Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Theory. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2023

Chess Fortress Guide - Save Your Endgame

King Feeling Trapped? 

Secrets of Chess Fortresses. 

Feeling the pressure in the endgame with your king under attack? Don't resign just yet! Chess offers a remarkable defensive strategy called a fortress that can turn a losing position into a well-deserved draw.

A fortress is a strategically crafted defensive position in the endgame where your king is virtually impregnable. By cleverly utilizing the remaining pieces and pawns on the board, you can create a safe haven for your king, making it impossible for your opponent to deliver checkmate.

Here's what makes a chess fortress so powerful:

  • Impenetrable Defense: The fortress utilizes your remaining pieces and pawns to create a zone around your king that your opponent simply cannot penetrate.
  • Draw Potential: By securing your king and creating a stalemate situation, you force a draw even if you have less material than your opponent.
  • Strategic Maneuvering: Building and maintaining a fortress requires precise piece placement and calculated moves to maximize its effectiveness.

Get ready to transform from an endgame underdog into a fortress-building champion!

Well take a look at the various resources available to help you master the art of fortresses.

First, you can learn more about fortresses by checking out the Wikipedia page dedicated to the topic. This page contains a wide variety of positions and is a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about fortresses.

Wikipedia Chess Fortress Page

Chess Fortress Articles

Here, you'll find a curated selection of articles to help you understand and master the art of Chess Fortresses:

The Basics:

  • Chess Fortress – 7 Must-Know Positions  -  FM Yuriy Krykun  What is it, how to build one, and how can this knowledge help from the practical point of view? 7 Must Know Endgame Positions.

  • Fortress - Definition page w/ examples

Building Your Arsenal:

  • Fortress - FM Michel Coto - Some of the Most important Fortresses you should Know.

  • How To Build A Chess Fortress - GM Gregory Serper - Building a fortress can save a seemingly lost position. Therefore any tournament player should know these typical positions where a huge material advantage is not enough to win the game!

Beyond the Basics:
  • Was Magnus Carlsen Wrong About Chess Fortresses? - GM Gregory Serper - What he probably meant is that even though fortresses do exist in chess, the majority of the positions that look like a fortress can be penetrated. Several Examples

  • How To Break Fortresses - GM Daniel Naroditsky - Examine three crucial fortress-breaking methods that will often enable you to overcome even the stoutest resistance.

LiChess Fortress Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • Fortresses in Pawn Endgames: - 37 Chapter Interactive Study - From simple Fortresses to Detailed Studys w/ Interactive Puzzles at the end. (Very Detailed and in-depth study)

  • Fortresses  -  16 Chapter Study -  Different types w/ puzzles at the End.

  • The great Fortresses  - 14 Chapter Study - All the Basic Fortresses you should Know.

  • Fortresses  - 9 Chapter Study - Explore fortresses built around bishops and pawn walls, along with real-game examples to see these strategies in action.

  • 10 Elementary Fortresses  - 12 Chapter Study - This study provides a solid starting point for beginners, focusing on fundamental fortress principles.

  • Endings: Fortress  - 4 Chapter Study

Chess Fortress Video Lessons

The Fortress | Endings for Tournament Players - GM Varuzhan Akobian  - 45 Min -This comprehensive lecture by GM Akobian lays the groundwork, explaining the concept of fortresses and demonstrating various positions where material disadvantage can be overcome with a well-constructed fortress.

You Can't Penetrate the Fortress! Draw! | Endgame Exclam!! - GM Varuzhan Akobian 46 Min - Identifies positions where a player is down material, but can manage a draw with the fortress technique. See how the stronger side can't force the King out of the corner structure.

Don't Let Her In! Queen vs. Fortress | Insane in the Endgame - GM Alex Shabalov - 56 Min - A chess endgame class focusing on fortresses to defend against queen attacks.

GM Johan Hellsten: Fortresses | U.S. Chess School 4.20.2021  - 64 Min Deepen your understanding with this focused lecture by GM Hellsten, featuring a detailed discussion of 14 essential fortress examples.

5 Chess Fortresses You Must Know | Chess Ending | ChessMaster2000  - 16 Min - 
Gain valuable insights from this video as it unveils five crucial fortress formations you should be familiar with.

