Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Stonewall Attack - Opening Theory

Conquer the Center:
Master the Stonewall Attack !

Want to dominate the center of the board and launch crushing attacks? The Stonewall Attack, a dynamic opening for White after 1.d4, is your answer! This opening helps you build a rock-solid pawn structure, giving you a strong foundation to control the game. Here's what makes it so powerful:

  • Quick Development: Get your pieces out fast and put pressure on your opponent.
  • Central Control: Dominate the center, making it difficult for Black to find good squares.
  • Space Advantage: Gain more space on the board, making it easier to maneuver your pieces.
  • King Safety: The pawn structure provides excellent protection for your king.
  • Simplified Structure: Focus on coordinating your pieces with a clear pawn plan.
  • Pressure on Black: Constrict your opponent's options and force them to react to your threats.
  • Kingside Power: Create opportunities for powerful pawn storms that put Black's king in danger.

Dive into the resources below and unlock the secrets of the Stonewall Attack!

 Stonewall Attack Chess Articles 

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Stonewall Attack.

The Kenilworth Chess Club

  • The Stonewall Attack - This lecture by National Master Yaacov Norowitz explores the Stonewall Attack, a powerful chess opening for White. He covers key concepts, variations, and illustrative games, making it a valuable resource for players looking to master this strategy. (Archived)
  • Yaacov's ICC Games with the Stonewall - 36 games you can play through with a Viewer (Archived)
  • Supplemental Stonewall Games. - 4 classic Stonewall Games (Archived)

The Battering Ram - article by GM Vinay Bhat - on one of the main ways to combat the Stonewall Attack.

Stonewall Attack: A Sure and Steady Opening - Chessable Blog Opening Guide -
general Overview of the Opening and plans w/ 8 Min Embedded Video.

Stonewall Attack LiChess Studies 

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

  • Stonewall Attack  - 10 Chapter Interactive Study  (1395 hearts) Lean with a fully Interactive Study, Main Lines, main Defenses and Model games.

  • Stonewall Strategies  - 12 Chapter Study (49 hearts) - Goes through Full games showing the Different Strategy's Play out and explanations.

  • Stonewall Attack (Black) - 4 Chapter Study - Show 4 Different ways to play against the Stonewall.

LiStudy  (LiChess Move Trainer Site )

Stonewall Strategy's  - 11 Chapters to Learn and Practice

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.


Analyze real-life games featuring the Stonewall Attack and see how it's played in practice.

D00: Queen's pawn, stonewall attack 1. d4 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. Bd3  - 2136 Games

Queen Pawn Game, Stonewall Attack (D00) - 2271 Games

Stonewall attack - 8 games 
f-ck stonewall attack  - 5 games (all are 0-1 Black Victory)
Stonewall Opening - 434 games

Stonewall Attack Video Lessons


EASY & Powerful Chess Opening for Beginners 2024 -  12 Min - GM Igor Smirnov -
Shares one of the easiest chess openings to learn for beginners. At the same time, it's a powerful chess opening for White after 1.d4.

Stonewall Attack - Beginner Breakdown - 36 Min - St.Louis Chess Club
Mike Kummer looks at scholastic player Grayson Marks's games. Grayson has been playing the Stonewall Attack with white.

Opening Basics #35: Stonewall attack - 36 Min - Jim's Chess Channel Rarely seen at the top level, this aggressive opening is still played at the club level. It gives white a quick attack in exchange for some structural deficiencies, and leads to interesting play.

The Best Stonewall Lesson to Easily Understand - 14 Min The main ideas behind the Stonewall Attack, for White.

Learn the Stonewall Defense & Attack | 10-Minute Chess Openings - 9 Min -Gotham

Chess Beginner to Master Series - Section 2 - Stonewall Attack Opening for White - 70 min - Chess w/ Coach mark
We will discuss the pawn structures, early development, attacking ideas, and how to handle black's response to this opening.

IChess Stonewall Attack Series

Stonewall Legacy Series 

Introduction - 6 min Video
Baltic Defense - 10 min Video
The Baltic Trap 4...Nc6! -5 min Video
Horowitz Defense - 10 min Video
Teichmann Defense - 11 min Video
Mainline with 5....Bd6 -11 min Video
Mainline with 6....Qc7 - 7 min Video
Bg4 Lines - 10 min Video

Beating the Stonewall 

Study the key ideas, typical plans, and critical lines for punishing the Stonewall and seizing the initiative.

