Showing posts with label Links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Links. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2008

King - Pawn Endings - (Endgame Theory)



 King and Pawn Endgames:
 The Key to Chess Victory

King and Pawn Endgames are the final act of a chess game, where the forces on the board have dwindled, and the focus intensifies. Here, a single pawn, the underdog of the chess world, takes center stage. Its successful promotion to a powerful queen can spell victory, while its capture can lead to a frustrating draw. Understanding these critical positions is essential for any chess player who wants to:

  • Convert Winning Advantages: Many winning positions boil down to a King and Pawn Endgame. Knowing how to maneuver your king and escort your pawn to promotion ensures you capitalize on your hard-earned edge.

  • Salvage Stalemates: Sometimes, complex middlegame positions can simplify into King and Pawn Endgames. If you grasp these endgames, you might be able to salvage a draw from a seemingly lost position.

  • Avoid Blunders: King and Pawn Endgames can be deceptively tricky. A seemingly simple misstep can cost you the game. Mastering these endgames equips you with the knowledge to navigate them confidently and avoid throwing away precious points.

This guide curates the best free resources to equip you with the knowledge and skills to conquer King and Pawn Endgames. With the help of ebooks, interactive studies, puzzles, and video lessons from top chess instructors, you'll be well on your way to mastering this crucial endgame skillset.

Books & Courses (Free)

Chess Endings - UK School 89 Page PDF  (Nice Study Guide with worksheets)
Pawn Endings (Part 1) - 4 page PDF (Handout)

Internet Archive


  • Basic Endgames - FREE Chessable Course - 191 Endgames (First 45 are K+P)   Practice all of them with the Movetrainer

King & Pawn Chess Articles

Theoretical Pawn Endgames - All You Need to Know U2000 Level - ChessMood - 
What are the most important King and pawn endgame positions that you must know? GM Gabuzyan shares them in this article. (Really Nice Page)

How to Win a King and Pawn vs King Endgame - Very nice article and in depth
- Understanding the Square
- How to Promote a Pawn vs a Lone King
- Rook Pawns are Usually Drawn
- How to Draw with a Lone King vs a Pawn and King
- Positions to Test Yourself

Ultimate Guide to Pawn Endgames -  Pretty Amazing Page With Lessons on Many of the Basic Pawn Endgame Need to Know Topics.

Pawn Endgame: How To Win Pawn Endgames -  The Chess Journal -Covers Most of the Basics w/ puzzles at end

The Floating Square | Split Pawns vs Connected Pawns in the Endgame - Nice Well Done Lesson

The Chess World Articles

King & Pawn LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

King and Pawn Endgames 1 - 60 Chapter Study (One at the top of the Page)

King and Pawn Endgames 2 -  5 Chapter interactive Study

Beginner Opposition -  6 Chapter Study

Interactive Studies

Games Database - K & P Endings (Collections)

By studying both collections, you'll gain valuable insights into the nuances of King and Pawn Endgames and how they arise from various middlegame situations.

King & Pawn Endgame Video Lessons

1) King and Pawn Endgames

a) Foundational King and Pawn Endgame Positions

 b) Intermediate Pawn Endgame Ideas

 c) More Complicated Pawn Endings


d) Pawn Breakthroughs


Friday, December 5, 2008

Pawn Structure

Pawn Structure Chess Resources:
 A Comprehensive Guide

 Pawn structures are the foundation of chess strategy.

Understanding how to manipulate and exploit pawn formations is crucial for developing strong positional play.

This guide compiles a wealth of resources to help you master pawn structures in chess.

