Showing posts with label Lichess Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lichess Study. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Zwischenzug (Intermezzo): The Surprise Weapon in Your Chess Arsenal

A brightly lit library with towering bookshelves. Three open books lie on a table: a cunning fox leaping for a crow (Zwischenzug), a butterfly flitting amongst flowers (Intermezzo), and a classic chess knight (In-between Move).
"When you see a good move, look for a better one." - Emanuel Lasker

Zwischenzug Chess Resources

Have you ever been outmaneuvered in chess, feeling like your opponent pulled a rabbit out of a hat?

That surprise move might have been a Zwischenzug (pronounced "tvee-SHEN-tsoog"), also known as intermezzo, a powerful chess tactic that throws a curveball into your opponent's plans.

  Instead of making the expected move, like capturing a piece, a Zwischenzug inserts an unexpected move that creates a new threat or disrupts your strategy. Mastering this tactic will transform you from a predictable player to a cunning strategist, allowing you to exploit unexpected opportunities and gain a significant advantage.

Zwischenzug Wikipedia page
 With explanations and examples

German "in-between move". An unexpected move tossed into an expected series of moves.



Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 Page PDF - Exeter Chess Club - Short Violent Games of Chess Organized by Theme. (Page 34 Intermezzo)

Zwischenzug Chess Articles 

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Zwischenzug with informative articles that explain the concept, showcase examples, and offer strategic insights.

Annotated Game Databases

Analyze real-world applications of Zwischenzug by studying annotated games from renowned players, featuring both winning and defensive maneuvers.

 FM Asa Hoffman vs NM Jim West - From Jim West's Blog (Annotated by both players)

Lichess Studys

Test your newfound knowledge and sharpen your tactical vision with interactive LiChess studies that present a variety of Zwischenzug scenarios.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Zwischenzug Puzzles

Put your skills to the test with challenging puzzles designed to hone your ability to identify and execute Zwischenzug opportunities.

LiChess Puzzles

Zwishenzug Video Lessons

Learn from the best! Renowned chess instructors take center stage in video lessons, offering clear explanations and practical guidance on mastering Zwischenzug.

St. Louis Chess Club Videos

Game Video's w/ Analysis

Chess Tactics: Zwischenzug: Lichtenhein vs Morphy - 5 Min

Zwischenzug! || Nakamura vs Carlsen - 10 Min

Close up Picture of Chess Pieces in a abstract Design

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doubled Pawns


Doubled Pawns:
A Chess Strategy Guide with Resources

Doubled pawns can be a double-edged sword in chess. While they might seem like a weakness, they can also create unique opportunities for both offense and defense. This post will guide you through the world of doubled pawns, providing resources to understand their impact on the game and how to use them to your advantage.

What are Doubled Pawns?

Doubled pawns occur when two pawns of the same color occupy the same file (vertical column) on the chessboard. This can happen due to various openings, captures, or pawn promotions. 

Understanding the Impact of Doubled Pawns:

Doubled pawns can have both positive and negative consequences:

  • Disadvantages:
    • Weaker squares: The file in front of the doubled pawns becomes weaker, as there's no pawn to defend it.
    • Limited mobility: Doubled pawns can restrict your pawn structure and limit your piece movement.
    • Endgame weakness: Doubled pawns are generally considered a weakness in the endgame, as they can be difficult to defend.
  • Advantages:
    • Central control: Doubled pawns can help solidify control over the center of the board, creating a strong base for your pieces.
    • Open files: Doubled pawns can create open files for your rooks, potentially increasing their attacking power.
    • King safety: In some cases, doubled pawns can provide additional protection for your king.

Learning More About Doubled Pawns:

Here are some resources to delve deeper into the world of doubled pawns and how to use them strategically:

Doubled Pawn Wikipedia Article 

Doubled Pawn Articles Article by GM Gserper

Doubled Pawns: Chess Pariahs Or Misunderstood? - IM Jeremy Silman - 4 Rules with examples and explanations of how to handle Doubled Pawns.