How to build a Fortress in Chess | Must-Know defensive Method for the Endgame - 17 Min  IM Ostrovskiy
Main method of making a draw in the opposite colored Bishop endgame, the so called “Fortress”.

How to build a chess fortress | must-know defensive patterns - 10 Min NM 

FM Chris Wallis Lecture: End Game Fortresses  - 67 Min 

Building a Fortress | Forts in Chess | ChessKid - 10 Min
Explains the important concept of fortresses on the chessboard: what they are, how to set them up, and why you would want to use them. 
 (New - 6/1/24) Beginner

Hamersmith Chess Club

Endgame Studies

Fortress Game Videos w/ Analysis

Endgame Fortress Brilliancy: Grandmaster Paul Benko vs International Master Bonin  - 3 Min

Chess Fortress: Hans Ree vs Vlastimil Hort 1986 Never give up!!!  - 3 Min

Fortress to Believe in! || Nakamura vs Carlsen  - 15 min

Endgame Fortress Brilliancy : Grandmaster Grigory Serper vs GM Hikaru Nakamura - 6 Min

Tigran's Fortress | Fischer vs Petrosian | (1971) | Game 5  - 12 Min

"I don't believe in fortresses." - Magnus Carlsen

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Updated London Page

 Just Cleaned Up , Organized, and Updated  The London Opening page on the Sidebar.

          - Added some New Guides and Articles
          - Added New Opening Lesson Video Playlist (From GM Aman Hambleton)
          - Added links to The and 365Chess pages of London games
          - Added Some New Annotated game Videos  and 2 Playlists of  70+ Annotated Game Videos

          -  Added Highlighted Links To The Following Pages There Now
          -  Link  To Jobava London Opening Page 
          -  Link To Anti-London Page 

Painting of Big ben and the River in London at Night with full Moon

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mastering Corresponding Squares - Dominate King & Pawn Endgames (Free Resources)


Unleash the Endgame Advantage:
 Mastering Corresponding Squares in Chess

Struggling to convert winning pawn endgames?
 Corresponding squares are your secret weapon! This guide unlocks everything you need to master this powerful endgame concept, transforming you from a passive defender to a ruthless endgame king.

What are corresponding squares?
 Imagine two squares on the chessboard with a magical connection. When your king occupies one, your opponent's king is forced to occupy the other! This strategic dance creates winning opportunities you won't want to miss.

Wikipedia Page

Bishop's Bounty - King & Pawn Endgame Page

BOOKS (Free) - Mastering Endgames

Unlock the secrets of pawn endings and explore crucial endgame concepts with these comprehensive and insightful free books.

Internet Archive
Your gateway to a vast digital library, offering free access to millions of books, movies, music, websites, and more.
Secrets Of Pawn Endings by Karsten Muller, Frank Lamprecht  - 288 page PDFThis book delves into the intricacies of pawn endgames, exploring various pawn structures, theoretical positions, and winning techniques.
Comprehensive Chess Endings - Volume 4: Pawn Endings - by Yuri Averbakh, Nikolai Kopayev - 328 Page PDF -
As part of the "Comprehensive Chess Endings" series, this volume focuses specifically on pawn endings. In-depth analysis of pawn-related endgames, including theoretical positions and strategic considerations.  (Chapter 10 Theory of Corresponding Square System)

Endgame Magic - by John Beasley; Timothy Whitworth -196 Page PDFThis book explores various endgame themes and techniques.  (Chapter 13 Corresponding Squares)

Dvoretsky S Endgame Manual 3rd Edition - 408 Page PDF this manual is considered one of the most authoritative works on endgames. (Chapter 1 Corresponding Squares)

Corresponding Squares Chess Articles - Unlock Endgame Secrets

Master the art of endgame maneuvering:

Corresponding Squares - Simplify Chess Article (Step by Step Guide)

Endgame Strategy: Corresponding Squares - Nice Article from Charlotte Chess Center w/ exercises - Delve into the intricacies of endgame strategy with a focus on corresponding squares, a crucial concept often determining victory or draw in king and pawn endgames, explained through practical examples and insightful analysis.

