Showing posts with label Tarrasch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tarrasch. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2008

Rook and Pawn Endgames - (Endgame Theory)


Rook and Pawn Endgame Resources

Since the most common Endgames are Rook and Pawn here are the links I have found to help one learn them.

Tarrasch Rule Wikipedia page - explaining the "rule" that rooks should be placed behind passed pawns with reasons, illustrations and exceptions.

Books (Free)

Comprehensive Chess Endings - Volume 5: Rook Endings - 333 Pages PDF/Kindle

Basic Endgames - FREE Chessable Course  - Nice Section on Rook Endgames Here.

Rook & Pawn Endgame ARTICLES

Endgames That need to be Mastered- 23 famous Chessgames (King and Pawn and Rook and Pawn endgames.)
Theoretical Rook Endgames - All you Need to Know U2000 Level  - GM Gabuzyan (Very Nice LiChess Blog Article w/ Linked LiChess Studies of Theoretical Endgames) 

Rook vs Pawn Endgames: 8 Must-Know Concepts - GM Gabuzyan  Lichess Blog

Rook and Pawn Endgame Video Lessons

Rook Endgames - 6 Video Playlist -  80 Min - GM Sune Berg Hansen

 a) Fundamental Rook Endgames

        Rook Endgames Crash Course - Rook & Pawn Endings - 24 Min NM Lopez
        Top Four Instructive Rook Endgames Everyone Should Know - 30 Min IM Kavutskiy
         GM Sam Shankland: Rook Endgames | U.S. Chess School 05.09.2022 - 49 Min
    (GM Alex Ipatov   Rook Endgame Lessons)

         Learn the Philidor Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames - 8 Min 
         Learn the Lucena Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames - 5 Min
         The Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames - 12 Min 
         Don't miss this important Rook Endgame Technique - 7 Min 
         How the Skewer can decide your Rook Endgame - 8 Min 
         Know your Rook Endgame Technique | Basic Rook Endings - 9 Min 
         Improve your Endgame Play with this instructive Mastergame - 9 Min 
         How to play the Rook Endgame with Doubled Pawns - 9 Min 
         Forcing your Opponent to a draw with the Vancura Position 7 Min 
         Remember the Cheron Position in Rook and Pawn Endgames 10 Min 
         Important Cheron Positions in Rook and Pawn Endgames | - 13 Min
         Attack both Flanks at the same Time! | Important Rook Endgame Principles - 11 Min
         Activate your King to win the Endgame - 4 Min
         Bring your Rook behind the passed Pawn - 7 Min

         How to win 90% of rook and pawn endgames - 12 Min -Robert Plunketts lab
         How to go active with your rook in rook and pawn endgames - 10 Min - Robert Plunketts lab
          When to put your rook behind passed pawns - 10 Min - Robert Plunketts lab

Rook and Pawn Endgames with GM Ben Finegold - 55 Min - St.Louis CC

Theoretical Rook Endings: Understanding 'Long Side' vs 'Short Side' - 10 Min - Im Andras Toth

 b) Other Rook Endgames

         Capablanca’s Endgame Rule | Chess  Endings - 22 Min NM Ramirez
         Rooks: Don't be a Tempo Behind  - 58 Min GM Moridiabadi
         Akiba Rubinstein's Rook Endgames | Insane in the Endgame - 65 Min GM Dariusz
         Rook Endgames - GM Josh Friedel 48 Min
         Rook & Passed Pawn Endgames - 24 Min

Level Up Your Chess #5: Rook Endgames with GM Arturs Neiksans - 71 Min

Important Rook Endgames that No One Understands | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 57 min - St.Louis CC
More Important Rook Endgames that No One Understands | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 56 Min - St.Louis CC 

Endgames: Rook themes - 63 Min 

Endgame Study: Saavedra Position - 4 min Video
Endgame Study: Philidor Position - 8 min Video

Checking Distance in Rook Endings - 11 min Video
2nd Rank Stalemate Trap in Rook Endings - 10 min Video

Gregoriev's Combined Method - 11 Min Video (This method is applicable for c,d,e,f pawns that have not yet reached the 5th rank, where the defender's king is cut off at least 2 files and the defender's rook is defending via frontal attack. )

The Five Minute Rook Endgame Test - 12 Min  (His 5 Min at end explanations are worth the watch alone)

Understanding Rook Endgames 1) Piece Activity - 10 Min Video
Understanding Rook Endgames 2) Creating Weakness - 6 Min Video