Showing posts with label Chess Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Videos. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2022

Babson Task

 A Babson task is a direct-mate chess problem with the following properties:

   1.  White has only one key, or first move, that forces checkmate in the stipulated number of moves.

   2.   Black's defenses include the promotion of a certain pawn to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight. (Black may have other defenses as well.)

   3.  If Black promotes, then White must promote a pawn to the same piece to which Black promoted in order to complete the solution.

Babson Task Wikipedia Page

Combining 4 promotions from black with 4 echo promotions from white was the Holy Grail of chess for over a century. The greatest composers failed to compose this task. Then there was a 26 year old soccer trainer from Russia, who realized the impossible: Leonid Yarosh (source: De man die de Babson Task wilde maken - Tim Krabbé)

Articles Revisiting Tim Krabbé and Babson - Chessbase Article The perfect Babson - Chessbase Article

Babson Task - Very Nice Academic Kids Article Explaining the different types of Babson problems and History. LiChess Study THE BABSON TASK - 6 Chapter Study w/ Leonid Yarosh Composition and Bachmann Composition Videos The impossible Babson Task - 17 Min Video A Chess Composition Masterpiece ♚ The Babson Task ♚ Leonid Yarosh, 1983 - 12 Min The Most MARVELOUS Position to Ever Grace the Chess Board - 14 Min

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Decoding Pawn Breaks in Chess: A Complete Guide


Strategic Chess Maneuvers
Harnessing the Power of Pawn Breaks

Elevate your chess game with a deep dive into the art of pawn breaks. Uncover the strategic significance of these pivotal maneuvers and learn how to wield them effectively to seize control of the board. With expert insights, instructive articles, and engaging video lessons at your fingertips. Bishops Bounty Pawn Structures Page (Organized Links to Info On over 20 Pawn Structures)

Books (Free)

(Free Chessable Course)

Judit Polgar: Free Endgame Lesson #2 - 14 Variations on Pawn Breaks 

Pawn Break Chess Articles

Theory of Pawn Breaks Explained! - Article with 20Min Video Embedded

Typical Pawn Breaks: Ruining the Opponent’s Pawn Structure - Short Article

Pawn Break Prophylaxis  - Article showing a few Games

Pawn Breaks, part 1 Article By GM Magesh and GM Arun

Pawn Breaks -  Nice Article by NM Dana Mackenze

The powerful e5 Pawn break against the Benoni: using it as White, neutralizing it as Black - Huge Article on this Specific Pawn Break

Pawn Breaks - Detailed Guide
w/ Embedded Video  - IM Igor Smirnov

Chess Pawn Break: Guide To Using Pawn Breaks in Chess
  - Very nice Guide at The Chess Journal

Pawn Break LiChess Studies

Progressive Pawn-break Studies - In these progressive studies you are presented with a collection of positions where a forced pawn breakthrough is on the board.

First pawn to queen wins the game.
Pawn Breaks 1/4 - [Easy]:
Pawn Breaks 2/4 - [Medium]:
Pawn Breaks 3/4 - [Hard]:
Pawn Breaks 4/4 - [Extreme]:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Pawn Break Video Lessons

NM Dan Heismith

Pawn Breakthroughs - GM Ben Finegold - 2014.12.23 - 41 Min
guides you through a jungle of tied-up pawns. How do we untangle this mess and break through with a powerful passed pawn? Sacrifices, king position, and more...

Chess Strategy: Pawn Breaks - 20 Min -
IM Asaf Givon will help you better understand the theory of pawn breaks.

Everything You Need to Know About Pawn Breaks - 31 Min - Dr Can's Chess Clinic - An extensive strategic overview of pawn breaks. We discuss all major functions of pawn breaks by solving instructive examples.(New - 5/30/24)

Chess Fundamentals #4: Pawn Play - 1.5 hr - Im John Bartholomew - discuss key structural considerations (isolated pawns, doubled pawns, backward pawns, pawn breaks, "hooks")

Why Your Pawn Breaks Aren't Working - 4 Min - IM Max Illingworth -
 Discusses the importance of pawn structure and pawn breaks in chess, using a game from the Kasparov variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined as an example.

