Showing posts with label Chess articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess articles. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

Alekhine's Defense B02 - B05


Unlock the Secrets of the Alekhine's Defense:
Your Complete Resource Guide 

The Alekhine's Defense (1. e4 Nf6) is a dynamic and aggressive chess opening where Black challenges White's central control early on.

This unconventional approach can catch your opponents off guard and create excellent winning chances with a complex and unbalanced middlegame.

Ready to unlock the secrets of the Alekhine's Defense and surprise your opponents? Let's explore the resources!

Wikipedia Page

Page of resources on this variation.

BOOKS (Free)

Internet Archive

Starting Out: Alekhine's Defence by John Cox  - 97 Page PDF

Alekhine Alert!: A Repertoire for Black against 1 e4 by Timothy Taylor  - 287 Page PDF

Alekhine's Defense Chess Articles

Alekhine Defense: How to Play as White and Black  - Chessable Blog Opening Guide ( Very nice) - This comprehensive guide covers everything from strategic concepts and tactics to specific variations for both Black and White. It emphasizes the dynamic nature of the defense and offers practical advice for all skill levels. (Great all-around resource)

The Alekhine's Defence  - Simplify Chess Guide - Another In-depth Guide To Learn this opening.

Alekhine’s Defense - Guide from IM Alberto ChuecaThis article provides a quick start for Black players, focusing on the main line and core concepts behind the aggressive Alekhine approach. (Ideal for beginners who want to try the Alekhine quickly.

Alekhine's Defense: World Champion Openings - GM Bryan SmithThis in-depth guide explores the aggressive Alekhine's Defense (1...Nf6). Learn how to exploit White's space advantage and launch your own attacks, with historical examples and strategic insights.

Alekhine's Defense LiChess Studies

Up your Alekhine's Defense with Interactive Lichess Studies!

LISTUDY Alekhine Defense (Site Where Studies are put in and turned into Movetrainer Courses)

Alekhine's Defense   -  26 Chapters  (Can Learn and Practice all the Opening Moves here!)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Databases

Alekhine's Defense (B02-B05)  - 12 Annotated Games
Alekhine Defense Sadler's Collections Plus  - 103 Games
Historically Important Alekhine's Defense Games  - 38 Games
Alekhine's Defense (B02-B05)  - 12,061 Games

B02: Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6  - 41,400 Games
B03: Alekhine's defence 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 - 22,610 Games
B04: Alekhine's defence, modern variation 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 - 13,000 Games
B05: Alekhine's defence, modern variation, 4...Bg4 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 Bg4 - 5900 Games

Alekhine's Defense Chess Puzzles

Alekhine's Defense (ECO B02)  - 8 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense (ECO B03)  - 7 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense, Modern (ECO B04)  - 9 Puzzles
Alekhine's Defense, Modern (ECO B05) - 13 Puzzles

LiChess Puzzle Page

Alekhine Defense -  6000+ Puzzles (Almost halfway down the Page -  w/ 13 Variations to pick from)

Alekhine Defense Videos


Alekhine Defense Opening Theory  - 6 Video Playlist  - Hanging Pawns
Alekhine's Defense  -  41 Video playlist  - Sibi Chess

Alekhine's Defense: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 50 Min - History, key strategies & famous games to understand this aggressive opening.

How to Play the Alekhine Defence | Grandmaster Repertoire - 22 Min - GM Mouthun Grandmaster Repertoire on how to play the Alekhine with Black.

Alekhine's Defense - Concepts and Quick Theoretical Overview - 60 min - Tony Rotella - I give a brief overview of the history and lore of Alekhine's Defense, why you'd want to give it a punt as Black, as well as a quick tour of the main variations.

The Alekhine Defense ♟ – Play for a Win with Black! - GM Marian Petrov - 61 Min - dives deep into the Four Pawns Variation, showing Black how to exploit an aggressive pawn structure. (Ideal for players who want to learn a specific, sharp variation.)

