Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beginner Chess Videos. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Removing Defender - Chess Tactic

 "Removing the Defender" (Removing The Guard) Chess Resources
Unlock Hidden Attacks

Forget brute force attacks! The "Removing the Defender" tactic, also known as "Removing the Guard," is a sneaky chess weapon that lets you exploit weaknesses and snag valuable pieces.

 Imagine a heavily guarded treasure chest – by eliminating the guard (the defender), you open up a path to capture the riches within (the valuable piece). This tactic doesn't rely on overpowering your opponent, but rather exploiting their defenses for a material advantage.

Mastering it will sharpen your tactical vision like a laser, leading to more wins and improved overall chess skills.

Undermining (chess) Wikipedia Page

Undermining (also known as removal of the guard, or removing the defender) is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is captured, leaving one of the opponent's pieces undefended or under-defended.


Chess Tactics and Combinations - 84 page PDF - Really Nice PDF Created By the Exeter Chess Club on tactics.

Internet Archive

Removing the Defender Chess Articles

Removing The Defender - Article - with Explanations, Examples , Famous Games w/ Remove the defender Tactic and puzzles to test you knowledge at the end.

How to Identify and Remove a Defender in Tactical Combinations - ChessFox -Nice In-depth Article (Teaches two ways to remove defenders w/ multiple examples of each)

Removing The Defender: What It Is and How To Do It - Chess journal Article - Teaches Capture, Distract, Block or Interfering.

Removing the Defender - IM Mateusz Bobula
- Blog Post - 4 Puzzles w/ 6 Min Embedded Video Lesson by Him.

LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Games Databases

15 OTB Exercises - From Historic Games 

Deflection/Undermining Tactics-- OTB Examples - 21 games

Tactics & Puzzles

Capture The Defender Lichess Tactics - 30,000 + Puzzle Tactics Under this Heading

Chess Tactical Motifs - Removing the Guard Exercises - 5 Exercises to Practice

Remove The Defender Chess Video Lessons

Chess Kid Series

Chess Tactics: 2 Removing the Defender 
 - 4 Min Video 

Chess Tactics: Removing the Defender - 6 Min - IM David Pruiss - 
presents the important "Removing the Defender" tactic, and all of its different facets. (New - 5/30/24)

Remove the Defender! - Chess Middlegame Strategies Tutorial - 13 Min - Jozerv's Chess Channelchess tutorial videos with the subject of removing defenders to gain great attacking possiblities.

Removing the Defender | Chess Beginner Tactics 13 Min - IM Astraneh - What is removing the defender? Removing the defender is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is captured/ removed, leaving one of the opponent’s pieces or squares undefended or under-defended. Video below

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Zugzwang: When Every Move Leads to Trouble

A white king stands alone on a chessboard, surrounded by danger, any move leads to a disadvantageous position. Black pieces loom , depicting a Zugzwang situation where any move by the king is disadvantageous.


Zugzwang Explained: A Chess Resource Guide 

Feeling forced to make a bad move? In chess, that's Zugzwang!

This guide equips you with valuable resources to understand and practice Zugzwang, from in-depth articles and interactive puzzles to instructive game analyses and insightful video lessons.

 Good sized page on this topic with history and examples.


Zugzwang Chess Articles: Sharpen Your Tactics

Dive into strategy guides, tackle challenging puzzles, and witness the power of Zugzwang in action through analyzed games.

ZugZwang LiChess Studies

Put your Zugzwang understanding to the test with this collection of interactive Lichess studies! 

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Game Databases

Delve into the world of real-life Zugzwang with these curated game collections: 

By studying these games, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how Zugzwang manifests in real-world chess scenarios. You'll observe how grandmasters create Zugzwang situations, exploit their opponent's limitations, and ultimately secure victory.


Sharpen your tactical vision 

Lichess Tactics Trainer

By consistently practicing Zugzwang puzzles on Lichess, you'll develop the ability to identify these situations in your own games and exploit them for a winning advantage. So, dive in and start honing those tactics!

Zugzang Chess Video Lessons

What is Zugzwang In Chess? 🎓 Beginner Chess Lessons - GM Damian Lemos - 15 Min Damian tackles a topic that can be crucial in chess games, but is often overlooked by beginners: Zugzwang.

What Is "Zugzwang" In Chess? - 5 Min - NM Nelson Lopez In this video I show an example from a recent game where I achieved zugzwang on my opponent. Endgame Technique; Zugzwang - 4 MinGM Friedel analyzes what could be a very difficult endgame. But with the application of the principle of zugzwang, he is able to make everything clear.

