Showing posts with label Chess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2022

Color Complex Chess: Conquer Your Opponent's Weak Squares


"The control of squares is the soul of chess." - Siegbert Tarrasch

Color Complex Chess Resources:
 A Comprehensive Guide

This post dives into the world of color complexes in chess, providing a curated list of resources to help you master this strategic concept.

Color complexes refer to weaknesses on squares of the same color, often exploited by maneuvering your pieces and exploiting your opponent's limitations.

By understanding and exploiting color complexes, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponent and elevate your chess game.

Bishop's Bounty Weak Square Page

Books (Free)

Free Lesson: Light & Dark Magic - Color Complexes in Chess - 6 Lines w/13 Min Video - (FREE Chessable Course by GM Axel Smith): Get a taste of this concept with a free chapter from a renowned chess instructor.

Chess Color Complex Articles

Master the Art of Exploiting Weak Squares:

  • Color Complex in Chess - Chessbase India Article w/ 2 Nice annotated games - Learn the basics with clear explanations and practical examples.

  • Taking Advantage of the Weak Square Complex - Ichess Article w/ Annotated Alexander Alekhine game. (Archived Article)

  • Weak squares - (Large Exeter CC Article with Many Annotated Games):Dive deep into the concept of weak squares with a comprehensive collection of annotated games for practical application.

  • Yaacov Norowitz Lecture on Color Complexes - Kenilworth CC LectureMaster Yaacov Norowitz explores "color complexes" (square strategy) in blitz chess. Learn how controlling light & dark squares guides strategy and action in fast games. Bonus: 2 annotated games!


Game Databases

Analyze Real-World Color Complex Exploits Your Chess Laboratory provides a valuable resource for analyzing real-world chess games. Here, we explore collections featuring games that showcase the practical application of color complexes and weak squares:

  • Weak color complex -  3 Games  - Delve into 3 well-chosen games that demonstrate the exploitation of weak color squares in action.

  • Weak Squares -  15 gamesThis extensive collection offers a broader perspective, allowing you to analyze various scenarios where weak squares play a decisive role.

Color Complex LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Skills with Interactive Learning

Master Light & Dark Squares:

  • Light and Dark Squares | Master color complex - 21 Chapter Interactive Study - In-Depth  (2000 Hearts):This in-depth study provides a comprehensive exploration of color complexes with 9 detailed interactive exercises to test your understanding.

  • Unlock Color Complexes: Light & Dark Squares Explained - 21 Chapter Study -( Detailed Positions and Explanations) This study offers a wealth of knowledge with detailed positions, explanations, and accompanying lessons for each chapter.

  • Weak Squares and Color Complexes - 2 Chapter StudyThis introductory study provides a clear explanation of color complexes along with a game demonstrating practical application.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Color Complex Video Lessons

Color Complexes: Strong Pieces and Weak Squares! - 14 Min some tips and tricks he recently learned about how to evaluate positions based on strong or weak color complexes.

Color Complexes Simplified - 40 Mindelves into the strategic imbalance of color complexes, how to understand them and how to apply them in your games.

Lesson 9 - Weak Colour Complex - Higher-Level Chess Course - 21 Mindelves into the concept of a weak color complex and its strategic importance in chess. 

Attacking a Color Complex - GM Sam Shankland - 43 Min  ST. Louis Chess Club presents a game between Alexander Grischuk and Boris Gelfand from 2010 Linares in which he analyzes attacking a color complex.

Chess Strategy - Weak Color Complex in the Endgame - 9 Min

MKS Chess

Lessons highlighting International Master Alexander Bangievs square strategy theory

IM Yaccov Norowitz

Discusses his unique approach to chess strategy, focusing on the concept of harmony between light and dark squares on the chessboard.

How Fighting for Color Complexes and Squares Leads to Winning Positions - 18 Min - FM Peter Giannatos Charlotte CC - Video below talks about how color complexes and certain squares in a position can lead to a dominant game, which ultimately finish off in a tactical blow.

Game Videos

Magnus Carlsen shows us a simple light-square strategy | 44th Chess Olympiad - 20 Min

Chess Improvement Game: Bishops and Color Complexes - 14 Mina chess improvement guide focusing on the use of bishops and color complexes. The presenter shares a personal game to demonstrate strategic concepts learned from chess literature, particularly the exploitation of weak squares and the management of bishops.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Attraction (Magnet Attack) - Advanced Chess Tactics


Unleash the Magnet Attack
 Mastering Chess Attraction Tactics

Imagine dangling a tempting piece in front of your opponent's king,
a forbidden fruit they can't resist.