Jims Chess Channel 

Svitlana's Smart Moves - Middlegame pawn breaks - 52 Min - ChessBase Video Series - Figure out how to hold the tension in the middlegame, why to hold it, and how to break through with your pawns in the right moment.

Importance of Pawn breaks in Chess - 2.5 hr GM Ramesh -
 the importance of pawn breaks in chess, highlighting how they can open up positions and provide strategic advantages. It emphasizes the need for careful planning and understanding of the game’s dynamics to effectively utilize pawn breaks.

Pawn Breakthroughs | Principles of Chess Endgames | GM Naroditsky
 - 47 Min
the endgame master's arsenal: pawn breakthroughs. We examine the 10 most common type of breakthroughs in abstraction, and then put them into practice by analyzing several real-life examples.

Pawn Breaks - 34 Min  FM James Canty
Pawn Breaks and the importance of them! We look at a game, Loek Van Wely vs Thilo Kabisch

Specific Openings

Season 2 Pawn Break - Ruy Lopez - 53 Min FM James Canty - Jose Raul Capablanca vs Edward Lasker in 1913, with a Ruy Lopez.

Under 1400: Preventing Pawn Breaks in the Hedgehog, with NM Spencer Finegold - 58 Min
preventing your opponents’ pawn breaks when Black has a Hedgehog structure. 
Pawn breaks: The Stonewall pawn structures - 1.5 hr  Coach Robert  -
We start with two of the totally-blocked pawn structures: the kingside and queenside Stonewalls.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Unlocking Victory: The Art of Domination in Chess


 The Power of Piece Domination

Domination: It's not just about capturing! In chess endgames, domination gives you a powerful edge by limiting your opponent's piece movement. Imagine a knight surrounded by squares, yet unable to escape your control. That's domination in action!

Domination Articles: Mastering Control in the Endgame

Learn how to recognize domination patterns, restrict your opponent's piece movement, and ultimately secure victories you might have thought impossible.

Domination. A chess concept you should learn - chesscoachdiego - Explore the fundamentals of domination and its impact on endgame strategy.

Some classical dominations by Siegfried Hornecker - - Put your domination skills to the test with 12 interactive studies by a renowned endgame composer, complete with annotations.

Gain valuable insights from five annotated domination examples, solidifying your understanding of this crucial endgame concept.

Domination LiChess Studies

Put your domination skills to the test with these interactive studies from Lichess. Solve puzzles and witness domination in action!

Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies: - 10 Chapters -  Explore a range of domination concepts through 10 interactive endgame studies.

Domination (39 Endgame Studies) - 39 Chapters (Interactive)

kasparyan domination in 2545 endgames - 64 Chapters (Interactive) - Dive deep into the mastery of Genrikh Kasparyan with a whopping 64 interactive studies on domination in endgames.

Domination Videos: Learn from the Masters

Sharpen your domination skills with expert insights!  Witness domination strategies in action and gain valuable tips to incorporate into your own play.

Domination Chess Studies | Insane in the Endgame - WGM Sabina Foisor - 60 Min -Woman Grandmaster Sabina Foisor presents a exploration of domination through engaging chess puzzles.

Dominate in the Endgame! - A study by Genrikh Kasparyan - Endgame Composition 4# - 7 Min -Dive into a 7-minute endgame study by Genrikh Kasparyan and see if you can find the domination strategy that leads to victory for White.

Powerful Domination in Endgame Study by Korolkov -1948 (White to move and win) - 10 Min -Uncover the brilliance of endgame composer Vladimir Korolkov in this 10-minute video featuring a domination study with in-depth analysis..

Knight vs Bishop Endgames | Domination in Chess Endgames | Chess Studies by Reti, Troitsky and Sneft - 10 Min - Explore the nuances of knight vs bishop endgames and the concept of domination in a 10-minute lesson by renowned chess figures Reti, Troitsky, and Sneft. 

Bishops Bounty Endgame Study Page - Updated with new Videos, Lichess Studies, Articles and Endgame Study Database.