Stonewall Game Videos (w/Analysis)

Stonewall Chess Opening -  16 Video playlist  - kingscrusher
Stonewall Attack Speedrun (600 to 2300) -  9 Video playlist  - NM Robert Ramirez (Over 18 hrs of Video) (New - 6/11/2024)

Standard Chess #260: aaaaaaa101 vs. IM Bartholomew (Stonewall Attack) - 66 Min
The Stonewall Attack To Learn From | Harry Nelson Pillsbury vs Jean  - 5 Min  - Chess School
Crushing With The Stonewall Attack | Akiba Rubinstein vs Richard Reti - 5 Min - Chess School
Stonewall Brilliancy | Henry Edward Bird vs John Wisker  - 6 Min - Chess School
I Almost Lost To The Stonewall! | Speed Run Series | GM Moulthun Ly
 - 24 min - GM Moulthun ly

Shutting DOWN The Stonewall Attack | The Sensei Speedrun | GM Naroditsky  - 28 min - analyzes a chess game where he explains his mistakes and better alternatives, focusing on the Stonewall Attack and the King's Indian defense.

PGN Game Downloads

Stonewall Attack - 60 games (From U of Pitt Chess Archive)

A Stonewall built of white chess pieces in a vibrant Pop Art style, symbolizing the strength and solidity of the Stonewall Attack chess opening.
"The cautious seldom err." - Confucius

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doubled Pawns


Doubled Pawns:
A Chess Strategy Guide with Resources

Doubled pawns can be a double-edged sword in chess. While they might seem like a weakness, they can also create unique opportunities for both offense and defense. This post will guide you through the world of doubled pawns, providing resources to understand their impact on the game and how to use them to your advantage.

What are Doubled Pawns?

Doubled pawns occur when two pawns of the same color occupy the same file (vertical column) on the chessboard. This can happen due to various openings, captures, or pawn promotions. 

Understanding the Impact of Doubled Pawns:

Doubled pawns can have both positive and negative consequences:

  • Disadvantages:
    • Weaker squares: The file in front of the doubled pawns becomes weaker, as there's no pawn to defend it.
    • Limited mobility: Doubled pawns can restrict your pawn structure and limit your piece movement.
    • Endgame weakness: Doubled pawns are generally considered a weakness in the endgame, as they can be difficult to defend.
  • Advantages:
    • Central control: Doubled pawns can help solidify control over the center of the board, creating a strong base for your pieces.
    • Open files: Doubled pawns can create open files for your rooks, potentially increasing their attacking power.
    • King safety: In some cases, doubled pawns can provide additional protection for your king.

Learning More About Doubled Pawns:

Here are some resources to delve deeper into the world of doubled pawns and how to use them strategically:

Doubled Pawn Wikipedia Article 

Doubled Pawn Articles Article by GM Gserper

Doubled Pawns: Chess Pariahs Or Misunderstood? - IM Jeremy Silman - 4 Rules with examples and explanations of how to handle Doubled Pawns.

Doubled Pawns Structure – 3 Things to Know  -  WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos - Middlegame Doubled Pawn Structure

(Archived Articles - takes a min to Load)

Doubled Pawns LiChess Studies

[CHESS STRATEGY] Doubled Pawns  - 14 Chapter Study 

Intermediate: Doubled Pawns
 - 7 Chapter Study - Nice study with a lot of analysis and explanations.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Collections

Doubled pawns - 17 Games (Each Game labeled as Bad or Good w/ Doubled Pawns)

 Doubled Pawn Video Lessons

Learn from the Chess Masters: Doubled Pawns Strategies

Doubled pawns | Improve your technique and positional play - 14 Min NM Robert Ramirezyou will learn what doubled pawns are, when they represent a weakness, and also what benefits they can offer.

The Advantages of Doubled Pawns -54 Min IM Eric Rosenshows 4 games where doubled pawns led to a winning advantage.

Pawn Structures: Double, TRIPLE the Pawns! | Secret Life of Pawns - IM Vitaly Neimer  - 44 Minshows two games where pawns were doubled and even tripled. Learn to avoid weakening your structures.

Doubled Pawns | Double King-Pawn Openings - 43 Min GM Ben Finegolda lecture on doubled pawns at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis

What to do with Doubled Pawns in the Center? - 18 Min  - GM Ivan Sokolov will take a look at the advantages of doubled pawns in the center. Exploiting Doubled Pawns around an opponents King - 11 min - Kingscrusher

Matisons vs Nimzovich - 6 min Video 
(Who better than Nimzovich to show how to play against doubled pawns)

Explaining Doubled Pawns Step by Step - 13 Min  GM Hikaru Nakamura - Hikaru walks us through a game against a 600 and shows us when doubling your pawns can be a good thing.

An Image of a chess board with doubled pawns drawn with Crayon
"The tiniest pawn can upset the most perfectly laid plans." - Bobby Fischer 

Bonus: Dive Deeper into Pawn Structures.

