Showing posts with label Lichess Studys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lichess Studys. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Unleash the Beast: Mastering the Sokolsky Opening (Polish or Orangutan)

A Winslow Homer-inspired watercolor landscape. A thoughtful orangutan studies a chessboard with contrasting colored pieces. Sunlight streams through a window, casting a warm glow on the scene.
"The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance but in the thought behind it."
 - Emanuel Lasker


Ideas of the Sokolsky Opening
 Surprise Your Opponent 

The Sokolsky Opening (1.b4),

also known as the Polish Opening or Orangutan Opening,
might be the perfect weapon to add to your arsenal!

This "offbeat" first move, where you push your pawn out two squares on the queenside (b-file), might seem unusual, but it has a hidden purpose.

 By playing 1.b4, you aim to:

  • Control the queenside: This pawn move helps you claim space on that side of the board, giving you a strong foothold and potentially restricting your opponent's options.
  • Fianchetto your dark-squared bishop: Later in the game, you'll likely develop your dark-squared bishop diagonally to a long diagonal (usually f2), giving it more attacking power.
  • Prepare a kingside attack: The Sokolsky Opening aims to eventually launch a coordinated attack on your opponent's king on the other side of the board (kingside).

While not a common sight at the highest levels, the Sokolsky Opening has a surprising charm. Grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen and Boris Spassky have even dabbled in its unorthodox approach, showcasing its potential for surprise and strategic depth.

 Polish Opening Wikipedia Page

Polish Opening Chess Articles

Polish Opening Theory, History & Key Variations for Beginners & Advanced Players Explained!

Polish Opening LiChess Studies

These Polish Opening (1.b4) studies offer a dynamic way to explore key concepts, variations, and famous games, perfect for both beginners and seasoned players.

  • Polish Opening System - 5 Chapter Study  (149 hearts) - This basic overview provides a solid foundation for the Polish Opening, covering a few common defenses from Black

  • Polish/Orangutan/Sokolsky Opening - 15 Chapter Study (28 hearts) - Dive deeper with 15 lines of opening repertoire, equipping you to handle various Black responses.

  • Polish Opening (AKA Orangutan) -14 Chapter - Study the moves of the masters! This 14-chapter exploration features famous games played by Grandmasters.

  • Orangutan Adventures - 21 Chapter - Embark on a 21-chapter journey through Orangutan games played at the Master level.

  • Polish Opening Traps (Sokolsky Opening) Orangutan -  10 ChapterSharpen your tactical vision with 10 chapters focusing on common Polish Opening traps, all derived from miniature games.

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to learn move-by-move, test your understanding by solving variations, and gain a deeper grasp of the Polish Opening's intricacies.

Games Databases

Delve into real-life chess battles featuring the Polish Opening (1.b4)! Analyze games played by masters and gain practical insights into how the opening unfolds.

Chess tempo

  • Polish Opening Games  - 1300 Games  - Focus on recent Polish Opening games, allowing you to see how the opening is played in the modern chess world.

Polish Opening Puzzles : Sharpen Your Orangutan Tactics!

These puzzles are specifically designed to challenge you with tactical motifs that arise frequently in the Polish Opening (1.b4).

LiChess Opening Puzzles

  • Polish Opening Puzzles  - 2489 PuzzlesThis massive collection throws a variety of Polish Opening positions at you, ensuring you encounter all the key variations.

Polish Opening Puzzle Variations

Polish Opening (Orangutan) Chess Video Lessons

Expand your chess knowledge with a treasure trove of Polish Opening (1.b4) video lessons!

Blacks Repertoire vs. the Polish

Polish Opening Chess Traps

Polish Opening Game Videos (Analyzed)

The TRICKY Orangutan Opening and how to deal with it  - 10 Min IM Rosen
 I play the Orangutan (also known as the Polish) Opening beginning with 1.b4!? I played the first few moves in ultra-aggressive fashion and end up trapping my opponent before move 10.

