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"Chess is a part of culture and if a culture is declining then chess too will decline." - Botvinnik

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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Master Chess Tension: The Ultimate Guide

An intricate black-and-white illustration inspired by M.C. Escher, depicting a surreal scene of two knights in a tug of war on a floating chessboard. The black knight and white knight, styled like humanized chess pieces, pull on a twisting ribbon-like rope. The chessboard features morphing geometric shapes, interlocking patterns, and optical illusions, creating a sense of depth and complexity. The background includes infinite staircases and repeating shapes, with detailed shadows and reflections enhancing the three-dimensional effect.

"In chess, as in life, we are continuously faced with a battle between opposing forces. 'Chess is the struggle against the error.' – Johannes Zukertort"

Unraveling Chess Tension:
A Comprehensive Repository of Strategies and Resources

In chess, "tension" refers to those critical moments on the board where a delicate balance or intense interaction between pieces or pawns exists. It often involves threats or potential exchanges that both players need to carefully consider.

Have you ever felt the thrill of a hanging piece in chess? That's tension. It's the invisible force that creates dynamic positions, challenges your strategic thinking, and separates grandmasters from beginners.

Understanding and managing chess tension is crucial for influencing the flow of the game and dictating its course. Tension can manifest in various forms, such as standoffs between opposing pieces, pawn structures leading to potential exchanges, or looming threats that require strategic decisions.

Master Chess Tension with In-Depth Articles

Dive deeper into the world of chess tension and unlock its strategic potential with these insightful articles:

  • To take is a mistake - tension in the chess position - Exeter Chess Club Article - This comprehensive article explores numerous positions where capturing a piece might seem tempting, but maintaining tension on the board ultimately leads to a winning advantage. Detailed explanations accompany each example, equipping you to identify and capitalize on such situations in your own games.

  • The Tension Question - Grandmaster Max Illingworth tackles the critical question of how to approach piece tension in a chess position. The article delves into strategies for handling this crucial element, supported by illustrative examples that bring the concepts to life.

  • What to do with the pawn center? - WIM energia - Learn how to leverage the power of the pawn center effectively. Women's International Master (WIM) energia presents four distinct scenarios featuring pawn centers, showcasing the diverse outcomes that can arise based on the actions taken.

Sharpen Your Skills:
Interactive Lichess Studies on Tension

New to Lichess studies? These innovative tools transform learning into an interactive experience. Explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, testing your understanding and solidifying knowledge at your own pace. Here are some studies specifically designed to hone your skills in handling tension:

  • Critical Moments: Tension in Center - 41 Interactive Chapter Study -Dive deep into this comprehensive study. Explore model games, delve into lessons on different types of pawn centers, and test your knowledge through interactive quizzes scattered throughout the 41 chapters.

  • Pawn Tensions - 13 Chapter Study - This focused study showcases various situations where maintaining tension is crucial. Through 13 chapters, you'll gain insights into scenarios where releasing tension could be a disadvantage.

  • Keeping the Tension - 4 Chapter Study - Learn from the masters! This study presents three insightful game examples from famous players, each demonstrating the strategic benefits of maintaining tension on the board.

Master tension in action! These Lichess studies let you explore key moments and test your skills interactively. (For a Lichess study primer, visit What Are LiChess Studies?). You'll develop strategies for handling tension and translate them into sharper decision-making during your games.

Chess Video Lessons Demystifying Tension

Unveil the Secrets of Tension: Elevate your chess game with these insightful video lessons:

Chess Tension Explained -  19 Min - Chess Goals (SmithyQ) - SmithyQ dives into the strategic importance of maintaining tension in chess. Learn why releasing tension can often benefit your opponent and hinder your own piece activity.

Tension | Chess Terms | ChessKid - 11 Min - ChessKid - Ideal for beginners, this video from ChessKid uses clear examples to explain the concept of tension and how managing it effectively can lead to advantageous positions.