Chess Endgames: Using Zugzwang!  -8 Min Video (by IM Kostya Kavutskiy) - 
Kostya Kavutskiy brings us an interesting example of Zugzwang in the endgame!

Saemich vs Nimzovich (1923) - 10 min Video -Kingscrusher.

   (The Immortal Zugzwang Game)
  Video Below

Alekhine - Nimzowitsch - 11 Min Video (With a Zugzwang Theme) - Great zugzwang ending

Rook vs Pawn Endgame Study - (1928 Reti Endgame Study)
For having so few pieces, it is really a fantastic piece which showcases opposition, zugzwang, and king shouldering. If you can master this ending you will have no problem with most Rook vs. Pawn positions!

Most Incredible Zugzwang Of All Time?! - 22Min - IM Danny RenschIM Danny Rensch as he breaks down this epic game between Stoofvlees and Stockfish during the 15th Computer Chess Championship

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chess Pattern Recognition - Tactics

"Pattern Recognition" (Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism). Distorted chessboard, giant queen with patterns/symbols, colorful vortex background (chess possibilities).
"Chess is a sea of possibilities." - Savielly Tartakower 

See Winning Moves  
 Master Chess Pattern Recognition

This guide is your one-stop shop for mastering chess pattern recognition! From classic checkmates to strategic traps, learn to identify winning opportunities and become a chess pattern recognition pro.

Bishop's Bounty Checkmate Pattern Page
(Links to Pages and Pages of Mating Pattern resources)

BOOKS & Courses (Free)

FREE Chessable Course

Basic Checkmate Patterns -  34 Mates w/ 74 min Free Video - MoveTrainer™ Tactics course by CraftyRaf & IM John Bartholomew - 

🕒 Lesson 1: Anastasia's mate, Greco's mate, Arabian mate, Hook mate,Vuković's mate, and Smothered mate
🕒 Lesson 2: Suffocation mate, Corner mate, Morphy's mate, Pillsbury's mate, Lolli's mate and Opera/Mayet's mate
🕒 Lesson 3: Damiano’s mate, Max Lange’s mate, Damiano’s Bishop mate, Dovetail / Cozio’s mate, Swallow’s tail / Gueridon mate, and David & Goliath / pawn mate
🕒 Lesson 4: Boden's mate, Balestra mate, Double knights and double bishops mate, Blackburne's mate, and the blind swine mate.
🕒 Lesson 5: Epaulette mate, Back rank mate, Lawnmower mate, Triangle mate, Killbox mate, Fool's mate, Scholar's mate and Legal's mate. 

(This is a pretty simple course you Can do in about 10-15 Mins. Use the MoveTrainer to Practice all of these problems a couple times a day until they become second nature)

(Really Cant beat this if you want to learn a bunch of these patterns. Can use there Movetrainer to practice all of these patterns)

Articles on Chess Patterns

GM Gregory Serper 
 (This is a nice set of Articles of patterns you see in games)

Mating Patterns 1 - Mate with Bishop & Rook 
Kenilworth Chess Club - 15 Famous games where a Bishop and Rook Mate pattern used.

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples) - GM Avetik 
(37 Checkmating Patterns w/ explanation and Example)

LiChess Studies 
(Some Really Nice Studies Here to Learn Each Pattern)

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

Chess Videos on Pattern Recognition 

 (Mating patterns, Tactical Patterns, Strategic Patterns and Endgame Patterns) 

@1:23 Mate pattern #1 - Anastasia mate @6:30 Mate pattern #2 - Boden's mate @10.28 Mate pattern #3 - Blackburne's mate (called Stefansson mate in the video) @13:32 Tactical pattern #1 - Undefended bishop on b7 in hedgehog type positions @20:53 Strategic pattern #1 - Gligoric's pawn sacrifice @33:33 Technical pattern #1 - Self pushing rook + two pawns @36:06 Technical pattern #2 - Queen ending, pushing and defending against checks

@1:25 Mate pattern #4 - Anand's mate: Qf3 + h-file battery @8:45 Mate pattern #5 - Bacrot's mate: Qf7 + check on h-file @14:04 Mate pattern #6 - Stellwagen mate: Ba7-g1 diagonal, pawn g4, Qh3 mates Kg2 @19:18 Mate pattern #7 - Arabic mate (Kramnik mate in video) Rg8 or h7 with Nf6 mates Kh8 Endgame pattern #1 - Philidor positon plus thoughts on f- and g- pawns in R+p vs R