Provides a starting point with an overview of the 20 major pawn formations

1 Caro formation     
2 Slav formation
 3 Sicilian – Scheveningen
4 Sicilian – Dragon         
5 Boleslavsky hole
 6 Maróczy Bind     
7 Hedgehog 
8 Rauzer formation
 9 Boleslavsky Wall
 10 d5 chain          11 e5 chain
12 Modern Benoni formation
 13 Giuoco Piano – Isolani formation
14 Queen's Gambit – Isolani formation
 15 Hanging pawns
16 Carlsbad formation 17 Panov formation
 18 Stonewall formation
19 Botvinnik system   20 Closed Sicilian formation

Jeremy Silman  Article Archive
  Pawn Structure Articles
(20 Articles Here)

Pawn Structure Books (Free)

Internet Archive

Additional Resources:

Pawn Structure Chess Articles

Understanding Pawn Structures:

  • Chess Pawn Moves and Structures - Chessable Blog Guide  (Real Nice)Unveiling the importance of pawn structure in chess strategy. This Chessable Blog guide explores pawn movement basics and how pawn formations influence your game.

  • The Complete Guide To Pawn Structures - Chess Simplified Guide
     (Pages and Pages on all the Different Types of pawn Structures)Demystify pawn structures, the backbone of chess strategy! This in-depth guide from Simplify Chess explores various pawn formations, equipping you with the knowledge to dominate the middlegame.

  • Pawn-structures: Why pawns are the soul of chess - Chessfox dives into the concept of pawn structures, explaining why they are considered the foundation of successful chess strategy. Learn how pawn formations influence piece mobility and overall game plans.

  •  Pawn Types - General Info at Wikibooks on The different pawn types Doubled, Hanging, Passed etc. (Beginners)

  • Introduction To Chess: Pawns - Don't underestimate the pawn! Mark Lowery unveils the power hidden within these unassuming chess pieces. Explore pawn moves, captures, promotion, and their strategic significance.

Playing with Specific Pawn Structures:

  • Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Unpack the strategic ideas behind the Carlsbad pawn structure, a common middlegame formation in chess. This guide explores plans for both White and Black.

  • INTRODUCTION TO THE ISOLATED QUEEN’S PAWN POSITIONS - Friend or foe? Understand the complexities of the isolated queen's pawn, a common chess structure with both strengths and weaknesses. Learn how to handle it effectively on Pawnbreak.

  • Best Chess Formations to Win Games Consistently - Big Article on Chessable Blog - Beyond the pawns themselves - formations hold the key! Explore the fascinating world of chess formations in this Chessable blog post. Discover how pawn structures like the Carlsbad and the Slav influence your strategic thinking.
Bishop's Bounty Doubled Pawns Page
Articles,LiChess Studies,Video lessons

 Advanced Strategy:

Pawn Structure LiChess Studies

Deepen your understanding of pawn structures with these in-depth Lichess studies:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

 Pawn Structure Video Lessons

General Understanding Pawn Structures

Easy Structure - 7 Video playlist  - GM Sune Berg  ( 2 hr ) e vs c Pawn Structure Series
Pawn Structure - 30 Video Playlist -  Short Lessons on the Different Structures

IM Andrew Martin, Pawn Structure: How and Why it Matters - 2 Hr -  New

Chess Fundamentals #4: Pawn Play -  85 min John Bartholomew
How To Use Pawns In Chess -35 min GothamChess
Pawn Structures I - 45 Min 
Chess Openings: Introduction to Opening Pawn Structures - 27 Min - NM Dan Heisman
A Positional Discussion about Pawn Structures and Dynamism - 20 Min - IM Andreas Toth

Pawn Structure Principles - Full Guide With Timestamps - 38 Min NM Nelson Lopez

Pawn Structure Deep-Dive Video Lessons

1 -2 - Caro / Slav  Pawn Structure Lessons

Caro Pawn structure - Lasker v Capablanca - 15 Min
Planning in the French and Caro-Kann Structures | Road to 2000 - 55 Min
Caro Kann Pawn Structure Ideas - In 12 Minutes - 12 min
Understanding the structure from the Caro-Kann Defense and the Scandinavian Opening - 12 Min GM Hansen
Chess Pawn Structure : Pawn structures in depth - The Caro Formation - 9 Min - Kingscrusher Caro - Slav Pawn Structure Series -  Intro #1 , Video 2Video 3,  Video 4 , Video 5 , Video 6 ,Final Video

