Showing posts with label Chess Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Strategy. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Lessons from Paul Morphy's Immortal Games

Portrait of 19th century chess player Paul Morphy
Image source: Wikimedia Commons

A Legacy of Inspiration: How Morphy Can Improve Your Game Today

In the mid-19th century, a young American named Paul Morphy emerged, dominating chess with his inspiring style.

This comprehensive resource delves into Morphy's legendary games, offering you the chance to:

  • Uncover the secrets behind his mind-blowing tactical sacrifices and positional understanding.
  • Learn from the master himself by analyzing his most iconic victories.
  • Sharpen your own chess skills by incorporating the principles Morphy embodied.

Ready to elevate your chess game? Studying Morphy's legendary tactics, positional mastery, and attacking spirit will equip you for victory.

Paul Morphy Wikipedia Page Extensive History

Books (Free Morphy Classics)

Delve into the mind of a chess legend! Download FREE classic texts featuring Morphy's games with detailed annotations and historical accounts of his remarkable career. Paul Morphy, the chess champion, by an Englishman F. M. Edge. - by Fredrick Milnes Edge - 209 Page PDF (Book from 1859 , History) - Witness Morphy's meteoric rise through Europe in this captivating historical account featuring his most famous games.  Morphy's games of chess, and Frere's problem tournament - by Thomas Frere -144 Page Pdf (Book of Games) - A collection of the brilliant games played by Paul Morphy, with analysis of his strategies and tactics, along with compositions from Frere's chess problem tournament. Morphy's Games Of Chess Philip Sergeant - 376 Page PDF - One of the earliest compilations of games by Paul Morphy, the great 19th century American chess prodigy, withAnnotated games and analysis by Sergeant. Morphy's games: a selection of the best games played by the distinguished champion in Europe and America - by Paul Morphy 1860 - 501 Page PDF - A comprehensive anthology of Morphy's most brilliant and important chess games played during his tours of Europe and America, annotated and analyzed. Paul Morphy: The Pride and Sorrow of Chess - by David Lawson 1976 (Updated 2010) 456 Page PDF - The definitive biography of Paul Morphy, covering his life, games, tragic mental illness later in life, and his profound impact on modern chess.

Morphy Articles (Uncover Morphy's Legacy)

Dive into the captivating life and career of Paul Morphy through insightful articles by chess historians and enthusiasts.

Paul Morphy - Edward Winter (Crazy Extensive History Here w/ Links to the 7 other Articles by Winter w/ no overlap) 10 Best Chess Games by Paul Morphy - Chessworld - (All Annotated) Top 10 Things to Learn from Paul Morphy - Chessworld - (3 annotated games) Paul Morphy: the First Modern Player - GM Jullio Becarra ( Article w/ Games) The Rook Lift: Paul Morphy's Last Gift To Chess - ( Article w/ Lots of games)

Morphy LiChess Studies (Interactive Training)

Test your skills and dissect Morphy's masterpieces through interactive studies on Lichess, a popular chess platform.

Paul Morphy's best games (annotated) - 7 Chapter Study - Seven of his most famous games fully annotated. Paul Morphy -The Great Chess Genius - 64 Chapter Study - 64 Games w/no annotations

Games Databases (Explore Morphy's Entire Repertoire)

Unearth a vast collection of Morphy's games, allowing you to filter by opening, opponent, or result and witness his brilliance firsthand.

Chess Tempo

Paul Morphy - 197 Games

Paul Morphy - 457 Games (Detailed Morphy Page Broken into these Category's) Most Played Openings Notable Games Notable Tournaments Game Collections Games Annotated by Morphy - 31 Games
Paul Morphy playing chess in the 19th century against Johann Löwenthal .
Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Paul Morphy and Johann Löwenthal 

Paul Morphy Video Lessons (Learn from Chess Masters)

Gain visual insights from renowned chess instructors who break down Morphy's most remarkable games and explain his thought process.

