Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sicilian Accelerated Dragon (B34-B39) - Opening Theory

Sicilian Accelerated Dragon Resources

Wikipedia Page
Like the standard Dragon Variation, Black develops his bishop to g7 in the Accelerated Dragon. The difference is that Black avoids playing ...d7-d6, so that he can later play ...d7-d5 in one move if possible. For example, if White tries to play in the style of the Yugoslav Attack with 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2, 8...d5! equalizes immediately. When White does play 5.Nc3, it is usually with the idea of continuing 5...Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 0-0 8.Bb3 (forestalling any tricks involving ...Nxe4 and ...d5), followed by kingside castling.

The critical test of Black's move order is 5.c4, the Maróczy Bind. White hopes to cramp Black's position by impeding the ...d7-d5 and ...b7-b5 pawn thrusts. Generally, this line is less tactical than many of the other Sicilian variations, and play involves much strategic maneuvering on both sides. After 5.c4, the main line runs 5...Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Nc3 and now 7...0-0 or 7...Ng4 is most frequently

B34 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Exchange variation
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 Nxc6
B34 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Modern variation
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3
B35 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Modern variation with Bc4
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4
B36 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4
B36 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Gurgenidze variation
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Nf6 6.Nc3 Nxd4 7.Qxd4 d6
B37 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind, 5...Bg7
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Bg7
B37 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Simagin variation
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Bg7 6.Nc2 d6 7.Be2 Nh6
B38 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind, 6.Be3
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 6.Bg7 Be3
B39 Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Breyer variation
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 6.Bg7 Be3 7.Nf6 Nc3 8.Ng4


Internet Archive

Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon by David Vigorito- 323 Page
Dismantling the Sicilian: A Complete Repertoire for White by Jesus de la Villa - 336 Page
500 Sicilian Miniatures Collection II By Bill Wall Xxxxx - 109 Page

Sicilian Chessable Courses

Short & Sweet: Accelerated Dragon - FREE CHESSABLE COURSE -  33 Trainable Lines w/1.5 hr Video   FM Kamil Plichta

Short & Sweet: Giri's Dragon Sicilian  - FREE CHESSABLE COURSE -  24 Trainable Lines w/41 Min Video  GM Anish Giri

Extensive & Detailed Sicilian repertoire (preview/Free Version) - FREE CHESSABLE COURSE - 26 Trainable Lines (Course Built around Acc. Dragon)

Sicilian Acc. Dragon Chess Articles

The Accelerated Dragon: How to Play It as White and Black - Opening Guide - Chessable Blog
The Accelerated Dragon: Crush White with the Sicilian Defense - GM Damian Lemos
      (Nice In depth Article with 3 Videos Embedded by GM Lemos 1.5 hrs worth)
The Sicilian Defense – Accelerated Dragon - GM Marian Petrov (13 Min Video Embedded)

How Wojo Won : Accelerated Dragon - USCF Article by Jonathan Hilton

The Chess Mind Blog (FM Dennis Monokroussos)
Bologan Stole My Novelty! (Sort of.)
Accelerated Dragon: An Update

Sicilian Accelerated Dragon LiChess Studies

Hyper-Accelerated Dragon Repertoire  - 46 Chapter Study ( This is a complete, in-depth opening repertoire for the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon as black, suitable for players of all levels.) 
Accelerated Dragon - 5 Chapter Study
Sicilian Defense (Accelerated Dragon) - 5 Chapter Interactive Study (Can practice opening)

 Accelerated Dragon Page - Click link to Var You want and Master Games Appear.


