Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mastering the Halloween Gambit - Unleash the Spooky Surprise!  (C46)

An eerie chess match between a gaunt, Victorian-era chess player and a menacing pumpkin-headed ghoul wielding a scythe. The dimly lit room features an old wooden chess board with pieces arranged in starting positions. Wisps of fog and deep shadows create an unsettling atmosphere, with the white pieces emitting a faint glow and the black pieces absorbing the limited light. The supernatural opponent's glowing eyes and the player's intense concentration heighten the sense of impending doom in this haunting Halloween-themed chess scene.
"Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders." - Savielly Tartakower 


Beyond the Pawn Gambit
 The Halloween Gambit's Knight Sacrifice

The Halloween Gambit isn't your typical chess opening. Instead of a pawn, White offers a knight early on for a single pawn in the Four Knights Game. This aggressive gambit aims to shock opponents and gain a lasting advantage in development and control of the center.


White initiates the Halloween Gambit by sacrificing a knight on move four (4.Nxe5). This bold move aims to chase away Black's knights and gain significant space for White's pieces. Typical continuations for White after 4...Nxe5 include 5.d4 and 5.f4, striving for a quick development lead and central control.

The gambit remains a popular choice at club level, where it can lead to extremely complicated and difficult to calculate positions.

Explore the Halloween Gambit's Dark Secrets

Books (Courses) Free

  • Surviving the Halloween Gambit - Free Chessable Course - 9 Trainable Lines - equips you with 9 trainable lines to handle the Halloween Gambit with confidence.

  • Thematic Tactics: Halloween Edition - Free Chessable Course -  16 Tactical Lines - Inside this free little mini-course there are 13 Halloween themed tactics puzzles

Halloween Gambit Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Halloween Gambit.

Halloween Gambit LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

LiStudy Page. (LiChess Movetrainer Page)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Halloween Gambit and see how it's played in practice. (Collections)

Four Knights Game, Halloween Gambit (C46) - 172 games

C46: Four knights, Schultze-Mueller gambit 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 -53 Games 

Halloween Gambit Chess Videos

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Halloween Gambit's key ideas and strategies.

Reverse Halloween Gambit

GM Ben Finegold Demonstrates the Reverse Halloween Gambit - 9 min - Ben Claims it is the most Unsound opening ever and he invented it.

Refuting Halloween Gambit

Game Videos w/Analysis

IM Eric Rosen

Hikaru plays the Halloween Gambit👻 - 64 Min GM Nakamura

Magnus Carlsen SHOCKED his opponent with the Halloween Gambit! - 12 Min

Toughest Game Yet!! Danya Is Sweating?!! | Halloween Gambit | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 39 Min

Winning in 12 moves with the Halloween Gambit - 5 Min - Johnathan Schrantz - Blitz game

PGN Game Downloads - 3308 Games (U Pitt FTP Server)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back Rank Weakness - Chess Tactic

Backrank Weakness:
The Most Common Chess Checkmate You NEED to Master!

This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and resources to exploit and defend against a critical chess concept: the back rank weakness.

Why Learn Back Rank Weakness?

  • Master the Most Common Checkmate:Backrank mates are the single most prevalent checkmate on chess training platforms like LiChess, with a staggering 94,250 problems compared to just 19,000 for all other checkmate themes combined.

  • Sharpen Your Mating Skills: Learning to identify and exploit backrank weaknesses equips you to deliver swift checkmates and dominate the game.

  • Fortify Your Defenses: Understanding BackRank threats empowers you to build a secure home for your king, preventing similar attacks from your opponent.

  • Essential First Step: Mastering backrank weakness is a critical foundation for any chess player looking to improve their tactical prowess.

Your One-Stop Back Rank Weakness Chess Resource Hub!