A watercolor painting depicting a black knight chess piece towering dominantly over a fallen white bishop. The black knight has an imposing, spiked form standing amidst jagged spikes bursting from the chess board, conveying a sense of danger and subjugation. The white bishop lies shattered nearby, dwarfed by the knight's powerful presence, suggesting defeat or surrender. The loose brushwork and bleeding colors create an intense, atmospheric scene focused on the conflict between the two chess pieces.

Friday, April 1, 2022

The Budapest Gambit: A Swashbuckling Chess Adventure A51 - A52


The Budapest Gambit (Defense )
 A Comprehensive Resource

Intrigued by aggressive chess openings?
Look no further than the Budapest Gambit, a daring gambit that injects excitement into your games from move one. This guide equips you with everything you need to master this dynamic opening, whether you're wielding White's central pawn control or wielding Black's potent piece play.

What is the Budapest Gambit?

With the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5, Black sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and attacking chances. This gambit has allured enterprising players for decades, offering sharp, unbalanced battles that test your tactical skills and strategic vision.

Why Play the Budapest Gambit?

  • Surprise your opponent: The Budapest Gambit is less common than other Queen's pawn openings, giving you an edge in preparation.
  • Sharp and attacking play: If you crave dynamic positions, the Budapest Gambit delivers! Black enjoys active piece play and excellent attacking prospects.
  • Deep strategic possibilities: Despite the early pawn sacrifice, the Budapest Gambit offers rich strategic opportunities for both sides.

Wikipedia Page 
(Sizable amount of Info Here covering this Gambit)

A51 Sub-variants:     Budapest defense declined

Budapest defense declined                 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5

Budapest, Fajarowicz variation           1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4

Budapest, Fajarowicz, Steiner variation   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4 4. Qc2


A52 Sub-variants:    Budapest Defense Accepted

Budapest Defence                          1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4

Budapest, Adler variation             1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Nf3

Budapest, Rubinstein variation   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Bf4

Budapest, Alekhine variation        1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4

Budapest, Alekhine, Abonyi variation    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4 Nxe5 5. f4 Nec6

Budapest, Alekhine variation, Balogh gambit   1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. e4 d6

Books & Courses (Free)

Internet Archive


Free Chessable Course 

Short & Sweet: Budapest Gambit 
-FM Kamil Plichta 
- Learn 25 Lines w/ 78 Min Video - 
use movetrainer to practice them. Ideal starter repertoire on the fearsome and fun Budapest Gambit. He took the essential knowledge from the repertoire, then boiled it down to just 25 core lines and 1 hour and 18 minutes of newbie-friendly video instruction.

Budapest Gambit Articles

The Budapest Gambit ignites dynamic battles on the chessboard, and a wealth of articles await you to explore its intricacies.

Beginner-Friendly Resources:

  • The Budapest Gambit - This guide by Simplify Chess delves into the opening with move-by-move explanations, making it easy to grasp the Budapest Gambit's core concepts. Learn about the three main variations and start building your understanding.

  • Chess Opening Basics: The Budapest Gambit - Chessable Blog Article - This article provides a solid introduction to the Budapest Gambit, outlining the basic opening moves and offering a general overview for beginner players.

Intermediate & Advanced Resources:

Additional Note:

  • Refutation of the Budapest Gambit -  Gm Alex Colovic -  Short Article Talking about the easiest way to defuse this Gambit. This short article discusses ways to counter the Budapest Gambit. It can be a helpful tool for players facing the Budapest Gambit as White.


Sharpen Your Budapest Gambit Skills


Budapest Gambit A52 - 82 Puzzles 

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Indian Defense- Budapest Defence - 3928 Puzzles - 
Challenge yourself with a vast pool of puzzles on LiChess, encompassing all variations of the Budapest Gambit. This is a fantastic resource to continuously improve your overall tactical awareness in the opening.