How to play chess like a top grandmaster - Keeping the tension in complex middlegames - 20 Min - Jozarov's Chess Channel - Explore the concept of tension in the middlegame and understand why avoiding unnecessary piece and pawn captures can be crucial.

Instructive Mistakes: Releasing the Tension | Dojo Lessons - 16 Min - Chess Dojo - Analyze common mistakes related to tension, including the tendency to succumb to psychological pressure and prematurely simplify the position.

How to improve your ELO quickly by learning how to handle central tension - 15 Min - Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab -Master the art of handling tension in the center by understanding primary and secondary pawn breaks, pawn value, and when to capture or maintain tension. Examples from popular openings like the Scotch Game and Queen's Gambit are included.

STOP before you chop - Beginner to Chess Master #28 - 2.5 Hr - Chess Network - Delve deeper into positional play and learn how to identify and capitalize on moments of tension. This comprehensive video focuses on situations with equal or slightly advantageous positions.

IM Andras Toth
Queen's Gambit Tension Deconstructed

Improving Chess episode 3 | ft. Samay Raina | Keeping the Tension - 1.5 hr - Chessbase India - In this extended video, IM Sagar Shah provides strategies for maintaining tension throughout the game. Learn why patience is key and explore examples on how to effectively manage tension for improved decision-making.

10 Concepts About Pawn Tension - 19 Min - NM Nelson Lopez
Video Below - This video offers 10 key principles to help you navigate crucial decisions involving pawn tension - capture, push, or something else entirely?


Deconstructing Tension:
Chess Game Videos with Expert Analysis

Learn from the Masters: Witness the power of tension management in action with these annotated game videos:

Keeping the Tension | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. paluch666 (1633) - 27 Min - IM Bartholomew

INSTANTLY Raise YOUR Chess Rating - Leave the TENSION!! -  9 Min - Melbourne Chess Club

Handling Positional Tension in Chess | Bryan Annotates - 32 Min - Better Chess Training

Not "maintaining the tension" vs lower rated player - Sicilian Defense - 22 Min - kingscrusher

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Stonewall Pawn Structure - Chess Strategy

Mastering the Stonewall:
 Essential Resources & Training Materials

Unleash the Power of the Stonewall!
This formidable pawn structure is a chess warrior's secret weapon.

The Stonewall Pawn Structure, characterized by pawns on d4, c3, f4, and e3, creates a solid and dynamic foundation for your chess strategy. It excels at controlling the center, restricting your opponent's piece mobility, and launching powerful kingside attacks.

Mastering the Stonewall empowers you to:

  • Solidify your position: Gain a firm foothold in the center and build a fortress for your king.
  • Control the flow of the game: Limit your opponent's options and dictate the pace.
  • Launch surprise attacks: Exploiting weaknesses created by the Stonewall's pressure can lead to decisive victories.

Dive into this comprehensive guide and unlock the secrets of the Stonewall Pawn Structure with a wealth of free resources, articles, Lichess studies, video lessons, and game collections!

Bishop's Bounty - Stonewall Dutch Page
Bishop's Bounty - Stonewall Attack Page

Stonewall Articles 

Learn the Stonewall: Essential Reading

LiChess Studies

New to Lichess studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move, perfect for testing your understanding and deepening your knowledge.

  • How to deal with the Stonewall -  4 Chapter Study (Lesson w/ 3 annotated games) - Tackle the Stonewall head-on and learn effective strategies to counter this solid structure.

  • Stonewall Dutch Defense - 7 Chapter Interactive Study (500+ HeartsFully interactive study w/ plans, structure, and different maneuvers.- Delve into the Stonewall Dutch Defense, a popular opening that leads to Stonewall positions. Explore plans, key structures, and tactical possibilities.

  • Stonewall Structures  (Chess Structures : A GM's Guide Chapter 6) - 8 Chapter Study -  Deepen your understanding of Stonewall structures with a GM-level study featuring general plans and analysis of well-annotated games from the book "Chess Structures: A GM's Guide."

Game Databases


(Game Collections) 
Explore collections of classic games showcasing the Stonewall in action.


