Showing posts with label Chess Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Strategy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Evaluating a Chess Position - Chess Strategy


A classic painting depicting the Scales of Justice, with one pan replaced by a black and white chessboard. Black Bishop and White Knight face each other across the board, flanked by Kings and Pawns (one side), Kings and Rooks (other side). Symbolic representation of strategic balance in pursuit of justice.
"The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius

Beyond Material:
 Demystifying Chess Position Evaluation

Chess evaluation is the art of dissecting a chess position to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each player. It goes beyond simply counting pieces – it's about analyzing factors like pawn structure, piece mobility, king safety, and potential plans. By mastering evaluation, you'll gain the confidence to make informed decisions throughout the game, ultimately leading to stronger chess strategy and more wins.

This guide brings together a wealth of FREE resources to help you elevate your chess evaluation skills. We'll explore articles, interactive studies, puzzles, and video lessons created by experienced chess instructors, including Grandmasters (GMs) and International Masters (IMs). You'll learn:

  • The key factors that contribute to a strong position
  • How to systematically analyze a chessboard
  • Practical tips and techniques to improve your evaluation skills

Let's dive into the treasure trove of resources and unlock your potential as a chess player!

 Books & Courses (Free)

Chessable Courses

  • The Art of Analysis - ICCF Master - 55 Variations - Introduces you to his simple 8-step method for independent analysis. The same type of analysis you carry out when playing and reviewing your games.

Internet Archive


Chess Evaluation Articles

Evaluation LiChess Studies


Evaluation Video Lessons

Evaluating Positions & Creating Plans - IM Irina Krush - 2013.10.16 - 46 Min Presents an intermediate-level lecture at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis.

Evaluate 📝 Chess Positions Immediately! - IM Lilov [Free Training] - 55 MinLearn to understand what is happening in the chessboard. Knowing which pieces are active and which are passive and what the important weaknesses in the position are (to exploit and to defend) is the first and most important step in creating a winning plan.
Chess Strategy Mastery 🎓 How To Evaluate a Chess Position - GM Bryan Smith (The Chess World) - 47 Min - GM Bryan Smith analyzes a number of games in order to teach this crucial skill in chess strategy.
Get Better at Chess Evaluation And Chess Strategy with GM Damian Lemos! - 36 Min - Talks about the static and dynamic elements of a chess position.

The Amateur's Mind - The secrets of evaluating - 27 Min - IM Andreas Toth I am discussing a few positions and the evaluating techniques that help you to be able to better assess them!
The Amateur's Mind 18 - Decision making and assessment in chess - 52 min - IM Andreas TothA discussion about evaluation, preparation and analytical thinking in chess - with examples from both student games, as well as one of my own.

How to Evaluate Chess Positions? Ft. Magnus Carlsen - 13 Min - Remote Chess Academy GM Igor Smirnov will teach you how to evaluate any chess position easily within seconds with the example of the world champion Magnus Carlsen's games.

How To Evaluate ANY Chess Position - 23 Min - Gotham Chess A chess lesson for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. A good strategy to evaluate a chess position in 4 easy steps! Video below

NM Dan Heisman

  • Chess Evaluation Criteria - Who is better, how much & why? - 30 min - NM Dan Heisman - Ddefines evaluation and discusses position vs piece evaluation, static vs dynamic evaluation. It gives the 4 aspects of static position evaluation (material, king safety, piece activity, and pawn structure) and shows 3 examples of evaluating a position.
  • Find Better Chess Moves - Evaluate Like a GM  - 33 min 3 positions from the new book "Evaluate Like a Grandmaster" by GM Perelshteyn and FM Solon & discusses how to analyze the position & takes a stab at evaluation.
  • Improve Chess Evaluation: Not All Bads are Equally Bad - 29 Min - NM Dan Heisman tries to clear up some of these common misconceptions with multiple examples.
  • Evaluating Chess Pieces: Activity and Mobility - 29 Min Defines activity and mobility and breaks mobility down into actual and potential mobility. Then, with the help of several instructive examlpes, he shows how to achieve/measure mobility, and how to differentiate mobility (objective) from activity (subjective).
  • Award Winning Chess Video: The Ways to Make Better Moves - 24 MinTo become a better player you have to make better moves. That means either knowing them (more knowledge about openings, plans, principles etc) or find them (analysis, evaluation) by comparing multiple candidate moves better.