In chess, this maneuver is known as Attraction (or Decoy Sacrifice).

 It's a powerful tactic where you strategically sacrifice material to lure a key enemy piece, often the king, to a vulnerable square where it becomes exposed and ripe for exploitation.

Attraction Chess Articles


Mate in Two: Magnet Attack Puzzles - 5 Puzzles on ChessKids

LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

LiChess Tactics Practice Area - 10 Attraction Tactics

Attraction - 16 Chapter Study - 12 Attraction Positions
[Motif - Attraction] - 18 Chapter Study - Nice Selection of Positions with detailed Analysis and Lessons.
Magnetic Attack - 18 Chapter Study - Examples broken into different Themes.

Chess Tempo Tactic: Attraction - 11 Chapter Interactive Study - Starts at 1000 ELO problem then keeps stepping up to the last being 2000 ELO
J] Attraction Tactics 
- 14 Chapter Interactive Study - Positions, Games and Compositions fully Interactive.

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Attraction Tactic and see how it's played in practice.


Attraction Video Lessons

Bishops Bounty Deflection Page
-  Many argue that These Two Tactics overlap or are essentially the same thing. So here is my page on Deflection.

Oil painting of a pawn gazing into a mirror, reflecting a powerful king. Vivid blue hues and geometric shapes create a striking illusion.
"The lure is often stronger than the truth." 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Clearance Chess Tactics Explained: A Guide to Devastating Sacrifices


A colorful Painted Image of the Back rank of a chess board in oranges and blacks.
"A sacrifice is a calculation, not a guess." - Emanuel Lasker

Master the Art of Making Way for Victory

Chess is a constant battle for control of the board. Sometimes, your own pieces can get in the way of a powerful attack. Enter the clearance sacrifice, a tactical weapon where you give up material to open lines and unleash your fury! Studying clearance tactics will sharpen your tactical vision and elevate your game. Here's your one-stop shop to master this skill!

Clearance Sacrifice: This tactical maneuver involves giving up a piece (pawn or minor piece) to vacate a square. This newly opened square often creates a critical line (file, diagonal, or rank) for your other pieces to launch a devastating attack on your opponent's king or key position.

Line Sacrifice: A specific type of clearance sacrifice where you give up material to open a specific file or diagonal. This newly opened line allows your rooks, queen, or bishop to dominate that line and potentially deliver checkmate or capture valuable enemy pieces.

BOOKS (Free)

Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF -Exeter Chess ClubThis free 84-page resource by the Exeter Chess Club covers clearance sacrifices on page 33 . (Free)

Clearance Chess Articles

Chess Tactics Guide : Clearance Sacrifice - A clear and concise guide with 4 well-explained clearance sacrifice examples.

Games Databases

Clearance - 60 Games with a clearance Tactic (

Clearance Chess Puzzles

LiChess Puzzle Themes

Clearance Tactic - 53,000 Puzzles - Dive into a massive pool of over 53,000 clearance tactic puzzles on LiChess

Clearance LiChess Studies

Interactive Learning for Clearance Mastery

  • Clearance Sacrifice - 15 Chapters  This in-depth study  provides detailed instruction across 12 lessons, guiding you through gaining material and checkmates with clearance sacrifices. 3 tests at the end solidify your learning!

  • Line Clearance - 19 Chapters - Delve into the specific intricacies of line clearance tactics with this 19-chapter study. The first 3 chapters provide foundational theory, followed by a wealth of illustrative examples.

  • 557 - 620 CLEARANCE - 64 Chapters  (26 Clearance Puzzles and Rest Interference Puzzles)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Clearance Tactic Video Lessons

Using Clearance Sacrifices to Improve Pieces - 30 Min Hanging Pawns
Giving up material in order to improve your position and make your pieces better.

Clearance In Chess | Chess Tactics - Line Clearance - 15 Min - Les
son on the deliberate sacrifice of material with the goal of "clearing" either a square or a line.