Alekhine Defense Opening Masterclass  - 94 min - This comprehensive video covers all 14 variations and 6 gambits within the Alekhine Defense. (Best for those who want an exhaustive exploration of every line.)

Beat 1.e4 with Alekhine's Defense!!  -  34 min - IM David Fitzsimons - analyzes how World Champion Magnus Carlsen uses the Alekhine, discussing various strategies and lines. (Perfect for players who want to learn from a master.)

Play the Alekhine Defense ♟Chess Opening with GM Damian Lemos - 27 min -focuses on core concepts like counter-attacking and pawn structure, providing viewers with the tools to navigate the Alekhine's complexities. (Solid choice for players who want a strategic overview with variations.)

Alekhine Defense Traps and Tactics

Playing Against the Alekhine's Defense

Refute the Alekhine Defence / Exchange Variation / Full Repertoire! - 35 min -Master a complete repertoire against the Alekhine's Defense, focusing on the Exchange Variation. Learn "secret" strategies and White's most effective continuations.

Chess Training 
Learn a strong Exchange Variation repertoire for White against the Alekhine's Defense. This 3-part series explores main lines and sidelines after Black's ...cxd6 capture.

Chess Tips: Crush The Alekhine Defense!!  - 43 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic -Master the Samisch Attack, a dynamic strategy to counter the Alekhine's Defense. IM Perunovic emphasizes controlling the center, exploiting weaknesses, and tactical opportunities for White.

Chess Openings: Crazy 2 Pawns Attack vs Alekhine Defense!! - 35 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic  Explore the aggressive "Crazy 2 Pawns Attack" against the Alekhine's Defense. IM Perunovic showcases pawn sacrifices, tactical ideas, and strategies for gaining an advantage.

How to WIN against the Alekhine Defense  - 29 min  - IM Alex Astaneh -Learn winning strategies against the Alekhine's Defense! IM Astaneh emphasizes center control, development, and tactical ideas for White. He analyzes common mistakes and offers tricks like the h3 move and the d5 pawn sacrifice.

Alekhine Defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Alekhine Defense - 7 Video Playlist  - agadmantor   (Famous Games)

Alekhine's Defense Chess Games - 14 Video Playlist  - Chess w/ Suren

Alekhine's Defence - Chess Opening  - 111 Video playlist  - kingscrusher

Fighting Against the Alekhine's Defense | Classical Chess - 59 Min IM Rosen

GM Naroditsky
Master Class | Alekhine Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 26 Min
Master Class | Alekhine Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 21 Min
Master Class | Alekhine (The Better Scandi) | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 45 Min
Queenside Vs Kingside Castle!! | Alekhine's Defense | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 28 Min
Master Class | Alekhine's Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 20 Min
Four Pawns Attack | Alekhine's Defence | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 22 Min

Close up of a knight and pawn on a chess board set in an Alekhine defense, watercolor
Chess first of all teaches you to be objective - Alekhine

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

QGD Tarrasch Defense D32-D34


The Tarrasch Defense is a chess opening characterized by the moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 c5
This is a Variation of the Queens Gambit Declined

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: Tarrasch Defense  - FREE Chessbale Course  - GM Jordan van Foreest - 10 Trainable Lines w/30 Min Video
Short & Sweet: Ganguly's Semi-Tarrasch -  FREE Chessable Course - GM Surya Shekhar Ganguly - 33 Trainable Lines w/44 Min Video

Tarrasch Defense Chess Articles 

TARRASCH DEFENSE -  Chess Pathways Article
Refutation of the Tarrasch Defence - Short Article by GM Alex Colovic
Queen’s Gambit Declined – Taking Down the Tarrasch Defense  - Article


The Semi-Tarrasch – How to Play, Attack and Counter (as White & Black) - Opening Guide on Chessable Blog

Tarrasch Defense LiChess Studies

Some Tarrasch defense ideas  - 64 Chapter Study  (64 Heavily Annotated games ++ )
D34: Tarrasch Defence - 12 Chapter Study


