Showing posts with label Chess Brilliancy Prizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Brilliancy Prizes. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2024

Silman Article Archive Part 7 - Chess Tactics

Treasury of FREE Chess Articles By IM Jeremy Silman

501 Chess Articles from 2009 - 2023

So many of these Articles are Lessons, Games and Positions to Test and Teach the Reader.

Chess Tactics

Mating Patterns

Beginner Mating Patterns Part 1 -  6 Puzzles - Lesson on Backrank, Mate on h7, Mate on g7, Smothered Mate
Beginner Mating Patterns - Part 2 - 7 Puzzles , Lessons (SCHOLAR’S MATE and the WEAKNESS OF F7) and (FOOL’S MATE – DEATH DOWN the h5-e8 DIAGONAL)
Beginner Mating Patterns Redux - Part 3 -  16 Puzzles to Test Your knowledge of first 2 Articles in Series

Tactic Type Lessons

X-ray - Chess Taser!  - 8 Puzzles , Detailed Lesson on the X-Ray Tactic
Pins - Sharp, Dangerous, and Effective! -  10 Puzzles , 4 Games , Detailed lesson on Pin Tactic
Double Attack - The Ultimate Tactical Concept - 6 Puzzles , 2 Games , Lesson on Double Attack tactic
The Dreaded Discovered Attack - 7 Puzzles , 1 game , Lesson on Discovered Attack
The Curse Of Undefended Pieces - Lesson


The Misunderstood Knight Fork - Part 1: Greed - 7 Positions, 9 Puzzles - Lesson on Knight Forks
The Misunderstood Knight Fork - Part 2: Attack -  8 Puzzles, 2 Games  -  Slaughter With the Knight Fork
The Misunderstood Knight Fork (Part 3) – Various - 5 Puzzles - 5 Other reasons to Set up a Fork
Pawn Forks: the David vs. Goliath of Chess - 8 Puzzles -  4 Pawn Fork Ideas
An Infestation of Forks - 13 Puzzles - looking at Bishop, Queen, Rook, and even King forks.

Attacking the Enemy King Oriented Tactics

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Part One -  8 Puzzles - to make this sacrifice a reality is a Queen, Knight, and light-squared Bishop aiming at h7 ( 3 Key defensive ideas for Black)
The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Part 2 -  7 Puzzles , Lesson about exploring what happens after 1.Bxh7+ Kxh7 2.Ng5+ Kg8
The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Part Three - 5 Puzzles , 6 game Positions , 1.Bxh7+ Kxh7 2.Ng5+  In Part Three, we’ll move on to 2…Kh6 and 2…Kg6, which often leads to far more complex positions than the previous King moves.
The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Part Four - 17 Puzzles , (All Puzzles to see if you grasped Concepts from Articles 1-3 )
Sac the House and Have Some Fun! -  19 Puzzles , 1 game 
Oddities In The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Lesson on Bishop Sacrifice

Brilliancy Prize Tactics

Unknown Chess Players Who Won A Prize - 6 Positions where a Brilliancy Prize was won.

Can You Solve These Old Time Chess Puzzles? - 6 Puzzles that won Brilliancy Prizes w/ Interesting History

Can You Solve These Brilliancy Prize Chess Tactics? - 6 Puzzles w/ History

Can You Solve These Tactics That Won Brilliancy Prizes? -  6 Puzzles w/ History of Players

More Brilliancy Prize Chess Tactics - 6 Puzzles w/ History

History, Brilliant Chess Tactics And You! - six chess puzzles, with each game being given a brilliancy prize w/ Interesting History for Each.

Brilliancy Prizes (Players)

Garry Kasparov's Brilliancy Prizes - 12 Full Games (Puzzle for each)

Who Has The Most Best Game Prizes? Tal - 15 Full games (Puzzle for Each)

Anatoly Karpov's Best Game Prizes  - 10 Fully Annotated Games

Rashid Nezhmetdinov's Best Game Prizes - 10 Annotated Games

Tactics and Combinations (Lessons)

Learning Chess Patterns Is Easy  - Lesson  (Tactics patterns, Attacking patterns , Opening Structure patterns)

Throwing Away Your Queen - 12 Puzzles - 4 games - Topic - Queen Sacs

Classic Combinations: The Good Old Days -  8 Puzzles , History 
Can You Find These Classic Combinations? - 9 Puzzles, History
The Deadly Attacks Of Romantic Chess -  9 Puzzles, History
Classic Combinations: Historic Attacks - 8 Puzzles , History
Classic Combinations -  10 Puzzles , History

Brutal Tactics and Positional Tactics - 1 Puzzles , 2 Games  (Replaying Tal's classic game against Gurgenidze)
Tactics, Tactics, Floating in the Air - 6 Puzzles - Single Bird's Opening Game Tactics Lesson
Raging Tactics and Geometric Beauty - 6 Puzzles - Full Analysis of an Amateur game
A Cascade of Tactics - 4 Games, 3 Puzzles  - Full Analysis of an Amateur game
How To Improve Your Calculation -  Full Annotated Amateur Game - With lesson and Tips After.
Are Tactics The Same As Combinations?  - 3 Games  (Emanuel Lasker Games )

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