Chess Tactics #9: CLEARANCE ➡️ 5 Amazing Puzzles explained MOVE by MOVE - 7 Min FM Mederos -
 Sharpen your skills with FM Mederos as he guides you through 5 carefully chosen clearance tactic puzzles, explaining each move in detail.

How to find tactics in chess! --Clearance Sacrifice with 7 chess puzzles - 9 Min

Advanced Tactics : Clearance (5 Puzzles) - 10 Min

Line Blocking and Line Clearing in Chess | Chess Tactics - 8 Min IM Kavutskiy- 
delves into the concepts of line blocking and line clearing, illustrating them with tactical examples. This foundational knowledge is crucial for mastering clearance sacrifices.

Clearance In Chess | Chess Tactics - Line Clearance - 15 Min - 

Advance 22 - Clearance Sacrifice - 10 Min- Lesson w/ example and 2 Master games
Advance 23 - Clearance Sacrifice Practice - 6 Min - 3 master games

10 Levels of Tactics: The Clearance Sacrifice -  36 Min - Chess nerd - 
Let's not only learn but MASTER the Clearance Sacrifice with this Challenge for all levels! 
(New - 6/4/24)

Morpheus Academy ( Videos of live stream teaching kids Chess)

Examples from master play of the concepts of Square Clearance and Line as a powerful tactic.

Chess Diagnostic

Covers Clearance! advanced tactics. I cover the method to break down very complicated chess positions. I go really deep in these lessons to lay a foundation for further practice of more complicated chess puzzles and positions.

Game Videos w/ Analysis

Brilliant Clearance Sacrifice: Nepomuk vs Frohlich - Graz 1888 - 3 Min

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Queens Gambit (Accepted) D20 - D29


Queen's Gambit Accepted Resources

Wikipedia Page 
The Queen's Gambit Accepted (or QGA) is a chess opening characterised by the moves:
1. d4 d5
2. c4 dxc4

The Queen's Gambit Accepted is the third most popular option on Black's second move, after 2...e6 (the Queen's Gambit Declined) and 2...c6 (the Slav Defense).

The Queen's Gambit is not considered a true gambit, in contrast to the King's Gambit, because the pawn is either regained, or can only be held unprofitably by Black. Black usually allows the pawn to be recaptured, and uses the time expended to play against White's center.

Books (Free)

Chess Book: 500 Queen's Gambit Miniatures by Bill Wall - 130 page PDF

Understanding the QGA A Black Repertoire with 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 - 18 Page PDF

Short & Sweet: Gledura's Queen's Gambit Accepted - FREE Chessable Course (GM Benjamin Gladura)  22 Lines with 1.5 Hr Free Video

Queen's Gambit Accepted Articles

The Queens Gambit at Simplify Chess -  Every Move Explained (Nice Page and Article)
Common Trap in the Queens Gambit Accepted - Blog Post
Best Openings for Club Players: Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Article w/embedded Video (Nice)
Queen’s Gambit Accepted Chess Opening: For Starters - another Decent Web-page

QGA LiChess Studies

Queen's Gambit Accepted Traps - 10 Chapter Study
Queen's Gambit Accepted - 6 Chapter Study (Study at top of Page)
Queen's Gambit - 43 Chapter Study On Queens Gambit (Half is Accepted)

LiStudy  (Learn and Practice Studies here. Makes a Study Interactive)

Studies about the Queen's Gambit Accepted  - 4  Studies here 
Queens Gambit Structures  - 30 Chapters 

Games Databases

Queens Gambit Accepted - all Variations from D20-D29 on this page.

Queen's Gambit Accepted (D20-D29) - 48 Annotated Games 


Queen's gambit Accepted Puzzles - 7765 Puzzles (Broken into 13 Variations Half-way down page)
QGA, Classical, 6...a6 (ECO D27) - 15 Puzzles (
QGA, Classical, 6...a6 (ECO D27) - 15 Puzzles (

Queen's Gambit Accepted Videos



Queen's Gambit Accepted | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Josh Sheng - 57 Min
looks at the process by which he fell in love with the queen's gambit. The QGA is easy to learn. Quickly simplify the game or enter complications! (New - 5/29/24)

Queens Gambit Accepted Part-1 - 19 Min - GM ArunChess - In this introduction video of the Queens Gambit Accepted you will get to know some of the basic ideas and plans for Black.
Queens Gambit Accepted Part-2 - 11 Min - GM ArunChess - deals with the main lines white players play with 3.e3 followed 4.Bxc4.