 General Knowledge and info

Backrank Weakness Chess Articles

Predator at the Chessboard - (54 Pages Total)

Backrank Puzzles

Lichess Blog

(Breaking Down the Back rank Mates into Specific types of Tactics Used)
Back Rank mate (Using X-Ray Tactic)  -  7 Puzzles 
BackRank Mate - (Queen Sac, Bishop - Rook Combo) -  12 Puzzles 
BackRank Mate (Double and Single Knight helper) - 13 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Bishop Helper)  - 16 Puzzles
BackRank Mate - (Queen Sac, Knight - Rook Combo)  - 6 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Attacking the a or h File)   -  8 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (Unpinning your Rook to Mate) - 7 Puzzles
Back Rank mate (High Level Puzzles)  - 17 Puzzles    (2200 - 2650 Rated Assorted Puzzles)

Backrank Lichess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

BackRank Chess Video Lessons

Back Rank Mate - 16 Video playlist
- Chessbase India (Lessons and Games)

Understanding Back Rank Checkmates | How to Spot & Exploit Back Rank Weaknesses? - 32 Min Covering the topic of back rank mates from the beginner level going up to the intermediate level. The video covers five powerful techniques that one must learn in order to successfully deliver back rank checkmates or gain tremendous advantage in the game because of weaknesses in the back rank. To make these techniques, easy to understand and get a through practice of the same, each of these 5 techniques is explained with the help of 5 examples taken from the games of players who played in the tournament. That means, you will get to learn from 25 different chess positions.

Learn tactics around the Back Rank | Chess Tactics 101 - 14 Min - shows Motif plus 5 guess the move type problems to solve.

Back Rank Mate Concepts + Intermediate/Advanced Exercises To Test Your Knowledge Of This Tactic -  15 Min  NM Nelson Lopez

Grandmaster Lesson 3 - 6 Min - GM Lev Alburt (Examines a weak back rank) Real Old Video - is aimed at players ready for ideas that are a bit more complex. Alburt examines the problem of a weak back rank and the tactic that often capitalizes on this weakness—deflection. Alburt also discusses good and bad double attacks and points out that sacrifices require concrete calculation-visualization at every step. He teaches some of the red flags that indicate when and where to look for tactics,

Learn Tactics #7: Back-rank Mate - 73 Min WIM Jesse FebruaryWIM Jesse February discusses the concept of back-rank checkmates in chess, using examples from recent and historical games. includes a detailed analysis of specific chess positions where back-rank checkmates are a key factor, and Jesse provides insights into the thought processes behind certain moves.

 Back Rank Checkmates: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold-50 Min
a lecture on back rank checkmates, explaining the concept and demonstrating it through various examples and puzzles.

Trent's Tactics - Back-rank checkmate - 41 Min  IM Trent LawrenceIn this episode, Lawrence will show us different tactics about the back-rank mate. And even though we know the motif now, some of the examples which Lawrence picked are still very challenging!

Master Back-Rank- Mates with IM Sopiko Guramishvili - 14 Minhe most typical checkmate with rooks, very common in amateur and master games alike. Many teachers advice, with reason, to don't move the pawns in front of your castle, to avoid creating weaknesses around the king. But this leads to different types of back-rank mates.

St. Louis Chess Club  Video Lessons

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learn & Practice Skewer Tactics: Sharpen Your Chess Game


Master the Skewer: Essential Chess Tactics Guide & Resources

Sharpen your chess vision! The skewer is a powerful tactical weapon that can win you material and turn the tide of the game. Learn how to identify, execute, and defend against skewers with this comprehensive resource guide.

A skewer is an attack upon two pieces in a line and is similar to a pin.
 In fact, a skewer is sometimes described as a "reverse pin".

 In a skewer, a valuable piece is attacked and forced to move to avoid being captured, leaving a less valuable piece behind it free for capture.
Like pins, skewers can only be created by the long-range pieces (queen, rook and bishop).
  Wikipedia Skewer Page
 General info and a few examples


BOOKS (Free)

English Chess Federation - The Skewer - 6 page PDF - This concise 6-page guide provides a clear explanation of skewers with illustrative diagrams.

