Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mastering the Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation (B12): Ultimate Resource Guide

1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5
3. f3

The Fantasy Variation of the Caro-Kann Defense  
  is an aggressive and tactical approach for White

This variation is known for its ambition to maintain a strong pawn center and create attacking chances, particularly along the f-file. It can lead to dynamic positions and is often used as a surprise weapon against the Caro-Kann, especially against players who may not be well-prepared for it.

Key Features of the Fantasy Variation:

  • Central Control: The move 3. f3 supports the e4 pawn and prepares for potential development of pieces.
  • Tactical Opportunities: This variation can lead to sharp tactical battles, making it suitable for players who enjoy aggressive play.
  • Strategic Depth: While it can lead to tactical skirmishes, it also allows for strategic maneuvering if both sides play carefully.

Common Continuations:

After 3. f3, Black typically responds with 3...dxe4, leading to 4. fxe4, and then the game can develop into various lines depending on Black's responses.

Books & Courses

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Fantasy Variation.

  • The Caro-Kann for Club Players - Free Chessable Course -  97 Trainable Variations - Nice Free Couse to get acquainted with the Caro-Kann.  Small section on the Fantasy variation.

  • The Caro-Kann Starter Kit - Free Chessable Course - 24 Trainable variations -  One Small section on the Fantasy.

"All war is deception." - Sun Tzu

Fantasy Articles

LiChess Fantasy Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

Game Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Caro-Kann Fantasy variation and see how it's played in practice.


Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Fantasy Variation.

WTHarvey (30,000 Chess Puzzles)

LiChess Puzzles

Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation Videos 

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Fantasy key ideas and strategies.

Videos For White (Focusing on Whites Attacks)

Game Videos w/ Analysis

Psychedelic chessboard spiral, vibrant oranges, purples, greens. Chess pieces morphing into abstract shapes. Groovy bubble font Fantasy at bottom. Radiating sunburst background. Trippy, psychedelic, swirling.
Fortune favors the bold .

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cow Opening - (MEME Opening Theory) A00


Disney Inspired barnyard scene with a goat and a cow playing a game of chess on a stump with barnyard critters watching.
“Those who say they understand chess, understand nothing.” – Robert Hübner

Moo-ve Over, Theory:

The Udderly Unconventional Chess Cow Opening

The world of chess openings is a hallowed hall, echoing with the whispers of strategic titans and the clash of theoretical titans. We speak of the Queen's Gambit, the Ruy Lopez, openings with lineages as long and noble as a knight's first move. Then there's the Cow Opening.

Mooing into the Unknown

The Cow Opening, a brainchild of streamer Anna Cramling, is the chess equivalent of showing up to a black-tie event in jeans and a funny hat. It's a playful, unorthodox opening that flings tradition out the window like a hay bale in a hurricane.

So what exactly is this bovine beast? Forget the rock-solid principles of early central control. The Cow Opening is all about delayed gratification, letting your opponent gobble up the center squares while you develop your pieces in the leisurely manner of a cow chewing its cud.

Is it good? That depends on your definition of "good." If you're aiming to become the next Magnus Carlsen, this might not be your pasture. But for those seeking a fun, unpredictable way to start a game, the Cow Opening offers a delightful dash of chaos.

Think of it as a strategic troll. Your opponent, expecting a theoretical battle, is instead met with...a cow? The sheer confusion can be a potent weapon, especially against players who rely heavily on memorized lines.

But here's the shocking truth, folks: The Cow Opening can actually be surprisingly playable. By keeping your options open, you can adapt to your opponent's strategy, morphing from a docile grazer into a charging bull when the moment is moo-ve.

So, the next time you're feeling adventurous, ditch the dry old theory books and embrace the bovine spirit. Who knows, you might just udderly surprise yourself (and your opponent) with the results!

Bonus points awarded for:

  • Playing it with a strategically placed cowbell on the table.
  • Saying "moo" after every move.
  • Challenging a Grandmaster to a Cow Opening duel (and maybe even winning...gasp!)

    Holy Cow!
    A Cow Opening Resource Roundup
A00 Van't Kruijs Opening Wikipedia Page
As this opening move is rarely played, it is considered an irregular opening, and thus it is classified under the A00 code 

  • 1.e3 d5 2.d3 e5 (The Cow)
  • 1.e3 e5 2.d3 d5 (The Cow)
  • 1.e3 d5 2.d3 e5 3.Ne2 Bd6 4.Ng3 Nf6 5.Nd2 O-O 6.Nb3 (The Cow: Bull Variation)


The first three moves of the Anna Crammling Meme Cow Opening. 1.e3 d5 2. d3 Page 
The Cow
1.e3 d5 2.d3
Cow Opening resources are rarer than getting a perfectly cooked steak at Ben Finegold's house. 