Master of Preparation - 1.b4!! Anish vs Magnus - 14 Min

Orangutan Opening - Standard chess #24  - 49 Min   Chess Network

LIVE Blitz Chess Commentary #91: Polish (Sokolsky) Opening  - 13 Min  - Chess network

Bobby Fischer plays 1.b4!  - 7 Min  agadmantor

15 Min Chess #33 with Live Comments - Sokolsky Opening (Orang Utan 1.b4) - 27 Min IM Christof Sielecki
15 Min Chess #115 with Live Comments Orang Utan Sokolsky Opening - 35 Min IM Christof Sielecki

How To Win With 1.b4! In 17 Moves - Sokolsky vs. Strugatsch, 1958 - 10 Min - Miniature from 1958 where the Polish player, Sokolsky, uses 1.b4 to devastating effect as he sacrifices two bishops for a glorious attack!


Monday, December 26, 2022

The Trompowsky Attack: A Complete Guide to White's Aggressive Weapon A45

Blueprint for the Trompowsky Attack (White): A strategic chess opening plan focusing on central control and attacking Black's kingside. The diagram showcases a middlegame position with White's pieces poised for an assault, while annotations and variations guide effective play.
"The aim of chess is not only to attack your opponent's king, but also to force him to defend badly." - Aron Nimzowitsch

The Trompowsky Attack
Unleash Chaos on your Opponent

Want to ditch complex opening theory and unleash aggressive, surprising play on your opponent?

Look no further than the Trompowsky Attack!

This exciting opening, played with the moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5, offers White a unique path to victory:

  • Disrupt Black's Development: White's early bishop development targets Black's knight, potentially forcing a trade that creates doubled pawns for Black. This disrupts their development and creates imbalances in the position.

  • Fight for the Center: The Trompowsky often leads to dynamic positions where White can vie for control of the center and launch a quick attack.

  • Sharp and Unpredictable: By bypassing common opening lines, the Trompowsky can throw your opponent off balance and create opportunities for tactical brilliance.

Whether you're a beginner seeking a dynamic weapon or an experienced player looking to surprise your rivals, the Trompowsky Attack can be a valuable addition to your chess arsenal. This comprehensive guide compiles the best resources to master the Trompowsky Attack, from articles and video lessons to puzzles and interactive studies.

Books & Courses (Free)

FREE Chessable Courses

  • Short & Sweet: The Trompowsky  - -23 Trainable variations w/59 Min Video - FM Kamil Plichta- Learn a full opening repertoire with 20 core lines and a 59-minute video guide. Perfect for beginners looking for a structured approach.

  • Trompowsky Tactics  -  123 Chess Tactics you can train - 81 puzzles for White, and 42 for Black. Sharpen your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Trompowsky Attack, including variations for both White and Black from Chess Miniatures.

  • Trample the Trompowsky  -   36 Variations to Learn and play against Trompowsky - This repertoire for Black recommends an easy-to-remember setup aimed at controlling the center (d5, c5) and exploiting opportunities where White delays or avoids capturing on f6.

  • Short & Sweet: Pseudo Trompowsky -  30  Trainable Variations w/64 Min Video -Master the fundamentals of the Pseudo-Trompowsky, a related opening with similar ideas, in just a few hours through 30 core lines and a 64-minute video.

Trompowsky Chess Articles

This section dives into the Trompowsky Attack's rich history, key variations, and strategic ideas.

Trompowsky LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

  • The Trompowsky Attack - 7 Chapter Study (Detailed)  (189 Hearts) - 6 different 2nd Move Lines Explored.

  • Trompowsky Attack  -  9 Chapter Interactive Study - This 9-chapter interactive study lets you explore different lines, from the engine line to different sidelines. (Test your understanding!)

  • Lifetime Repertoire Trompowsky - 14 Chapter Study - (102 Hearts)Quickstart Guide  also featuring analysis and plans for 13 key Trompowsky lines.

  • Trompowsky Attack: 2.. Ne4 - 7 Chapter Study  This comprehensive 7-chapter study explores various lines, including the Main Line and responses to Black's 2...Ne4 (Edge, Bf4, Raptor variations). (Great for a deep dive!)

LiStudy Training Page 

(LiChess Movetrainer) - 

Sharpen your skills with training sets focused on specific Trompowsky Attack variations, including lines from Hanging Pawns and those inspired by GothamChess' 10-minute Trompowsky video. (For targeted practice!)

New to Lichess studies? They are a fantastic way to learn chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding, explore different lines, and deepen your knowledge of the Trompowsky Attack at your own pace.

Trompowsky Puzzles

Test your tactical skills with puzzles specifically designed for the Trompowsky Attack.