Doubled Pawns Structure – 3 Things to Know  -  WGM Raluca Sgîrcea, IM Renier Castellanos - Middlegame Doubled Pawn Structure

(Archived Articles - takes a min to Load)

Doubled Pawns LiChess Studies

[CHESS STRATEGY] Doubled Pawns  - 14 Chapter Study 

Intermediate: Doubled Pawns
 - 7 Chapter Study - Nice study with a lot of analysis and explanations.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Collections

Doubled pawns - 17 Games (Each Game labeled as Bad or Good w/ Doubled Pawns)

 Doubled Pawn Video Lessons

Learn from the Chess Masters: Doubled Pawns Strategies

Doubled pawns | Improve your technique and positional play - 14 Min NM Robert Ramirezyou will learn what doubled pawns are, when they represent a weakness, and also what benefits they can offer.

The Advantages of Doubled Pawns -54 Min IM Eric Rosenshows 4 games where doubled pawns led to a winning advantage.

Pawn Structures: Double, TRIPLE the Pawns! | Secret Life of Pawns - IM Vitaly Neimer  - 44 Minshows two games where pawns were doubled and even tripled. Learn to avoid weakening your structures.

Doubled Pawns | Double King-Pawn Openings - 43 Min GM Ben Finegolda lecture on doubled pawns at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis

What to do with Doubled Pawns in the Center? - 18 Min  - GM Ivan Sokolov will take a look at the advantages of doubled pawns in the center. Exploiting Doubled Pawns around an opponents King - 11 min - Kingscrusher

Matisons vs Nimzovich - 6 min Video 
(Who better than Nimzovich to show how to play against doubled pawns)

Explaining Doubled Pawns Step by Step - 13 Min  GM Hikaru Nakamura - Hikaru walks us through a game against a 600 and shows us when doubling your pawns can be a good thing.

An Image of a chess board with doubled pawns drawn with Crayon
"The tiniest pawn can upset the most perfectly laid plans." - Bobby Fischer 

Bonus: Dive Deeper into Pawn Structures.

Learn more about the impact of pawn placement on your chess strategy. Bishop's Bounty Pawn Structure Page

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bishop Endings: A Comprehensive Guide for Chess Players

Bishop Endgame Resources:
 A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering bishop endgames is crucial for chess improvement. This guide provides a curated list of resources to help you excel in these key situations.

Wikipedia Articles
Opposite Colored Bishop Endgame - Rather large Wikipedia page on this topic
Wrong bishop 
- Page Dedicated to this one topic

Bishop Endgame Articles

Bishop Endgame Strategies: Dominate the endgame with expert bishop tactics, techniques, and winning concepts.

Understanding Bishop Endgames:

Bishop Endgame Strategies:

LICHESS Bishop Endgame Studies

Sharpen your bishop skills with these Lichess studies!

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Bishop Endgame Video Lessons

a) Bishop Endings General

Master essential bishop endgame concepts with these video lessons:

Bishop Endgames - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 54 Min - Grandmaster Var Akobian takes us through opposite-colored and like-colored Bishop endgames. Turn an apparent drawn position into a winning one. Hold an apparent lost position to a draw. Not everything you've heard about Bishop endgames is true. Also, learn the benefits of triangulation.

Force that Bishop to the Short Diagonal! - 24 Min GM AkobianGrandmaster Varuzhan Akobian explores bishop endgames. Evaluate opposite-colored bishop positions. When the bishops are on the same color, learn to bully a bishop from a long diagonal to a short one to promote a pawn.

Checkmate with 2 Bishop - 10 min VideoThis video illustrates how to checkmate with two bishops. I provide a systematic approach to solving this unlikely chess ending.

Bishop and Pawn vs Same colored Bishop - 10 min VideoI show an endgame discussed in Aron Nimzovitch's 'My System' in which a Bishop is able to display a number of tricky maneuvers to ultimately win control of the Queening Square.

Bishop Endgames Crash Course - Bishop And Pawn Endings Fundamentals - 11 Min - Learn fundamental bishop and pawn endgames: winning tactics, basic concepts, and key ideas for beginners and intermediate players

How to win Bishop and pawn Endgames with the 2 Weaknesses Principle! - 10 Min - Robert Plunketts Chess Lab
(New 5/29/24)

b) Same Color Bishop Endgames

Demystify the challenges and opportunities of same-colored bishop endgames:


c) Opposite Color Bishop Endgames

Not all opposite-colored bishop endgames are draws! Explore winning techniques and essential strategies:

Picture of A black Bishop Chess piece.