Queens Gambit Declined Tarrasch Puzzles - 602 Puzzles   Lichess

GAMES Databases

D32: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch defence 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 - 7490 Games
D33: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch, Schlechter-Rubinstein system 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3  -  4413 Games
D34: Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch, Prague variation, 7...Be7 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3 Nf6 7. Bg2 Be7 - 4437 Games

Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D32)  - 15 Annotated Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D33)  - 6 Annotated Games
Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch (D34)  - 14 Annotated Games

Tarrasch Defense Chess Video Lessons

Tarrasch Defense Theory  -  14 Video Playlist  - Jozarov’s chess channel
Tarrasch Defense - Queen's Gambit Declined - 14 Min Thechesswebsite
Tarrasch Defense Opening Theory - 27 Min Hanging Pawns
Win with Tarrasch Defense with IM Marcin Sieciechowic  - 33 Min

The Semi-Tarrasch Opening explained by Leinier Domínguez - 2hr Video

Von Hennig Schara Gambit

The Von Hennig-Schara Gambit: Perfect! | Chess Openings Explained - 50 Min ST.Louis CC
GM Ben Finegold's Gambit Series: Von Hennig-Schara Gambit - 6 Min
How to play the Tarrasch Defense Correctly -D34 Tarrasch Defense, Advance Variation -b3 continuation - 20 Min - Jozarov’s chess channel
DIRTY CHESS OPENINGS! - The Von Hennig Schara Gambit!- Opening Traps and Common Mistakes by White - 51 Min - Jozarov’s chess channel
Tarrasch Defence: Hennig Schara Gambit Chess Opening : Leela Chess ID 467 vs Stockfish-6 - 11 Min Kingcrusher
FM Dennis Monokroussos - Hennig Schara Gambit Tactics - 30 Min

Against the Tarrasch

Positional Play: Beating The Tarrasch Defense! - GM Damian Lemos - 27 Min

St.Louis Chess Club

The Dubov Tarrasch | Road to 2000 - NM Caleb Denby - 57 Min

Tarrasch Game Videos Analyzed

Queens Gambit: Tarrasch Defence - Chess Opening - 24 Game Playlist - Kingscrusher
Tarrasch Defense  - 22 Video Playlist   - agadmator's Chess Channel

Most Attacking Chess Game - 7 (Von Hennig-Schara Gambit) - 15 Min
Jaime Sunye Neto vs Garry Kasparov - Tarrasch Defense: Symmetrical Variation - 9 Min 
Tarrasch Defense (D34) : Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov  - 44 Min Kingscrusher
Tarrasch Defence: Garry Kasparov vs Miguel Illescas-Cordoba - 9 Min

 IM Christof Sielecki (w/live Commentary)
Blitz Chess #4844 vs Muha750 Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 13 Min
Blitz Chess #1386 with Live Comments Queens Gambit Tarrasch Variation - 9 Min
Blitz Chess #3536 vs JustKID Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 8 Min
Blitz Chess #4962 vs MOMO1404 Queens Gambit Tarrasch White - 13 Min

IM John Bartholomew 
Standard Chess #57: fanta6 vs. IM Bartholomew (Tarrasch Defense) - 46 Min
Standard Chess #116: Boesemine vs. IM Bartholomew (Tarrasch Defense) - 42 Min
Blitz Chess #301: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Kassa Korley (Semi-Tarrasch Defense) - 16 Min
Standard Chess #150: IM Bartholomew vs. opus55 (Tarrasch Defense) - 7 Min
Standard Chess #211: IM Bartholomew vs. racketeer (Tarrasch Defense) - 53 Min
Blitz Chess #140: IM Bartholomew vs. IM Bryant (Tarrasch Defense) - 18 Min

Impressionist Painting of a Man Studying a Chess Board

Friday, September 2, 2022

Babson Task

 A Babson task is a direct-mate chess problem with the following properties:

   1.  White has only one key, or first move, that forces checkmate in the stipulated number of moves.

   2.   Black's defenses include the promotion of a certain pawn to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight. (Black may have other defenses as well.)