Dutch, Stonewall (A95) 1 d4 f5 2 c4 Nf6 3 g3 e6 4 Bg2 Be7 5 Nf3 O-O 6 O-O d5 7 Nc3 c6 - 328 Games

Stonewall Pawn Structure Video Lessons

Delve into Stonewall pawn structure theory, strategic ideas, and tactical opportunities with expertly crafted video guides.

Stonewall Structure | Must Know Pawn Formations #1 | GM Moulthun Ly - 15 Min - (Beginner-friendly): This video walks you through various common middgame pawn structures, starting with the Stonewall.

Pawn breaks: The Stonewall pawn structures - 1.5 Hr - Coach Robert - (Intermediate): This series delves into pawn breaks, starting with two "totally-blocked" pawn structures: the kingside and queenside Stonewalls.

Pawn Structure 101 IM Daniel Rensch - 31 Min IM Daniel Rensch
- This comprehensive guide focuses on pawn structure in chess, with a deep dive into the Stonewall formation.

Stonewall Dutch for chess beginners (explained) - 14 Min - Bad Bishop Chess Channel - (Beginner-friendly): This video introduces the Stonewall Dutch Defense, focusing on the pawn structure and the strategic ideas it creates.

The Amateur's Mind #12 : How to play rigid structures (Stonewall, Symmetrical English) - 28 Min - IM Andras Toth  Video Below - (Advanced): This video offers insights into playing with "rigid structures" like the Stonewall and Symmetrical English openings.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Sicilian Wing ( Portsmouth ) Gambit - B20 - Opening Theory

Portsmouth Wing Gambit Warfare
Conquer the Sicilian

The Sicilian Defense is one of Black's most popular responses to 1.e4. But what if you could disrupt their plans with an aggressive gambit right out of the gate? Enter the Sicilian Wing Gambit (also known as the Portsmouth Gambit). This exciting opening sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and quick attacking chances.

Here are some reasons to add the Wing Gambit to your chess arsenal:

  • Confuse your opponent: The Wing Gambit is a less common opening, throwing your opponent off-balance.
  • Sharpen your tactics: The gambit nature leads to sharp, tactical positions, perfect for honing your tactical skills.
  • Gain a quick advantage: The gambit can lead to a rapid development advantage and potential for a checkmating attack.

Let's delve into the wealth of resources available to master the Wing Gambit!

Wikipedia Page - Wing Gambit
The most common Wing Gambit is in the Sicilian Defense

 (1.e4 c5 2.b4   or   1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. b4)

Sicilian Wing Gambit Chess Articles

Dive into the rich theory, captivating history, and key variations of the Portsmouth Gambit.

Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit LiChess Studies

Master the Gambit Through Interactive Training! Explore these Lichess studies to solidify your understanding of the Wing Gambit's concepts, analyze real games, and test your skills move-by-move.

  • Sicilian Wing's Gambit - 10 Chapter Study - A well-structured study outlining a complete opening repertoire for the Wing Gambit.

  • Spicy Gambits: Sicilian Wing Gambit! - 22 Chapter Study -Dive into 22 games with computer and human analysis, uncovering hidden tactical opportunities and positional nuances.

  • Portsmouth Gambit | Opening: Sicilian Defense - 9 Chapter Study - In this study, we will go over variations of the Sicilian Defense: Portsmouth Gambit, and look at master games with this opening. (90+ Hearts)

  • Karpov_ChessMood's Study - 10 Chapter Study - Delve into a comprehensive study with over 20 games linked for deeper analysis. 

  • Wing Gambit Tricks - 8 Chapter Study - Deepen your understanding with 7 analyzed games, focusing on critical moves and positional ideas.

New to Lichess Studies? These interactive tools allow you to explore chess concepts and variations move-by-move. You can test your understanding, solidify your learning, and deepen your knowledge of the Wing Gambit concepts move-by-move.

Sicilian Wing Gambit Puzzles

Put your Wing Gambit knowledge to the test! Dive into this extensive collection of puzzles specifically designed to sharpen your tactical skills within the Sicilian Wing Gambit.