Cow Opening Chess Articles

  • THE COW OPENING AND HOW TO PLAY - Attacking Chess - The Cow Opening, popularized by WFM Anna Cramling, is a unique chess strategy that disrupts opponents' pawn structure with moves like c4 or f4. It's more about psychological impact than immediate advantage, aiming to take opponents out of their comfort zone. Effective for faster time controls and players below 1600 rating, it offers a surprising element and saves time for white.

Cow Opening LiChess Studies

Cow Opening Chess Videos

Playing Against The Cow

  •  DESTROY THE COW OPENING!!! - 10 Min - The Chess Giant - Udderly defeat the Cow Opening! Learn anti-Cow strategies from The Chess Giant, focusing on pawn structure & piece activity to gain the advantage.

Game Videos w/ Analysis

  • My Grandmaster Dad FINALLY Played The Cow Opening - 13 Min - Anna Crammling - A GM plays the Cow? Hilarity ensues! Watch Anna Cramling convince her GM dad to play the Cow Opening in a fun & entertaining video.  
  • GM Pia Cramling Plays THE COW OPENING!! - 12 Min - Anna Crammling - She plays an unrated game against a German opponent, navigating the opening with guidance. Despite initial uncertainty, Pia finds her footing, making strategic moves and gaining a comfortable position.

  • GM Plays THE COW vs Anna Cramling!! - 15 Min - GM NakamuraThe video discusses a chess game from the Rovic Open in Iceland, focusing on the “Cow Opening,” played by Anna Cramling. Hikaru, the presenter, analyzes the game’s moves, highlighting strategic decisions and mistakes. He explains the opening’s principles, its reception as a meme, and its effectiveness in different scenarios.

  • Levy Gives Up And Plays The Cow Opening - 10 Min Levy Rozman, also known as GothamChess, experiments with unconventional chess openings he dubs the “Cow Opening” and the “Egg Opening.”

  • Titled Tuesday. Cow Opening EVERY Game. Shocking Result. - 1hr 45 Min - IM Eric Rosen - I promised @AnnaCramling to play the Cow Opening in every game in Titled Tuesday. In this video, I deliver on that promise and surprised myself with the end result. Cow vs. 3 GM's , 3 IM's 3 FM's and 2 NM's (Final Score 6 1/2)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Checkmate the Algorithm: Brilliant Chess Channels Flying Under the Radar


Large wooden chess knight under glowing vintage lightbulb with YouTube play button filament, surrounded by floating binary code against a dreamy background
Much True wisdom lies not in the loudest voices,
 but in the quietest corners of the internet.

Hidden Gems
 Chess Channels You're Missing Out On

While the chess world on YouTube boasts some giants, there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These channels offer extensive content and high-quality lessons , but their subscriber count doesn't reflect the value they provide.

Here are 10 fantastic YouTube channels led by chess masters that deserve a wider audience

1. Bad Bishop Chess Channel - FM  Aleksandar Randjelovic - : 5k Subscribers
  • English
  • 97 Videos  (Active)
  • 20+ Years as a Chess Teacher
  • Video Playlists Cover Openings, Positional Chess and Tactics 

2. Palm Beach Chess - NM Bryan Tillis: 16k Subscribers
  • English
  • 1,100 Videos (Active)
  • Instructor and Chessable Author
  • Video Playlists Covering Everything from Openings to Endgames. Lot's of Lesson's from famous Master Games. 

3. Chess Thinking! with NM Dan Heisman: 8.4K Subscribers
  • English
  • 367 Videos (Active)
  • Author of 13 Chess Books and Instructor for over 30 years
  • Lessons on all types of topics
  • Really Caters to the Beginner and Intermediate Player. But has Some advanced stuff as well.

4. U.S. Chess School]: 1.4K Subscribers
  • English
  • 237 Videos (Active)
  • Most of these Videos are 1 to 1.5 Hour long Lessons
  • Openings, Middlegame and Endgame Lessons (They cover it all)
  • These Lessons are Given by Top Chess Instructors
    GM Johan Hellston - Author of Several Top Chess Books and Chessable Courses
    GM Jesse Kraai and IM Kostva Kavutskiy - Chess Dojo Instructors and Chessable Authors
    GM Sam Shankland - Book and Chessable Author+ Many other Top IM's and GM's
  • I would say most of the stuff here falls into the Intermediate and Advanced Lessons.

5. Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab: 3.5K Subscribers
  • English
  • 382 Videos (Active)
  • NM with over 20 Years of Chess Coaching
  • Lot of Great Openings Playlists - Many Interesting easy to digest Lessons on many Chess topics

6. GM Max Illingworth: 2.6K Subscribers
  • English
  • 502 Videos (Active)
  • Mostly 10-15 Min Videos Covering a Game w/ Analysis and a Lessons Learned on a certain topic from that game.

7. Molton - GM Moulthun Ly: 14.8K Subscribers
  • English
  • 222 Videos (Not- Active)
  • 10-60 Min Videos
  • Openings Videos w/ Many Game Analysis Videos
  • From Beginner to Advanced Lessons

8. GM Irina Krush: 22.9K Subscribers
  • English
  • 49 Videos (Active)
  • Many Videos on just a certain Chess Concept w/ some games Analyzed showing that concept.

9. GM Josh Friedel: 2.86K Subscribers
  • English
  • 34 Videos (Active)
  • Chess Coach and Chessable Author
  • 30 Min Video Lessons geared to Beginner and Intermediate Players. (Really nice Lessons)
  •  "Don't let the subscriber count fool you - GM Josh Friedel's concise video lessons are pure chess gold!"

10. GM Talks - GM Sune Berg Hansen
 8k Subscribers
  • English
  • Building strong chess fundamentals, with a particular emphasis on Pawn structures like the Carlsbad and Queen's Gambit.
  • Delivered by a highly decorated chess player (7-time National Champion and Danish National Team Coach), GM Sune Berg Hansen uses his enthusiasm and clear explanations to make even complex chess concepts accessible to viewers.
  • 346 + Videos (Not much recent stuff but some amazing Lessons that are 2hr+ in length)
  • Beginner, Intermediate, w/ some really Advanced Topics and Deep-Dives here as well

The world of chess learning on YouTube is vast!

Have you stumbled upon any other hidden gem channels offering fantastic chess lessons?

Share the links in the comments below! Whether it's a brilliant opening instructor or a master of endgame tactics, let's help each other expand our chess knowledge.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Latvian Gambit: A Double-Edged Sword for Aggressive Players C40

An abstract chess-themed artwork featuring the Morning Star (Auseklis) and traditional Latvian geometric patterns. The image uses deep red and white tones inspired by the Latvian flag, creating a vibrant interplay between chess elements and Latvian motifs. This artwork accompanies a post on the Latvian Gambit.
"There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones and mine." - Mikhail Tal

Animated GIF showcasing the opening moves of the Latvian Gambit chess opening. White opens with king's pawn (e4), Black counters with king's pawn (e5). White develops the knight (Nf3), and Black sacrifices a pawn with f5.
A King's Gambit! Wait, I'm Black.

Sacrifice a pawn, Win the Game (Maybe)
 Your Guide to the Latvian Gambit

Key Ideas of the Latvian Gambit

The Latvian Gambit is a daring opening for Black, sacrificing a pawn (f5) early on to gain rapid development and control of the center. This gambit aims to create an imbalanced position where Black hopes to exploit tactical opportunities before White can fully consolidate their advantage.

However, the gambit comes with inherent risks:

  • Black Starts a Tempo Behind: Compared to White's development, Black falls behind slightly due to the pawn sacrifice. This gives White valuable time to formulate a safe response.
  • White's Potential Attack: Accepting the gambit with 3. Nxe5 exposes Black's king and opens the h-file for a potential White attack (4. Qh5+).
  • Black's Queen Development: Defending the f5-pawn often forces Black to move the queen early, hindering the development of other pieces.

White's Response: Exploiting Weaknesses

White has several ways to respond to the Latvian Gambit, all aiming to exploit the weaknesses created by f5:

  • Accepting the Sacrifice (3. Nxe5): This is considered the most challenging response for White. Here, lines like 3...Qf6 4. d4 or 3...Nc6 4. Nc3 often leave White with a comfortable advantage.
  • Refusing the Gambit (e.g., 3. Bc4): Here, White declines the pawn sacrifice and focuses on developing their pieces, aiming to maintain a positional edge.

Black's Compensation: Potential Advantages

While the gambit carries risks, Black isn't without potential advantages:

  • Rapid Development: The f5-pawn advance forces open lines, allowing Black to develop their pieces quickly and put pressure on White's center.
  • Central Control: Black aims to gain control of the central squares (d4 and e5) which can restrict White's piece mobility and create strategic pressure.
  • Tactical Opportunities: The gambit disrupts the typical opening flow and can lead to sharp, tactical positions where Black might find unexpected opportunities to attack.

Latvian Gambit Wikipedia Page
History w/ Most all of Whites Reply's

Latvian Gambit Articles

Delve into the theory, history, and key variations of the Latvian Gambit.