Budapest Gambit Lichess Studies

LiChess Studies offer an interactive playground to delve into the Budapest Gambit's intricacies. Here are some exceptional studies curated to guide you through the opening's complexities:

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Game databases are invaluable resources for studying the Budapest Gambit in action. Here are some prominent platforms to explore:

Budapest Gambit (A51) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 - 418 games (Budapest Gambit Declined)

 Budapest Gambit (A52) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 - 1597 Games  (Budapest Gambit Accepted)

Budapest Gambit (A51-A52) - 3 Annotated Games

A51: Budapest defence declined 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 - 9600 Games 

 A52: Budapest defence 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 - 6900 games 

Budapest Gambit Video Lessons

Learn the Budapest Gambit from some of the best chess educators and channels with these comprehensive video lessons:


St. Louis Chess Club


The Budapest Gambit · Chess Openings - 37 min Hanging Pawns - is quite a positional opening, in which pawn breaks are the most important factor. 

Simon Williams - The Exciting Budapest Gambit - 32 Min

How to play the Budapest Gambit | Main Ideas and Plans | Gambits | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 16 Min

Gambit a Pawn for Aggressive Piece Play! - GM James Plaskett - 11 Min - Talks about the main lines where Black always gets active piece play and compensation for the pawn being sacrificed early in the game.

I made the Budapest Gambit 100x MORE AGGRESSIVE - 43 Min - FM William Graif - Crazy, crazy, crazy sacrifices in this new chess opening variation of the Budapest Gambit! How to Play the Budapest Gambit | Grandmaster Repertoire - 20 Min - GM Moulton Li - recommendations in the Budapest Gambit.

Opening Basics #51: Budapest gambit - 37 Min - Jims Chess Channel - A comprehensive guide to the Budapest Gambit. It explores various lines and strategies, including the Adler and Rubinstein variations, and highlights the importance of piece activity and pawn structure. It also analyzes historical and modern games, demonstrating tactical ideas and common pitfalls in the gambit.

Boris Altermans Gambit Guide (Budapest Gambit) 
  Part 1 - 35 Min  ,   Part 2 - 28 Min,    Part 3 - 33 Min

IM Miodrag Perunovic


Budapest Gambit Traps

Opening Traps #3: Kieninger Trap with Jonathan Schrantz - 5 Min

Simple and Deadly Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 15 Min

Budapest Gambit Traps: Tricks to Win Fast | Best Checkmate Moves, Strategy & Ideas - 7 Min

5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 10 Min

Even More Tricks and Traps in the Budapest Gambit - 20 Min IM Rosen

9 CRUSHING Budapest Gambit Traps - 5 Min


Budapest Declined The Wandering King Trap - 4 Min

Budapest Declined Relative Pin Trap - 3 Min

Budapest - Opening Up the Floodgates - 3 min

Budapest - Hanging in Budapest - 3 Min

Budapest - The Fajorowitz Theme Trap - 3 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Passing Fad Trap - 2 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Clammy Sammy Trap - 4 Min

Budapest Fajorowitz - The Faj Queen Trap - 5 Min

Budapest - Another Hungary Black Trap - 3 Min

Budapest Hungary Horses - 3 Min

Budapest - White Holds the Pawn - 5 Min

Budapest - The Black Pawn Overload - 3 Min

Budapest - Queen on the Run - 4 Min

Budapest - Family Fork - 3Min

Budapest The Pest Control Trap 3 min

Budapest - Finally Winning a Piece 5 Min

Budapest The Poisonous Bait Trap - 3 min

Budapest Knights Fork Tango - 4 Min

Budapest Kieninger Trap - 3 Min

Budapest - Glutton for Punishment - 3 Min

Budapest - Unsound But Only Natural - 3 Min

Budapest Gambit Game Videos (w/ Analysis)


Game Videos

Beating the Budapest Gambit | Blitz Game - 7 Min  (Model game Against Budapest)

Budapest Gambit: Attacking with Geometry - 7 Min IM Rosen

A Brilliant Budapest Gambit - Rubinstein vs. Vidmar - 15 Min

Chess Master Blitz...Fajarowicz Gambit as Black!! - 31 Mins  (Several Games)

Crush Your Opponents With The Evil Budapest Gambit - PROchess League - 10 Min

Longer Chess Games #51 A Lesson in the Budapest Gambit - 62 Min -Ginger GM

Colorful Image of 3d realistic painted chess pieces of Bright Colors
"The greatest compliment one can pay to the player of a gambit
 is to accept it."
- Emanuel Lasker

Thursday, March 17, 2022

London Opening ECO D02, A46, A48 Opening Theory

Newest Stuff Organized and put in one place.