LiChess Opening Puzzles 

Wing Gambit - 1320 Puzzles
Wing Gambit Deferred - 100 Puzzles

Sicilian Wing Gambit Game Databases

Witness the Wing Gambit in Action! Delve into these comprehensive game databases featuring real-life encounters where the Sicilian Wing Gambit was employed by both White and Black.



Chessgames.com (Game Collections)

  • Wing gambit victories - 37 Games - Uncover classic games featuring successful Wing Gambit play by legendary players like Marshall, Alekhine, and Keres.
  • Sicilian wing gambit - 9 Games - Deepen your understanding by studying games categorized by specific thematic ideas within the Wing Gambit.
  • Sicilian Wing Gambit for Black - 5 Games - Learn valuable defensive strategies from Black's perspective in these Wing Gambit games.
  • Sicilian: Wing Gambit-2. b4-Black wins - 9 Games Analyze games where Black successfully countered the Wing Gambit, providing valuable insights for both White and Black players.

Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit Video Lessons

Tony Williams Portsmouth Gambit - 2 Hr - Camberley Chess Online lecture about this gambit

A Wild Line You Need To Learn - Sicilian Defense Counter (Tricky Gambit) - 20 Min - NM Nelson Lopez 
-Three games played against the same opponent, highlighting the effectiveness of a surprising move, Rook takes A3, which sacrifices a rook for a bishop.

The Wing Gambit | Dynamic Play against the Sicilian Defense | Chess Openings | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy - 17 Min -
Analyzes various responses from Black, including accepting the gambit and counter-attacking in the center. He provides insights into the strategic and tactical ideas

CRUSH French and Sicilian Defense with The Wing Gambit - 28 Min - Gotham Chess 
- Chess Opening lesson for beginners and intermediate players.

Blast The Sicilian Out of The Water! | Portsmouth Wing Gambit!! - 37 min - IM Miodrag Perunovic - In-Depth Guide to the Portsmouth Gambit. Believes this gambit is even better that the Wing Gambit. (New 6/20/2024)

Crush Sicilian Players With The Wing Gambit!! - 53 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic - Video Below 
- In-depth analysis of the Wing Gambit , offering a comprehensive guide to this aggressive opening. Various responses to the Wing Gambit, including side variations and main lines, while emphasizing the importance of activity, center control, and piece development. Includes tactical motifs, such as the Greek Gift, and strategic plans for exploiting open files and weak pawns.

Remote Chess Academy - GM Igor Smirnov

Anti -Wing Gambit Videos

Sicilian Wing (Portsmouth) Gambit Games w/ Analysis

Magnus Carlsen Uses The Wing Gambit to Beat 5 GM's - 28 Min -
Practical part of a two-part video series on the Wing Gambit where we see it in action.

GM Analysis #9: Williams vs Dragun: Sicilian Wing Gambit 2 b4!? - 26 Min - GM Simon Williams 
- I take a look at a game I played against the young Polish Grandmaster Kamil Dragun. I played the super aggressive Sicilian Wing Gambit, with 2 b4!? and got a very promising position.

Sharp play in the Wing Gambit | Standard Chess #294 - 55 Min - IM John Bartholomew -
I encounter an opponent who busts out the Wing Gambit, 1.e4 c5 2.b4!?. Though I decline the gambit, a tactical position soon ensues where my calculation left me wanting more.

Daniil Dubov Plays Wing Gambit Against Sicilian Defense - 6 Min

Johnathan Schrantz - Blitz games

Wing Gambit Graffitti painted on a wall, text and a chess board

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Queen's Indian Defense - E12 - E17 - Opening Theory

Queens Indian Defense Resources

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6

E12 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6

E13 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb7 5.Bg5

E14 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.e3

E15 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3

E16 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7

E17 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7

E18 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Nc3

E19 – 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Nc3 Ne4 8.Qc2

Free Books / Courses Queen's Indian

Short & Sweet: Fernandez's Nimzo-Queen's Indian - Free Chessable Course - 10 Lines w/ 22 Min Video - GM Ernesto Fernandez