Morphy Saga - 97 Video Playlist - agadmators Chess Channel Paul Morphy - 58 Video Playlist - kingscrusher Paul Morphy - 34 Video Playlist - Chess School Paul Morphy: Part 1, Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 42 Min Paul Morphy: Part 2, Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 42 Min Paul Morphy: Part 3, Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 46 Min Paul Morphy: Part 4, Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 41 Min More Games of Paul Morphy, with GM Ben Finegold - 48 Min Ben Finegold analyzes Paul Morphy attacking games! - 1.5 hr Outrageous Chess Sacrifices and Tactics: Paul Morphy's Top Eight Chess Sacrifices of all time! - 25 Min - kingscrusher The Real Chess GOAT Gives a Masterclass on the King's Gambit - 17 Min - GM Igor Smirnov Paul Morphy Plays the Evans Gambit | Tactics Time! - 38 Min - St.Louis CC 3 Times Paul Morphy Won with the Evans Gambit in 17 Moves or Less! - 17 Min - Johnathan Schrantz 12 of Paul Morphy's Greatest Games! | The Dynamic Dozen - 57 Min - St.Louis CC Paul Morphy is Not Strong: The Refutation | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold - 27 Min The Games of Paul Morphy - GM Ben Finegold - 2013.08.07 - 43 Min - St.Louis CC The Legend: Paul Morphy - GM Ben Finegold - 2014.12.18 - 42 Min - St.Louis CC Paul Morphy Finishes Opponents Spectacularly! | Romantic Chess - GM Pepe Cuenca - 57 Min

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Improving Your Worst Piece - Chess Strategy


A knight trapped no more! This image symbolizes the power of strategic thinking and improvement in chess.

Unleash Your Weakest Warrior:
Resources to Improve Your Worst Chess Piece

Is there a piece on the board feeling a little lost? Don't resign them to the sidelines! This post provides articles, videos, and strategic tips to help you identify and activate your weakest piece, turning a potential liability into a game-changing asset.

Essential Articles on Activating Your Worst Pieces

Explore expert articles diving into proven strategies for activating your worst-placed chess pieces and unlocking their hidden potential.

The Biggest Secret Of Positional Chess - Article by GM Gregory Serper - Unlock the biggest secret of positional chess with GM Gserper! Discover how to transform your game by improving your pieces strategically, one move at a time.

3 Ways To Improve Your Pieces - Article by IM Koysta Kavutskiy - 
Unlock the power of your pieces with three expert tips ! Learn how to strategically position your rooks, bishops, and knights for maximum impact on the board.

Good and Bad Pieces - Article by WGM Natalia Pogonina - 
Discover the secrets of piece evaluation with WGM Natalia_Pogonina! Learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each piece to dominate the board.

Video Lessons: Turning Liabilities into Assets

Level up your piece activation skills with video lessons from renowned coaches. Learn to identify and reposition underutilized pieces for greater board control.

The One Positional Chess Idea You MUST KNOW - 17 Min - Epic Chess -Learn the top secret to positional chess - improving your worst piece. This video teaches a key positional strategy to activate underutilized pieces for maximum impact.

Improving the Worst Piece IM John Ludwig - 29 Min - Palm Beach Chess - IM John Ludwig analyzes a Karpov masterpiece, providing a masterclass on identifying and activating your worst-placed piece for better control.

Improving your worst-placed piece [Beginner-Intermediate chess lesson] - 2hr - Coach Robert   (Beginner's Guide to Piece Activation)Coach Robert's comprehensive guide helps beginners visualize pieces as controllable "fields" to identify poorly-placed pieces and plan maneuvers for optimal activation.

Improve Your Worst Piece! - 16 Min - Chess to Impress

When stuck, look for the worst piece! · Daily Chess Test #9 - 15 Min - Hanging Pawns -Test your skills at identifying and improving bad or suboptimal pieces to create a winning plan in these instructive positions.

