Monday, December 30, 2024

Zwischenzug (Intermezzo): The Surprise Weapon in Your Chess Arsenal

A brightly lit library with towering bookshelves. Three open books lie on a table: a cunning fox leaping for a crow (Zwischenzug), a butterfly flitting amongst flowers (Intermezzo), and a classic chess knight (In-between Move).
"When you see a good move, look for a better one." - Emanuel Lasker

Zwischenzug Chess Resources

Have you ever been outmaneuvered in chess, feeling like your opponent pulled a rabbit out of a hat?

That surprise move might have been a Zwischenzug (pronounced "tvee-SHEN-tsoog"), also known as intermezzo, a powerful chess tactic that throws a curveball into your opponent's plans.

  Instead of making the expected move, like capturing a piece, a Zwischenzug inserts an unexpected move that creates a new threat or disrupts your strategy. Mastering this tactic will transform you from a predictable player to a cunning strategist, allowing you to exploit unexpected opportunities and gain a significant advantage.

Zwischenzug Wikipedia page
 With explanations and examples

German "in-between move". An unexpected move tossed into an expected series of moves.



Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF - Exeter Chess Club - Short Violent Games of Chess Organized by Theme. (Page 34 Intermezzo)

Zwischenzug Chess Articles 

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Zwischenzug with informative articles that explain the concept, showcase examples, and offer strategic insights.

Annotated Game Databases

Analyze real-world applications of Zwischenzug by studying annotated games from renowned players, featuring both winning and defensive maneuvers.

 FM Asa Hoffman vs NM Jim West - From Jim West's Blog (Annotated by both players)

Lichess Studys

Test your newfound knowledge and sharpen your tactical vision with interactive LiChess studies that present a variety of Zwischenzug scenarios.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Zwischenzug Puzzles

Put your skills to the test with challenging puzzles designed to hone your ability to identify and execute Zwischenzug opportunities.

LiChess Puzzles

Zwishenzug Video Lessons

Learn from the best! Renowned chess instructors take center stage in video lessons, offering clear explanations and practical guidance on mastering Zwischenzug.

St. Louis Chess Club Videos

Game Video's w/ Analysis

Chess Tactics: Zwischenzug: Lichtenhein vs Morphy - 5 Min

Zwischenzug! || Nakamura vs Carlsen - 10 Min

Close up Picture of Chess Pieces in a abstract Design

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Evans Gambit (C51-C52): A Dynamic Weapon for White

The Ultimate Evans Gambit
Resource Hub
Tactics, Games, and More

The Evans Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4) is an aggressive chess opening that arises from the Giuoco Piano .

White offers a pawn to disrupt Black's development and gain a lasting advantage in the center. The resulting positions are sharp and tactical, favoring players who enjoy dynamic play.

Elevate your game with our collection of Evans Gambit resources.
From classic games to modern analysis, our archive provides everything you need to master this aggressive opening.

Wikipedia Page

Animated diagram of the Evans Gambit
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4. b4

Bishop's Bounty Giuoco Piano Page

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

Short & Sweet: Kalyan's Italian Game Free Chessable Course - 11 Trainable Variations - GM Arjun Kalyun - Whatever type of game you're looking for - the Italian has it - quiet, safe, tactical, daring, simple, and complex. This course offers 11 trainable variations to equip you with a well-rounded understanding of the opening.

Short & Sweet: Krykun's Italian Game - Free Chessable Course - IM Krykun guides you through the critical moves, standard structures, and must-know strategies in the Italian Game. All packed in just 20 core lines and 1 hour and 12 minutes of video-sync instruction.

Evans Gambit Articles

Dive Deep into Dynamic Play:
Sharpen your understanding of the Evans Gambit with these insightful articles

A Rare Appearance From the Evans Gambit - Article GM Short vs. GM L'Ami

The Conquest Attack in the Evans Gambit Declined - Kenilworth CC - (Archived Article)

The Evans Gambit at Simplify Chess - Embark on a move-by-move exploration of the main lines in this gambit. Gain a deep understanding of how to effectively wield this dynamic opening as White.

Evan’s Gambit Theory (Accepted and Declined) | A Definitive Guide - Nice Guide at RagChess offers a comprehensive guide to the Evans Gambit, including ideas, common mistakes, and the main lines for both the Accepted and Declined variations.