3 - Sicilian – Scheveningen

Chess Pawn structures in depth: The Scheveningen Structure - 6 Min
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 6 e4 Central Pressure  - 34 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 8 Tactical Finale Chess - 29 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 7 White s Slow Play Chess - 32 Min IM Rensch
Pawn Structure 101 Scheveningen 8 Tactical Finale Chess - 29 Min IM Rensch

4 - Sicilian – Dragon 

Chess Pawn structures in depth: The Dragon Formation - 5 Min
#1 Guide To Sicilian Dragon Pawn Structures - 17 Min
Sicilian Dragon Variation Plans and Pawn Structure, Yugoslav Attack  - 17 Min
Sicilian Pawn Structures with IM Mat Kolosowski - 62 Min

6 - Maróczy Bind 

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #5 - Maroczy Bind - 3 hr
Pawn Structure #1: Maróczy Bind | Strategy Session with Jonathan Schrantz - 48 Min
Maroczy Bind Pawn Structure in Chess (Middlegames) - 18 Min
The Maroczy Bind from "Pawn Structure Chess" by Soltis [advanced chess lesson] - 68 Min
Maroczy Bind Secrets with GM Liem Le Quang FIDE 2720 - 57 Min
How To Play the Maroczy Bind | Dojo Lessons feat KirkD (1700) - 17 Min IM 
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind-The Maroczy Hop - 20 min
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind- Nc2 idea by white - 12 Min
 Recognition of pawn structures- Maroczy bind-c5-e5 break through - 11 Min
Destroy The Maroczy Bind with Black! - GM Dzindzichashvili - 30 Min
Live Stream: Dealing with the Maroczy Bind in the Dragon - GM Ron Henley - 48 Min
Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #6: Maroczy Bind - Introduction - 24 Min
Learn to Develop a Long-Term Chess Strategy With the Maroczy Bind - GM Damian Lemos - 25 Min
Chess Gym : Maroczy Bind - 36 Min 
Crushing the Sicilian 💪 with the Maroczy Bind - IM Valeri Lilov - 31 Min

7 - Hedgehog Pawn Structure

Hedgehog Pawn Structure In Chess (Middlegames) - 15 Min
Exploring the Hedgehog - GM Yasser Seirawan - 41 Min
Poke Holes in the Hedgehog! | Secret Life of Pawns - GM Mauricio Flores - 51 Min
Introduction to the Hedgehog - 2hr IM John Batholomew

Why the Knight Goes to d7 in the Hedgehog | Dojo Lessons - 15 Min IM Kavutskiy
The Hedgehog - GM Ben Finegold - 49 Min
GM Neiksans Boot Camp #38: The Hedgehog - 2 Hrs

9 - Boleslavsky Wall

Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall for black - d5 pawn breakthrough - 10 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall for black - 10 Min
Chess middlegame planning -Boleslavsky wall - Minority attack - 11 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall - Exploiting weaknesses - 11 Min
Chess middlegame planning - Boleslavsky wall - Kingside attack - 11 Min

10  -  d5 chain 

Chess Strategy: Chess Pawn structure series: The d5 vs. e5 pawn chains - 17 Min
Understanding Pawn Chains ♙♙ IM Valeri Lilov - 21 Min

11   e5 chain

13 -14 - Isolated Queen Pawn Formations

Bishops Bounty Isolated Queen Pawn Structure Page - Articles, Lichess Studies, Games Databases and Video lessons

15 Hanging Pawns

Introduction to Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | IM Alex Astaneh - 7 Min
Winning with Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures | IM Alex Astaneh - 20 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Pawn Structures  | IM Alex Astaneh - 29 Min
How to play with Hanging Pawns| Advanced | GM Alex Lenderman - 16 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Part 1 | Advanced Level | GM Alex Lenderman - 18 Min
How to play against Hanging Pawns | Part 2  | Advanced Level | GM Alex Lenderman - 16 Min
Hanging Pawns | Chess Middlegames - 35 Min