Organized Links of Videos, LIchess Studys and any other stuff found around the Internet on the London.   London Opening Organized  (Also on sidebar on left under Opening Theory Now) 


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sicilian - Smith-Morra Gambit (B21) - Opening Theory


  Smith-Morra Gambit:
 A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the strategic nuances of the Smith-Morra Gambit, a dynamic chess opening favored by tactical enthusiasts.

Learn why fearless players embrace this aggressive approach to the Sicilian Defense.

  • Thrive on sharp, tactical battles
  • Dictate the pace of the game
  • Catch opponents off guard and navigate unfamiliar territory
  • Say goodbye to dull pawn structures
  • It offers endless possibilities for excitement and growth

Smith-Morra Gambit Wikipedia Page 

 General Info About this Opening
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3


Smith Morra Gambit Articles

Explore insightful articles and comprehensive guides on the Smith-Morra Gambit and Learn strategies, mainlines, and effective counterplay against this aggressive Sicilian Defense approach.

The Smith-Morra Gambit opening for White & Black - Chessable Blog -Delve into this comprehensive guide on the Smith-Morra Gambit, covering strategies for both players. Explore model games, instructions on how to play it, and effective ways to counter it.

Smith Morra Gambit - Amazingly solid gambit! - IM Alberto Chueca - Provides an in-depth analysis of the Smith-Morra Gambit, highlighting its popularity and solidity. Gain insights into mainlines, plans, ideas, and sample games to master this dynamic opening strategy.

Smith-Morra Gambit: Complete Guide - The Chess World - Uncover the secrets of the Smith-Morra Gambit with this comprehensive guide. Featuring plans, traps, and an embedded 44-minute video with GM Kriszian Szabo

Smith Morra Gambit Article  Simplify Chess Guide -Explore the dynamic world of the Smith-Morra Gambit with this aggressive opening strategy against the Sicilian Defense. Dive into theory, key variations, and strategic ideas to harness the tactical opportunities and seize the initiative.

A Bust to the Smith-Morra Gambit - Gain valuable insights into countering the Smith-Morra Gambit with this USCF Theory Article. Discover strategies to effectively play against this aggressive opening and turn the tables on your opponent.

Books (Free Download)

The Smith Morra Gambit Part 1 - 22 Page (PDF) - Free Printable Guide



The Smith-Morra Gambit opening for White & Black -  In-depth Opening Guide on Chessable Blog

GM Boris Altermans Blog ( Morra Gambit Lessons)
Morra Gambit Pt 1
Morra Gambit Pt 2
Morra Gambit Pt 3
Morra Gambit Pt 4
Morra Gambit Pt 5
Morra Gambit Pt 6
Morra Gambit Pt 7

Smith-Morra Gambit Blog that goes over this gambit in great detail with plenty of illustrations. Several Posts Talking extensively about certain Lines.

Smith-Morra Gambit LiChess Studies

Smith-Morra Gambit  - This is the Listudy page  (Practice The opening here and Links to 2 Lichess Studys)

Smith Morra by GM Moulthun Ly  - 11 Chapter Study  (In-depth - 294 hearts)

Learn Chess Openings Deeply - Smith Morra -  29 Chapters (Super In-Depth) (149 hearts)

Annotated Games

Kolenbet - Schipkov, B. [B21] - Annotated by B. Schipkov

Smith-Morra Gambit Games List- Here are also 40+ games that are all Smith-Morra Gambits played by greats such as Fischer and Tal. (Viewable Online)

Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4 (B21)  - 23 Annotated games  

Smith-Morra Video Lessons

The Smith-Morra Gambit Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 45 Min - GM Ben Finegold discusses the Smith-Morra Gambit and how it is rarely seen at the Grandmaster level, it remains a strong opening for white against the Sicilian Defense. W/ a lesson and Analysis of 3 High level Master Games.