Welcome to the Evans Gambit - Website devoted to the Evans. While this website might be archived, it still offers valuable historical context and explanations of the Evans Gambit's main lines. (Archived)

Evans Gambit – How to Play as White and Black - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (In-depth) - Chessable's in-depth blog guide delves into strategies for both sides of the Evans Gambit. Learn how to maximize your chances as White and handle the gambit effectively as Black.

GM Boris Altermans Blog (Annotated games)
Evans Gambit Pt 1 - Annotated Fischer,Robert James - Boatner,J [C51]
Evans Gambit Pt 2 - Annotated Fischer,Robert James - Fine,Reuben
Evans Gambit Pt 3 - Annotated Morphy,Paul - Hampton,Thomas Inglis
Evans Gambit Pt 4 - Annotated Morphy,Paul - De Riviere,Jules Arnou
Evans Gambit Pt 5 - Annotated Morphy,Paul - Morphy,Alonzo

Evans Gambit LiChess Studies

Sharpen your Evans Gambit skills with these interactive learning experiences on Lichess:

  • The Evans Gambit - 25 Chapter Study (Very Indepth) (150 hearts) Dive deep with this comprehensive study featuring detailed lines, defenses, and expert instruction.

  • Evans Gambit🔋🔌, Updated - 10 Chapter Study (250 Hearts) - Master key Black responses after move 5 with this highly rated study.

  • Evans Gambit (Anderson Variation) - 5 Chapter Study (Variation for Black)

  • Kota's Evans Gambit Guide - 7 Chapter Study - Get a solid foundation in the Evans Gambit with this study covering the basics and several variations with model games.

  • Black vs the Evans Gambit - 7 Chapter Study (Black Variations) Learn how to handle the Evans Gambit effectively as Black, focusing on the Lasker Defense Lines and featuring model games between Grandmasters.

  • Evans Interactive Simulator - 14 Chapter Interactive Study This interactive study allows you to explore the Evans Gambit move-by-move, testing your understanding of opening principles, tactics, and positional ideas. (Great for beginners on Lichess studies!)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

Evans Gambit (C51) 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 - 1687 Games
Evans Gambit (C52) 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bxb4 5 c3 Ba5 - 1101 Games

Game Collections
(Curated Collections of games below on )

Chess Puzzles

Test your attacking prowess and defensive skills with these Evans Gambit puzzles:

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Chess puzzles from the Evans Gambit (ECO C51) - 8 Puzzles from OTB Games

Evan's Gambit Video Lessons

Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of the Evans Gambit with this comprehensive video library:

Learn The Ultimate Chess Opening || The Evans Gambit! - 30 Min Explore the core concepts and attacking potential of the Evans Gambit.
The Evans Gambit | Italian Game Theory - 36 Mins Hanging Pawns

Evans Gambit for the new generation - 17 Min GM Simon Williams

Attacking Ideas in the Evans Gambit - 25 Min GM Igor Smirnov - Sharpen your attacking skills with a Grandmaster guide to tactical opportunities in the Evans Gambit.

Chess Openings: Evans Gambit Accepted! - 40 Min IM Miodrag Perunovic - In-depth analysis of the Evans Gambit Accepted, a chess opening that is considered one of the most interesting and reliable gambits.

How To Play The Evan's Gambit | Grandmaster Repertoire - 31 Min GM Moulthun - Learn key ideas and main lines directly from a Grandmaster's perspective.

Evan's Gambit: Chess Opening Strategy, Tactics, Tricks, Traps & Ideas | Best Moves to Win Fast - 10 Min - Get a quick overview of strategies, tactics, and common traps in the Evans Gambit.

Crazy Crab Chess

This comprehensive series by Crazy Crab Chess delves deep into the Evans Gambit, covering theory, strategy, and tactics. (Total Time: ~2 Hours)

(GM Boris Altermans Gambit Guide Videos)

Grandmaster Boris Alterman investigates perhaps one of the soundest of the romantic gambits from the 18th century that is still used at top level in the game today - The Evans Gambit

(IM Alex Astaneh)

(NM Nelson Lopez)

Avoid common pitfalls with these video lessons highlighting mistakes players make at different skill levels.

Evan's Declined

  • Evans Gambit Declined - 18 Min - Chesswebsite - We look at many variations if your opponents decide to decline the Evans Gambit.

  • Chess Openings: If You Decline My Evans Gambit, You'll Lose!! - 30 Min IM Miodrag Perunovic - A comprehensive guide on how to play the Evans Gambit in chess, focusing on scenarios where the gambit is declined. It discusses various responses to the declined gambit, including counter-gambits and strategic moves to maintain an advantage.