16 - Carlsbad Pawn Structure Lessons

Carlsbad Pawn Structure and Minority Attack - 24 Video Playlist  - Assorted Video's From YouTube
Carlsbad Structure17 Video Playlist   - FULL PLAYLIST (Videos Below Are in it)
Advanced - 6.Unit: Carlsbad Structure - 6 Video Playlist - GM Alex Lenderman
GM Neiksans Boot Camp #32 - Carlsbad Structure - 2 hr
Master the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - The Full Course with GM Sune Berg Hansen 3 hr 

Bishops Bounty Carlsbad Page  -   Post of Articles, Games, Lichess Studies and Video Lessons  (Most of the best Video Lessons I left above)

17 - Panov Formation

18 - Stonewall Formation

Bishops Bounty Stonewall Pawn Structure Page - Articles Games, LiChess Studies and Video lessons

19 - Botvinnik system 

The Botvinnik Formation | Chess Quick Study | #1 - 6 Min

20 -Closed Sicilian formation

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) (C60-99) - Opening Theory

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Resources

Wikipedia page

For a general overview of the opening and its variations.
List of Variations under Ruy Lopez Opening. (180 of Them)


The Modenized Ruy Lopez Vol 1 A Complete Repertoire for White - 18 Page (Chap. 2 Birds) PDF
500 Ruy Lopez Miniatures By Bill Wall - 122 Page PDF
Easy Guide to Ruy Lopez by John Emms - 74 Page PDF

FREE Chessable Courses

Ruy Lopez: Masterclass Edition - 67 Trainable Lines
Ruy Lopez common lines - 111 Trainable Lines
Short & Sweet: Grandelius's Ruy Lopez - 20 Trainable Lines w/ 77 min Video - GM Nils Grandelius
Short & Sweet: Werle's Ruy Lopez - 30 Trainable Lines w/ Over 4hrs Video instruction - GM Jan Werle
Short & Sweet: 3...g6 Ruy Lopez - 12 Trainable Lines w/ 44 min Video - IM Irena Bulmaga

Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Chess Articles

An Introduction to the Ruy Lopez - 6 Pages taken from (Fines- Idea's Behind the Chess openings)
The Ruy Exchange - Article on by GM Megesh and GM Arun
The Ruy Lopez - Simplify Chess - Why To Play it, Every Move Explained and Variations.
The Ruy Lopez Opening: How to Play It as White and Black - Chessable Blog
Ruy Lopez Explained - Article w/ Embedded Video - Remote Chess Academy

Ruy Lopez Opening: How To Play The Ruy Lopez in Chess - Guide by the Chess Journal

Dominate with the Ruy Lopez – How to Play the Spanish Opening - Lareg Article embedded with Videos

Ruy Lopez LiChess Studies

The Ruy Lopez for all calibre of player - 16 Chapter Study (1450 hearts) Top of Page
Ruy Lopez - 14 Chapter Interactive Study (8850+ Hearts)

Ruy Lopez Complete Study Guide - 18 Chapter Study
THE RUY LOPEZ Opening - 11 Chapter Study (800 Hearts)

Ruy Lopez - main variations - 13 Chapter Study
Ruy Lopez Interactive Puzzles - 6 Chapter Interactive Study (360 hearts)

Games Databases

Ruy Lopez Variations - Page with Links to all 39 variations.
Ruy Lopez Closed C84 -C99  - Page with Link to games From theses Variations
Ruy Lopez Open C80- C83 - " "
Ruy Lopez Exchange C86,C69,C85 - " "

Ruy Lopez (C60-C99) - 243 Annotated games

Annotated Ruy Lopez Games

Shirov vs Grischuk (C65) - Berlin Defence
Kasparov vs Kramnik (C67) - Berlin Defence
Luter vs Graf (C78) - Moeller Defence
Anand vs Shirov C78 - Moeller Defence
Ivanchuk vs Adams (C88) -Closed
Kramnik vs Lenko (C89) - Marshall Counter Attack

Ruy Lopez Video Lessons

Ruy Lopez - Opening Theory - 11 Video playlist  - (2.5 hrs) IM Andrey Ostrovskiy
Ruy Lopez Opening Theory - 7 Video playlist - (Over 2 Hours) - Hanging Pawns

