Showing posts with label Endgame Study videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Endgame Study videos. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Free Chess Endgame Studies - The Ultimate Guide


Henri Matisse Inspired AI chess Minimalistic line art image of chess pieces in an endgane


In chess, a chess endgame study (often shortened to just "study") is a composed position, meaning it's not a situation that arose from an actual game. These positions are specifically crafted to showcase a particular endgame concept or winning technique.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

  • Composed Position: Unlike real games where the position evolves organically, endgame studies are deliberately created by a composer to highlight a specific idea.
  • Endgame Focus: These studies typically focus on situations that arise in the later stages of the game, where there are only a few pieces remaining on the board.
  • Learning Tool: The goal of an endgame study is not necessarily to represent a realistic situation, but rather to provide a puzzle-like scenario where you can practice and improve your endgame skills.
  • Solving the Puzzle: The challenge in an endgame study is to find the correct sequence of moves that leads to checkmate or a draw (depending on the study's stipulation).

By solving endgame studies, you can develop your:

  • Endgame Technique: Learn how to maneuver pieces efficiently in the endgame.
  • Planning Skills: Practice calculating winning lines and strategic thinking in endgame scenarios.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identify recurring tactical motifs and endgame winning ideas.

Endgame studies are valuable tools for players of all skill levels, offering a structured and engaging way to refine your endgame abilities.

Endgame study - Wikipedia Article 

ENDGAME Study Websites

All about Chess Endgame Studies - Extensive Endgame Study Resource: Explore a vast collection of chess endgame studies for players of all levels. From basic tactics to advanced concepts, find the perfect study to challenge yourself. This might be the definitive site on the internet to go to if you're interested in any type of chess study.  (Way too much here for me to explain it just click the link and enjoy chess study heaven) 

Chess Endgame Study Composition Blog -  200+ Studies (All Broken down into motifs on right Menu)

Bishops Bounty Domination in the Endgame Page - A post with Videos and LiChess Studies on the Domination  theme in Endgame Studies.

Bishops Bounty Babson Task Page - A post with Videos, Articles And a Lichess Study about Babson Task Compositions.

Books (Free)


(PDF / Kindle / Zip / Torrent ) Books Of Chess Endgame Studies (Free Download)

Domination In 2,545 Endgame Studies by Ghenrikh M. Kasparyan - 544 Page

 Ian Shanahan A Generalized Definition Of ' Ideal [ Stale] Mate' by Ian Shanahan 3 Page 

Chess problems [microform] by Stubbs, C. F. (Charles F.), 1853-1907 - 122 Page

Ian Shanahan Chess Problems By Ian Shanahan ( 2018) by Ian Shanahan - 225 Page

Chess Problems for Solving by John Rice  -36 Page

Chess problems made easy by Thomas Taverner - 101 page

121 Chess Problems - J. W. Abbott (1887) by Umair Mirza - 49 Page

Canadian Chess Problems - Dr. Ryall & J. Henderson (1998) by Umair Mirza - 63 page

700 Chess Problems- Mrs. W. J. Baird (1902) by Umair Mirza - 290 Page

Other Places w/ Free Books

Chess Endgame Composition Studies Blog Links to close to 30 Composition Books in Russian

Problem Books ( 27 Books) - all in public Domain (PDF) (From British Chess Problem Society)

Page of links to Famous Composers - PDF's of many of their Endgame Studies 


Head over to Lichess and test your endgame skills with these interactive studies!

New to Lichess studies?
 These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.



  1. Endgame studies - ( 9 Video Playlist ) - GM Daniel King
  2. Endgame Studies - (6 Video Playlist)  (Each video is about a specific) Endgame Theme
  3. Endgame Studies - (50 Video Playlist) - Each is a 3 min or so video about a study.


Endgame Studies for Beginners - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 2013.03.07 - 51 Min presents a strategic ideas class for beginner/intermediate level players
Beautiful Chess Endgame Studies | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Varuzhan Akobian - 51 MinThese compositions are beautiful like a sunset or a flower, but difficult and never-before-seen on this channel! (New 5/29/24)

Vladimir Kramnik: Chess endgame studies give joy and happiness - 30 Min Vladimir takes a close look at the study by Yuri Bazlov that won 2nd prize, and at the amazing joint study by world-class composers Minski and Nielsen which won 7th prize. This study was special as it was inspired by a spectacular game won by one of the biggest talents of today, Daniil Dubov, against Rasmus Svane

Jan Timman shows mind blowing endgame studies at Politiken Cup 2015 - 1hr 30 Min Shows his own original compositions as well as some brilliant studies by Steffen Slumstrup.

IM Kostya Kavutskiy: Endgame Studies | U.S. Chess School 7.02.2021 - 35 Min

Imaginative Compositions | Endgame Exclam!! - GM Elshan Moradiabadi - 42 Minpresents several endgame studies, proving that endgames are anything but boring. Calculate and find the best possible moves.

Endgame Studies and Ideas | Advanced Player Class - WGM Anna Sharevich - 47 Minanalyzes more endgame ideas and positions at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis.

Composed Endgame Studies - WGM Jennifer Shahade - 2015.01.27 - 31 Minshows a few practical studies in the Endgame Class. All of the positions include rooks and pawns.

FM Dennis Monokroussos - An introduction to endgame studies - 51 MinThe video showcases five studies, highlighting the importance of accuracy and imagination in finding unique solutions, as routine methods won’t suffice.

Chess Endgame Study Databases - Endgame Study Database - over 25,000 studies (By Country, Author, Awards, Year)

ARVES is an international association of chessplayers who are interested in endgame studies.
  • Endgame studies, or just studies, are composed chess positions for which the aim of the solver is,

  • to find the unique way for one side (usually White) to win or draw, as stipulated, against any moves the other side plays.

  • Good studies contain some artistic element of surprise, paradox, geometry or depth.

The Goal of ARVES.

The association has made its goal to encourage the composing, solving and replaying of chess endgame studies and the development of chess endgame theory, especially in The Netherlands and Flanders.

The association tries to reach this goal by:
  • a. organizing meetings with lectures,

  • b. organizing composition- and solving contests,

  • c. having a magazine where original studies can be published,

  • d. archiving and popularizing the chess endgame studies.

  • e. having a website that serves all the previous items to help reaching them.