Theory of corresponding squares - Chessbase Article
This article explores the concept of corresponding squares, essential in endgame theory, shedding light on its application and significance through illustrative examples and practical analysis Lasker and Reichhelm. The Ultimate Example of corresponding squares! - Blog Post of Example in a game.

Learn the magic of conjugate squares in endgames - Nice Article and Explanation (In Spanish) Google translate is your friend .

Corresponding Squares LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Endgame Technique

Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - 9 Chapter Study - Master corresponding squares with this structured study based on the Chapter in Dvoretsky manual.

King & Pawn Warfare 3/20 - 10 Chapter Study - Sharpen your king and pawn endgame skills with targeted practice on corresponding squares.

Corresponding Squares and Triangulation - 17 Chapter Study

Corresponding Squares Video Lessons

Master endgame strategies with insightful video lessons on corresponding squares by top chess experts.

Corresponding Squares | National Master's Choice - NM Caleb Denby - 64 Min - teaches the concept of corresponding squares. Understanding the analogous spaces to each square is important while navigating the endgame.

The Beautiful Geometry of Corresponding Squares | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 58 Min
follows up to his class on "Corresponding Squares" with a session on the different systems to determine corresponding squares. Don't be afraid to watch this advanced class twice.

Corresponding Squares 3 | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 58 Min -
National Master Caleb Denby caps off a trilogy of advanced classes on corresponding squares.

Private Coaching with FM Alessandro Manzone #19: Key Squares and Corresponding Squares - 1.5 hr In this lesson, we go over some basic chess endgame principals, since I've been butchering a lot of endgames lately. Specifically, we cover opposition, key squares, and corresponding squares.

Study Chess with me - Mastering Mined Squares (endgame strategy) - 18 Min
in this video, we move to the section on mined squares, and important theme of pawn endgames, with some instructive examples and a fantastic trap at the end..

Pawn endings - Corresponding squares -5 - 18 Min
Very important and interesting thing in practical pawn endgames. You will enjoy corresponding squares from the example taken out from Dvoretsky endgame manual.

GM Oliksiyenko Videos

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Devious Decoy Tactic: A Comprehensive Guide


The Decoy Tactic:
 A Masterful Way to Lure Your Opponent

Sharpen your chess arsenal with the art of the decoy!

This comprehensive guide equips you with valuable resources to master this deceptive tactic. Explore articles, puzzles, video lessons, and real game examples to identify decoy opportunities, calculate variations, and outsmart your opponents.

The Decoy Tactic in Action:

  • Lure the Big Guns: You aim to tempt your opponent's most valuable pieces, like the king or queen, away from their safe zone.
  • Sacrifice Smartly: You offer a less valuable piece, often a pawn, to create an attractive target for your opponent.
  • Snap the Trap: Once your opponent takes the bait, their captured piece becomes exposed, creating an opening for an attack.
  • Exploit the Weakness: This attack can take many forms, like a fork, pin, skewer, or even checkmate!
  • Calculated Advantage: You need to think strategically and consider different scenarios to ensure your sacrifice leads to a clear benefit.

Decoy Chess Articles

Introduction to Chess Tactics: Decoys - Chess Strategy Online Article - This article provides a good overview of the decoy tactic, including how to identify opportunities to use it and how to calculate the consequences of a decoy sacrifice. 5 Example Problems at the end.

Tactics 101: Devious Decoy Sacrifices – Baiting the Wins - Real Nice Article w/ Different Piece Decoy Explanations and examples.

Decoy LiChess Studies

Sharpen your tactical vision with these exceptional Lichess studies on the decoy tactic!

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

These collections of games from features games where a decoy tactic was used to win the game. Studying these games can help you see how decoy tactics are used in practical play.

Decoy Chess Video Lessons

Decoys: Dupe the Defender | Beginner Breakdown - NM Ralph Tan - 58 Min - St.Louis Chess Club
 -  a chess class on decoys. A decoy is a tactic that lures an enemy piece off its square and away from its defensive role.