Tactics Puzzles - From Games

CHess puzzles from the Sicilian, Accel. Fianchetto, Modern Variation 7.Bc4 (ECO B35).
CHess puzzles from the Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Breyer Variation (ECO B39)

Sicilian Acc. Dragon Chess Video Lessons

The hyper accelereted dragon sicilian defense  from A to Z explained - 42 Video Playlist - Jozarov Chess Channel
Hyper Accelerated Dragon - 21 Video Playlist  - FM James Canty III
Accelerated dragon GM Damian lemos - 9 Video Playlist - GM Damian Lemos
How to play the Accelerated Dragon - 17 Video Playlist - NM Jesse James
The Accelerated Dragon 🐲 - Destroy White with the Sicilian Defense! - GM Perelshteyn -  23 Min
How to Play the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon with NM James Canty III - 65 Min
Tactics in The Sicilian Dragon 🐉 IM Valeri Lilov - 49 Min
Dominate the Opening as Black with the Accelerated Dragon! - GM Roman Dzindzichashvili - 18 Min
The Accelerated Dragon ⎸Sicilian Defense Theory - 24 Min
Opening Defenses: Accelerated Dragon - GM Yasser Seirawan - 49 Min
Learn Accelerated Dragon with GM Alex Fier - 35 Min
Accelerated Dragon vs Dragon, The Difference and How to Use it - 15 Min

Sicilian Acc. Dragon Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Sicilian Accelerated Dragon - 8 Video Playlist - Chessbase india
Accelerated Dragon - 24 Video Playlist  - Assorted Sources
Sicilian Defence: Accelerated Dragon - Chess Opening - 31 Video Playlist - Kingscrusher

De Vreugt vs Tiviakov - 9 min video (Annotated Game)
Adams vs Plaskett (1989)- 7 Min Video (Annotated Game)
Nijland vs Michaud - 10 Min Video (Annotated Maroczy Bind)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Torre Attack (A46 - A48 D03) - Chess Opening Theory

Conquer the Center:
Mastering the Torre Attack

Seeking an exciting and effective opening for White?

Look no further than the Torre Attack! This beginner-friendly system allows you to develop your pieces quickly and launch a powerful attack on your opponent's king. With our extensive archive of resources, including articles, video lessons, and annotated games, you'll be a Torre Attack expert in no time!

Torre Attack Wikipedia Page

The Torre Attack is a system opening for white in the Queen’s Pawn Opening , known for its distinctive setup of d4-Nf3-Bg5 within the first three moves, tailored to counter various responses by black.

or the Tartakower Variation in the Queen's Pawn Game (ECO code D03):

or the Torre Attack in the East Indian Defence (ECO code A48):

or the Torre Attack in the Indian Defence (ECO code A47):

BOOKS (Free)

Looking to bolster your Torre Attack knowledge without breaking the bank? Here are a couple of fantastic free resources to add to your chess library:

  • Beating The Anti- Kings Indians - 193 page PDF - This comprehensive PDF delves into various responses Black can employ against the King's Indian Defense, including the Torre Attack (covered in Chapter 10, pages 137-147). While the entire book isn't dedicated solely to the Torre Attack, this chapter provides valuable insights into navigating this specific opening against the King's Indian.

  • Short & Sweet: Torre Attack - FREE Chessable Course
    This Chessable course offers a concise and effective way to learn the Torre Attack's key variations. With 30 trainable variations and 72 minutes of video instruction, you'll gain a solid understanding of the opening's core concepts and common lines. The course utilizes Chessable's spaced repetition system to help you solidify your learning and retain information for the long term.

Torre Attack Chess Articles

Here's a curated selection of articles to equip you with a thorough understanding of the Torre Attack:

  • Torre Attack – The Ultimate Opening Guide for White & Black - Chessable Blog - This comprehensive guide delves into the core concepts of the Torre Attack, from strategic ideas and common variations to handling Black's responses. Illustrative games and explanations of key tactics will solidify your knowledge and equip you to outwit your opponents!

  • Torre Attack - Chess pathways Article w/12 min Embedded Video

  • Become a Lumbeerjack with the Torre Attack! - Chessbase Article - The page provides an in-depth review of Simon Williams’ DVD on the Torre Attack, a less mainstream but sound chess opening strategy. It highlights the benefits of using the Torre Attack to gain an advantage over well-prepared opponents and includes various features like tactics training and a database of opening theory.