IM Alex Asteneh

IM Alex Astaneh will teach you a method that helps you to evaluate every position by use of a method. You will learn the different factors of the evaluation method and learn how to apply it to any chess position.


Futuristic H.H.Geiger Inspired Chess pieces of Alien design




Friday, February 10, 2023

Italian Game, Rousseau Gambit C50 Opening Theory

 Rousseau Gambit Resources

Wikipedia Page
The Rousseau Gambit (or Ponziani Countergambit)
is a chess opening that begins with the moves:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 f5
White has three main choices in the Rousseau Gambit:
1. Defend the e4 pawn with d3 and trust the extra tempo will make itself felt.
(With This move Black can Transpose into the Lucchini Gambit)
2. Accept the gambit with 4.exf5.
3. Strike back in the center with 4.d4.

Rousseau Gambit Chess Articles

Rousseau Gambit in the Italian Game - Guide w/ Embedded video by GM Igor Smirnov
Rousseau Gambit: Where Italian Game and King’s Gambit Meet - Chessable Blog Opening Guide
Lucchini Gambit: A Little Known Chess Opening - Chessable Blog Opening Guide

Rousseau Gambit LiChess Studies

Rousseau Gambit - 12 Chapter Study (at Top)
Rousseau Gambit - 11 Chapter interactive Study (80 hearts)
Rousseau Gambit vs. Italian - 25 Chapter Interactive Study
Super Cool Rousseau Gambit Traps! - 5 Chapter Study
Rousseau Gambit in the Italian Game - 5 Chapter Study (Just 5 games Played By Guys 2000+)

Lucchini gambit - 4 Chapter Study (1100 hearts)

Game Databases

Italian Gambits (C50-C55 actually) - 2 Games in this collection

C50: Rousseau gambit 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 f5 - 104 games

Rousseau Gambit Video Lessons

Learn This INSANE NEW Gambit!! - 26 min - Gotham Chess
The Rousseau Gambit | Risky Opening Choice for Black in the Italian Game | IM Alex Astaneh - 10 Min
The MOST AGGRESSIVE Gambit Ever? - 34 min - Johnathan Schrantz
The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 - Every Move is a Trap! -19 min GM Igor Smirnov
The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 | TRAPPIEST Gambit for Black - 14 Min GM Igor Smirnov

Lucchini Gambit

(If White Plays Rousseau Gambit Declined. and on move 4.d3 black can transpose to this Gambit)
Lucchini Gambit - Every Move is a Trap - 16 min - TheChesswebsite
Lucchini Gambit - Accepted Variation - 13 min -TheChesswebsite
Top 10 Traps in the Lucchini Gambit | Chess Opening Tricks, Moves, Strategy & Tactics - 9 Min

Rousseau Gambit Chess Traps

Italian - Rousseau Gambit - Equal but in Chains (trap no. 58) - 4Min

Rousseau gambit Game Videos (W/Analysis)

Facing the Rousseau Gambit (3...f5?!) | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. artur74blef - (1376) - 35 Min IM John Bartholomew
Morphy vs the Rousseau Gambit | Learn Giuoco Piano Ep.1 - 10 Min
Discovering a New Opening Trap | Lucchini Gambit - 4 Min - Im Eric Rosen
Lucchini Gambit || Stockfish 8 vs Stockfish 14 - 8 Min

Silver Chess Pieces On a Chess board, Knight, bishop and pawns

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Chess Strategy


Unlocking the Carlsbad Pawn Structure: A Comprehensive Resource Hub

Discover an extensive collection of resources dedicated to the Carlsbad pawn structure.

articles and video lessons to annotated games and studies, delve into the nuances of this strategic framework and elevate your understanding of chess strategy.

Carlsbad Chess Articles

The Carlsbad Structure – Complete Lesson - The Chess World

Carlsbad Pawn Structure - Article Telling What it is.