Learn more about the impact of pawn placement on your chess strategy. Bishop's Bounty Pawn Structure Page

Friday, November 28, 2008

Rook and Pawn Endgames - (Endgame Theory)


Rook and Pawn Endgame Resources

Since the most common Endgames are Rook and Pawn here are the links I have found to help one learn them.

Tarrasch Rule Wikipedia page - explaining the "rule" that rooks should be placed behind passed pawns with reasons, illustrations and exceptions.

Books (Free)

Comprehensive Chess Endings - Volume 5: Rook Endings - 333 Pages PDF/Kindle

Basic Endgames - FREE Chessable Course  - Nice Section on Rook Endgames Here.

Rook & Pawn Endgame ARTICLES

Endgames That need to be Mastered- 23 famous Chessgames (King and Pawn and Rook and Pawn endgames.)
Theoretical Rook Endgames - All you Need to Know U2000 Level  - GM Gabuzyan (Very Nice LiChess Blog Article w/ Linked LiChess Studies of Theoretical Endgames) 

Rook vs Pawn Endgames: 8 Must-Know Concepts - GM Gabuzyan  Lichess Blog

Rook and Pawn Endgame Video Lessons

Rook Endgames - 6 Video Playlist -  80 Min - GM Sune Berg Hansen

 a) Fundamental Rook Endgames

        Rook Endgames Crash Course - Rook & Pawn Endings - 24 Min NM Lopez
        Top Four Instructive Rook Endgames Everyone Should Know - 30 Min IM Kavutskiy
         GM Sam Shankland: Rook Endgames | U.S. Chess School 05.09.2022 - 49 Min
    (GM Alex Ipatov   Rook Endgame Lessons)

         Learn the Philidor Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames - 8 Min 
         Learn the Lucena Position | Fundamental Rook Endgames - 5 Min
         The Long Side/Short Side Principle in Rook Endgames - 12 Min 
         Don't miss this important Rook Endgame Technique - 7 Min 
         How the Skewer can decide your Rook Endgame - 8 Min 
         Know your Rook Endgame Technique | Basic Rook Endings - 9 Min 
         Improve your Endgame Play with this instructive Mastergame - 9 Min 
         How to play the Rook Endgame with Doubled Pawns - 9 Min 
         Forcing your Opponent to a draw with the Vancura Position 7 Min 
         Remember the Cheron Position in Rook and Pawn Endgames 10 Min 
         Important Cheron Positions in Rook and Pawn Endgames | - 13 Min
         Attack both Flanks at the same Time! | Important Rook Endgame Principles - 11 Min
         Activate your King to win the Endgame - 4 Min
         Bring your Rook behind the passed Pawn - 7 Min

         How to win 90% of rook and pawn endgames - 12 Min -Robert Plunketts lab
         How to go active with your rook in rook and pawn endgames - 10 Min - Robert Plunketts lab
          When to put your rook behind passed pawns - 10 Min - Robert Plunketts lab

Rook and Pawn Endgames with GM Ben Finegold - 55 Min - St.Louis CC

Theoretical Rook Endings: Understanding 'Long Side' vs 'Short Side' - 10 Min - Im Andras Toth

 b) Other Rook Endgames

         Capablanca’s Endgame Rule | Chess  Endings - 22 Min NM Ramirez
         Rooks: Don't be a Tempo Behind  - 58 Min GM Moridiabadi
         Akiba Rubinstein's Rook Endgames | Insane in the Endgame - 65 Min GM Dariusz
         Rook Endgames - GM Josh Friedel 48 Min
         Rook & Passed Pawn Endgames - 24 Min

Level Up Your Chess #5: Rook Endgames with GM Arturs Neiksans - 71 Min

Important Rook Endgames that No One Understands | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 57 min - St.Louis CC
More Important Rook Endgames that No One Understands | Endgame Class - NM Caleb Denby - 56 Min - St.Louis CC 

Endgames: Rook themes - 63 Min 

Endgame Study: Saavedra Position - 4 min Video
Endgame Study: Philidor Position - 8 min Video

Checking Distance in Rook Endings - 11 min Video
2nd Rank Stalemate Trap in Rook Endings - 10 min Video

Gregoriev's Combined Method - 11 Min Video (This method is applicable for c,d,e,f pawns that have not yet reached the 5th rank, where the defender's king is cut off at least 2 files and the defender's rook is defending via frontal attack. )

The Five Minute Rook Endgame Test - 12 Min  (His 5 Min at end explanations are worth the watch alone)

Understanding Rook Endgames 1) Piece Activity - 10 Min Video
Understanding Rook Endgames 2) Creating Weakness - 6 Min Video