  • Play The Awesome Torre Attack - IM Alberto Chueca - This page provides an in-depth guide to the Torre Attack, a chess opening system that offers flexibility and complex play, similar to the London System. It emphasizes quick development and kingside attacks, while cautioning against potential counters involving the b2 pawn.

  • Torre Attack - Guide (Really Nice Guide) - This page provides a detailed overview of the Torre Attack, a chess opening characterized by the moves d4, Nf3, and Bg5. It highlights the opening’s history, strategic objectives, key variations, and differences from similar systems like the Colle System.

Torre Attack LiChess Studies

Lichess studies offer a fantastic way to delve deeper into the Torre Attack through interactive exploration. Here are some studies to elevate your game:

  • Torre Attack Masterclass - 2 Chapters - Analyze annotated games featuring the legendary masters Lasker and Kasparov. Learn from the greats and witness the Torre Attack in action!

  • Colle - Torre - London Systems ( Nice Study w/ A bunch of Model Games) This comprehensive study explores a group of opening systems known for their flexibility, including the Torre Attack. Gain a deeper understanding of interconnected opening ideas.

  • The Torre Attack - 8 Chapter Study (Real Well Done.) - This well-structured study provides a comprehensive understanding of the opening's core concepts.

  • torre attack - 7 Chapter Study

  • Destroy the Anti-Torre Attack - 5 Chapters - Feeling confident about your Torre Attack? This study equips you to dismantle Black's attempts to counter your strategy.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Dive into a vast collection of Torre Attack games to witness the opening in action and glean valuable insights from real-world battles:

Torre Attack (Tartakower Variation) (D03) 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Bg5 - 2251 Games - Browse through hundreds of Torre Attack games, allowing you to filter by player, rating, and other criteria.


Chess Tempo

Annotated Games

Torre Attack Chess Video Lessons

U1400: the London, the Colle, and the Torre Attack, with GM Ben Finegold - 52 Min
-Chess instructor GM Ben Finegold breaks down three popular openings for White - the London System, the Colle System, and the Torre Attack - highlighting their similarities and showcasing their potential with analysis of famous games.

GM Jose Gonzalez - (New)

  • The Torre Attack 2023 - Introduction - 14 Min - GM Jose Gonzalez - GM Jose Gonzalez offers a complete beginner-friendly guide to the Torre Attack chess opening. Learn key concepts, move orders, pawn structures, and how to launch winning attacks!

  • Master the Torre Attack 2023 - 13 Min - GM Jose Gonzalez dives deep into a trendy pawn sacrifice used by top players like Daniil Dubov. Explore how to pull it off and how Black can counter this dangerous tactic.

The Torre Attack - Plans, Structures, Patterns, Variations · Chess Openings - 55 Min - Hanging pawns - The Torre Attack is an easy to play attacking system for white. It's easy to learn and understand, and learning it will add to your attaching opening repertoire without too much effort. Beat Anyone With Torre Attack! - 23 Min - GM Damien Lemos explores a chess game where White uses the Torre Attack to launch a successful kingside attack against Black's early Queen B6.

Opening Basics #38: Torre attack - 38 Min - Jim's Chess Channel - This video explores the Torre Attack, a chess opening for White. Learn typical setups, strategic ideas, and see analysis of a historical game to add this powerful weapon to your arsenal.

Opening Repertoire || Torre Attack - 24 Min - Chess Lessons - This video dives into this exciting chess opening, perfect for beginners who want to develop their pieces quickly and launch a fierce kingside attack.

Understand the Torre Attack - Setups with ...h7-h6 followed by ...g7-g5 & Rare Systems - 1.5 Hr - GM Papaioannou -This chess lecture by GM Papaioannou dives into the Torre Attack, a white opening with an early bishop fianchetto. He explores rare lines where black plays h7-h6 and g7-g5 early, and recommends Nc4 and bishop g3 for white to combat them.

Black vs. Torre Attack

  • How to crush the Torre Setup - 8 Min - Robert Plunketts Chess lab - This video from Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab dismantles the Torre Setup, a White opening. Learn how Black can exploit an early Knight move and potentially punish castling kingside with a devastating tactic.