   3.  If Black promotes, then White must promote a pawn to the same piece to which Black promoted in order to complete the solution.

Babson Task Wikipedia Page

Combining 4 promotions from black with 4 echo promotions from white was the Holy Grail of chess for over a century. The greatest composers failed to compose this task. Then there was a 26 year old soccer trainer from Russia, who realized the impossible: Leonid Yarosh (source: De man die de Babson Task wilde maken - Tim Krabbé)

Articles Revisiting Tim Krabbé and Babson - Chessbase Article The perfect Babson - Chessbase Article

Babson Task - Very Nice Academic Kids Article Explaining the different types of Babson problems and History. LiChess Study THE BABSON TASK - 6 Chapter Study w/ Leonid Yarosh Composition and Bachmann Composition Videos The impossible Babson Task - 17 Min Video A Chess Composition Masterpiece ♚ The Babson Task ♚ Leonid Yarosh, 1983 - 12 Min The Most MARVELOUS Position to Ever Grace the Chess Board - 14 Min

Monday, August 22, 2022

Chess Calculation, Sharpen Your Chess Vision

 Colorful AI generated Stained Glass window with a Chess Theme

Chess Calculation, Sharpen Your Chess Vision!

Elevate your chess game with potent resources to:

  • Master calculation: See multiple moves ahead and identify hidden opportunities.
  • Dominate the board: Make strategic decisions based on accurate calculation.
  • Unlock your potential: Become a more tactical and confident chess player.

Books (Free)

The Inner Game Of Chess How To Calculate And Win by Andrew Soltis - 362 Page PDF - This comprehensive book delves into the intricacies of calculation, helping you develop winning strategies.

Chess Calculation Articles - Deepen Your Understanding

Dive into these insightful articles and hone your calculation skills!

Tactics and Calculation Training - ChessWorld -A beginner-friendly introduction to calculation skills.

10 Ways to Improve Your Calculation Skills - WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos - Expert insights from top players.

Improving Calculation for Club Players  GM Alex Colovic

How To Calculate In Chess - Article - Straightforward guide with clear explanations.

5 Rules for Mastering Chess Calculation - FM Yuriy Krykun - Master the key principles for effective calculation.

How to Improve Calculation Skills in Chess Unlock hidden opportunities and dominate the board with these proven techniques. Nice Articles

Calculation for Beginners - Chess Improver Article (Nice Article )

How to Calculate in Chess: Complete Guide - article w/ 30 Min Embedded Video

Make Chess Calculation Simple and Easy - Article w/27 Min Embedded Video GM Damian Lemos - Accessible guide featuring video instruction by a Grandmaster.

4 Important Elements of an Effective Chess Calculation Technique - chessfox - Structured approach to refine your calculation skills.

Calculation LiChess Studies: Sharpen Your Calculation Skills!

Advanced: Calculation - 51 Chapter Study - pushes your boundaries and refines your skills.

Beginner: Foundation: Game Play - 24 Chapter Study - lays a solid foundation, with the final ten chapters focusing on identifying candidate moves.

Beginner: The Move Selection Process: - 3 Chapter Study -  The Move Selection Process" (3 chapters) provides a clear introduction to making strategic decisions.

No matter your skill level, Lichess offers the perfect study to elevate your calculation game!

Lichess Studies Explained: These interactive lessons allow you to explore chess concepts, test your skills, and improve your play through puzzles, analysis, and explanations.

Chess Calculation Videos: Master Calculation with These Videos!

Take your chess skills to the next level with these insightful videos on calculation!

How to Master Chess CALCULATION 💯 Best Techniques | Chess Improvement & Training - 28 minUnlock the secrets of chess masters! Learn powerful calculation techniques and training methods to dominate the board.