Ruy Lopez - 12 Video playlist - GM Sune Berg hansen (Assorted Stuff)

The Ruy Lopez explained by GM Nils Grandelius - 77 Min (Great Free Video from Chessable)

The Ruy Lopez - Beginner Breakdown - 38 Min

Chess Openings: Ruy Lopez | Ideas, Theory, and Attacking Plans - 24 Min - GM Igor Smirnov
Learning Chess Openings - Example: The Closed Ruy Lopez - 26 Min - NM Dan Heisman

Dominate with the Ruy Lopez! IM Valeri Lilov - 61 Min IM Valeri Lilov
Bobby Fischer's Deadly Weapon with the Ruy Lopez! IM Valeri Lilov - 42 Min IM Valeri Lilov
The Ruy Lopez - Chess Openings with GM Damian Lemos - 33 Min
Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Defense Gambits GM Leonid Kritz - 17 Min
Winning with the Ruy Lopez, Delayed Exchange Variation - 18 Min - IM Andrew Martin
ROCK the Ruy Lopez - GM Leonid Kritz - 16 Min
Peter Svidler's Awesome Ruy Lopez Archangel Repertoire! - 22 Min
Svidler's Weapon ⚔ in the Ruy Lopez with GM Peter Svidler - 24 Min
Beat the Ruy Lopez with the Berlin Variation - GM Leonid Kritz - 15 Min

Chessbase India

Ruy Lopez - 52 Video Playlist - (Some of the Lesson Videos Below)
Understanding the Spanish (Ruy Lopez) from both colours | ft. GM Prithu Gupta - 1.5 hr
Day 16: Improve your openings with IM Sagar Shah | Revising the Breyer - 1.5 Hr
INSTRUCTIONAL OPENINGS: Ruy Lopez/Spanish - 44 Min

St Louis Chess Club

Karpov and his Ruy Lopez | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold -49 Min
Ruy Lopez Middlegames - FM Aviv Friedman -47 Min
Opening Principles in the Ruy Lopez | Chess Openings Explained - 61 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Breyer Variation - Chess Openings Explained - 48 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Variation | Chess Openings Explained - 40 Min
The Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Variation #2 | Chess Openings Explained - 54 Min
Maul 'em with the Marshall Attack | Chess Openings Explained - 45 Min

Ruy Lopez Chess Traps

5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Ruy Lopez - 9 Min
Tricks & Traps Everyone Should Know in the Ruy Lopez - 70 Min

Ruy Lopez Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Ruy Lopez / Spanish Game - 266 Video Playlist - agadmantor (Famous games)
The Ruy Lopez (Spanish Game) Collection - 290 Video playlist  - kingscrusher (Famous games)
Spanish Opening - 179 Video playlist - Chess School (Famous games and Lesssons)
Ruy Lopez Theory - 36 Video playlist  - jozarov's Chess Channel (Famous games)

GM Daniel Naroditsky

Master Class | Ruy Lopez | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min
Ruy Lopez | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 50 Min
Master Class | Ruy Lopez, Bishop Sac Variation | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 46 min

Recreation of Spanish Looking Chess Tournament Poster from the 1960's

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chess Puzzles

Chess Puzzle Sites Around the Internet


Grand Master games. 10,000 Chess Puzzles 
(Site also has puzzles by opening, and different tactics workshops)

EcoChess Tactics Page

- 1000's of tactics problems from real games. Broken down in difficulty from Beginner to Grandmaster. **(This is a really nice place to practice Tactics)

Chess Tactics  Books  (Free PDF Download)

- About 12-15 tactics books here.

Lichess Puzzles 

 - Hands Down probably the best free Puzzle Destination.
                              Can sort By type , keeps track of all the puzzles you have
                              done and  tells you your weaknesses and strengths.
                              (Unlike no limit to the amount of puzzles a day)

Chess Tempo 

for free to get a chess tactics rating, receive puzzles targeted at your ability level and track your tactics training progress via statistics and graphs.