Queen's Indian Defense- Tournament Edition - 27 Lines - Free Chessable Course 

Short & Sweet: Accelerated Queen's Indian Defense - 25 Variations w/ 67 Min Video - Free Chessable Course - IM Yuriy Krykun

Queen's Indian Defense Articles

You Can Trust the Queen’s Indian Defense - Chessable Blog Opening Guide (Nice Article w/ Embedded Course Video)
Queen’s Indian Defense – Complete Guide - Chessworld Article w/ 33 Min Embedded Video

The Excellent Queen’s Indian Defense - IM Alberto Chueca - Opening Guide

Queen's Indian Defense LiChess Studies

Queen's Indian Defense -6 Chapter Study (400+ Hearts)
Queen's Indian: The Complete Guide - 13 Chapter Study (140 Hearts)

MASTER 🐱‍👤😎😎 Queen's Indian Defense - 14 Chapter Study (100+ Hearts) 6 Chapters on Pawn Structures

Queen's Indian Defense Puzzles


Queen's Indian (ECO E15) - 15 Puzzles

LiChess Opening Puzzles

Queens Indian Defense - 1091 Puzzles (Broken Below into Variations)

Kasparov Variation - 201 Puzzles
Kasparov-Petrosian Variation - 115 Puzzles
Capablanca Variation - 40 Puzzles
Classical Variation - 186 Puzzles
Spassky System - 95 Puzzles
Fianchetto Variation - 159 Puzzles
Petrosian Variation - 46 Puzzles

Queens Indian Game Databases


Queen's Indian (E12) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6 - 10,600 Games


E12-E19_Queen's_Indian_defence - (Page with all the Variations Outlined w/ Links)

Queen's Indian Defense Video Lessons

Queen's Indian Defense Opening Theory - 7 Video Playlist - (2.5 hrs)- Hanging Pawns

The Modern Queen's Indian: US Chess School w/ GM Hellsten - 71 Min - Great lesson

The Fridman Variation of the Queen's Indian Defense - 35 Min- GM Matthias Whals

Dominate with the Queen's Indian Defense ⚔ GM Jan Werle [ChessWorld] - 32 Min

Chess Openings: How to Play the Queen's Indian! - 9 Min - Chess.com

1.d4 Solid Repertoire: Queens Indian Defense - 10 Min - NM Bryan Tillis

Queen's Indian Defense: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold - 45 Min - Video Below

Queen's Indian Traps and Tactics

Small Opening Mistake | The imprisoned Bishop | Queen's Indian Defence - 5 Min - Chessbase India

Chess Trap 33 (Queen's Indian Defense) - 8 Min

Chess Tactics in the Queen's Indian with IM Hans Niemann - 28 Min

Queen's Indian Defense Game Videos w/ Analysis

Queen's Indian Defense - 15 Video Playlist- agadmator's Chess Channel (Games from Tal to Carlsen )

Queens Indian Defence - 63 Video Playlist- kingscrusher

Queen's Indian Defense Theory - 20 Video Playlist- Jozorov's Chess Channel

Queen's Indian - 17 Video Playlist - Chessbase India

Garry Kasparov - Crushing The Queen's Indian Defense - 16 Min 
Kasparov destroys the Queen’s Indian in 23 moves - 13 Min - Chess Network

Polugaevsky-Korchnoi Queen's Indian Defense - GM Dariusz Swiercz - 51 Min
Seirawan vs. Timman, 1990 | Queen's Indian Defense - GM Yasser Seirawan - 56 Min

Standard Chess #253: IM Bartholomew vs. Larsens_son (Queen's Indian Defense) - 42 Min
Standard Chess #62: fanta6 vs. IM Bartholomew (Queen's Indian Defense) - 41 Min

Sudden Impact! - Stockfish vs Seer - Queen's Indian Defense, Kasparov Variation - 15 Min
AI Generated Chess art with a knight charging a black Queenside of Chess pieces