Latvian Gambit Opening Guide for White & Black - Chessable Guide -  This Chessable guide explores strategies and key variations for both White and Black players. (Theory & Lines)

The Latvian Gambit | Chess Openings for Tactical Players - GM Gregory Serper - Nice article where he shows a couple ways white can get an advantage and a couple of Blacks plans all from famous games being analyzed.

Latvian Gambit | The Refutation - GM Avatik Gregoriyan -  This in-depth article by GM Gregoriyan dives into refuting the Latvian Gambit, with strategy analysis and video explanations. (Refutation Strategies & Video Lesson)

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Ne5 Qf6 4.d4 d6    5.Nd3  
ChessMood Refutation Line

Latvian Gambit LiChess Studies

LiChess Studies offer interactive training grounds to solidify your grasp of the Latvian Gambit's intricacies. Here are some valuable studies to explore:

  • Latvian Gambit: Opening Theory - 40 Chapter Study -This in-depth study delves into the opening's main lines, explores various variations, and showcases A bunch of Model games from IM Miodrag Perunovic for both White and Black. (Comprehensive Theory & Variations) 

  • Latvian Gambit - 9 Chapter Study -This study provides clear explanations of different Latvian Gambit lines, highlighting several opening traps to be aware of. (Line Explanations & Trap Awareness)

  • Latvian Gambit Refuted? - 8 Chapter Study -  This study focuses on refuting the gambit for White players. It delves into the best lines against each of Black's potential plans.(White Refutation Strategies)

New to LiChess Studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding, solidify your learning, and deepen your knowledge of the Latvian Gambit.

Game Databases

Take your Latvian Gambit knowledge to the next level! Explore these online databases to analyze real-life games featuring the Latvian Gambit and witness how it unfolds in practice:

Latvian Gambit Puzzles on LiChess

LiChess offers a treasure trove of puzzles specifically designed for the Latvian Gambit. Here's a breakdown of what you can find:

LiChess Opening Puzzles 

  • Latvian Gambit - 929 Puzzles   Dive into a massive pool of puzzles encompassing the entire Latvian Gambit spectrum. Test your skills against a variety of lines and sharpen your tactical vision.

Specific Variation Puzzles: For targeted practice, explore puzzles dedicated to specific Latvian Gambit variations:

Latvian gambit Video Lessons

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Latvian Gambit's key ideas and strategies.

GM Boris Alterman Gambit Guide
  • Alterman GGuide Latvian Gambit part 1 - 31 min - Explains the key ideas and strategies behind this opening, including various traps and tactical motifs that can arise from it.
  • Alterman GGuide Latvian Gambit part 2 - 27 min - Demonstrates several example games and positions to illustrate the effectiveness of the Latvian Gambit. He also discusses common mistakes and pitfalls that players should avoid when playing this opening. The video is well-structured and easy to follow

IM Miodrag Perunovic (The Butcher)

Latvian Gambit | Aggressive Play in the King's Knight Opening | Gambits | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 15 Min - In-depth analysis and explains the gambit’s key ideas, potential pitfalls, and best responses, various lines and tactics that can arise from this opening, emphasizing the importance of piece activity and central control.

Learn the Latvian Gambit in 10 Minutes - 10 Min - ChessGeek - Learn how to respond to common defenses from your opponent, as well as how to take advantage of any weaknesses or mistakes they may make  
Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Latvian Gambit! - 8 Min - Chess Giant  - I recommend this chess opening to aggressive, club level players up to an 1800 ELO.

Chess Opening For Black Against 1.e4 | Latvian Gambit | KING'S GAMBIT FOR BLACK - 18 min - Coach Kestony - The video discusses various responses from white, including Nxe5, exf5, and d3, and explores black’s potential moves in response.

White best Defense 

  • The Latvian Gambit (Never Lose to it Again!) - 16 Min - Hanging pawns -  A very aggressive and unsound opening for black, with which black tries to blow white off the board in a couple of moves. I've made this video to give you everything you need to make sure that never happens!

  • Chess Openings - How to refute the Latvian Gambit - 12 min - IM Christof Sielecki - Comprehensive guide on refuting the Latvian Gambit in chess, focusing on key moves and strategies. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one effective line against the gambit to gain an advantage.

Game Videos w/ Analysis

Finegold Once Said "Never Play F5" | Latvian Gambit | A GM Naroditsky Theory Speed Run - 50 min -  15 Min Rapid game deferred Latvian gambit, Great Lesson on how to play against the Latvian gambit.

An Amazing Latvian Gambit Game | David Moody vs Les LeRoy Smith: Michigan Open 1982 - 3 Min - Chess School

PGN Database

Download    View
Latvian Gambit and
Elephant Gambit
1442 games
1.e4 e5 2. Knightf3 f5, d5