Showing posts with label ryder Gambit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ryder Gambit. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023



BDG Wikipedia Page - Here
Nice Wikipedia Page on the Main Variations.
It is one of the few gambits available to White after 1.d4
Main Line
After 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Nxf3, 
Black has five main options:

Gunderam Defence: 5...Bf5 
Teichmann Defence: 5...Bg4 
Euwe Defence: 5...e6
Bogoljubov Defence: 5...g6 
Ziegler Defence: 5...c6 

Ryder Gambit: 5.Qxf3
It is easy for Black to decline the gambit on the second move with 2...e6 (leading to a French Defence) or 2...c6 (leading to a Caro–Kann Defence)

Books (Courses) Free


A beginner's blitz repertoire - FREE Chessable Course - 53 Trainable Variations - The core of the repertoire is a set of interpretations of the Blackmar-Diemer gambit - but more often than not castling queenside, rather than kingside.



Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - Article on Gambiter Blog
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Declined - Vienna Defence 4...Bf5 [D00] - Chess Publishing Article on this Line

BDG Blogs

Blackmar Diemer Gambit -  Blog with over 200 Posts Specifically on this Gambit 
Tom's BDG Pages   - Another Old Blog with Over 200 posts on this Gambit. (From the Creator of the BDG World magazine)

Play Chess Openings - Tim Sawyer Blog  - This Link is to page with 53 BDG Posts

LiChess Studies


BLACKMAR-DIEMER GAMBIT  -  12 Chapter Study - (282 hearts) (Top of page)
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (In Progress)  - 44 Chapter Study (65 hearts)  Looks at all of Blacks Defences

Games Databases

D00: Blackmar-Diemer gambit 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. e4 - 1274 Games
A45: Blackmar-Diemer gambit 1. d4 Nf6 2. f3 d5 3. e4     - 191 Games

Blackmar Diemer Gambits  - 8 Games (All 1-0)

Chess Tempo

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, General (D00)  -  Over 170,000 Games (2200+ Rating with Popularity Graph)
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, Gedult Gambit (D00) -  1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe4 3. f3   (400+ Games)
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, Von Popiel Gambit (D00) - 1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe4 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5  (5100+ Games)

Extra Games

Chess_Olympiads_1990_till_2012 - 9 Games Played 

 LiChess Puzzles (Tactics)

von Popiel Gambit - 193 Puzzles

Blackmar Diemer Gambit Videos

FREE ELO With The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit  - 25 Min Video - Gotham Chess

The NEW Blackmar-Diemer Gambit?  - 24 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Alterman GGuide Blackmar Diemer gambit part1 - 28 Min
Alterman GGuide Blackmar Diemer gambit part2 - 24 Min
Alterman GGuide Blackmar Diemer gambit part3 - 27 Min

Most Aggressive Chess Opening for White | Powerful Gambit - 11 Min - GM Igor Smirnov
Brilliant Blackmar-Diemer Gambit | Journey to GM #5 | GM Moulthun Ly - 9 Min

GM Ben Finegold's Gambit Series: The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - 7 Min

Blackmar–Diemer Gambit: Openings Explorations - 13 Min - NM Bryan Tillis

Opening Basics #40: Blackmar-Diemer gambit - 43 Min - Jim's Chess Channel

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit · Chess Openings - 34 Min - Hanging Pawns

How to refute the Blackmar Diemer Gambit  - 15 min - Robert Plunkett's Chess Lab


Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Opening Trap - Sacrifice Queen - Checkmate in 7 moves - Chess Opening Tricks - 3 Min - NM Nelson Lopez

 Amazing Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Tricks | Tricks, Traps And Blunders - 7 Min - Chess School

Chess Opening Traps #5: Halosar Opening Trap - Blackmar–Diemer Gambit - 15 Min - kingscrusher

Ryder Gambit (DBL Pawn Sacrifice)

 Kill with 1.d4 | The Unorthodox Ryder Gambit!! - 22 Min - IM Modrag Perunovic

Ryder Gambit - Chess Opening - 14 Min - theChessWebsite
Unbelievable Traps in the Ryder Gambit! Fire Upon Fire! - 15 min - Kaspachess

von Popiel Gambit  (A New Twist on the Blackmar-Diemer )

 Von Popiel Gambit!! Playlist   - 7 Videos - FM William Graif

Win every time as White with the VON POPIEL GAMBIT!! - 32 Min - FM William Graif
Universal & Aggressive Chess Opening for White | Powerful Gambit - 17 Min - GM Igor Smirnov
The von Popiel Gambit Trap Nobody Knows About - 6 Min - Johnathan Schrantz

Game Videos (W/Analysis)

2 PERFECT Von Popiel Gambit wins in Titled Tuesday - 19 Min - FM William Graif
Blitz Game #23 Chess Opening: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (Black) - 6 Min - IM Miodrag Perunovic

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit: Nazarenus vs Besson-Switzerland 2004 - 5 Min - Chess School

All Out Attack Using Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - 7 Min - Chess School

Master Class | Blackmar–Diemer Gambit | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky - 24 Min