  • A simple way to face the Torre Attack - 12 Min - NM Bryan Tillis is back with chess analysis! In this game, we will explore a simple way to face the Torre Attack.
  • Torre Attack Chess Game Analysis (Black's Perspective) - 35 Min - NM Bryan Tillis - In this detailed analysis, the commentator examines a Torre Attack chess game from Black’s perspective. The discussion covers strategic moves, pawn structure, and piece placement.

Torre Attack Chess Traps

Torre Attack Game Videos (w/analysis)

The Torre Attack Collection - 6 Video Playlist

- kingscrusher

Torre Attack - 11 Video Playlist - Axon Chess Academy (All 11 games are IM Andrew Martin)

PGN Game Downloads

TorreAttack.pgn - 1736 Games (U of Pitt Archive)

Colorful Neon Lit Glass Chess pieces

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ruy Lopez - (C70) Norwegian Defence or Wing Variation (Opening Theory)

Unveiling the Norwegian Defense: Ruy López Wing Variation

Delve into the depths of the Norwegian Defense as we unravel its mysteries and uncover its tactical intricacies. From insightful articles to expert analyses, our archive offers a comprehensive exploration of this aggressive variation.

The Norwegian Defence (also called the Wing Variation ), is an aggressive but time-consuming alternative for Black.

The game follows 3...a6 4.Ba4 b5 5.Bb3 Na5.

 The goal of the opening is to eliminate the white bishop.

A speculative sacrifice (Nightingale Gambit) is now 6.Bxf7+?!, which drives the black king out, but with accurate play, Black is supposed to be able to consolidate his extra piece.

Ruy Lopez (Wing Variation) Articles

Ruy Lopez - Norwegian Defense - Article by IM Jeremy Silman (Article is on the Speculative Sacrifice 6. Bxf7? Nightingale Gambit by White) 

Sverre's Chess Corner Blog - Blog Posts by Norwegian Player Sverre Johnsen (and Author of THE RUY LOPEZ: A GUIDE FOR BLACK) on this Ruy Lopez Variation. (About 10 posts dealing with Different aspects of this Variation) 

Taking Risks in Chess: Ruy Lopez Nightingale Gambit - papa Chess (Pretty Nice Guide on the Nightingale Gambit 6. Bxf7 )

Norwegian Defense - Interesting Stuff -  Article on a guys games with it.

Ruy Lopez Norwegian Defense Video Lessons

Surprise Weapon Against the Ruy Lopez (Norwegian Variation) - 6 Min

Trick The Ruy Lopez with The Norwegian Variation. - 9 Min

Chess Openings: Ruy Lopez - Norwegian Def. - 16 Min

Norwegian Defense Secret Weapon 1 FM Yuriy Krykun - 10 Min

Ruy Lopez (Norwegian): 41% Make This Mistake - 13 Min 

Game Videos w/ Analysis

stockfish's King on E6 in MOVE 7! -Seer vs Stockfish -Ruy Lopez: Moprhy Defense, Nightingale Gambit - 17 Min

Ruy Lopez Norwegian Defense Stockfish14 vs Itself - 7 Min

White Svidler, P.,Black Mamedyarov, S.,Ruy Lopez Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Norwegian Variation - 10 Min

Ruy Lopez Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Norwegian Variation Event: 81st Tata Steel TOP - 13 Min

White Grandelius, N., Black Moberg, K.,Ruy Lopez Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Norwegian Variation - 8 Min

White Edouard, R., Black Tkachiev, V.,Ruy Lopez Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Norwegian Variation, - 4 Min

White Karjakin, Sergey,Black Mamedyarov, S.,Ruy Lopez Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Norwegian Vari - 10 Min

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chess Pattern Recognition - Tactics

"Pattern Recognition" (Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism). Distorted chessboard, giant queen with patterns/symbols, colorful vortex background (chess possibilities).
"Chess is a sea of possibilities." - Savielly Tartakower 

See Winning Moves  
 Master Chess Pattern Recognition

This guide is your one-stop shop for mastering chess pattern recognition! From classic checkmates to strategic traps, learn to identify winning opportunities and become a chess pattern recognition pro.