Chess Tactics: Decoy - 9 Min
- TheChessWebsite - in-depth explanation of the decoy tactic in chess, which involves luring an opponent’s piece to a disadvantageous square, often through sacrifice. The presenter, Kevin from, demonstrates various scenarios where decoys can be effectively used to gain material advantage or to expose the opponent’s king to a mating pattern.

Chess lesson # 38: Decoy vs Deflection | Chess tactics with National Master Robert Ramirez - 9 Min - In this video, National Master Robert Ramirez explains the chess tactics of deflection and decoy. He clarifies the differences between the two, provides examples, and demonstrates how to practice these tactics. Deflection involves distracting a defender to achieve an objective, while a decoy lures an opponent’s piece into a disadvantageous position.

Trapping your Opponent with a Decoy | Chess Tactics | Improver Level | IM Kostya Kavutskiy - 9 Min - a lesson on the decoy tactic in chess, explaining its distinction from deflection and demonstrating its application through classic game examples. He emphasizes the importance of observation skills in identifying decoys and provides tips for spotting such tactics in play.

28 Days To Better Chess Tactics - Day 21 - Decoy Attacking Chess - 7 Min - provides insights into advanced chess tactics focusing on the decoy technique. It features three positions from famous games, demonstrating how to use decoys to gain a tactical advantage. The presenter explains each position, highlighting the importance of forcing moves and the consequences of different decisions.

Chess Tactics, Decoy, Examples - 5 Min

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Decoy Tactic Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed | Everything you need! - 30 Min - Kingcrusher - delves into the intricacies of chess tactics, specifically focusing on the decoy tactic. It provides definitions, distinguishes between decoy and deflection, and presents numerous examples from chess history to illustrate the tactic’s effectiveness. 

A playful Disney-style illustration depicts a frog using a fishing pole to dangle a worm over a chessboard, attempting to lure his fish opponent's piece into a decoy tactic trap.
"The decoy is one of the chief tricks in the tactics of chess." - Max Euwe

Monday, July 4, 2022

Alekhine's Block - (Advanced Tactics)


Craft Your Kingside Onslaught
 Mastering Alekhine's Block

This blog post delves into the world of Alekhine's Block, a potent tactical weapon employed by the legendary Alexander Alekhine himself. We'll equip you with the knowledge and resources to unleash devastating kingside attacks!

Unleashing the Fury:

Alekhine's Block, a concept named after the fierce World Champion, involves strategically placing a piece directly in front of your opponent's kingside pawn. This audacious maneuver serves a dual purpose:

  • Restriction: It physically hinders the pawn's movement, limiting your opponent's defensive options.
  • Offensive Platform: The blocking piece becomes a powerful springboard for launching further attacks.

As Aron Nimzowitsch famously stated, "First restrain, then blockade, finally destroy!" Alekhine's Block embodies this philosophy, paving the way for a crushing kingside onslaught.

Alekhines Block Chess Articles

What is Alekhine’s Block? - - Short Article talking about the history . (Archived)

LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the tactics concepts.

Alekhine's Block Collection of Studies

(Many Positions from famous Games with Examples and Annotations including Famous Studies by composers such as Charushin)

Games Database

Analyze real-life games featuring the Alekhine's Block Tactic and see how it's played in practice.

Alekhine's Block - 98 Game Collection (All have this tactic in them)

Alekhine's Block Video Lessons

Chess with Suren

The Alekhine Block - 49 min - One of the Only Lectures found about this Tactical device. Video Below

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Benko Gambit (A57 - A59) Opening Theory


Your Complete Benko Gambit Resource

This comprehensive archive unlocks the secrets of the Benko Gambit, equipping you with the knowledge to unleash its full potential on the chessboard.

 Wikipedia Page

The Benko Gambit (or Volga Gambit) is a chess opening characterized by the move 3...b5 in the Benoni Defense arising after:

1. d4 Nf6  2. c4 c5  3. d5 b5
However, it is a bit unusual as gambits go. Black, not White, gives up a pawn for long-term positional compensation.