How To Fix Bad Pieces In Chess! - Chess Strategy Explained - 15 Min -Dr. Can's Clinic - Dr. Can explains a key chess strategy - recognizing and reactivating poorly-placed pieces to turn liabilities into assets on the board.

Turn Your BAD Pieces Into HAPPY Pieces! - Chess Strategy Deep Dive #3 - 18 Min - Dr. Can's Clinic - 
Dive deep into the vital skill of piece improvement. Learn to identify bad pieces and find multi-purpose moves to fix weaknesses while activating your forces.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Want to Play Serious Chess Online with a Fun Team Twist? Try the Lichess 4545 League!


In this striking illustration, an intense chess battle unfolds, where red and white pieces face off on the chessboard amidst dynamic abstract shapes and symbols representing the strategic complexity and rivalry of the Lichess 45/45 League. The contrasting colors and bold lines capture the fierce competition and mental prowess required to excel in this prestigious chess event.

Are you a chess player who enjoys longer games but struggles to find consistent competition online?

Do you miss the camaraderie of playing on a team but find high-pressure tournaments intimidating?

Well, the Lichess 4545 League might be your perfect match!

Classical Chess with a Social Side

The Lichess 4545 League is a unique online chess competition for players of all skill levels. It combines the focus and intensity of classical chess (games with longer time controls) with the fun and support of a team environment. Here's what makes it special:

  • Compete Weekly: Play a serious chess game (45 minutes each + additional time per move) against a similarly rated opponent every week over eight rounds.

  • Team Up for Fun: Join a team of 6-8 players and cheer each other on throughout the league.

  • Fair Play Guaranteed: The league uses a Swiss-style format and rating system to ensure you face opponents with similar skills, minimizing upsets and maximizing learning.

  • Low Risk of Cheating: The league leverages Lichess's robust anti-cheating system, so you can focus on enjoying the game.

  • Completely Free: No entry fees or hidden costs! Just your love for chess.

More Than Just Chess

The Lichess 4545 League isn't just about winning or losing. It's about:

  • Building friendships: Connect with fellow chess enthusiasts from around the world through team chat and friendly competition.

  • Sharpening your skills: Analyze your games, discuss strategies with teammates, and watch other league matches to improve your chess.

  • Enjoying the challenge: Take your chess to the next level with a time control that allows for deep strategic thinking and calculated moves.

Ready to Join the Fun?

The Lichess 4545 League welcomes players of all backgrounds. Here's how to get started:

  1. Head over to to learn more about the league and upcoming seasons.
  2. Keep an eye on the website or social media for announcements about registration.
  3. Sign up as an individual (or with friends!) and get ready to be drafted onto a team.
  4. Join your team's Slack channel and connect with your teammates.
  5. Sharpen your skills, get ready to have fun, and experience the thrill of competitive team chess!

The Lichess 4545 League offers a unique opportunity to combine the strategic depth of classical chess with the camaraderie of team competition. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the league website today and see if it's the perfect match for your chess passion!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Alien Gambit: A Guide to Shocking Your Opponent in the Caro-Kann

Dare to Defy
Conquering the Caro-Kann with the Alien Gambit

Do the solid walls of the Caro-Kann Defense leave you yearning to crack the code?

  Do you crave an opening that throws Caro-Kann aficionados into disarray? Then embrace the Alien Gambit, a gambit so audacious it seems to have arrived from another planet!

This post equips you with a treasure trove of free resources to conquer the board with this aggressive approach. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking to expand your repertoire or a curious beginner yearning for an exciting gambit, dive into the world of the Alien Gambit and surprise your opponents!

LiChess Studies

New to LiChess studies?
These interactive tools are your secret weapon for mastering the Alien Gambit! Unlike traditional chess books, studies let you explore concepts and variations move-by-move, testing your understanding and solidifying your knowledge.

Here's a selection of free Alien Gambit studies on LiChess to get you started:

For Black Players:

What is a LiChess study?