Skewer Articles 

Level Up Your Chess Tactics: In-Depth Articles on Skewers

Skewer - Chessfox Unravel the Secrets of the Skewer! Deepen Your Chess Tactics: Dive into a comprehensive guide on the skewer tactic by Chessfox.

The Skewer in Chess a Deadly Tactic Unleash the Power of Skewers! In-Depth Guide - Another Nice Article

The Skewer Tactic explained by a Grandmaster! This in-depth guide by GM GABUZYAN_CHESSMOOD provides a comprehensive understanding of skewer tactics.

Tactics: The Skewer! - 
ChessKid: Skewers  - This interactive article from ChessKid uses puzzles and explanations to introduce the skewer concept to young learners.

Beginner-Friendly Guide to Skewers: Learn the fundamentals of the powerful skewer tactic with clear explanations and diagrams from 

LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Skills: Practice Skewer Puzzles on Lichess

Skewer Puzzles - 15 Puzzles (LiChess Practice Area)

LiChess Puzzle Themes

Games Databases

Real-World Examples: Analyze Skewers in OTB Games

Skewer Chess Videos

Win More Games with Skewers! Learn powerful chess tactics with these video guides on the skewer tactic. 

This Thanksgiving, Try a Skewer! | Beginner Breakdown - 60 Min - St.Louis CC - 
Alex Moellering teaches a beginner chess class on skewers

Chess Tactics: 5 Skewers You Must Know! 
- 8 Min - A fast-paced introduction to 5 essential skewer patterns. Great for beginners and intermediate players. Master the Skewer Chess Tactic in 11 Minutes - 11 min - Chess Nerd - A comprehensive guide to mastering the skewer. Learn how to identify and exploit skewer opportunities to gain the upper hand. (New 5/29/24)

Why The Skewer Chess Tactic Is More Important Than You Thought - 13 Min - NM Nelson Lopez -
a comprehensive guide on the skewer chess tactic, explaining its importance and demonstrating various examples ranging from basic to master level.  (New 5/29/24)

The absolute and relative Skewer | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 19 Min Video -Dive deep into the concept of absolute vs. relative skewers with International Master Alex Astaneh.

How the Skewer can decide your Rook Endgame | Beginner Level | GM Alex Ipatov - 9 Min - Unlock the secrets of using skewers in rook endgames with Grandmaster Alex Ipatov. Perfect for beginners! 

Introduction to basic tactical themes- Pins and Skewers - 6 min Video - Learn the fundamentals of pins and skewers, two powerful tactical weapons in chess. 

Rook Endgame Skewer - 2 min Video  - A quick and effective lesson on utilizing the skewer in rook endgames.

Chess tactics | Pins vs Skewers | Learn how to play Chess the right way - 10 Min - Sharpen Your Chess Vision: Pins vs Skewers with NM Robert Ramirez

 Ready to unleash the power of the skewer? Dive into the resources listed above and start practicing! With dedication and study, you'll be skewering your opponents in no time.
A dreamlike depiction of a chess tactic - the skewer. A distorted white chess piece delivers a double attack on a melting chessboard, forcing the black king to move and leaving another piece vulnerable.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Interference - Chess Tactic

Burn's Brilliant Queen Sacrifice!

In a stunning turn of events, Burn played the incredible 33...Qg4!! This daring move leaves his queen seemingly hanging, threatened by three of White's pieces! However, this is a cunning trap.

If White falls for the temptation to capture the queen with 34.Bxg4 or 34.hxg4, Black immediately wins a piece with 34...Bxd2.

Another tempting capture, 34.Qxg5+, also backfires after 34...Qxg5 35.Rxg5+ Kh6. Black escapes with a piece up thanks to the king's flight to h6.

MacDonald, realizing the danger, chose 34.Rxg4 instead. However, even after this defense, Burn continued his precise play with 34...Nf3+ 35.Kg2 Nxd2 36.Rxg5+ Kh6 37.h4 Nxb3 38.Rf5 Nxa5. While a pawn down, Burn's strong position ultimately led to victory in just 11 more moves.