Mastering Mini-games - FM Nate Solon - Article on Why The Minority Attack is not The Most Important Thing to Learn with the Carlsbad

The Minority Attack in Action - iChess Article
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Minority attack? - Long Exeter Chess Club Article

Pawn Structure 101 - Part 2: The Minority Attack - Chess Kid Video 

LiChess Studies

Carlsbad Structure - 5 Chapter Study (Info and Annotated games)
Minority Attack - 7 Chapter Study
Carlsbad `pawn Structure ' - 16 Chapter Study (Top of Page)

Games Databases

Pawn Structures - 246 Games - 16 Carlsbad games (Incredible Collection with many Pawn Structures)

Middlegame Strategy - 177 games (With the Carlsbad Structure)

D17: Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Carlsbad variation - 1344 games

Carlsbad Video Lessons

Advanced - 6.Unit: Carlsbad Structure - 6 Video Playlist - GM Alex Lenderman
Carlsbad Structure 17 Video playlist- GM Sune berg Hansen

Master the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - The Full Course with GM Sune Berg Hansen - 3 Hrs

GM Neiksans Boot Camp #32 - Carlsbad Structure - 2 Hr

Lesson on the Carlsbad Pawn Structure - 8 Min - NM Bryan Tillis

Top Ten Middlegame Ideas #4: Minority Attack - The Carlsbad structure - 35 Min - Jim's Chess Channel

Carlsbad pawn structure / Chess strategy explained - 12 Min - Bad Bishop Channel

St.Louis Chess Club

Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange | Carlsbad Structure - Chess Openings Explained - 39 Min
Minority Attack! | Pawn Structure - GM Yasser Seirawan - 32 Min St.Louis Chess Club
Minority Attacks in the Carlsbad Structure | Road to 2000 - 64 Min
Heavy Piece Carlsbad Endgames | Insane in the Endgame - GM Denes Boros - 55 Min

Chess Dojo

Why the Minority Attack is for Commoners w/ Kaspar/SuperBaguette33 | Dojo Lessons - 24 min
Two Games in the Carlsbad Structure | GM Kraai's Game Review #19 - 16 Min
Kaspar's Karlsbad | Dojo Lessons - 23 Min
IM Kassa Korley: Dissecting the Carlsbad | USCS Class 11.10.20 - 90 Min
IM Kassa Korley: Revisiting the Carlsbad | US Chess School 4.07.2021 - 56 Min

Carlsbad Game Video Lessons

What Is The Carlsbad?? | Queens Gambit Declined | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 37 Min
AlphaZero g-pawn attack against the Queen's Gambit Carlsbad structure - Opening Strategies #7 - 14 Min
Blitz Chess #4592 vs Johnhendra QGD Exchange Carlsbad White - 11 Min IM Christof Sielecki
Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So / Caro-Kann: Exchange variation / Carlsbad structure - 12 Min
A masterpiece chess miniature! || Caro-Kann: Two knights attack (Carlsbad structure) - 15 Min

Monday, January 23, 2023

Chess Fortress Guide - Save Your Endgame

King Feeling Trapped? 

Secrets of Chess Fortresses. 

Feeling the pressure in the endgame with your king under attack? Don't resign just yet! Chess offers a remarkable defensive strategy called a fortress that can turn a losing position into a well-deserved draw.

A fortress is a strategically crafted defensive position in the endgame where your king is virtually impregnable. By cleverly utilizing the remaining pieces and pawns on the board, you can create a safe haven for your king, making it impossible for your opponent to deliver checkmate.

Here's what makes a chess fortress so powerful:

  • Impenetrable Defense: The fortress utilizes your remaining pieces and pawns to create a zone around your king that your opponent simply cannot penetrate.
  • Draw Potential: By securing your king and creating a stalemate situation, you force a draw even if you have less material than your opponent.
  • Strategic Maneuvering: Building and maintaining a fortress requires precise piece placement and calculated moves to maximize its effectiveness.

Get ready to transform from an endgame underdog into a fortress-building champion!

Well take a look at the various resources available to help you master the art of fortresses.

First, you can learn more about fortresses by checking out the Wikipedia page dedicated to the topic. This page contains a wide variety of positions and is a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about fortresses.

Wikipedia Chess Fortress Page

Chess Fortress Articles

Here, you'll find a curated selection of articles to help you understand and master the art of Chess Fortresses:

The Basics:

  • Chess Fortress – 7 Must-Know Positions  -  FM Yuriy Krykun  What is it, how to build one, and how can this knowledge help from the practical point of view? 7 Must Know Endgame Positions.