ECO Code

A57 Sub-variants:

  • Benko gambit         
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5
  • Benko gambit half accepted  
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6
  • Benko gambit, Zaitsev system 
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. Nc3
  • Benko gambit, Nescafe Frappe attack 
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. Nc3 axb5 6. e4 b4 7. Nb5 d6 8. Bc4
  • Benko gambit accepted   
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6
  • Benko gambit, Nd2 variation 
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nf3 g6 8. Nd2
  • Benko gambit, fianchetto variation 
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nf3 g6 8. g3

A58 Sub-variants:

  • Benko gambit accepted
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6
  • Benko gambit, Nd2 variation
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nf3 g6 8. Nd2
  • Benko gambit, fianchetto variation
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nf3 g6 8. g3

A59 Sub-variants:

  • Benko gambit, 7.e4
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. e4
  • Benko gambit, Ne2 variation
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 g6 9. Nge2
  • Benko gambit
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 g6 9. g3
  • Benko gambit, main line1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 g6 9. g3 Bg7 10. Kg2 O-O 11. Nf3

 Bishop's Bounty Benoni Defense Page

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

Short & Sweet: Benko Gambit 
FREE Chessable Course - 25 Trainable Lines w/ 2.5 hr Video by GM Swapnil Dhopade

Short & Sweet: Perrine's Benko Gambit -FREE Chessable Course - 10 Trainable Lines w/ 34 Min Video by FM Perrine

Internet Archive

The Benko Gambit 1999 - 163 Page PDF - Byron Jacobs & Andrew Kinsman
Benko Gambit Accepted ( 1988) - 114 Page PDF - Eduard Gufeld
The Benko Gambit ( 2005) - 125 Page PDF - Jan Pinski
The Benko Gambit Revealed ( 2004) - 113 Page PDF - Neil McDonald
The Modernized Benko Gambit ( 2018) - 240 Page PDF - Milos Perunovic
Play The Benko Gambit ( 2011) - 212 page PDF - Nicolai V. Pedersen
The Dynamic Benko Gambit ( 2012) - 322 page PDF - Sergey Kasparov
The Benko Gambit Move By Move ( 2014) - 189 Page PDF - Junior tay
Benko Counter Gambit (1978) - 128 Page PDF - David Levy
Winning With The Benko ( 1995) - 145 Page PDF - Byron Jacobs
Dangerous Weapons The Benoni And Benko ( 2008) - John Emms, Chris Ward
The Benko Revisited, Volume 1 ( 2022) - 774 Page PDF - Alexey Kovalchuk
The Benko Revisited, Volume 2 ( 2022) - 659 Page PDF - Alexy Kovalchuk
Mastering The Modern Benoni And The Benko ( 1990) - 168 Page PDF - Robert Bellin

Benko Gambit ARTICLES

Benko Gambit - Simplify Chess Page (Very In-depth Guide )

Benko Gambit: 10 Reasons to Play It - Article By FM  Zaur Tekeyev

The Benko Gambit: A How to Play Guide for White & Black - Opening Guide on Chessable Blog (well Done)

Lichess Studies:Master the Benko Gambit

Lichess Studies are a fantastic way to explore chess concepts and variations in an interactive format. Unlock its secrets with these curated Lichess studies:

  • Benko Gambit - 10 Chapter Study - Perfect for beginners, this study focuses on the core main lines of the Benko Gambit. LiStudy Benko Gambit Page
    (Link to Listudy Page To Practice Lines with MoveTrainer)
  • ⚓️ The Benko Gambit Study ⚓️ - 20 Chapter Study  Delve deeper into Benko Gambit strategy with this comprehensive study analyzing pawn structures and showcasing illustrative games.

  • Benko Gambit: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 - 27 Chapter Study - For dedicated Benko players, this in-depth study offers a deep dive into all the major variations and nuances of the gambit.(In depth )

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Databases

365 Database

A57: Benko gambit 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 - 22,870 Games 

A58: Benko gambit accepted 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 - 8394 Games

A59: Benko gambit, 7.e4 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. Nc3 d6 7. e4 - 662 Games

Benko Gambit (A57) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 -  5097 Games

Benko Gambit (A58) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 cxb5 a6 5 bxa6 - 2304 Games

Benko Gambit (A59) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 cxb5 a6 5 bxa6 Bxa6 6 Nc3 d6 7 e4 - 616 Games

Benko Gambit (A57-A59) - 13 Annotated Games 


Benko Gambit Video Lessons

Benko Gambit - 3 Video Playlist - FM James Canty   (48 Min)

The Benko Gambit: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 54 Min  -  a lecture on the Benko Gambit, discussing its history, key ideas, and why it’s less popular at the top levels today. Finegold delves into the specifics of accepting the gambit, sharing insights from his own experiences and notable games, including Karpov vs. Gelfand and Nakamura vs. Bologan. 