Black Responses to Evan's

Evans Gambit Traps and Tactics

Torre Attack Game Videos (w/analysis)

The Torre Attack Collection - 6 Video Playlist
- kingscrusher

Torre Attack - 11 Video Playlist - Axon Chess Academy (All 11 games are IM Andrew Martin)

PGN Game Downloads

TorreAttack.pgn - 1736 Games (U of Pitt Archive)

Colorful Neon Lit Glass Chess pieces

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Scotch Game: A Comprehensive Resource Guide for White (C44-C45)


Feeling hemmed in by the Ruy Lopez? 
 Unleash Your Inner Tactician with the Scotch

  • Dynamic and Aggressive: The Scotch Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4) is a fantastic opening choice for White players who crave dynamic positions and tactical opportunities. It avoids the complex lines of the Ruy Lopez while offering a rich battlefield for attacking chances.

  • Suitable for All Levels: Whether you're a beginner looking for an exciting first opening or a seasoned player seeking new ideas, the Scotch Game offers something for everyone. Its clear development plans and central focus make it easy to learn, while its tactical depth provides a challenge for experienced players.

  • Master the Scotch with Free Resources: This comprehensive guide equips you with all the tools you need to conquer the center and launch a fierce attack. We'll explore key variations, sharpen your tactical vision with puzzles, and provide video lessons from Chess GMs to elevate your game.

Let's explore the Scotch Game together!
Scroll down to discover articles, puzzles, video lessons, and more!

Scotch Game Wikipedia Page 
This page offers a solid foundation for understanding the opening's main lines, variations, and key ideas.

 Wikipedia Links To All the Variation Explanations

Books & Courses (FREE)

FREE Chessable Course

  • The Scotch Gambit Starter Kit Everything’s covered in just 31 trainable variations. Meaning you can start playing and winning with the Scotch Gambit in the next hour or two.

Internet Archive

500 Scotch Miniatures By Bill Wall - 107 Page PDF

4 Opening Systems to Start With - 50 page PDF - Free Exeter Chess Club PDF (Public Domain E-BookThis booklet gives you a repertoire to play when you are starting out in chess. It also gives you some alternatives if for some reason you don't like my first choice. The core of the repertoire is to play as White the Scotch Gambit.

Scotch Chess Articles and Lessons

Deepen your theoretical knowledge of the Scotch Game with a collection of in-depth articles from chess experts.

  • Scotch Game -  Chess Simplified GuideThis guide explores how to play White and Black in the Scotch Game chess opening, including aggressive strategies and effective counters.

  • The Scotch Opening and Attacking opening for White - Big article on - This guide explores why the Scotch is a great opening for various chess styles, how to play it effectively, and variations like the Four Knights and Mieses. (Archived)

  • Chess Opening Basics The Scotch Game - on the Chessable Blog  (Decent Article) - This guide breaks down the core ideas behind the Scotch Game chess opening, making it easy for beginners to understand development and gain space in the center.


Scotch Lichess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

  • Scotch Gambit - 11 Chapter Study - Nice Look at the Different Lines.

  • Scotch Game - 7 Chapter - This quick Lichess study provides a concise overview of the main Scotch Game lines. (Good for beginners)
  • Scotch Game w/ Ideas and Outcomes:  - 40 Chapter Study (Interactive)  (Really Well Done) (1100 Hearts) - This comprehensive Lichess study delves into the key ideas and outcomes of various Scotch Game and Gambit lines, featuring interactive puzzles for practice. (Comprehensive guide for all levels)

  • The ultimate Scotch gambit guide - 19 Chapter Study - Lines, and model games

LiStudy   (Learn and Practice opening with Movetrainer)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge of the Scotch Game. Find the Lichess study that best suits your needs and start mastering the Scotch Game today!

Scotch Game Chess Puzzles 

Sharpen Your Scotch Game Tactics! Test your skills with a collection of puzzles featuring typical tactical motifs and attacking chances that arise in Scotch Game positions.

(WTHarvey - 10,000 Chess Puzzles) 

Scotch Game (C45) - 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 (10 Puzzles)

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Italian Game: Scotch Gambit - 2221 Puzzles 
Scotch Game - 24,000 Puzzles (Can break down puzzles to 17 variations on main page)

Games Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Scotch and see how it's played in practice.

