Lopez with GM Peter Svidler - 24 Min
Beat the Ruy Lopez with the Berlin Variation - GM Leonid Kritz - 15 Min

Chessbase India

Ruy Lopez - 52 Video Playlist - (Some of the Lesson Videos Below)
Understanding the Spanish (Ruy Lopez) from both colours | ft. GM Prithu Gupta - 1.5 hr
Day 16: Improve your openings with IM Sagar Shah | Revising the Breyer - 1.5 Hr
INSTRUCTIONAL OPENINGS: Ruy Lopez/Spanish - 44 Min

St Louis Chess Club

Karpov and his Ruy Lopez | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold -49 Min
Ruy Lopez Middlegames - FM Aviv Friedman -47 Min
Opening Principles in the Ruy Lopez | Chess Openings Explained - 61 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Breyer Variation - Chess Openings Explained - 48 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Variation | Chess Openings Explained - 40 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Variation #2 | Chess Openings Explained - 54 Min
Maul 'em with the Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained - 45 Min

Ruy Lopez Chess Traps

5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Ruy Lopez - 9 Min
Tricks & Traps Everyone Should Know in the Ruy Lopez - 70 Min

Ruy Lopez Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Ruy Lopez / Spanish Game - 266 Video Playlist - agadmantor (Famous games)
The Ruy Lopez (Spanish Game) Collection - 290 Video playlist  - kingscrusher (Famous games)
Spanish Opening - 179 Video playlist - Chess School (Famous games and Lesssons)
Ruy Lopez Theory - 36 Video playlist  - jozarov's Chess Channel (Famous games)

GM Daniel Naroditsky

Master Class | Ruy Lopez | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min
Ruy Lopez | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 50 Min
Master Class | Ruy Lopez, Bishop Sac Variation | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 46 min

Recreation of Spanish Looking Chess Tournament Poster from the 1960's