Exercises from previous videos @3:46 Strategical pattern #2 - Anand's King @20:20 Tactical pattern #2 - Loman's move @27:43 Tactical pattern #3 - Knight on the rim

Tests from earlier PR videos @6:48 Tacitcal pattern #4 - Petrosian's move @17:52 Tactical pattern #5 - Protecting b2 @23:28 Mate pattern #8 - The Karpov choke

1. Exercises from previous PR's 2. @11:33 Shutting down Spassky 3. @25:36 Engels' Superpawn

               LIchess Study games  - Game Examples from this Video

                    Game With This Pattern - 14 Min
                    Another Video of This Pattern - 16 Min

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Colle System D05 - Opening Theory


The Ultimate Colle System Resource Hub
 Master a Beginner-Friendly Opening for White

 This curated resource hub provides everything you need to master this

  • Learn core concepts through articles and video lessons.

  • Explore key variations with annotated games.

  • Develop your pieces quickly, control the center, and launch powerful attacks - perfect for building your chess skills!

  • Wikipedia Page 
    A good tool for avoiding book variations, for blitz play , or for forcing opponents to think for themselves early on. These days it is considered totally innocuous, and is rarely seen at Master level or above.

    Colle system
    D05 Sub-variants:

    Queen's pawn game
    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6

    Queen's pawn game, Zukertort variation
    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Nbd2 c5 5. b3

    Queen's pawn game
    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3

    Queen's pawn game, Rubinstein (Colle-Zukertort) variation
    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3 c5 5. b3

    Colle system
    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3 c5 5. c3 

    BOOKS (Free)

    Colle, London And Blackmar Diemer Systems ( 1979) -  58 Page PDF
    - TD Harding

    First Adventures w/ The Colle System  - Exeter Chess Club - 28 Page PDF -
     Learn key attacking ideas, combinations, and endgame strategies to outmaneuver your opponents with this comprehensive guide by David Regis.

    Colle Zukertort - Modules from the Book "Moment of Zuke"

    Colle Chess Articles : Simple Yet Powerful

    Learn the Colle System's deceptive simplicity and hidden attacking potential with these curated articles for all skill levels. 

    • Quick-Start Guide to the Colle Zukertort, a Chess Opening System for Players of Any Strength - article on (Opening Guide) : This guide provides a 15-minute crash course on the Colle Zukertort variation, a mainline Colle System approach. Learn the core moves and how to integrate it into your overall opening repertoire. 

    • Colle System: A Simple, Strong Opening Choice - Chessable Blog Opening Guide: This article emphasizes understanding positional concepts and middlegame strategies over memorizing complex opening lines. It highlights the Colle System's ability to lead to aggressive attacks and queenside expansion, making it suitable for players of all levels. 

    • Colle System (Underrated Opening) - Opening Guide w/ Embedded Video - Remote Chess Academy: This article explores the Colle System's deceptive simplicity and surprising effectiveness. It delves into an "underrated strategy" that can catch experienced opponents off guard while being easy to learn for players new to the system. 

    • Colle System Chess Opening Part-2 - Remote Chess Academy: for further insights into this versatile opening system.

    • Play The Solid Colle System! - Opening Guide - IM Alberto Chueca: offers a guide to the Colle System, emphasizing its ability to establish strong central control and create solid attacking opportunities for White. He highlights the system's approval by chess legends and its effectiveness in the hands of chess masters. 

    • Colle System: Complete Guide for both Colors, with Plans, Moves, and Ideas - The ChessWorld: Learn clear plans and key moves for both White and Black in the Colle System. This beginner-friendly guide includes a 20-minute video lesson by GM Lemos, making it a valuable resource for all skill levels. (Bonus: Explores Black's responses!)

    Colle Lichess Studies 

    New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.


    With Listudy you can improve your chess skills with the help of spaced repetition.

    Colle Puzzles 

    Test your tactics

    LiChess Openings Puzzles

    Queen's Pawn Game (D05) 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e3 e6 - 2194 games 


    Colle Chess Video Lessons

    Colle - Zukertort System

    Simon Williams - The Colle-Koltanowski System - 10 Min GM Simon Williams

    Win with the Colle Opening by IM Andrew Martin - 15 Min

    Phoenix Attack Variation of the Colle System - 10 Min

    Chess Audio Books

    Jim's Chess Channel

    Colle Chess Traps

    How To Play Against the Colle

    Colle Game Videos (W/Analysis)

    Colle System  - 16 Video Playlist 
    - Chess School

    PGN Game Downloads - 790 Games from the U of Pitt archive

    Dark forest with Chess pieces walking down a path with famous Michael Tal Quote.