A Detailed Guide to the Benko Gambit - 61 Min Hanging Pawns

The Benko Gambit - Chess Openings with GM Damian Lemos - 31 Min -  presents a comprehensive guide explaining the key ideas, strategies, and variations of the gambit, emphasizing the importance of initiative and queenside play for black. The video covers the main lines and sub-lines, demonstrating how black can gain active play despite being a pawn down. Lemos also discusses common mistakes by white and how black can capitalize on them. He highlights the value of piece activity over material and provides insights into endgame advantages for black in the Benko Gambit.

The Benko Gambit: A positional sacrifice out of the opening! - IM Andrew Martin - 23 Min

When declining a gambit can be powerful! - IM Andrew Martin  -22 Min

Day 10: Improve your openings with IM Sagar Shah | Benko Gambit | Ft. GM Swapnil Dhopade - 73 Min - They provide insights on improving openings, share historical context, and discuss various strategies and positions related to the Benko Gambit

How to Play the Benko Gambit 💪 Chess Openings for Black with IM Valeri Lilov - 28 Min

Benko Gambit: Main Concepts - 23 Min

THE BEST Opening For Black Against 1.d4 | Benko Gambit | Chess Opening Explained - 14 Min - Coach Kestony - will teach you the best opening for black against 1.d4 where you will be play to win

St Louis Chess Club Lessons

Benko Gambit - Chess Openings Explained - 54 Min  St. Louis Chess Club Lesson
Benoni, Benko Gambit | Nimzo Indian - GM Ben Finegold - 2014.01.26 - 37 Min
Gambits: Benko, Alapin, & More! - GM Yasser Seirawan - 2015.02.15 - 41 Min
Chess Tactics in the Benko Gambit - IM Robert Ris [80/20 Tactics Multiplier] - 26 Min
Play Like Pal Benko | Play Like a Pro - GM Denes Boros - 49 Min

Nescafe Frappe attack  

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Nescafé Frappe Attack! - 18 Min Chess Giant

How to Play The Coffee Opening - 35 Min Anna Cramling

Plans Against the Benko

How To Kill The Benko Gambit! 1975 - BEST NOVELTIES - 17 Min GM Simon WilliamsThis video series looks at the most important chess opening novelties from the last 50 years. The moves were decided by a Grandmaster jury voted from Chess Informant volume 11 to volume 115.

Beat the Benko | Road to 2000 - NM Caleb Denby | - 54 Mincomprehensive guide on how to counter the Benko Gambit in chess, focusing on white’s strategy. He explains the importance of accepting the gambit, establishing a pawn structure that prevents black’s counterplay, and securing a blockade on the queenside.

Alexei Shirov - Crushing the Benko Gambit - My Best Games - Preview 1 - 25 Min

Dominate the Benko Gambit by GM Damien Lemos (My Own Game) - 18 Min
Benko Gambit Repertoire for White - 23 Min Four recommended lines for white against the Benko Gambit.

Crush The Benko Gambit with White!! - 31 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic (The Butcher)
 discusses various strategies, including psychological approaches and positional ideas, to gain an advantage against this opening. The presenter analyzes model games to illustrate key concepts and moves, such as the importance of pawn structure, piece development, and controlling the center.