Bishop's Bounty Checkmate Pattern Page
(Links to Pages and Pages of Mating Pattern resources)

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

FREE Chessable Course

Basic Checkmate Patterns -  34 Mates w/ 74 min Free Video - MoveTrainer™ Tactics course by CraftyRaf & IM John Bartholomew - 

🕒 Lesson 1: Anastasia's mate, Greco's mate, Arabian mate, Hook mate,Vuković's mate, and Smothered mate
🕒 Lesson 2: Suffocation mate, Corner mate, Morphy's mate, Pillsbury's mate, Lolli's mate and Opera/Mayet's mate
🕒 Lesson 3: Damiano’s mate, Max Lange’s mate, Damiano’s Bishop mate, Dovetail / Cozio’s mate, Swallow’s tail / Gueridon mate, and David & Goliath / pawn mate
🕒 Lesson 4: Boden's mate, Balestra mate, Double knights and double bishops mate, Blackburne's mate, and the blind swine mate.
🕒 Lesson 5: Epaulette mate, Back rank mate, Lawnmower mate, Triangle mate, Killbox mate, Fool's mate, Scholar's mate and Legal's mate. 

(This is a pretty simple course you Can do in about 10-15 Mins. Use the MoveTrainer to Practice all of these problems a couple times a day until they become second nature)

(Really Cant beat this if you want to learn a bunch of these patterns. Can use there Movetrainer to practice all of these patterns)

Articles on Chess Patterns

GM Gregory Serper 
 (This is a nice set of Articles of patterns you see in games)

Mating Patterns 1 - Mate with Bishop & Rook 
Kenilworth Chess Club - 15 Famous games where a Bishop and Rook Mate pattern used.

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples) - GM Avetik 
(37 Checkmating Patterns w/ explanation and Example)

LiChess Studies 
(Some Really Nice Studies Here to Learn Each Pattern)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Chess Videos on Pattern Recognition 

 (Mating patterns, Tactical Patterns, Strategic Patterns and Endgame Patterns) 

@1:23 Mate pattern #1 - Anastasia mate @6:30 Mate pattern #2 - Boden's mate @10.28 Mate pattern #3 - Blackburne's mate (called Stefansson mate in the video) @13:32 Tactical pattern #1 - Undefended bishop on b7 in hedgehog type positions @20:53 Strategic pattern #1 - Gligoric's pawn sacrifice @33:33 Technical pattern #1 - Self pushing rook + two pawns @36:06 Technical pattern #2 - Queen ending, pushing and defending against checks

@1:25 Mate pattern #4 - Anand's mate: Qf3 + h-file battery @8:45 Mate pattern #5 - Bacrot's mate: Qf7 + check on h-file @14:04 Mate pattern #6 - Stellwagen mate: Ba7-g1 diagonal, pawn g4, Qh3 mates Kg2 @19:18 Mate pattern #7 - Arabic mate (Kramnik mate in video) Rg8 or h7 with Nf6 mates Kh8 Endgame pattern #1 - Philidor positon plus thoughts on f- and g- pawns in R+p vs R

Exercises from previous videos @3:46 Strategical pattern #2 - Anand's King @20:20 Tactical pattern #2 - Loman's move @27:43 Tactical pattern #3 - Knight on the rim

Tests from earlier PR videos @6:48 Tacitcal pattern #4 - Petrosian's move @17:52 Tactical pattern #5 - Protecting b2 @23:28 Mate pattern #8 - The Karpov choke

1. Exercises from previous PR's 2. @11:33 Shutting down Spassky 3. @25:36 Engels' Superpawn

               LIchess Study games  - Game Examples from this Video

                    Game With This Pattern - 14 Min
                    Another Video of This Pattern - 16 Min