"When you see a good move, look for a better one." - Emanuel Lasker
Zwischenzug Chess Resources

Have you ever been outmaneuvered in chess, feeling like your opponent pulled a rabbit out of a hat?
That surprise move might have been a Zwischenzug (pronounced "tvee-SHEN-tsoog"), also known as intermezzo, a powerful chess tactic that throws a curveball into your opponent's plans.
Instead of making the expected move, like capturing a piece, a Zwischenzug inserts an unexpected move that creates a new threat or disrupts your strategy. Mastering this tactic will transform you from a predictable player to a cunning strategist, allowing you to exploit unexpected opportunities and gain a significant advantage.
Zwischenzug Wikipedia page
With explanations and examples
German "in-between move". An unexpected move tossed into an expected series of moves.
Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF - Exeter Chess Club - Short Violent Games of Chess Organized by Theme. (Page 34 Intermezzo)
Zwischenzug Chess Articles
Gain a comprehensive understanding of Zwischenzug with informative articles that explain the concept, showcase examples, and offer strategic insights.
- Chess Tactics Simplified: The Zwischenzug! - Nice Article with Examples at Bottom
- Tactics 101: The Incredible Intermezzo (a.k.a. Zwischenzug) - Nice Article
- Zwischenzug: An Unexpected Tactic of Grandmasters - The Chess Journal Article
- Zwischenzug - Chess Kid Article w/ Embedded Video
- Zwischenzug – the intermediate move - Chessbase Article - Nice Explanation w/ 8 Annotated games with this tactic. (Nice)
Annotated Game Databases
Analyze real-world applications of Zwischenzug by studying annotated games from renowned players, featuring both winning and defensive maneuvers.
FM Asa Hoffman vs NM Jim West - From Jim West's Blog (Annotated by both players)
- Chess Games with a Zwischenzug - 43 games (Some nicely annotated games here)
- Chess Games with a Zwischenzug - 14 Games
- In-Between Move Tactic-- OTB Examples - 25 Games
Lichess Studys
Test your newfound knowledge and sharpen your tactical vision with interactive LiChess studies that present a variety of Zwischenzug scenarios.
- LiChess Zwischenzug Study - LiChess Basic Tactics Area
- Zwischenzug - 9 Chapter Study w/ Instruction - Well Done
- Intermediate: Tactics Internalized - Zwischenzug - 5 Chapter Interactive Study
- In between/ Zwischenzug/ Intermezzo - 29 Chapter Study - All Positions
- The Intermezzo Practice Set - 26 Chapter Interactive Study - Broken into Themes - Save, Sacrifice, Threaten and Trade
New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.
Zwischenzug Puzzles
Put your skills to the test with challenging puzzles designed to hone your ability to identify and execute Zwischenzug opportunities.
- Intermezzo Puzzles - 72 Puzzles (Broken into 8 Pages - by Difficulty) Printable
LiChess Puzzles
- Intermezzo - 55,425 Puzzles
Zwishenzug Video Lessons
Learn from the best! Renowned chess instructors take center stage in video lessons, offering clear explanations and practical guidance on mastering Zwischenzug.
- Zwischenzug – Winning with in-between moves - 20 Min - A very important tactical motif in the middlegame – the zwischenzug.
- The Volatility of In-Between Moves - 9 Min IM John Bartholomew - Game between IM Jha Sriram and GM Rajaram Laxman (from the excellent book "Mastering Chess Strategy" by GM Johan Hellsten)
- Chess Lesson # 44: Zwischenzug | Learn & Master In-between Moves | Intermezzo | Intermediate Moves - 14 Min NM Rober Ramirez - In this lesson, you will learn this tactic and then apply your knowledge by solving some exercises.
- Zwischenzug | Can you find the solutions to these five positions? - 15 min - GM Daniel King gives you five puzzle positions to solve. (New 6/20/2024)
St. Louis Chess Club Videos
- Chess for Beginners with GM Ronen Har-Zvi (Intermediate Moves | Forcing Moves) - 32 Min - Discusses intermediate and forcing moves in chess, focusing on the concept of intermediate moves. He uses puzzles to illustrate how these moves can be used to gain material advantage.
- In-Between Moves and Zwischenzugs - WGM Jennifer Shahade -53 Min - Explores in-between moves in a lecture for intermediate level players.
- Zwischenzug | Puzzler's Paradise - IM Vitaly Neimer - 35 Min - International Master Vitaly Neimer presents puzzles with a theme of zwischenzug
- Intermezzo: Put Your Plans on Hold! | Beginner Breakdown - 61 Min - Talks about the Zwischenzug, also known as an "intermezzo" or "intermediate move," which describes a move that is played instead of and before the expected move and poses an immediate threat that the opponent must answer.
Game Video's w/ Analysis
Chess Tactics: Zwischenzug: Lichtenhein vs Morphy - 5 Min
Zwischenzug! || Nakamura vs Carlsen - 10 Min