Queen's Gambit Part 2: Queen's Gambit Accepted - 56 Min - GM Ben Finegold -
 Discusses three games in the Queen's Gambit Accepted.

QGA Chess Traps

Chess Openings: Tricks and Traps #12 - Queens Gambit Accepted Traps - 8 Min
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen's Gambit Accepted & PUZZLE | Best Strategy, Moves & Ideas - 6 Min
Basic Opening Chess Trap | The simplest Queen's Gambit Accepted Trap - 2 Min
5 Queen's Gambit Traps Every Chess Player Should Know  - 20 Min - IM Eric Rosen

QGA Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Queen's Gambit Accepted  - 14 Video Playlist - agadmantor's Chess Channel
Queens Gambit Accepted - 10 Video Playlist - kingscrusher

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mastering the Bishop's Opening (C23-C24): A Comprehensive Guide

Control the Center
 The Power of the Bishop's Opening


Tired of the Ruy Lopez?
 Looking for a solid yet surprising opening for White?

  The Bishop's Opening (1. e4 e5 2. Bc4)
 offers a unique path to control the center and launch powerful attacks! 

  The Bishop's Opening is not as popular as some other openings, but it can be a good choice for players who want to control the center of the board and play for a solid, positional advantage.

The Bishop's Opening can lead to closed, positional positions, and is a good choice for players who prefer a more measured, strategic approach to the game.

 Black has a number of options for responding to the Bishop's Opening
  • Ruy Lopez with 2...Nc6
  • Two Knights Defense with 2...Nf6
  • Berlin Defense with 2...Nf6 3. d3

This comprehensive guide equips you with everything you need to master this opening, from free articles to video lessons! Become a Bishop's Opening expert and confuse your opponent's today!

C23 Sub-variants:

Bishop's opening

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4

Bishop's opening, Philidor counter-attack

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 c6

Bishop's opening, Lisitsyn variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 c6 3. d4 d5 4. exd5 cxd5 5. Bb5+ Bd7 6. Bxd7+ Nxd7 7. dxe5 Nxe5 8. Ne2

Bishop's opening, Calabrese counter-gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 f5

Bishop's opening, Calabrese counter-gambit, Jaenisch variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 f5 3. d3

Bishop's opening, Classical variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5

Bishop's opening, Lopez gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. Qe2 Nc6 4. c3 Nf6 5. f4

Bishop's opening, Philidor variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. c3

Bishop's opening, Pratt variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. c3 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. e5 d5 6. exf6 dxc4 7. Qh5 O-O

Bishop's opening, Lewis counter-gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. c3 d5

Bishop's opening, del Rio variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. c3 Qg5

Bishop's opening, Lewis gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. d4

Bishop's opening, Wing gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. b4

Bishop's opening, MacDonnell double gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. b4 Bxb4 4. f4

Bishop's opening, Four pawns' gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. b4 Bxb4 4. f4 exf4 5. Nf3 Be7 6. d4 Bh4+ 7. g3 fxg3 8. O-O gxh2+ 9. Kh1

C24 Sub-variants:

Bishop's opening, Berlin defence

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6

Bishop's opening, Greco gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. f4

Bishop's opening, Ponziani gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d4

Bishop's opening, Urusov gambit

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nf3

Bishop's opening, Urusov gambit, Panov variation

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nf3 d5 5. exd5 Bb4+ 6. c3 Qe7

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Bishop's Opening - FREE Chessable Course -  21 Trainable Variations w/ 1hr & 18 Min of Video (IM Miodrag Perunovic)

Bishops Opening Chess ARTICLES

Overall Strategy & Concepts:

Specific Variations & Gambits:

  • The Jerome Gambit Blog ( All about this one Gambit over 2000 posts???) 
    1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ ...and related lines 
    (risky/Non risky lines, tactics & psychology for fast, exciting play)

  • The Urusov Gambit - Huge Simplify Chess Page (Explaining every Move)

Learning from the Masters:


Level up your Bishop's Opening repertoire with thousands of games at your disposal! Here are some of the best online databases to explore and analyze Bishop's Opening games (C23-C24): 

Bishop's Opening LiChess Studies

Take your Bishop's Opening knowledge to the next level with interactive LiChess studies! These studies allow you to explore variations move-by-move, test your understanding, and solidify key concepts.