Sharpen Your Chess Vision
 Mastering the Interference Tactic

Is an opponent's piece seemingly untouchable? Don't give up!
 The interference tactic can be your secret weapon.

This powerful move involves sacrificing a piece to block your opponent's defenders, opening up unexpected opportunities to capture that valuable piece. Think of it as a strategic "distraction" that allows you to gain the upper hand. New to chess? This tactic might seem counterintuitive, but it can be incredibly effective!

  Let's explore some fantastic free resources to help you master interference and elevate your chess game.

Wikipedia Interference Page
General Info on this tactic with examples.

Interference Chess Articles

  • Interfering in Chess: How To Block Defenders - Chess Journal - lesson will be focused on Interference, also known as blocking the defender w/ 3 detailed Examples.

  • What Is Interference in Chess? - Nice Explanation with showing it in action and where to find opportunities.

  • Do You Know This Rare Chess Tactic? -  GM Gserper Blog - Article on Interference w/ 6 Game examples 

  • Grimshaw - A type of interference where two black pieces arriving on a particular square mutually interfere with each other. Wikipedia page with description and examples.

  • Novotny(Nowotny) - A Grimshaw brought about by a sacrifice on a particular square where it could be captured by 2 opposing pieces. Wikipedia page with description and examples.

Interference LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the Tactic's concepts.


Practice Puzzles Interference - Very Nice Site with 30 Interactive Puzzles

Interference Puzzles -  -  7 Levels of Difficulty - (9 Puzzles per page) Can print each page as well. (63 Puzzles)

Games Databases 

Explore Real Chess Battles Featuring Interference Tactics!

Here, we delve into real games where chess masters have wielded the interference tactic to their advantage.

Interference Chess Video Lessons

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Interference Tactic Stunningly beautiful secrets - 27 Min - Kingscrusher -
 his video delves into the core concept of interference, explaining how disrupting the connection between two squares can unlock winning opportunities and even checkmate!

AMAZING INTERFERENCE TACTICS! - 10 Min - chess diagnostic -
 Sharpen your problem-solving skills with this video that explores interference tactics as a method to decipher complex chess positions. This lays a solid foundation for tackling even more challenging puzzles later on.

Obstruction or Interference: the most elegant Chess tactic you will learn - 15 Min - NM Robert Ramirez
- Want a concise yet informative lesson? This video by NM Robert Ramirez offers a clear explanation of interference tactics with 5 practical exercises to solidify your understanding.

Closing out those lines to your advantage | Interference | Chess Tactics 101 - 13 Min - Lesson w/ 5 GM game examples.

Interference Tactics | Chess Tactics | Line Closing | Cutting The Lines Of Communication - 17 Min - Chess Shaastra 
-This comprehensive guide from Chess Shaastra provides in-depth explanations and a variety of examples to showcase the power of interference in various chess positions.

Most SPECTACULAR Interference Ever ⚠️ SERIOUSLY | Chess Puzzles -7 Min

10 Levels of Tactics: The Interference - 32 Min - The Chess Nerd
This comprehensive guide offers a structured approach to learning interference tactics. The video features ten levels, each catering to a specific ELO range, with numerous chess problems to practice your newfound skill.Video Below

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pin to Win: The Ultimate Guide to Chess Pin Tactics"

A Queen wrapped in a chess board with flying pieces all around her with a clock on the wall.

Chess Pins:
 Learn, Practice, and Master the Pin

The pin is a powerful chess tactic that restricts your opponent's options and unlocks winning opportunities.

 When an attacking piece puts pressure on a defending piece, pinning it to a more valuable piece behind it, the defender faces a dilemma: move and expose the valuable piece, or stay put and remain limited. Pins can win material, deliver checkmate, or simply disrupt your opponent's plans.

Let's delve into the world of pins and explore the resources that will turn you into a pin-pointing pro!

