Showing posts with label Chess Magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Magazines. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Silman Article Archive Part 3 - Chess Books & Magazines

Treasury of FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Chess Books & Magazines
Recommendations on Some interesting Books

Classic Books - Here are a few that I feel will keep the reader spellbound (all are out of print and can be found online or in many used bookstores for very low prices). They discuss why players became addicted to the game, how different time periods influenced their game and their way of life, and the adventures that the chess greats regularly experienced.

Chess Books And Youth vs Old Age - Lengthy Article (Silman, Watson, Donaldson and Lakdawala ) All talk Chess-books. If you want some recommendations here are 4 authors with theirs

The Best Chess Books Ever - (Lists of Books Recommended By Other Famous Players) Serwain, Donaldson, Anthony Saidy, Danny Rensch, Jack Peters , Cyrus Lakdawala, David Pruess, John Watson, Jeremy Silman. Lengthy Article with a Lot of Info on Chess Books and Authors.

How To Understand Chess Openings - Opening Book Recommendations

Questions by the Mysterious NNs - Middle game Book Recommendations

Building a Chess Library - Recommendations

Speaking Prep & the English Opening - English Opening Book Recommendations

Non-Master Assessments - Article about Lower Rated Players writing Opening Books.

Explanatory Opening Books and a Reader Pet Line
 - 2 Questions, Opening Books for Lower Rated Players

Advanced Chess Books on Openings
- Articles about Book Strengths and List at end of recommendations.

My Favorite U.S. Chess Magazines: Part 1 - CHESS LIFE AND REVIEW - 8 Puzzles , Great History
My Favorite U.S. Chess Magazines, Part 2 - CHESS LIFE - 3 Annotated games , 2 Puzzles , History
My Favorite U.S. Chess Magazines, Part 3 - CHESS REVIEW - 4 Annotated games , 5 Puzzles , History

Chess Moves and Only Chess Moves - Makes the case that chess is made far richer by embracing the drama, personalities, and real world stories surrounding the game and its great players. He urges readers to delve into chess history, providing an overflowing reading list for those seeking to better know the giants of the past.

Chess Related Novels & Stories - Pretty In-Depth List of Chess Related Fiction and Stories

AI Created Graffitti image of a boy thinking with chess and books all around him on a wall in the style of Banksey.

( Reviews by Jeremy Silman, John Donaldson and John Emms )

(This is all reviews from books pre-2011 using the wayback machine)

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Magazines, Periodicals & Newsletters

Active and Archived Chess Magazines

Mechanics-institute-chess-room - Weekly Chess magazine (Active)

California Chess Journal - Archive with Back issues 45- 50 Pages Each (Started back up again in 2021) 

MACA Chess Horizons - Archives - Massachusetts Chess Assoc. (22 Back Issues most recent 2018)

Northwest Chess Magazine —  Archive of Chess News from Washington, Oregon and Idaho (Monthly from 1965 - 2021)

Swiss Chess Newspaper - 2000 - 2021 (Bimonthly Archive 45-50 page PDFs) All in German

California Chess Periodicals 
- Over 80 Chess Periodicals Listed here from 1960-2009
California Chess Articles from U.S. and World Chess Periodicals - 22 Magazines here from (1857 to Present)

Internet Archive Chess Magazines

Inside Chess 

(25 Dec 1989) - 46 Page PDF 
(22 Jan 1990) - 30 Page PDF  (5 Feb 1990) - 29 page PDF  (19 Feb 1990) - 27 Page PDF 
(5 March 1990) - 25 Page PDF  (19 March 1990)
(5 March 1990) - 25 Page PDF  (19 March 1990) - 25 page PDF 
(8 June 1992) - 25 page PDF  (20 July 1992) - 34 page PDF  (Tal Issue) 
(17 Aug 1992) - 26 Page PDF (Bobbys Back Issue)
   (31 Aug 1992)  - 24 Page PDF
(14 Sept 1992) - 24 Page PDF (Fisher-Spassky II)   (12 Oct 1992) - 25 Page PDF
(8 March 1993) - 22 Page PDF   (19 April 1993) - 22 Page PDF

Modern-Chess-Issue-1 - 67 Page PDF    (2015)
British Chess Magazine - November 2015 issue - 56 Page PDF

Chess Mate January 1983 by Manuel Aaron (Ed) - 36 Page PDF
Chess India - June 1981 - 48 Page PDF

Chess Life 1959 -  204 Page PDF

50 Moves magazine - October 2015 issue - 102 page PDF
50 Moves magazine - December 2015 issue - 72 Page PDF

Chess Review 1934 (12 Issues)  - 279 Page PDF
Chess Review 1935 (12 Issues)  - 325 Page PDF
Chess Review 1936 (12 Issues)  - 321 Page PDF
Chess Review 1937 (12 issues)  - 320 Page PDF
Chess Review 1938 (12 Issues)  - 322 Page PDF
Chess Review 1939 (12 Issues)  -289 Page PDF

Chess Review 1940 (12 Issues)  - 229 Page PDF
Chess Review 1941 (12 Issues) - 261 Page PDF
Chess Review 1942 (12 issues) - 312 Page PDF
Chess Review 1943 12 Issues) - 456 Page PDF

Chess Review 1953 (12 Issues) - 432 page PDF
Chess Review 1954 (12 Issues) - 432 Page PDF
Chess Review 1955 (12 Issues) - 432 Page PDF
Chess Review 1959 (12 Issues) - 432 Page PDF

Larry Evans Teaches Chess - 75+ Chess articles from Chess Life from 1978-2007