Comprehensive Studies:

Focusing on Specific Variations:

  • Bishop's opening  - 10 Chapter Study  (583 hearts) - Mainly the Gambits

  • Bishop's Openings for Beginners  - 12 Chapter Study - Nice list of the different gambit openings.

  • Urusov gambit - Huge In-depth Study with 55 Chapters - Deep dive into the Different variations of the Gambit down to lines at Move 7 with Model games at the end of the study.

LiStudy (Lichess Move Order trainer)

Bishop's Opening - 2 Studies Here you Can Practice.

Bishop's Opening Chess Video Lessons


  • Bishops Opening (5 Video PlaylistIM Miodrag Perunovic (Over 2.5 Hrs) - A thorough exploration of the Bishop's Opening by an experienced chess instructor. (Great for intermediate and advanced players)

  • Bishop's Opening - Ideas, Traps, and Everything!  - 23 Video playlist - GM Igor Smirnov - An in-depth course by a Grandmaster, covering strategic concepts, tactical opportunities, and common pitfalls. (Excellent for all levels)

Bishop's Opening (Sneaky Good Attack) - 20 Min 

Opening Basics #19: Bishop's opening - 18 Min

The Modern Bishop's Opening | White's Response against the Two Knights Defense | IM Alex Astaneh - 33 Min

How to play against the bishops opening - 14 Min

Urusov Gambit - Deep Dives

The Unbeatable Urusov Gambit - Chess Openings Explained - 49 Min (St Louis CC Lesson) - Jonathan Schrantz - A detailed explanation of the gambit's potential and Black's challenges.

Chess Opening: Urusov Gambit - 17 Min

Diving Deep into Urusov Gambit Theory - 13 Min

The Urusov Gambit | Attacking Gambit in the Bishop's Opening IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 12 Min

Chess Openings: Smash 'em with The Urusov Gambit!! - 44 min IM Miodrag Perunovic - 
In-depth analysis of the Urusov Gambit. Discusses various responses to the gambit, highlighting the importance of development and initiative in chess.

Human Defeats Stockfish with Urusov Gambit - 11 min Johnathan Schrantz

Dirty Chess Tricks 14 (Urusov Gambit Declined) - 14 Min
Dirty Chess Tricks 15 (Urusov Gambit Accepted) - 27 Min

The Original URUSOV GAMBIT Surprised a Future World Champion | Chess History Explained - 17 Min

Smothered Mate and an Urusov Gambit | Viewers' Choice - GM Yasser Seirawan - 50 Min

Chess Tips: How To Play The Dangerous Urusov Gambit?  - 67 Min Maurice Bishop

Alterman GGuide The Urusov Gambit part1 - 34 Min 
Alterman GGuide The Urusov Gambit part2 - 33 min

Ponziani Gambit

Greco Gambit

4 Pawns Gambit

Lewis Gambit

Calabrese Counter Gambit

Calabrese Counter Gambit against Bishop's Opening - 21 MinIt counters the bishop's opening with 2...f5, as we also do against the Italian or Spanish. It's a rarely-seen but effective response for the aggressive player.

Bishops Opening Chess Traps

Elevate your tactical awareness with videos exploring common traps and winning opportunities in the Bishop's Opening. (Great for all levels)

Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Bishop's Opening  - 10 Video Playlist  - kingscrusher  (Famous games)
Bishop's Opening 16 Video Playlist - 

Amazing BULLETPROOF Approach in Bishops Opening!! - 11 min - IM Miodrag Perunovic - Guy beats IM in 15 Moves in Classical with Bishop's opening. (New - 6/5/2024)

Magnus Carlsen strikes with the Bishop’s Opening! - 22 Min

Chess Tips: Play The Bishops Opening Like Kasparov!! 2...Nc6 - 36 Min 
 IM Miodrag Perunovic 

Finally Had Chance to Play Bishops Opening in Real Tournament! All Wins!!  - 16 Min  - IM Miodrag Perunovic

Dubov plays the Urusov Gambit, or Dubusov? || Dubov vs Giri - 13 Min

"In order to avoid playing the opening theory,
 you need to study A LOT of opening theory."
- Peter Svidler