Portsmouth Wing Gambit Warfare
Conquer the Sicilian
The Sicilian Defense is one of Black's most popular responses to 1.e4. But what if you could disrupt their plans with an aggressive gambit right out of the gate? Enter the Sicilian Wing Gambit (also known as the Portsmouth Gambit). This exciting opening sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and quick attacking chances.
Here are some reasons to add the Wing Gambit to your chess arsenal:
- Confuse your opponent: The Wing Gambit is a less common opening, throwing your opponent off-balance.
- Sharpen your tactics: The gambit nature leads to sharp, tactical positions, perfect for honing your tactical skills.
- Gain a quick advantage: The gambit can lead to a rapid development advantage and potential for a checkmating attack.
Let's delve into the wealth of resources available to master the Wing Gambit!
Wikipedia Page - Wing Gambit
The most common Wing Gambit is in the Sicilian Defense
Sicilian Wing Gambit Chess Articles
Dive into the rich theory, captivating history, and key variations of the Portsmouth Gambit.
- Chess Opening Basics: The Sicilian Wing Gambit - Chessable Opening Guide - This beginner-friendly guide provides a solid foundation, explaining core ideas and plans for White in the Wing Gambit.
- The Wing Gambit: Opening Guide for White & Black - Chessable Blog Guide - Go beyond the basics with this exploration of various Wing Gambit lines, potential Black responses, and its suitability for faster chess formats.
- Dirty Opening TRICK to Win in 7 Moves [Sicilian Defense Trap] - GM Igor Smirnov - Embedded Video w/ Game - Sharpen your tactical vision with a look at some potent opening traps White can spring in the Wing Gambit.
- Magnus Carlsen Demolishes a GM Using Portsmouth Gambit - GM Igor Smirnov - Article w/Embedded Videos - Witness a masterclass in action! Analyze a detailed game where Magnus Carlsen himself wields the Wing Gambit to devastating effect. w/ 27 Min Video about this Opening Gambit.
- The Sicilian Wing Gambit - Revisited - In-depth - Blog Post, Computer Lines, Traps, w/ Embedded Video (Nice)
- Wing Gambits in Chess - By Edward Winter - Embark on a historical journey! This article delves into the Wing Gambit's rich past, tracing its lineage back to the 17th century, including famous players and showcasing interesting games that illustrate its evolution. (Very Nice)
Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit LiChess Studies
Master the Gambit Through Interactive Training! Explore these Lichess studies to solidify your understanding of the Wing Gambit's concepts, analyze real games, and test your skills move-by-move.
- Sicilian Wing's Gambit - 10 Chapter Study - A well-structured study outlining a complete opening repertoire for the Wing Gambit.
- Spicy Gambits: Sicilian Wing Gambit! - 22 Chapter Study -Dive into 22 games with computer and human analysis, uncovering hidden tactical opportunities and positional nuances.
- Portsmouth Gambit | Opening: Sicilian Defense - 9 Chapter Study - In this study, we will go over variations of the Sicilian Defense: Portsmouth Gambit, and look at master games with this opening. (90+ Hearts)
- Karpov_ChessMood's Study - 10 Chapter Study - Delve into a comprehensive study with over 20 games linked for deeper analysis.
- Wing Gambit Tricks - 8 Chapter Study - Deepen your understanding with 7 analyzed games, focusing on critical moves and positional ideas.
New to Lichess Studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding, solidify your learning, and deepen your knowledge of the Wing Gambit concepts move-by-move.
Sicilian Wing Gambit Puzzles
Put your Wing Gambit knowledge to the test! Dive into this extensive collection of puzzles specifically designed to sharpen your tactical skills within the Sicilian Wing Gambit.
LiChess Opening Puzzles
Wing Gambit - 1320 Puzzles
Wing Gambit Deferred - 100 Puzzles
Sicilian Wing Gambit Game Databases
Witness the Wing Gambit in Action! Delve into these comprehensive game databases featuring real-life encounters where the Sicilian Wing Gambit was employed by both White and Black.
- B20: Sicilian, wing gambit 1. e4 c5 2. b4 - 1943 Games
- Sicilian Defense, Wing Gambit (B20) - 1007 Games
Chessgames.com (Game Collections)
- Wing gambit victories - 37 Games - Uncover classic games featuring successful Wing Gambit play by legendary players like Marshall, Alekhine, and Keres.
- Sicilian wing gambit - 9 Games - Deepen your understanding by studying games categorized by specific thematic ideas within the Wing Gambit.
- Sicilian Wing Gambit for Black - 5 Games - Learn valuable defensive strategies from Black's perspective in these Wing Gambit games.
- Sicilian: Wing Gambit-2. b4-Black wins - 9 Games - Analyze games where Black successfully countered the Wing Gambit, providing valuable insights for both White and Black players.
Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit Video Lessons
Tony Williams Portsmouth Gambit - 2 Hr - Camberley Chess Online lecture about this gambit
A Wild Line You Need To Learn - Sicilian Defense Counter (Tricky Gambit) - 20 Min - NM Nelson Lopez -Three games played against the same opponent, highlighting the effectiveness of a surprising move, Rook takes A3, which sacrifices a rook for a bishop.
The Wing Gambit | Dynamic Play against the Sicilian Defense | Chess Openings | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 17 Min - Analyzes various responses from Black, including accepting the gambit and counter-attacking in the center. He provides insights into the strategic and tactical ideas
CRUSH French and Sicilian Defense with The Wing Gambit - 28 Min - Gotham Chess - Chess Opening lesson for beginners and intermediate players.
Blast The Sicilian Out of The Water! | Portsmouth Wing Gambit!! - 37 min - IM Miodrag Perunovic - In-Depth Guide to the Portsmouth Gambit. Believes this gambit is even better that the Wing Gambit. (New 6/20/2024)
Crush Sicilian Players With The Wing Gambit!! - 53 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic - Video Below - In-depth analysis of the Wing Gambit , offering a comprehensive guide to this aggressive opening. Various responses to the Wing Gambit, including side variations and main lines, while emphasizing the importance of activity, center control, and piece development. Includes tactical motifs, such as the Greek Gift, and strategic plans for exploiting open files and weak pawns.
Remote Chess Academy - GM Igor Smirnov
- Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense | Tricky Wing Gambit - 18 Min - GM Igor Smirnov demonstrates several example games and positions to illustrate the effectiveness of the Wing Gambit. He also discusses common mistakes and pitfalls that players should avoid when playing this opening.
- Brutally PUNISH the Sicilian Defense (Carlsen Used This Tricky Gambit Opening) - 19 Min - is a tutorial on the Mengarini Gambit, an aggressive opening for White against the Sicilian Defense.
- Crush the Sicilian Defense: Unknown & DEADLY TRAP for White - 16 Min - a tutorial on a powerful trap for White against the Sicilian Defense. A detailed explanation of the key ideas and strategies behind this trap, including various tactical motifs that can arise from it.
- Smirnov Gambit Part-1 | Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense - 27 Min - Part 1 of a tutorial on an aggressive opening for White against the Sicilian Defense. A detailed explanation of the key ideas and strategies behind the Portsmouth Gambit, including various traps and tactical motifs that can arise from it.
- Smirnov Gambit Part-2 | Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense - 24 Min
- Smirnov Gambit Part-3 | Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense - 25 Min
Anti -Wing Gambit Videos
- Beating ALL the Anti-Sicilian Systems! - GM Chris Ward - 16 Min - Starts out with the Sicilian Wing Gambit and shows us one of the shortest ever GM games to persuade us to not fear White’s play.
- Taking Down the Wing Gambit!! | Deep Dive | Sicilian | GM Naroditsky's Theory Speed Run - 70 Mins (Real Nice Lesson) - A deep dive into the Wing Gambit , showcasing how to counter it effectively. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the opening’s principles rather than memorizing theory, demonstrating this through a live game analysis.
- Facing the Anti Sicilians | Grandmaster Opening Repertoire - 56 Min - GM Moulthun Ly - Recommendations in the Sicilian against all White's Anti-Sicilian options.
- GM Eugene Perelshteyn teaches you how to punish the Wing Gambit! - 9 Min - Shares his first-round game from the Reykjavik Open! Learn how to beat the pesky Wing Gambit with strong central play and material advantage.
Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit Games w/ Analysis
Magnus Carlsen Uses The Wing Gambit to Beat 5 GM's - 28 Min - Practical part of a two-part video series on the Wing Gambit where we see it in action.
GM Analysis #9: Williams vs Dragun: Sicilian Wing Gambit 2 b4!? - 26 Min - GM Simon Williams - I take a look at a game I played against the young Polish Grandmaster Kamil Dragun. I played the super aggressive Sicilian Wing Gambit, with 2 b4!? and got a very promising position.
Sharp play in the Wing Gambit | Standard Chess #294 - 55 Min - IM John Bartholomew - I encounter an opponent who busts out the Wing Gambit, 1.e4 c5 2.b4!?. Though I decline the gambit, a tactical position soon ensues where my calculation left me wanting more.
Daniil Dubov Plays Wing Gambit Against Sicilian Defense - 6 Min
Johnathan Schrantz - Blitz games
- Win FAST with the Portsmouth Gambit - 3 Min
- Surprise the Sicilian with the PORTSMOUTH GAMBIT - 8 Min
- Holy Gambit Grail #14: Portsmouth Gambit - 10 Min
- Sicilian Players Always Mess This Up - 9 Min
- He Was Ready for the PORTSMOUTH GAMBIT - 10 Min
- Somebody Fell Into My EVIL PORTSMOUTH GAMBIT Prep - 8 Min
- Sicilian Players are NEVER Ready for This - 12 Min