How To Calculate In Chess - 32 Min IM Levy RozmanThis comprehensive lesson by IM Levy Rozman (Gotham) equips beginners, intermediate, and advanced players with essential calculation skills.

Calculation, logical thinking and decision-making in chess - FM Alisa Melekhina - 73 Min FM Alisa Melekhina dives deep into the critical skills of calculation and decision-making, helping you navigate key strategic choices in your games.

Precise Chess Calculation Secrets 🕵️ with GM Bryan Smith! [Master Method] - 32 MinGM Bryan Smith unveils his method for calculating variations with clear end goals, using a detailed analysis from one of his games.

Chess Calculation Made Easy with GM Damian Lemos - 27 MinGet a taste of GM Damian Lemos' 3-hour course on calculation, where he teaches you to quickly find the best squares for your pieces.

The SuperGM Skill Set - Chess Calculation with GM Sam Shankland - 27 MinThis exclusive preview from GM Sam Shankland's course offers a unique training experience. Pause the video at critical moments and analyze positions like you would in a real game, then get valuable feedback from a 2700-rated player.

Powerful Chess Calculation 👊Techniques by GM Nadya Kosintseva!! [Master  Method] - 61 Min -Former Russian Champion GM Nadya Kosintseva shares her method for efficient calculation, enabling you to analyze positions quickly and accurately.
Training & Calculation Secrets to Achieve Tactical Mastery! - IM Lilov (Webinar Replay) - 66 MinIM Lilov reveals training secrets and calculation shortcuts to help you convert winning positions and avoid blunders. Learn powerful sacrifices and tactical patterns to elevate your game.

Grandmaster Tips - The Art of Deep Calculation -32 Min - GM Josh Friedel 
- determine when deeper calculation is necessary, how to make it more manageable, and how to know when you can safely end your line. Three training examples which allow you to test your skills. (New 5/29/24)

IM Alex Astaneh (3 Part Series):

Master calculation methods step-by-step! In this three-part series, IM Alex Astaneh introduces you to core calculation techniques, including Scanning Method, Checks, Captures & Threats Method, with exercise solutions and practice problems.

How to calculate the best Moves in Chess | Calculation Techniques | IM Alex Astaneh - 23 Min In this first video of the series, IM Alex Astaneh brings to you one of the most important topics in chess, which is the topic of calculation.
How to calculate the best Moves in Chess | Scanning Method - Exercise Solution | IM Alex Astaneh - 13 Min
-in this second video of the series on Calculation, IM Alex Astaneh is discussing with you the solutions of the exercises from the previous video. Based on two examples, you will learn how the Scanning Method is applied correctly.

Calculate the best Moves in Chess | Checks, Captures & Threats Method | IM Alex Astaneh - 22 Min In this third video of the series on calculation, IM Alex Astaneh is continuing the series with another interesting calculation technique, which is the checks, captures and threats method.

U.S. Chess School

Finding Difficult Moves in Calculation | U.S. Chess School w/ IM Kostya Kavutskiy | 4.17.23 - 49 min 

Calculation and Evaluation Guide | U.S. Chess School w/ GM Magesh Panchanathan 4.24.23 - 61 Min

Calculation & Evaluation Guide Pt 2 w/ GM Magesh Panchanathan - 65 Min

GM Magesh Panchanathan: Calculation Process | U.S. Chess School 11.4.2021 - 49 Min

GM Magesh Panchanathan: Calculation and Evaluation | U.S. Chess School 12.2.2021 - 42 Min

GM Yaro Zherebukh: ClassicAra Strategy and Calculation | U.S. Chess School 3.14.2022 - 53 Min

Chess Dojo (Calculation Videos)

Chess Dojo offers a wealth of resources to hone your calculation skills!

How To Calculate Lines & Knowing When to Stop | Dojo Lessons - 11 min IM Kavutskiy - Learn from IM Kostya Kavutskiy as he dissects a real game example, highlighting common struggles players face when calculating variations. Gain valuable insights on knowing when to stop calculating and make the best move.