LiChess studies offer an interactive way to learn chess concepts through step-by-step analysis and quizzes. Take your chess learning to the next level! You can find more details about LiChess studies here: Study Chess The LiChess Way

Alien Gambit Video Lessons

Crush EVERYONE with the Alien Gambit! - 33 Min - IM Gotham Chess - This tutorial delves into the gambit's backstory, explains its core concepts, and showcases its effectiveness through live games.

Learn the Alien Gambit with Hikaru!! - 57 Min - GM Nakamura - Take a deep dive with a chess legend! This in-depth lesson unveils the Alien Gambit's secrets.

Alien Gambit Bonjour: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 46 Min 
explores the gambit's origins, development, and practical applications.

Witty_Aliens MasterClass:

Black vs. Alien Gambit

Alien Gambit Game Videos (w/Analysis)

This surreal image depicts an otherworldly chess game, where an imposing alien creature with tentacles hovers over a chessboard, challenging the viewer to a cosmic battle of wits and strategy against an array of chess pieces amidst a backdrop of vibrant nebulae and planets.
 “I think the surest sign that there is intelligent life out there in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 10 - Random Lessons

 Treasury of  FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Random Lessons  

Most of the Titles Explain the Lessons

Tales Of Bishops And Knights - Lesson Comparing The strength and Weaknesses of Both.

The Time-Trouble Blues - Lesson About Time Troubles and Reasons

The Joy Of Reviewing Chess Games - Great lesson, 4 games , 2 Puzzles , History

Fixing Your Weaknesses - Couple games , Lesson

Knowing When to Pull the Trigger - 3 Puzzles, 6 Master Games -  analyzing a student's game in a Closed Sicilian opening. The importance of properly assessing winning and losing positions psychologically. He stresses tactics, imbalances, threat awareness, and cultivating the right mindset to find knockout blows in dynamic positions. The game serves as an example of seizing winning chances versus passivity.

If The Board Says ATTACK, Then ATTACK! - One game , (Lots of lessons from Opening to Endgame)

The Man Who Wouldn't Castle -   3 Master Games - Analyzes an exciting Najdorf Sicilian, Instructive game demonstrating critical lessons like choosing suitable openings, the vital need to castle, and avoiding unfocused attacks. Also highlights some common strategic errors and the importance of understanding your opponent's ideas.

Emotions vs. Cold Reason - 2 Master Games - Instructive game highlighting key skills like managing emotions, recovering from errors, deeply understanding opening structures, and converting winning positions. The game emphasizes the importance of objectivity, resilience, opening knowledge, and keeping things simple when ahead.

What Is The Initiative? - Lesson w/ positions

The Eye Of The Beholder - Lesson w/3 Games (seeking a way to come up with a creative move or idea that your opponent didn’t even imagine)

How To Play Multi-Purpose Moves - Lessons w/ 6 positions

Recognizing The Big Moment In A Game - game starts with a Center Counter opening but transposes into various other openings, creating an interesting and complex position. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing key moments in a game where your opponent may be vulnerable or where you can seize the initiative.

Protecting Overprotection - Lesson w/ 3 example Games

The Difficult Opponent  - 3 games, 4 Puzzles (Players with equal ratings sometimes aren’t equal at all in battles against each other due to a players style)

Greed and Two King Hunts - 2 Puzzles - Lesson on Greed

Pawns, Greed, Pins, and the Center - 3 Puzzles - w/ 4 lessons (Strong Center, Pins, Greed, Pawn moves)

Rules, Homes, and a Big Decision - 2 Puzzles - w/ 3 lessons 

Space, Negativity, and Dreams  - Short Article on Space Advantage

Checks and Threats, Should You or Shouldn’t You - 6 Puzzles - Lesson on Checks and Threats

Material Imbalances, Opening Ideas, and Hanging Stuff - Lessons from 2 Amateur Games

Countdown to Mate - 3 Master Games -  analyzes a student's game, emphasizing the dangers of unnecessary checks and inactive pieces, while advising playing actively over reacting to threats.