LiChess Openings Puzzles:

  • Trompowsky Attack - 2772 Puzzles  (All Variations): Dive into a massive pool of 2772 puzzles covering the entire spectrum of Trompowsky Attack variations. (For a comprehensive challenge)

Individual Variations:

Games Databases

Examining real Trompowsky Attack games is a fantastic way to see how theory translates into practice. Here are some curated databases to get you started: (Collections)

Tip: When using these databases, you can filter the games by player rating, year, and specific variations to target your learning goals.

Trompowsky Opening Video Lessons

Learn from chess masters in video tutorials that explain the Trompowsky key ideas and strategies.


  • Trompowsky - Opening Series 8 Video Series  -  90+ Min - Palm Beach Chess NM Bryan Tillis - This video series focuses on how to play the Trompowsky Attack for white.
  • Trompowsky Attack Opening Theory  - 7 Video opening Series - 3.5 Hrs  - Hanging Pawns - Here you can find all ideas, plans and variations explained in detail for both white and black.

CRUSH People With The Trompowsky Attack!  - 34 Min  Gotham Chess - The Trompowsky Attack, a great opening for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. Covering theory/strategy and games.

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Trompowsky Attack! - 27 Min  The Chess Giant -
In this beginners chess lesson, we hope to show that by playing this chess opening, you can improve at chess quickly and use chess opening tricks and traps to win games fast.

The Tromp-Wall Attack | Complete Guide - 46 Min   Chess Dojo
A blueprint for playing the Tromp-Wall Attack, a hybrid system merging the Trompowsky & Stonewall openings.

Trompowski Attack: Typical Ideas for White  - 17 Min  Remote Chess Academy
The Trompowsky Attack Played by Julian Hodgson - 17 Min Remote Chess Academy

Vaganian Gambit - The Trompowsky Attack
  - 32 Min  GM Boris Alterman

Starting Out: Trompowsky (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5) - 6 Min - GM Max Illingworth -
In-depth guide to the Trompowsky Attack. Strategies for white to gain a comfortable advantage by avoiding the King’s Indian Defense and creating double pawns for black. Various responses from black are discussed and emphasizes strategic play.

The Trompowsky Attack! IM John Watson on the basics of this opening - 38 Min -
Watson explains the basics of the opening, its strategic content, and provides a repertoire for both inexperienced and advanced players.

Trompowsky - Levitsky Attack with IM Milovan Ratkovic - 33 Min

Black Vs. Trompowsky

GM Nadia Kosintseva

Variations that I am going to show you from the black's point of view are not the main lines, but still solid and, what's also good, do not require a lot of memorization on your side.

Trompowsky  Chess Traps

Trompowsky Levitsky Attack - The Levitsky Trap (trap no. 974) - 4 Min
Trompowsky Levitsky Attack - Baltic Hodgeson Levitsky Red Herring Trap (trap no. 975)- 3 Min
0978 Trompowsky - The Trompowsky Poison - 3 Min
0976 Trompowsky The Levitsky Sucker Blow - 3 Min
Trompowsky - Winning on Move 3 (trap no. 988) - 3 Min
Trompowsky - The Gallagher Trap (trap no. 977) - 3 Min
Basic Opening Chess Trap | Trompowsky | Punished for developing queen too soon! - 3 Min
Chess Trap 8 (Trompowsky Attack) - 5 Min
Trap in the 1...d5 Trompowsky - 5 Min


Trompowsky Game Videos (w/Analysis)


  • Trompowsky Attack   -  12 Video Playlist  - Games from Carlsen to Stockfish  - agadmator chess channel
  • Trompowsky Attack   - 30 Videos  Playlist - Kingcrusher
  • Trompowsky   - 8 Video Playlist   - Chessbase India

Grandmaster Simon Williams Plays Trompowsky Opening in Real Tournament  - 35 Min

Breaking Down The Trompowsky Attack | King's Indian | Top Theory Speedrun | GM Naroditsky - 33 min -
He discusses various responses to the Trompowsky, emphasizing the move 1…d5 as an underrated but solid choice. Naroditsky plays through a game, explaining strategic concepts like the importance of controlling the center, the drawbacks of certain pawn moves, and how to exploit weaknesses in the opponent’s position.

Defeating an IM with the Trompowsky Attack! - 17 Min 
- GM Sipke Ernst analyses a game where he played the deadly Trompowsky Attack to defeat a strong International Master.