Advanced Calculation Lesson | w/ Dortam - 1.5 Hr IM Kavutskiy - Dive deep into a 1.5-hour advanced calculation lesson with IM Kavutskiy. Three challenging exercises will push your boundaries and refine your ability to see multiple moves ahead.

Kostya's Blueprint: Calculation - 36 Min IM Koysta Kavutskiy -Embark on a comprehensive journey with IM Kostya Kavutskiy's new series on calculation. This 36-minute video explores the five key components of calculation: analytical skill, visualization, evaluation, wisdom, and time management. Develop a well-rounded approach to calculation and dominate the board!

IM Andras Toth Calculation Videos

Unlock your hidden calculation potential with insightful videos by IM Andras Toth!

A secret mental trick to calculation - The Amateur's Mind - 15 Min 

How to Get Better at Chess | Exploring Calculation Techniques | The Amateurs Mind #27 - 26 min

Perfect your calculation: Keep track of the little details! - 12 Min

How to use Studies to Enhance Calculation Skills | The Amateurs Mind #30 - 22 min
Mastering Calculation - A lesson with David (Fide 1873) - 64 Min

The Practical Side of Calculation - Inside My Head #42 - 27 Min

How to master Calculation? What difference can a coach make? - 25 Min - Explore the benefits of chess coaching and how it can accelerate your mastery of calculation.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Modern Defense (B06): Unleash a Flexible and Dynamic Opening for Black!


The Modern Defense 
 A Dynamic Chess Opening for Black

  • Flexible and strategic: Fight for the center without directly contesting it.
  • Active piece play: Fianchetto the dark-squared bishop for quick development.
  • Solid pawn structure: Build a strong foundation for dynamic play.
  • Effective against 1. e4 or 1. d4: Adaptable to White's opening moves.
  • This post is your launchpad to explore the Modern Defense! We've curated a collection of resources to help you understand its concepts, sharpen your skills, and elevate your chess game.

BOOKS (Free)

Short & Sweet: The Modern Defense - FREE Chessable Course -This concise course by CM Vjekoslav Nemec offers 22 trainable variations with 2 hours of free video MoveTrainer® instruction. It's the perfect starting point for players new to the Modern Defense.

Modern Defense Chess Articles 

Equip Yourself with Modern Defense Knowledge: Dive deep into the fascinating world of the Modern Defense with this curated selection of articles! We've gathered resources for players of all levels, from foundational concepts explored in comprehensive guides to strategic insights from renowned chess masters. 

The Ideas Behind the Modern Defence - ( Exeter Chess Club ) - This comprehensive article delves into the core strategic principles behind the Modern Defense, laying a strong foundation for your understanding.

5 Reasons to Play Modern Defense -  ( WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos ) - Discover the key benefits of wielding the Modern Defense in your chess arsenal, making it a compelling choice for Black players.

Strike Back Now With the Modern Defense - -
This extensive guide by serves as a one-stop shop for beginners. It offers a complete overview of the Modern Defense with embedded videos, making it an excellent starting point.

Modern Defense Chess Opening – Deep Dive with GM Damian Lemos - Take a deeper dive with Grandmaster Damian Lemos in this article. With video analysis included, this resource provides detailed exploration of the Modern Defense for intermediate players.

How to Win with the Pirc & Modern Defenses – GM Fabien Libiszewski - Learn winning strategies from Grandmaster Fabien Libiszewski! This article explores both the Pirc and Modern Defenses, offering valuable insights for Black players looking to expand their repertoire.

Modern Defense LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Modern Defense Chess Puzzles
Test your tactical vision and put your knowledge of the Modern Defense into practice with these engaging puzzles.

Chess puzzles from the Robatsch (ECO B06) - 9 Tactics Puzzles - Get started with a set of tactical problems focusing on the Robatsch (ECO B06) variation.