  • Fortress - Definition page w/ examples

Building Your Arsenal:

  • Fortress - FM Michel Coto - Some of the Most important Fortresses you should Know.

  • How To Build A Chess Fortress - GM Gregory Serper - Building a fortress can save a seemingly lost position. Therefore any tournament player should know these typical positions where a huge material advantage is not enough to win the game!

Beyond the Basics:
  • Was Magnus Carlsen Wrong About Chess Fortresses? - GM Gregory Serper - What he probably meant is that even though fortresses do exist in chess, the majority of the positions that look like a fortress can be penetrated. Several Examples

  • How To Break Fortresses - GM Daniel Naroditsky - Examine three crucial fortress-breaking methods that will often enable you to overcome even the stoutest resistance.

LiChess Fortress Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • Fortresses in Pawn Endgames: - 37 Chapter Interactive Study - From simple Fortresses to Detailed Studys w/ Interactive Puzzles at the end. (Very Detailed and in-depth study)

  • Fortresses  -  16 Chapter Study -  Different types w/ puzzles at the End.

  • The great Fortresses  - 14 Chapter Study - All the Basic Fortresses you should Know.

  • Fortresses  - 9 Chapter Study - Explore fortresses built around bishops and pawn walls, along with real-game examples to see these strategies in action.

  • 10 Elementary Fortresses  - 12 Chapter Study - This study provides a solid starting point for beginners, focusing on fundamental fortress principles.

  • Endings: Fortress  - 4 Chapter Study

Chess Fortress Video Lessons

The Fortress | Endings for Tournament Players - GM Varuzhan Akobian  - 45 Min -This comprehensive lecture by GM Akobian lays the groundwork, explaining the concept of fortresses and demonstrating various positions where material disadvantage can be overcome with a well-constructed fortress.

You Can't Penetrate the Fortress! Draw! | Endgame Exclam!! - GM Varuzhan Akobian 46 Min - Identifies positions where a player is down material, but can manage a draw with the fortress technique. See how the stronger side can't force the King out of the corner structure.

Don't Let Her In! Queen vs. Fortress | Insane in the Endgame - GM Alex Shabalov - 56 Min - A chess endgame class focusing on fortresses to defend against queen attacks.

GM Johan Hellsten: Fortresses | U.S. Chess School 4.20.2021  - 64 Min Deepen your understanding with this focused lecture by GM Hellsten, featuring a detailed discussion of 14 essential fortress examples.

5 Chess Fortresses You Must Know | Chess Ending | ChessMaster2000  - 16 Min - 
Gain valuable insights from this video as it unveils five crucial fortress formations you should be familiar with.

How to build a Fortress in Chess | Must-Know defensive Method for the Endgame - 17 Min  IM Ostrovskiy
Main method of making a draw in the opposite colored Bishop endgame, the so called “Fortress”.

How to build a chess fortress | must-know defensive patterns - 10 Min NM 

FM Chris Wallis Lecture: End Game Fortresses  - 67 Min 

Building a Fortress | Forts in Chess | ChessKid - 10 Min
Explains the important concept of fortresses on the chessboard: what they are, how to set them up, and why you would want to use them. 
 (New - 6/1/24) Beginner

Hamersmith Chess Club

Endgame Studies

Fortress Game Videos w/ Analysis

Endgame Fortress Brilliancy: Grandmaster Paul Benko vs International Master Bonin  - 3 Min

Chess Fortress: Hans Ree vs Vlastimil Hort 1986 Never give up!!!  - 3 Min

Fortress to Believe in! || Nakamura vs Carlsen  - 15 min

Endgame Fortress Brilliancy : Grandmaster Grigory Serper vs GM Hikaru Nakamura - 6 Min

Tigran's Fortress | Fischer vs Petrosian | (1971) | Game 5  - 12 Min

"I don't believe in fortresses." - Magnus Carlsen

Friday, December 23, 2022

Mastering the Benoni Defense: Ultimate Chess Resources Guide

Benoni Defense
 Crush White's d4 Dreams with Razor-Sharp Counterplay

The Benoni Defense is a bold and dynamic chess opening for Black, characterized by the moves:

  • 1. d4 Nf6
  • 2. c4 c5
  • 3. d5 e6

Named after Hungarian chess player Gyula Benoni, this opening offers Black sharp counterplay and leads to complex, unbalanced positions. Here's what you need to know:

  • Strategic Aims: Black challenges White's center early, aiming for queenside counterplay and potential kingside attacks.
  • Pawn Structure: The characteristic c5 pawn thrust creates tension in the center, often leading to a closed center with opposing pawn chains.
  • Piece Activity: Black often develops the light-squared bishop to g7 (fianchetto), applying pressure on the long diagonal.
  • Tactical Opportunities: The unbalanced nature of the position frequently leads to sharp tactical play and sacrificial attacks.
  • Variations: The Benoni family includes the Modern Benoni, Czech Benoni, and the aggressive Benko Gambit, each with its own strategic nuances.

While considered slightly risky for Black, the Benoni Defense rewards precise play with dynamic counterattacking chances. It's favored by players who enjoy tactical, high-stakes chess and are willing to navigate complex middlegame positions.

 Bishops Bounty Benko Gambit page

Bishops Bounty Czech Benoni Page 

Books & Courses (Free)

Chessable Course (Free)

  • Short & Sweet: Modern Benoni  -  Opening course by GM Mircea Parligras - with 29 Trainable Variations and 72 Min of Video - A weapon to give White a run for his money against 1.d4

  • Short & Sweet: Alonso's Modern Benoni - GM Alvar Alonzo Rosell - 10 Variations w/ 39 Min of Video. 10 lines of the purest Modern Benoni repertoire to sample. You'll also get Alonso's unique descriptive move-by-move annotations.

Internet Archive

Benoni Chess Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Benoni Defense.


Benoni LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.



Analyze real-life games featuring the Benoni Defense and see how it's played in practice.

Benoni Chess PUZZLES

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Benoni. 

LiChess Openings Puzzles



  • Benoni Defense Opening Theory   -  6 Part Playlist   -  4+ Hrs   Hanging Pawns
  • Czech Benoni  -  13 Video Playlist  (Short Videos to the point of Diff Lines and Middle-game Plans) - NM Bryan Tillis

The Benoni: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold  - 50 min - GM Ben Finegold (New 2024)
Mostly covering the Modern Benoni

Understanding Your Openings | The Benoni Defence - 24 Min IM Andreas TothA mini lecture about the importance of pattern recognition in the opening/early middlegame in the Benoni structure!

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Benoni Defense! - 15 Min  Chess Giant - Lesson on the Modern Benoni, which is the most popular variation at the Grandmaster level.
Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Old Benoni Defense - 11 Min  Chess Giant - The Old Benoni Defense is one of the best responses to d4 and in this video we cover the chess strategy, chess moves, chess ideas, chess principles, chess theory, chess traps, chess tricks, and a chess lesson.

NM Spencer Finegold

Benoni Chess Traps


Chess 24 Lessons

St.Louis Chess Club

Jonathan Schrantz presents three Modern Benoni lectures.

Game Videos w/ Analysis


FM Dennis Monokroussos - Tactics in the Benoni  - 37 Min
Benoni is Back! | Xiong VS Caruana | US Championship 2018. - 10 Min
Boris Spassky vs Bobby Fischer - 1972 World Championship - Game 3 - Benoni - 9 Min
Mikhail Tal's sharpest Modern Benoni games - vs Averbakh - 20 Min
Mikhail Tal's most emphatic and crushing Modern Benoni games: Black vs Gurgenidze : USSR 1957 - 15 Min
Ponomariov vs Donchenko | Benoni Masterclass by Alexander Donchenko - 17 Min
Analyzing Benoni Games with Eric Rosen - 60 Min
Modern Benoni many years ahead of its time! || Alekhine vs Capablanca - 13 Min
Sacrifice in the Benoni | Journey to GM #14 - 13 Min  GM Molton

Oil painted Image of Chess pieces in bright Colors, Abstract

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mastering Corresponding Squares - Dominate King & Pawn Endgames (Free Resources)


Unleash the Endgame Advantage:
 Mastering Corresponding Squares in Chess

Struggling to convert winning pawn endgames?
 Corresponding squares are your secret weapon! This guide unlocks everything you need to master this powerful endgame concept, transforming you from a passive defender to a ruthless endgame king.