Threats, Real & Imagined - 3 Puzzles , 3 Master games - analyzes a student's game, advising him to avoid over-responding to threats and instead play with confidence in his own position.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

When Both Sides Try to Lose - Analysis of Amateur Game

Death by Dark Squares - 6 Puzzles - Analysis of Amateur Game

A Key Tactical Theme - 2 Puzzles - Deep Analysis of Amateur game

Fighting For Your Chessboard Rights! - 1 Puzzle - Analysis of Amateur Game.

Threats, Agendas, Demands, and Safety - 4 Positions from Reader games with a lesson from each.

Don't Play a Move If You Can't Back it Up! -  Detailed Analysis of reader game  (Long Article)

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - 2 Puzzles, So in summary, while an Alapin Sicilian, the critical lessons are more general about seizing opportunities, handling defenses, and the importance of determination and resilience.

Know Your Position's Agenda - 3 Puzzles -  Analyzes a Caro-Kann game that turns into a Panov-Botvinnik, emphasizing knowing your position's needs and not reacting to superficial threats. Counterattack in the center when facing a wing attack.

Cruise Control - 2 Puzzles, 1 Master Game -  analyzes a Sicilian game, advising the reader to avoid opening setup autopilot and overreaction to threats.

Two Players, Two Different Fantasies - 3 Puzzles, (Amateur Game) The key overall messages are to adhere to opening principles, calculate responses diligently, castle early, coordinate your forces, and maintain a purpose behind each move. Rash attacks before development lead to disaster.

Cultivating a Positive Attitude  -  4 Puzzles , 3 games - Analyzes a game between two amateurs, highlighting the importance of confidence, calmness and avoiding unnecessary defenses.


Blunders That Give Us Hidden Gold  - Great overall lesson covering all the mistakes (From opening to Endgame) of one game.

Having Fun With Blunders -  22 Puzzles,  Famous Players Blundering, Lesson on Blunders

The Rocky Horror Picture Blunder - Lesson on the use of symbols like "!", "!!", "?", and "??" , 10 Puzzles on assigning Symbols

Everyone, of Every Rating, Blunders - 5 Puzzles, 1 Game -  Lesson on Fighting from Inferior position, and Nice Endgame Lesson 

Return of the Blunder Gland, Part One -  2 Master Games - The opening was a Queen's Gambit Declined transitioning from a Caro-Kann Defense. Analyzes a beginner's game, emphasizing basic tactics like ensuring your pieces are safe and not hanging them.

The Blunder Gland: Playing Blind -  3 Puzzles -  Bunch of Lessons from an Amateur game.

Blunder Gland Redux: First Baby Steps, and Then The World - 2 Puzzles - Analysis and Lessons from Amateur game

Endgame Theory

The Two Faces Of Opposite-Colored Bishops -  Lesson w/ 4 Positions

Friday, December 29, 2023

Silman Article Archive - Part 2 - Pawn Structure Articles

Silman's Pawn Structure Insights: A Comprehensive Repository

Explore IM Jeremy Silman's in-depth analysis and instructional articles on pawn structure in chess. From basic concepts to advanced strategies, dive into a treasure trove of lessons, games, and puzzles designed to enhance your understanding and mastery of pawn structures.

Pawn Structure Articles

Learning Basic Pawn Structures  -  7 Positions , 3 are Puzzles  ( 1000 - 1600 Rated)

Learning Pawn Structure For Chess Players Under 2000 - 7 Positions , 3 are Puzzles  (1600-2000 Rated)

Mastering Your Opening's Pawn Structures - 2 Games - Instructive game demonstrating the vital need to deeply comprehend pawn structures in your openings. Illustrates how strategic essence matters more than concrete moves. Know the plans and dynamics of your structures.