Annotated Games 
 Deep Fritz - Kramnik, Vladimir (2807) [C45] 

Scotch Game Video Lessons 

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Scotch's key ideas and strategies.

Scotch Game Opening Theory - 6 Video Playlist
- Hanging Pawns

ST Louis Chess Club Videos 

The Scotch Game - Chess Openings Explained  - 45 MinJonathan Schrantz teaches the Scotch Game, an underestimated opening that releases tension in the center early. Besides two notable games, the Goering gambit and the Dubois-Reti defence are also covered.
Let's Do Scotch! | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani - 52 Min
Dorsa Derakhshani takes you inside her head as she relives her games in the Scotch Game or Scotch Opening.

Opening Problems | Scotch | French | King's Indian - GM Yasser Seirawan - 50 Min 
- Intermediate-level lecture at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis. Club member Ken West asks for help in the Scotch

Nick Risko
Series on the Scotch Game or Scotch Opening.

A Magical Chess Opening for ALL Levels - 16 Min (Potter Variation)  IM Rozman - 
The Scotch, in particular the Potter Variation. A very easy opening for beginners who are looking to get good at chess.

Chess Openings: How To Play The Scotch Gambit - Quickstarter Jedi Guide - 31 Min

Attack with the Scotch and Giuoco Piano! - GM Roman Dzindzichashvili - 35 Min

DOMINATE with Black against the Scotch Gambit! (EMPIRE CHESS) - 16 Min - 
GM Victor Mikhalevski demonstrates the perils awaiting any unprepared player with the black pieces against the Scotch Gambit along with several impressive examples of successful defense.

Scotch Gambit 

Scotch Gambit  - 11 Video Playlist - FM James Canty III


Goring Gambit 

Goring Gambit Series 10 Video Playlist - AS Chess School

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Goring Gambit! - 21 Min - The Chess Giant - Solomon Rodell explores this aggressive gambit (1.e4 c6 2.Nf3 3.d4 exd4 4.c3!). Learn how to punish Black's unusual defense!

The NEW (and better!) Danish Gambit | Repertoire: Goring Gambit - 32 Min - FM William Graf - Surprise your opponent with a sneaky gambit! Graif explores this aggressive line (1.e4 Nf3 3.c3 4.d4!) for White in the Danish Gambit. Sacrifice for a tempo and dominate the center! (You Transpose to the Scotch)

Attacking Chess Gambit against 1.e5 (Goring Gambit) - 30 Min - I
n-depth tutorial on the Goring Gambit, an aggressive chess opening strategy against 1.e5.

Chess Opening for Black (Goring Gambit) - 20 Min - A
 comprehensive guide on how to counter the Goring Gambit in chess when playing as black.

Scotch Game | Göring Gambit - 21 Min - Hanging Pawns - The Göring Gambit is a very aggressive, highly provocative and slightly unsound continuation for white. He gives up a full pawn for development and an attempt for a deadly initiative.  
(New - 6/10/2024)

Scotch Game Traps

Black Side of the Scotch


How to play against the Scotch  -  24 Min - NM Robert Plunketts lab -
I go over all the main options and some of the trickiest options for black on how to play against the Scotch opening

Scotch Game - A Short, Simple Repertoire for Black - 21 Min - A brief, easy-to-remember repertoire for Black against the Scotch Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4).

Chess Opening For Black against E4 | Scotch Game - 6 Min - Coach Kestony 

My SECRET Anti-Scotch Opening System [No Theory] - 19 Min - GM Igor Smirnov - You will cut down on a lot of opening theory by learning a single variation that can be played against all these lines. The London Defense variation, which occurs after 4...Bb4+ in the Scotch Gambit, forces White to react to the check, thus limiting their choices. You will also learn the common opening mistakes to avoid, middlegame plans, typical attacking ideas, and some deadly traps

Scotch GAME VIDEOS (w/Analysis)

Scotch Opening  - 60 Video Playlist - Chess School
Scotch Game  - 12 Video Playlist  - agadmantor
Scotch Game  - 68 Video playlist - kingscrusher

This Guy Just Demolished a Super GM with SCOTCH GAMBIT - 12 Min
Awonder Liang just won an incredibly beautiful game with the Scotch Gambit against Levon Aronian

GM Naroditsky
Amazing Game Videos w/ Lots of Analysis and GM lessons.

Watercolor Chess image of a Bottle of Scotch and two chess pieces on a chess Board
"Fortune favors the bold." - Virgil (Poet)