Benko Gambit Game Videos w/ Analysis

Benko Gambit - 58 Video Playlist - Kingscrusher

Magnus Carlsen Plays Benko Gambit Against Grandmaster Arthur Kogan - 7 Min
Magnus Carlsen Plays Benko Gambit vs Alireza Firouzja - 2 Min
Classic Chess Game: Magnus Carlsen Benko Gambit crush! - 16 Min
Standard Chess #164: IM Bartholomew vs. Pschaak (Benko Gambit) - 41 Min
Blitz Chess #202: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Pichot (Benko Gambit) - 13 Min

Taking Down the Benko Gambit!! | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 36 Min

Magnus Carlsen Plays Benko Gambit Against Grandmaster Arthur Kogan - 6 Min
Dealing with the Benko Gambit · Training Game - 46 min - Hanging Pawns
Shakhriyar Crushing the Benko Gambit - 9 Min

IM Bartholomews Youtube Page (Benko Gambit search) -  Around 
20 Standard and Blitz Games 

Abstract Picture of Colorful Chess pieces with a geometric Sunburst behind them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Minority Attack (Chess Strategy)


Harnessing the Minority Attack: Strategic Insights

Explore the tactical brilliance of the minority attack in chess.

Learn how to strategically deploy fewer pawns against an opponent's majority, creating structural weaknesses and gaining a competitive edge.

With comprehensive resources, including articles, annotated games, and video analyses, master this essential maneuver to outmaneuver your opponents.

The purpose of a minority attack is to favorably change the pawn structure with the intention of creating a structural weakness (e.g., a backward pawn or isolated pawn) for an opponent. A classic example of a minority attack often occurs in the Carlsbad Pawn Structure:

Minority Attack Articles

Middlegame Motifs, by Nigel Davies: The Minority Attack - Free Chess Cafe Article
Countering the Minority Attack: Capablanca's Maneuver - Nigel Davies - 8 page PDF

The Minority Attack – a Pawn Chess Strategy - Chess expert Strategy Article

Simple but Effective: Minority Attack -  Thorough Analysis of a Game

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Minority attack? - Exeter Chess Club Article (Lots of Games)

Minority Attack - Article

LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Minority Attack Videos

The Minority Attack | Chess Middlegames - 12 Min

Chess-How to play the Minority-Attack? - Karpov on Strategy 7, GM Ján Markoš - 18 Min
Pawn Structure 101:Minority Attack
 - 10 Min IM Daniel Rensch

Minority Attack! | Pawn Structure - GM Yasser Seirawan- 35 MinGrandmaster Yasser Seirawan discusses the five structural elements of chess: Space, Material, Time (Development), Pawn Structure and King Position, focusing on pawn structure and the importance of the minority attack.

Minority Attack Ideas, Concepts and Examples - A Clever Positional Strategy - 9 Min NM LopezWhat's a Minority Attack and why should you use it in your games?

Why the Minority Attack is for Commoners w/ Kaspar/SuperBaguette33 | Dojo Lessons - 24 Min GM Kraai Lesson focusing on the Minority Attack strategy, featuring a game review . Emphasizing the importance of piece play over pawn structure and highlighting alternative strategies that could have been more effective.

How To Fight Against The Minority Attack in Chess (Middlegames) - 13 Min You will see the proper way of dealing with the minority attack

Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #4: Minority Attack - Examples from both sides - 52 Min I show some examples of the minority attack played by both the white side and the black side w/ 4 example games played by masters.

Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #4: Minority Attack - Ideas for defense - 41 MinIn this last video on the Minority Attack, I talk about ways to defend against it w/ 4 Example games by Masters.

Minority Attack - GM Yasser Seirawan - 48 Min Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan demonstrates the minority attack with two of his games. A Nimzo-Indian and a Caro-Kann.

Carlsbad Pawn Structure Minority Attacks

Minority Attacks in the Carlsbad Structure | Road to 2000 - 64 Min NM Caleb Denby looks at minority attacks, specifically those that happen in the Carlsbad pawn structure w/ analysis of 3 famous games.

Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #4: Minority Attack - The Carlsbad structure - 35 Min introduces some of the key ideas of the Minority attack, including the pawn structure named after a tournament, the Carlsbad structure w/ 2 famous games from that tournament.

Carlsbad Pawn Structure – Examples of defending against the minority attack - 16 Min GM Hansen

Carlsbad Pawn Structure And Minority Attack in Chess (Middlegames) - 18 Min Common plans for both sides in this structure.

A knight and Queen AI generated Chess Art picture High Definition.