Smith-Morra Gambit -¸Sicilian Defense Theory - 19 Min

The Ultimate Guide To The Smith Morra Gambit - 54 Min Anna Crammling

How to Win Quickly with the Smith-Morra Gambit! - GM Denes Boros - 21 Min

Smith–Morra Gambit | Interesting Ideas & Plans - 19 Min In this video lesson, the RCA guest coach IM Mat Kolosowski talks about one of the most popular chess openings, the Smith–Morra Gambit (also called as the Morra Gambit) from the Sicilian Defence.

GM Moulthun Le

Smith-Morra Traps

A Deadly Chess Trap in The Smith Morra Gambit!!
 - 7 Min - IM Miodrag Pernuvic

8 Deadly Smith Morra Gambit Traps - 6 Min

Smith-Morra Gambit, Sicilian Defense Theory, Traps - 21 Min - GM Igor Smirnov
You'll learn the common setup for White, typical ideas, and some interesting traps. GM Smirnov will also show you an interesting trap that Black can use against White, which ends the game in just a few moves.

Dealing w/ Anti- Sicilians

Smith-Morra Game Videos w/Analysis


Analyze this Smith-Morra Game! - GM Yasser Seirawan - 36 Min - St.Louis CC - Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan reviews a 1700 rated game in the classroom. Some say that the Smith-Morra has been refuted, but it's still fun to play in the Club. Watch this game and find out why.

Sicilian Defence, Smith-Morra Gambit Accepted - 45 Min - Chess network

Battling the Smith Morra Gambit | Classical Chess - 38 Min IM Rosen

Drop The Hammer |  (Smith-Morra Gambit) - IM John Bartholomew

Smith Morra Gambit Great Prep | Mosadeghpour vs Alekseenko - 13 Min GM Moulthun

Smith Morra Gambits Only - 34 Min GM Nakamura

Mikhail Tal crushes Sicilian Defence with Smith-Morra - 11 Min - Kingscrusher

PGN Game Downloads

Smith-Morra Games PGN - 2150 games (U of Pitt Archive)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Danish Gambit C-21 - Unleash Your Inner Chess Warrior


 Master an Aggressive Chess Opening 
 & Surprise Your Opponents

The Danish Gambit (also known as the Nordic Gambit) is an aggressive chess opening for white that throws down the gauntlet, sacrificing a pawn (or even two!) for rapid development and a fierce attack on the black king. This gambit is perfect for players who:

  • Thrive on Attack: If you crave dynamic positions and enjoy tactical battles, the Danish Gambit is your weapon of choice.

  • Embrace Calculated Risk: The gambit offers a chance to gain a significant advantage, but careful play is required to navigate the complexities.

  • Want to Stand Out: The Danish Gambit is less common than other openings, allowing you to surprise your opponent and showcase your knowledge.

This comprehensive guide equips you with everything you need to master the Danish Gambit. We'll explore its rich history, delve into key variations, and provide a treasure trove of learning resources to sharpen your skills.

Unveiling the Danish Gambit's History 
Wikipedia Page

Master the Fundamentals (Books): 

Dive deep into the theory behind the Danish Gambit with a selection of free, downloadable books and Courses.

Danish Gambit for White Chessable Course  (FREE) covers 7 variations (Can practice them with Movetrainer)

Expert Insights (Danish Gambit Articles): 

Learn from chess masters and delve into the strategic ideas and tactical nuances of the Danish Gambit.