What are corresponding squares?
 Imagine two squares on the chessboard with a magical connection. When your king occupies one, your opponent's king is forced to occupy the other! This strategic dance creates winning opportunities you won't want to miss.

Wikipedia Page

Bishop's Bounty - King & Pawn Endgame Page

BOOKS (Free) - Mastering Endgames

Unlock the secrets of pawn endings and explore crucial endgame concepts with these comprehensive and insightful free books.

Internet Archive
Your gateway to a vast digital library, offering free access to millions of books, movies, music, websites, and more.
Secrets Of Pawn Endings by Karsten Muller, Frank Lamprecht  - 288 page PDFThis book delves into the intricacies of pawn endgames, exploring various pawn structures, theoretical positions, and winning techniques.
Comprehensive Chess Endings - Volume 4: Pawn Endings - by Yuri Averbakh, Nikolai Kopayev - 328 Page PDF -
As part of the "Comprehensive Chess Endings" series, this volume focuses specifically on pawn endings. In-depth analysis of pawn-related endgames, including theoretical positions and strategic considerations.  (Chapter 10 Theory of Corresponding Square System)

Endgame Magic - by John Beasley; Timothy Whitworth -196 Page PDFThis book explores various endgame themes and techniques.  (Chapter 13 Corresponding Squares)

Dvoretsky S Endgame Manual 3rd Edition - 408 Page PDF this manual is considered one of the most authoritative works on endgames. (Chapter 1 Corresponding Squares)

Corresponding Squares Chess Articles - Unlock Endgame Secrets

Master the art of endgame maneuvering:

Corresponding Squares - Simplify Chess Article (Step by Step Guide)

Endgame Strategy: Corresponding Squares - Nice Article from Charlotte Chess Center w/ exercises - Delve into the intricacies of endgame strategy with a focus on corresponding squares, a crucial concept often determining victory or draw in king and pawn endgames, explained through practical examples and insightful analysis.

Theory of corresponding squares - Chessbase Article
This article explores the concept of corresponding squares, essential in endgame theory, shedding light on its application and significance through illustrative examples and practical analysis Lasker and Reichhelm. The Ultimate Example of corresponding squares! - Blog Post of Example in a game.

Learn the magic of conjugate squares in endgames - Nice Article and Explanation (In Spanish) Google translate is your friend .

Corresponding Squares LiChess Studies

Sharpen Your Endgame Technique

Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - 9 Chapter Study - Master corresponding squares with this structured study based on the Chapter in Dvoretsky manual.

King & Pawn Warfare 3/20 - 10 Chapter Study - Sharpen your king and pawn endgame skills with targeted practice on corresponding squares.

Corresponding Squares and Triangulation - 17 Chapter Study

Corresponding Squares Video Lessons

Master endgame strategies with insightful video lessons on corresponding squares by top chess experts.

Corresponding Squares | National Master's Choice - NM Caleb Denby - 64 Min - teaches the concept of corresponding squares. Understanding the analogous spaces to each square is important while navigating the endgame.

The Beautiful Geometry of Corresponding Squares | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 58 Min
follows up to his class on "Corresponding Squares" with a session on the different systems to determine corresponding squares. Don't be afraid to watch this advanced class twice.

Corresponding Squares 3 | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 58 Min -
National Master Caleb Denby caps off a trilogy of advanced classes on corresponding squares.

Private Coaching with FM Alessandro Manzone #19: Key Squares and Corresponding Squares - 1.5 hr In this lesson, we go over some basic chess endgame principals, since I've been butchering a lot of endgames lately. Specifically, we cover opposition, key squares, and corresponding squares.

Study Chess with me - Mastering Mined Squares (endgame strategy) - 18 Min
in this video, we move to the section on mined squares, and important theme of pawn endgames, with some instructive examples and a fantastic trap at the end..

Pawn endings - Corresponding squares -5 - 18 Min
Very important and interesting thing in practical pawn endgames. You will enjoy corresponding squares from the example taken out from Dvoretsky endgame manual.

GM Oliksiyenko Videos