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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Two Knights Defence - Fried Liver Attack (C57) - Chess Opening Theory

Fried Liver Attack Chess Resources

 A variation of the Two Knights Defense in which White sacrifices a Knight for a superficially impressive attack on the enemy king.

The Fried Liver Attack,
 also known as the Fegatello Attack ("dead as a piece of meat" in Italian!), is a legendary chess opening that injects pure adrenaline into the game.

 White sacrifices a knight early on, launching a ferocious assault on the black king. This gambit can lead to quick checkmates for White, but Black has defensive resources and counter-attacking chances too. Whether you crave an aggressive weapon with White or want to fortify your defenses against it, this comprehensive guide will equip you to master the Fried Liver Attack!

Fried Liver Attack Wikipedia Page
 General History and Knowledge
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Nxd5 6.Nxf7 Kxf7

Fried Liver Attack Chess Articles

The Fegatello Attack - By Paul Valle - Article in Unorthodox Openings Newsletter

Fried Liver Attack Guide at Simplify Chess - In-depth Guide to this Gambit (Each move explained)

Fried Liver Attack | Chess Opening - Chess.com Article w/ embedded Video - 3 Famous games

How to play the Fried Liver Attack - Very In-depth Article on Chessable Blog with Embedded GM Daniel King Video from one of their Courses.

How To Play the Fried Liver Attack - Chessable Blog Guide (For both Colors) Nice Guide (Pretty Indepth)

The Ultimate Guide in Fried Liver Attack (Fegatello) - Suffern Chess Club

GM Boris Altermans Blog
Fried Liver Lesson 1
Fried Liver Lesson 2
Fried Liver Lesson 3
Fried Liver Lesson 4
Fried Liver Lesson 5
Fried Liver Lesson 6

Fried Liver Attack LiChess Studies

Explore interactive training tools to solidify your understanding of the opening's concepts.

Games Databases

Analyze real-life games featuring the Fried Liver and see how it's played in practice.


Games Viewable Online (at Queensac.com)
Fried Liver Attack Games - 65 Games

Annotated Games
Pratt vs Wolford 1976
Morphy vs NN 1858

Fried Liver Attack Video Lessons

Ben Finegold
WIN IN 8 MOVES | The Fried Liver Attack - 22 Min IM Rozman (Gotham) - Showing you the Fried Liver attack with the White and Black pieces. This is a great chess opening for beginners which incorporates a quick attack to fork the enemy pieces and win a rook or a queen. Lots of tactics here.

Fried Liver Attack -  11 Min Video - ChessWebSite(Explanation of the Opening) - 

Fried Liver Redux - Beginner Breakdown - 31 Min Shows 4 games that support his case of the Attack being an ultimate devastation.

Fried liver Attack Game Videos (w/Analysis)

How Would The World Champion Defend Against The Fried Liver Attack | So vs Carlsen: Finals Thriller - 10 Min
I was forced to play against a Fried Liver Attack - 12 min IM Rosen
Crashing Counter Attack against the Fried Liver - Hollingsworth vs. Steensland
Shirov wins with Fried Liver Attack in 2014 Chess Olympiad! - 19 Min
Unbelievable! AlphaZero Goes For Fried Liver Attack - 8 Min
Fried Liver Attack | Analysis of a Super GM Game - 10 Min
John Bartholomew plays a Fried Liver Attack. - 7 Min
Morphy - Fried Liver Attack! - 9 Min

Two AI CReted Knight Chess Pieces in the style of Tiffany
"The Fried Liver Attack: A delicious dish best served cold... to your opponent's king." - Anonymous

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