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 1a -  7 games - discusses what pawn structure is and why it is important. It also goes into detail about a specific pawn structure. Some of the important points from this article are that pawn structure can dictate the course of a game and that there are many different pawn structures.

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 1b -  10 Games, 11 Puzzles  

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 2 -   6 Games - Title - A VERY BASIC BENKO

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 3a -  8 Games - This is an article about the doubled f-pawn structure. It discusses the pros and cons of this structure, and gives several examples of games where it has been used.

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 3b -  14 Games, 3 Puzzles - Pawn Structure Arising from these openings ,Burn Variation of the French Defense and the Bronstein-Larsen Variation of the Caro-Kann. 

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 4a -  Wing Gambit Pawn Structure - 16 games, 1 Puzzle

Classic Pawn Structure, Part 4b - Structural similarities between the Sicilian Wing Gambit, the French Wing Gambit, and the Benko Gambit. 14 +  games. In-Depth look at Lines

Your Pawn Structure Is Your Friend - 7 Positions from Games and 3 are puzzles to solve. 

More Things You Need To Know About Pawn Stucture  - 7 Positions in Games  with Pawn Structures and Plans Explained

The Extremely Important Manipulation Of Pawn Structures -  2 Annotated games , 4 Puzzles to Solve

More Maroczy Madness -  Examination and Ideas of Play
More Maroczy, Making Master - 4 Famous games w/ Analysis

The Art and Science of the Isolated d-Pawn - 4 Games - IQP Theory

Doubled Pawns: Chess Pariahs Or Misunderstood? -  Nice Lesson on Doubled Pawns

Minority Attack: Turn Your Pawns Into Weapons -  Detailed Article with 7 Example Games w/Analysis

I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud -  A game demonstrating how strategic fundamentals like square control, initiative, and pawn structure are forgotten at all levels. Uses a lower-rated game to show universal lessons about passive play and exchanging when ahead in development.

How To Learn Chess Patterns - Article  About Weak Squares  (5 Games w/ 5 Puzzles)

The image is a wordcloud depicting various chess-related terms, such as "Stonewall", "Carlsbad", "Panov", "Isolani", and "IQP" (Isolated Queen's Pawn).

 Treasury of  FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Don't Let Them Escape! A Guide to Trapping Your Opponent's Pieces in Chess


Knight Chess Piece Trapped against a wall in spider webbing

Mastering the Art of Trapping Chess Pieces: Your Ultimate Guide

Don't Let Them Escape! Mastering the Art of Trapping Chess Pieces

Have you ever captured your opponent's queen in chess? It feels amazing, right? But how do you get your opponent's powerful pieces into such a vulnerable position? That's where trapping comes in!

A trapped piece is one that can't move to a safe square. This means you can capture it easily, gaining a big advantage in the game. It might be a sneaky knight stuck between your pawns, a bishop cornered by your king, or even the mighty queen with nowhere to run!

Learning how to trap pieces is a powerful skill for any chess player. It can turn the tide of a game and leave your opponent in a difficult spot. This guide will show you how to do just that! We'll break down the basics of trapping, explore different trapping patterns, and provide you with resources to practice your newfound skills. So buckle up, chess warriors, and prepare to unleash your inner trap master!

Books (Courses)

Trapped Pieces for Intermediates 2 page PDF - 8 Examples This concise resource is geared towards intermediate players who want to refine their trapping skills. It provides eight clear examples of trapping tactics, ideal for focused learning. 

Articles to Sharpen Your Trapping Skills

Trapping Pieces - Article by WGM Natalia_PogoninaA beginner-friendly guide to basic trapping tactics.

Teaching Kids how to Trap Pieces - Article From The Chess Improver Blog- An article geared towards helping young players learn about trapping.