Pin (chess)
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BOOKS (Free)

Pin Chess Articles

LiChess Pin Studies

LiChess offers a wealth of interactive studies designed to sharpen your pin tactic skills. Here's a curated selection to elevate your chess game:

Interactive Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Pin Puzzles

Test your pin-solving skills with a variety of puzzles designed to challenge your ability to identify and exploit pin tactics. 


Expert Chess Strategies 

LiChess Puzzle Themes

  • LiChess Pin Puzzles - 220,000+ Puzzles - Explore a vast library of  puzzles on Lichess to hone your pin-solving skills.

PIN Video Lessons

Secrets of Chess Tactics | Chess Pins | Stunningly beautiful secrets revealed  - 17 Min - kingscrushe
r goes over the Pin chess tactic with numerous pinning examples

2 MOST Important Chess Tactics You Should Know | Tactics Training - 15 Min GM Smirnov - Pins and Forks 
- He starts from simple positions and gradually increases the complexity, going for more advanced level chess tactics.

The 4 most important Pins in Chess | Chess Tactics | IM Alex Astaneh - 24 Min
Based on practical examples, you will get a basic understanding of the absolute pin, the relative pin, the situational pin and the partial pin.
The Power of the Pin - Beginner to Chess Master #14 - 37 Min -
Discussed is what makes a pin so powerful in a chess game.

How To Deal With Pins On Your Knights - 19 Min NM Lopez  - Practical advice on what to do when your knight gets pinned by a bishop.

ST Louis Chess Club

Tactic the Pin - 11 Min Video 

The Power of the Pin - 9 Min Video 
Chess Puzzle Nasty Pin - 2 min Video
The 5 Most Amazing Pins in Chess - 10 Min GM Simon Williams 

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Zwischenzug (Intermezzo): The Surprise Weapon in Your Chess Arsenal

A brightly lit library with towering bookshelves. Three open books lie on a table: a cunning fox leaping for a crow (Zwischenzug), a butterfly flitting amongst flowers (Intermezzo), and a classic chess knight (In-between Move).
"When you see a good move, look for a better one." - Emanuel Lasker

Zwischenzug Chess Resources

Have you ever been outmaneuvered in chess, feeling like your opponent pulled a rabbit out of a hat?

That surprise move might have been a Zwischenzug (pronounced "tvee-SHEN-tsoog"), also known as intermezzo, a powerful chess tactic that throws a curveball into your opponent's plans.

  Instead of making the expected move, like capturing a piece, a Zwischenzug inserts an unexpected move that creates a new threat or disrupts your strategy. Mastering this tactic will transform you from a predictable player to a cunning strategist, allowing you to exploit unexpected opportunities and gain a significant advantage.

Zwischenzug Wikipedia page
 With explanations and examples

German "in-between move". An unexpected move tossed into an expected series of moves.



Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF - Exeter Chess Club - Short Violent Games of Chess Organized by Theme. (Page 34 Intermezzo)

Zwischenzug Chess Articles 

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Zwischenzug with informative articles that explain the concept, showcase examples, and offer strategic insights.

Annotated Game Databases

Analyze real-world applications of Zwischenzug by studying annotated games from renowned players, featuring both winning and defensive maneuvers.

 FM Asa Hoffman vs NM Jim West - From Jim West's Blog (Annotated by both players)

Lichess Studys

Test your newfound knowledge and sharpen your tactical vision with interactive LiChess studies that present a variety of Zwischenzug scenarios.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Zwischenzug Puzzles

Put your skills to the test with challenging puzzles designed to hone your ability to identify and execute Zwischenzug opportunities.

LiChess Puzzles

Zwishenzug Video Lessons

Learn from the best! Renowned chess instructors take center stage in video lessons, offering clear explanations and practical guidance on mastering Zwischenzug.

St. Louis Chess Club Videos

Game Video's w/ Analysis

Chess Tactics: Zwischenzug: Lichtenhein vs Morphy - 5 Min

Zwischenzug! || Nakamura vs Carlsen - 10 Min

Close up Picture of Chess Pieces in a abstract Design