GM Boris Altermans Chess Blog
Danish Gambit Part 1
Danish Gambit Part 2

Danish Gambit Part 3

Danish Gambit Game Databases

Sharpen your strategy and explore real-life battles by delving into these top Danish Gambit game databases:

C21 Danish Gambit I - 89 Games 

General 3...Nf6 3...Nc6 3...d6 3...c5 3...d3 4...Nf6 4...Qf6 4...d6
 4...d5 4.Nc3 #4...Nc6 4...Bb4 4...Bc5 4...Qb3 4...c2

C21 Danish Gambit II - 77 Games -Sorensen Defense 

C21 Danish Gambit III - 57 Games - 
Copenhagen Defense 5...Bb4 6.Nc3 6.Kf1
Accepted Classical Defense 6.Nc3 6.e5
Accepted 5...d6 5...Nc6 5...Qg5 5...Bb4 & others
Accepted Svenonius Defense 3...Ne7

C21 Danish Gambit IV - 44 Games - Chigorin Defense & Schlechter Defense

Danish Gambit Miniatures - 4 games
Danish Miniatures - 52 Games all under 15 Moves
Center Game (C21) - 6 Annotated Games

Lichess Study Guide: Danish Gambit Mastery

Sharpen your tactics, explore variations & build a Danish Gambit repertoire with these top-rated Lichess studies.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • The Danish Gambit - 4 chapters  (230 Hearts) - Get a solid foundation with this well-explained basic overview.

  • Danish Gambit Traps - 8 Chapters  (72 Hearts) - Sharpen your tactics by mastering traps, including the Schlechter Defense.

  • Interactive Danish Gambit study - 6 Chapters Interactive Study (** Interactive):** Test your understanding with branching lines and replies to various Danish Gambit variations.

  • Danish Gambit Repertoire  - 25 Chapter  (37 Hearts) Build a complete Danish Gambit repertoire with lines and common traps.

  • Danish Gambit - GothamChess Video - 9 Chapter  (170 Hearts)  - Explore Accepted & Declined variations, plus 3 model games for analysis.

Interactive Learning (Danish Gambit Videos)  

Sharpen your skills with video lessons covering various Danish Gambit lines.

CRUSH EVERYONE With The Danish Gambit - 31 Min - IM Rozman (Gotham) Lesson on a very practical and aggressive opening for beginners and intermediate players.

The Dangerous Danish Gambit | Chess Openings Explained - 25 Min - St.Louis CC -
Dennis LaRue substitutes the openings class to teach the Danish Gambit. White sacrifices one or two pawns for the sake of rapid development and attack.

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Danish Gambit! - 30 Min - Chess Giant
We look to cover beginner chess strategy, beginner chess tips, beginner chess openings, beginner chess tactics, and beginner chess traps in this beginner chess lesson.

How to Play Danish Gambit (20 MIN FULLY EXPLAINED) | Very Aggressive Chess Opening - 22 Min IM Andras Toth -
a comprehensive guide on how to play the Danish Gambit, an aggressive chess opening. It explains various scenarios, transitions into other openings, and the importance of development and initiative over material.

Danish Gambit Live Opening Study - Learn This Tricky Opening For White! - 2hr  -NM Lopez - 
Thoroughly explore the Danish Gambit and some of the ideas/tricks/traps to be aware of.

IM Miodrag Perunovic
Over 3 hrs Of Danish Lessons from A Senior FIDE Trainer.

Danish Gambit Traps 

Every Move is a TRAP in this Opening After 1.e4 | Danish Gambit - 18 Min - GM Igor Smirnov - Opening Lesson w/ Traps Shown as well.

BEWARE!! 5 Opening Traps in the Danish Gambit - 14 Min - Chess Nerd

10 DEADLY Traps in the Danish Gambit You Need to Try - 16 Min - Chess Sensei

Playing Against The Danish Gambit

Counter Aggressive Openings - How to Counter The Danish Gambit - 8 Min - Chesswebsite
A Simple Move To Destroy The Danish Gambit! - 6 Min

How to crush the Danish and Scotch Gambit - 8 Min IM Eric Rosen

Endgame Strategies

Game Videos (w/ Expert Analysis)

Danish Gambit Chess Games - 9 Video Playlist - Jazarov's Chess Channel
Danish Gambit - 17 Video Playlist - Chess School
Danish Gambit - Chess Opening - 8 Video Playlist - kingscrusher

Danish Gambit PGN Downloads

Danish - 119 Games (U-of-Pitt Archive)

A powerful Viking longship, inspired by Hokusai's "The Great Wave," charges through a churning sea towards a smaller black ship, symbolizing the aggressive opening strategy of the Danish Gambit in chess.