Kevin Smith Blog
(Bunch of Nice Posts and Chess Lessons)
For an in-depth exploration of trapping tactics, dive into the treasure trove of articles. His "Secrets of Trapping Pieces" series is a comprehensive guide, dissecting various trapping scenarios. Smith's insightful analysis equips you to handle every trapping situation. This blog is a one-stop shop for mastering the art of trapping your opponent's pieces!
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Boden Configuration - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: B+P v Knight -  Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Can B+N beat N? - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Pawns versus Knight Blog Post
Knights and Foot Soldiers Hunting Her Majesty Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Rook versus Knight Part 1 of 2 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Rook versus Knight Part 2 of 2 - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Knight versus Knight Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--King versus Knight - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 1 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 2 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 3 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 4 of 5 - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces--Bishop Dominated by Pawns Part 5 of 5 - Blog Post

Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Bishop Dominated by Rook + Pawn - Blog Post
Secrets of Trapping Pieces: Epaulette Configuration - Blog Post
Fianchettoed Rook - Blog Post

LiChess Studies: Sharpen Your Trapping Skills Interactively

Take your trapping skills to the next level with LiChess, a free online chess platform offering interactive studies. Here are some highly-rated studies to explore:

Trapping pieces - 36 Chapter Study (Really Nice) - This comprehensive study delves deep into various trapping tactics, providing a well-rounded learning experience. 

Trapping Pieces EXERCISE - 10 ChapterEnhance your understanding by actively solving puzzles and practicing your trapping skills in this interactive study.

Trapping Pieces - 35 Chapter StudyThis beginner-friendly study breaks down trapping tactics for each piece (queen, rook, etc.), allowing you to focus on specific weaknesses and improve your overall trapping strategy. Even new players can start with basic trapping patterns for pawns and knights!

Trapped Pieces -  17 Chapter Study -  Learn from real-world examples! This study showcases 9 full games featuring 10 different trapping patterns used by strong players.

Game Databases: Analyze Real-World Trapping Tactics

Witness trapping tactics in action! Explore these online game Collections to see how skilled players have executed various trapping maneuvers in actual games.

Trapped Piece Tactic-- OTB Examples - 37 Game Collection

Trapped Piece - 71 Game CollectionThis broader collection allows you to explore a wider range of trapping situations 


Trapped Queen - 80 Game CollectionA focused collection showcasing the dramatic downfall of powerful queens. This can be particularly interesting for players who want to learn how to exploit queen vulnerabilities.

Knight trapped? Rescue it with adjacent pawn. - 4 game CollectionThis specific collection can be a valuable resource for beginners who might be more familiar with basic knight movement and want to understand how pawns can be used for defense.

Tip: While exploring these game databases, pay close attention to the piece placement and the moves that led to the trapped piece. This will help you identify patterns and improve your ability to set traps in your own games.

Trapping Pieces Chess Video Lessons

Elevate your trapping skills by watching insightful video lessons from experienced chess instructors. Whether you prefer quick explanations or in-depth analysis, you'll find a lesson that suits your needs:

The ULTIMATE Trapping Technique | ChessKid
 - 7 MinIdeal for beginners, this short video by ChessKid introduces basic trapping concepts in a clear and engaging way.

Restraining and Trapping Bad Pieces | Chess Middlegames
 - 21 Min - Hanging Pawns - Dive deeper with this comprehensive lesson that explores not just trapping, but also restraining your opponent's pieces, a crucial middlegame strategy.

Chess Tactics: Trapped Pieces!
 -  8 Min -  Presented by International Master Danial Tapia, this video showcases real-world examples of trapping tactics used by Grandmasters. Analyze these high-level games and learn from the best!

Trapping Bad Pieces in the Middlegame | Chess Tactics
 - 7 Min Another lesson by an International Master, Kostya Kavutskiy, focusing specifically on trapping tactics within the middlegame.

8 Ways To TRAP Pieces In Chess - 14 MinNational Master Nelson Lopez breaks down eight different trapping methods in this informative video. This is a great resource for players seeking a broader understanding of various trapping techniques. (Video below)