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Robatsch Defense -  69 Puzzles - Dive deeper into the Robatsch variation with a dedicated set of tactical challenges specifically tailored to this sub-opening.

Modern Defense - 13,749 Modern Puzzles -Deepen your understanding with a vast collection of Modern Defense puzzles categorized by variations, allowing you to focus on specific areas of your game.  (Broken into 13 Variations on Main Puzzle Page)

Games Databases

B06: Robatsch (modern) defence 1. e4 g6  -  54,000 Games   

B06 Sub-variants:

  • 1. e4 g6
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Nf6 3. e5 Nh5 4. g4 Ng7                    3 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7                                                 Main Line
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. f4                                        1979 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3                                     2951 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c6 4. f4 d5 5. e5 h5      1142 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6                                 Main Line
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. Nf3                          7793 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. Nf3 c6                  2844 Games
  • 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. f4                          7172 Games


  • Modern Defense Video Lessons

  • Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Modern Defense! - 23 Min - Chess Giant 

    Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Modern Defense with …a6!!!! - 28 Min - Chess Giant -
     In this video, we look over some of the most dangerous concepts in chess openings for black including the Modern Defense, Pirc Defense, Czech Pirc Defense, and Hippopotamus Defense. These openings may be slightly different, but have many similarities in terms of overall chess opening ideas, chess opening strategy, and chess opening principles.

    How To Win with the Pirc & Modern Defenses - GM Fabien Libiszewski - 29 Min -
    In this video, Grandmaster and opening theoretician Fabien Libiszewski explores the many tactical opportunities and strategic plans available to Black in the Pirc and Modern defenses. It is a free preview of his brand new 8-hour in-depth training designed to give you a lifetime repertoire for Black.

    Introduction to the Modern Defense - Gurgenidze Variation. 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c6. Learn how to play with Black pieces against e4 opening. Winning with the Modern Defense.

    TOP Opening TRAPS | 🔥🔥 | Hikaru Modern Defense 2021 - 5 Min
    Black's set-up: Gurgenidze variation g7-g6 ,Bg7 with c7-c6 and d7-d5- Modern Defence Hybrid between Modern Defense and Caro-Kann where you can set opening traps early on for White. Win quickly with Black following online chess superstar GM Hikaru Nakamura.

    Beat the London system | Burn it down with the modern defense! - 19 Min
    With all the talking and praising for the white side of the London System over the last years, it´s time to try to take it apart with black. And what better way to do it than simply using my favourite Modern Defense

    Beat the Jobava London with the Pirc/Modern Defense  - 17 Min
    Last time i showed how to beat the traditional London system with the modern defense, and since then i found out that white often tries to counter my idea by using the Jobava system in the london, so today i bring you an antidote against that as well

    The Modern Defense | Play the modern by Shirov with ...c6 - 30 Min
    Continuing with my favourite Modern defenses, here´s the one Shirov used to play regularly, making ...d6 and then the more unusual...c6, often with the idea of expanding the queen side pawns.

    The Modern Defense, Tartakower variation ( or the rat) - 30 Min -
    This opening was my bread and butter when i started playing chess, and it is now one that i still play and i do so with both colors. The interesting thing for me is to show you my whole story with it, playing it at first with black for more than 7 years, and after that resolving what to do against it with white. Enjoy!

  • Play Against The Modern Lessons

Master Class | Crushing The Modern Defense | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 23 Min

CRUSHING the Modern Defense | Caro-Kann, Gurgenidze System | GM Naroditsky’s Theory Speed Run - 60 Min 

Beginner To Master | Chess Speedrun | C3 Vs Modern (Saragossa) | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 22 Min

  • Modern defense Game Videos (w/Analysis)

  • Playlists

  • Pirc and Modern Defence  -  113 Video playlist  - kingscrusher - Famous and Instructive Games with detailed analysis

Modern Defense   - 13 Video Playlist  - Jozarovs Chess Channel - Famous and Engine Games w/ analysis

  • GM Moulthun Ly